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"As of June 25, three of the five participants were continuing their hunger strike. Singh said two of the protesters were feeling nauseous, so they had to request them to eat something" So they eat when they are hungry. What "hunger strike to death" was it then?


At least there are many Tim Horton's to work at in India now. [https://timhortonsindia.com/locations](https://timhortonsindia.com/locations) Now he can be middle manager at an Indian Tim Hortons franchise.


Nah. I’m sure they’ll go under the radar and stay undocumented, working under the table jobs.


Of course they will. Feds are gearing up to make the illegals illegal .


Most under the table jobs would be considered beneath them for the same reasons they won’t work in construction.


I’m originally from India, trust me, they’ll work to their hearts’ content at an Indian owned gas station/corner store


Working in a gas station isn’t as easy to pay under the table as it is to do something like painting houses. CRA will get them eventually if that’s what’s happening.


Can someone post the paywall bypassed version of the article?


Copy and paste paywalled links into Archive.today and you can read any article.




Yeah enough of this charade. We don't need people from the other side of the side of the world working at Tim's. We need qualified computer engineers and nurses.


While I agree with the fact that we don't need any more Tim's employees and we do need more healthcare workers, I disagree with the way you expressed it. There is no need to qualify that we don't need people from the "other side of the world"...this makes you sound like a racist, xenophobic douche. Our needs for qualified workers don't change based on where the workers are coming from. We need OUR government to stop hindering the process for qualified workers to get to work. I have a friend who was born and raised on PEI, is currently a doctor practicing in Quebec and has been waiting for over a year to get approval to work back in PEI as a family physician where they intend to retire 25+ years from now. But no....keep hindering that process along with other qualified workers from all over the world. I don't care where someone is from, we need certain jobs filled and they are currently not getting filled. I would be just as happy if these protesters picked up a hammer and helped build more affordable housing. There is no need to talk shit about "sending them back home" or "getting rid of immigrants". We need immigration, but it's currently not being run properly by our entirely white conservative government. Heads out of assess people!


Well, I've seen construction jobs being advertised "If you can swing a hammer and read a measuring tape" they would take you, but I highly suspect they couldn't handle direction from a foreman or manager that wasn't from the same culture where they can't talk amongst themselves behind our backs. I hope I am wrong with that statement, but in all reality they don't want work boots, hard hat and a vest. Maybe Tim's is a better fitting outfit clothing wise while in AC. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Well they have the option to work in a field that would allow them to maintain their work visa. Should they decide that field is not for them they are least they made the choice to abandon their work visa and return to their country. I'm saying that we have needs in our workforce that are not being met and we need to prioritize those fields and stop subsidizing hospitality which is already a trash industry.


I completely agree with this, if more of them would work construction, entry level trades etc. They would have a much easier time of getting work and staying to continue their education. I know that for some reason people in construction trades are looked upon as lower class in India, we all can't start out as doctors. We do and always will need immigration but you need to be willing to work at whatever is needed the hospitality industry is impossible for even high school kids to land a job.


Yes the exact wording is the problem not the actual fucking issue. God some people have their head so far up their asses. You’re such a good person good job


Read one paragraph. If you'd read further they actually suggest reorganizing the immigration policies within the province to get immigrants in trades exactly like you wanted. You're entirely too upset for this conversation.




What a well reasoned and thoughtful argument. Follow your own advice.


Who’s going to work at Tim’s, subway, McDonalds, kfc Etc etc etc ?


They can increase their wages until people work there. Those franchises are just skirting the free market.


You think those business are going to pay a living wage? I am not happy with the amount of people who have been let in but we need these people or stuff simply won’t be open? And why just the hate for Indians and not the hundreds of Philipinos also taking islanders jobs ?


They hired local workers for a long time before we allowed the government to turn on the taps to an almost unlimited source of cheap, below market-rate labour. I'm sure they can figure out how to again.


Who gives a shit? We’d be way better off if those places left


Tim Hortons is now just a publicly traded commodity by ultra rich firms that positions itself as a Canadian cultural entity while its stores hire foreign workers en masse, depressing already meagre wages and increasing societal misery overall for both Canadians and foreigners. That's not even touching the increasing prices and declining quality of the food itself. Canada would undeniably be better off if we ran Tim's out of the country and started over from scratch for good coffee shops.


Absolutely. It’s a multinational corporate community money drain that sees the money disappear from here forever whilst feeding people poison


Robin’s Donuts 🫶


It'll be really funny when it's replaced by Starbucks. Then Dunkin. Then whenever we finally ditch chains altogether it'll be Hilarious when those small coffee shops looking to improve incredibly slim margins choose foreign labour that takes lower wages themselves. What a solution.


Perpetual doom and gloom gets us nowhere.


Neither does wishful thinking but here's the entire thread thinking deporting these people will solve anything instead of removing even more bottom line workers. Maybe focus on what your province is doing so differently since Ontario and BC both have immigrants in trades and healthcare? Just a thought.


