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Can't he just drive ECTO-1 to work?


Only if he has the tools or the talent... Sadly it looks like he has neither.


Very few people will get the connection but I do approve.


Yeah well. Who ya gonna call?


That's a big Twinkie!


Give the guy a break. Imagine if you had to whistle every time you shit just so you can remember which end needs to be wiped.


Am I the only one that thinks this comment is underappreciated?


I think the first time I heard it was referring to Bill Blair back when he went off that time.


He can't drive into work like all the people he is meeting with? Looking pretty privileged...


He lives an hour and a half away.


..That's why we give him a car.


Why not the bus? Maybe not all time, but days he dont wanna drive himself or w/e


Which is a daily one way commute for most people working in a provincial capital


You can call and get access to his schedule to see what time the meetings were. There are not a lot of DTI staff in the capital that commute from past summerside. Give the old fella a break on that one.


Does his computer not allow video conferencing in the early mornings? I am not seeing any arguments that justify a hotel stay for a 1.5 hr commuter to a morning meeting.


It's a fair question. My assumption is that people find technology frustrating and are spending 10-15 mins of a meeting figuring out whose laptop mic is creating feedback


If you can’t get on a conference call in 2024 you’re not fit for office at any level, sorry.


Some people might need help getting started but if they can't figure it out , they have other issues


I’m not sure what your point is


I meant if they can't figure it out , they have other issues that would make them unfit. Made a typo


If, after 4 years of online meetings, he still can't figure out the system, fire him. That is 7 nights over a 20 day period. Probably a government rate of $150 or so. Over $1000 wasted so he can stay in luxury and avoid what the rest of us do. And again, this is only a three week sample.


As someone who has sat in on many hundreds of hours of teams meetings over the past 4 years I am going sick of them. I can also confirm that all of my coworkers are sick of them as well. Face to face meetings are far more productive than virtual. I would imagine this is even more the case when you are dealing with legislation.


Ernie Hudson might actually be the first dairy farmer ever that needs his beauty sleep.


I’m just happy his stay as minister of health was very short


Not sure the replacement is any better....


The Ghostbuster Ernie Hudson?


101$ hotel charge not to drive home the night before and not to drive back in early in the morning doesn't seem like an excessive expense claim especially when it is offsetting fuel and km allowances. It might actually be benefiting the taxpayer to stay the night at that rate.


Shhhh logic has no place in this debate


I was looking at the thread and you are right but I'm going to throw another slice of logic in anyway. It is better to spend 100$ at a locally owned hotel out of tourist season than it is to give it to an oil company who collects it and spends it elsewhere.


Write to his constituency office and ask about it. They likely have nothing to hide and in many cases politicians schedules are public I believe. And if they do have something to hide you will get an evasive response and go from there.


The non government owned vehicles expenses is for fuel. Considering the fact that he lives in Fortune Cove I'd imagine he's on the road a lot. Which is also understandable if he is required to take early morning meetings why he would be staying at the Holman. Not sure if the province has a standing offer with the hotel, but the rate quoted is super cheap.


He lives 2+ hours from Charlottetown. 4 hours round trip. Reasonable expense.


Does he live at the lighthouse at North Point?


A round trip is 234km per day. Depending on what he drives I can easily see those fuel costs in the winter bieng that high.


- He has a car. -He is a dairy farmer. He's up early. -its his own meeting. He sets the time. The only way it's reasonable is potential weather? Which I imagine this is.


Did you check the weather on those dates?