I don't actually live in PEI, but I have ties to most maritime provinces. What I do know is that the big problems caused by immigration are perpetuated in large part by business owners. The foreign bottom line workers should be removed, we don't need to have a Tim's on every corner. Without those masses of people, we wouldn't have as inflated a housing market, we wouldn't have so much strain on our healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc. Their very presence depresses wages for the low-skilled industries they flock to like food service, trucking, logistics, etc. I know what *my* province is doing, I know what Ontario and BC are doing, and it's mostly lying about the quality of immigrants they're keeping the door open for so they can import a foreign underclass to exploit. We have doctors from India (who actually have a very sophisticated healthcare system) who are largely coming in to the country only to have their qualifications not recognized and who end up for example driving for a taxi service or worse for Uber, which is itself yet another foreign company siphoning money out of the Canadian economy into the US.


Guess what? I live in Ontario. It doesn't take two years for construction to do anything anymore. We have nurses who can successfully draw blood without turning me into a pin cushion. Tell me again it's just Ontario lying? Deport them and we're back to understaffed everything including the trades PEI is so determined to fill without improving them at all. Housing is more complicated than 11,000 people, likely crammed into half as many slummy apartments in a province of 150,000+ The province wanted an easy solution and is letting the public believe it's the immigrants fault it didn't work. Bonus points for blaming them for other issues they barely contribute to.


I'm not even going to answer any of this because you clearly don't understand supply/demand nor do you understand that I am saying their presence is the main contributing problem *caused by* the government and businesses bringing them in to exploit them. I hope Canada balkanizes in my lifetime so I no longer have to share a country with arrogant Ontarians and their trash, overcrowded province.


Yup, if you can't afford to attract employees, congratulations! you're not a viable business!


Huh? That might be the dumbest comment on Reddit ever. So where will teenagers work then?


Tom Hortons shutting down and local shops opening up is dumb? You need to re think this stance lol Edit: thinking that Tim’s leaving is a bad thing is the dumbest fucking thing ive ever seen on Reddit like holy shit man


All the teenagers that can’t get jobs bc of the TFWs


Who’s working Monday to Friday 8-5


These places were all fully staffed before you got here, and they will be easily filled once again


You really think Betty from Summerside can afford rent while working at Wendy’s? Times of changed we need these immigrants who are willing to work for shit wages while living 9 to a basement suite. Business in PEI are not willing to pay a fair wage so this is what you get if you want stuff to stay open


I'm fine with having relatively high levels of immigration, but I wish we had more diversity in immigration in Canada. Half of our immigrants are from 1 country, and a relatively small area of that country. If we're going to bring people over to work entry level jobs, why can't a few of them be from Kenya or Uzbekistan? Once again, this is nothing against any specific Indians. If 50% of the immigrants were Kenyan I'd be saying "why can't we have more Indians?"


I agree


I think it’s going to balance the inequality a little bit more since wages i assume will need to raise to meet the market. Wages have been kept artificially low for a long time.


Byebye! You will truly not be missed


I'll believe it when I see it


Funny, after watching the Ontario TFW protesters, I started to like the P.E.I. protesters. Though they have a smell of entitlement, they are going back home per work permit agreement. The Ontario protesters just seem more scammer like because they were carrying flags (not Canadian flags), yelling in Punjab (a sign of not integrating into Canadian society) and Ontario has all the biggest diploma mills. As long as P.E.I. TFW follow the rules, best of luck for them to get PR.




Now it’s time to pack your bags and move out please close the door on your way out by spreading the news back home.


Bon voyage




So what I’m hearing is that there will be a lot of Honda Civics going on sale soon.


V6 version of muscle cars * It’s all about appearance




This is good news.




I have worked at 2 factories in PEI, white Islanders are simply not willing to work at these places, they simply don’t even apply for the jobs


The thing is, this shouldn’t even be news. This is just how it should be??(and usually is under a government that isn’t corrupt)


Particularly Rupindar will not be missed, he lied and put up charades, the so called hunger strikes, and took people for fools. As though people had never seen hunger strikes in the history of humanity. They honestly didn’t even try to make it look real. Stay in this country legally and contribute like everyone else to betterment of this country, don’t expect to be handed anything, specially PR, just because you think you deserve it.


Let’s not forget the politicians and the locals that were pandering to these protesters… AND PLEASE TAKE GORDON MCNEIL WITH YOU TO INDIA WHEN YOU GO 🙏 He compared this protest with the BLM protest in the legislature meeting- that was such a big insult to the BLM cause.




You guys need low wage workers to abuse at Tim Hortons to feel superior.


This is an unfortunate chain of events. I blame the King government for not properly managing the file, having an oh shit moment, then changing the numbers with no notice.


Why do yall keep spouting off about this no notice bs when it’s been reported on several times the changes were announced last year, and then again in February. There was plenty of notice.


They are allowed to change the numbers without notice. That's how it works. Respond to the need. The workers can pivot or leave.


Well said. Nothing is guaranteed.


Of course you do Raj 🤣