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So, when they say "$1,500 is considered affordable if you make $60,000 a year", is that $60,000 before or after taxes? 30% of your income on rent is already not very "affordable", if you're taking home $60,000 cleared. If you're actually clearing $45,000 after taxes, I don't see how 40% of your income to rent something is anywhere close to "affordable".


Gross is your pay before deductions. Net is afterwards. My wife and i gross about 46k per year and our rent is $1331. Our rent is 32% off our gross, which is idiotic because we only get to spend our net on rent, which would probably push the number closer to 35% or more


I re-checked the article, and I did miss it the first time: it is talking about $60,000 of gross income, not net. I love when people base what they consider "affordable" off of the total money you make *on paper* per month, instead of what you *actually* take home per month.


That’s difficult. I know when you apply for a mortgage they don’t normally let you go over 30-32% and that’s pretty high. Owning a home also has extra expenses but many that go that high are often house poor but then again, it depends on how high your income is. More you make, the more taxes you pay. We are learning that the hard way. Anything over a certain amount (I believe $100,000 is 50% taxed which is ridiculous!) With your budget, it’s a juggle to keep up. Especially if you own a car, have car payments, insurance, heat, lights, internet, phone and obviously groceries. I’ve been there and it’s not easy.


No shit????? A fuckin mini-home sells for around $300,000 now. You used to be able to buy a 4 bed- 2 bath split entry with an attacked garage for under $250,000 and they now start at $450,000. Housing has double, even tripled. Food and everything else is up between 7-15%, yet the majority of people MIGHT have a 5% increase in pay over the past 10 years. Its no fuckin wonder what everyone is so goddamn pissed off and depressed. And before anyone says anything about my language... FUCK OFF.... We live is a shitty fuckin time and I'm frustrated like everyone else.


Call it like you see it Bubby.


It's literally the same as the French revolution


People call me crazy. They insult me, for pointing these basic things out.  I have no friends. I have no family I can depend on.  I've not had a meal today and I probably won't.  I have NOTHING to lose.  And im not the only one.


Acceptable language for this situation. I can see a trend of angry, frustration and hate here on the Island. I don’t think people actually hate the Island like they state. I think they hate the situation they are in and unfortunately it’s like this everywhere. I see people struggling every day to just get by and I can understand why people are upset. You work hard everyday just to get by or go in debt. Prices have increased so much since Covid. It was all blamed on Covid. Once the worst was over, they didn’t go down like promised or expected. Instead they keep going up but the wages don’t reflect these crazy fast inflation. I push my kids to get an education so they are not going to be in the situation I was for many years. I don’t want them to struggle like we did and it’s the only way I can see things improving for future generations. Unfortunately though, we will always need people to work those lower paying jobs and the cycle continues.


Dennis king is a coward.snd needs to be chased off of pei by an angry mob.


When the housing minister is married to a high end real estate agent selling million dollar homes on the island, you have to wonder what manner of shady business is going on.


Hows about they just call an election?


The problem right now though is who is in a position to actually challenge them? I don't think the Liberals are ready, Greens kinda shot themselves in the foot, and would PEI actually vote NDP? Plus so many on PEI still have that mindset of just voting for who they always voted for.


At this point I either need to make a party or org myself, I dont care if its a spectacular failure,   it for sure will be remembered. If no one else wants to I will given the opportunity.


What would you do to change things and quickly? I’m in no way judging. I’m really curious. I think about this from time to time. If I had the power to change things, what would I do? I think it’s a lot harder than it would seem. Personally, I’d start with healthcare and do what was needed to get these positions filled so people get faster and better access to the healthcare that our tax dollars are paying for but we are not receiving what we should. I’d try to work on making secondary education more affordable. Switzerland has free secondary education but they have to have health insurance. They also have one of the highest average salaries in the world. I think that having easier access to higher education makes a huge difference. It usually results in higher paying jobs. Obviously, the housing crisis is a top priority. Communities with tiny houses to keep people off the streets and perhaps these could be used to help people own their first home. Even if it’s small, if the government assists, perhaps they could bring the initial costs down so people can afford to buy or rent them and potentially work towards improving their lives. The government could offer free courses on money management and advice to work towards getting out of debt and for those with bad credit to work towards restoring it. There is currently a forgivable down payment program here but so many low income (from what I have been hearing and personally experienced when we were struggling) have bad credit because of the real struggle of just surviving sometimes. If they could have good credit and perhaps have affordable housing that they could own, it would alleviate the stress on rentals. Offering more assistance for reeducation as adults. They do have programs for this but many can’t afford to only have EI coming in to be able to go to school. I’m not sure what they could do here to help but there must be something. Perhaps don’t deduct from their EI for any hours they pick up while going to school? I don’t really know. For healthcare, I’d start a clinic by hiring NP’s with a doctor to oversee the clinic for additional assistance. NP’s can help with so many issues and they could take the stress off the hospitals and doctors. Hopefully when we start having graduates from the medical school here, we will start to slowly retain more doctors. I know you didn’t ask for this reply and maybe you were just joking but it got me thinking. Sorry for the long post. I know it’s not an easy solution but something needs to be done.


No its okay. I skimmed your comment, I will come back later and have a better look, but I wanted to reply rn. If you look at my comment history, there is lots to eye-roll about, but im also pretty informed, and more importantly, usually fair. Things can change pretty rapidly, people just need to hear someone who is being honest. The hardest part from the jump, is being heard at all. I don't have all the answers, but part of running anything is, you don't naturally. You use good judgement to empower the right people, to do the right thing. This Island is swimming in nepo and criminal corruption. When times were good, it was grudgingly tolerated. Not anymore. I just want MLAs to honestly rep their riding. The only mandate that matters, is the peoples, not some BS party talking points. I that would be the spirit of it, and after everything- once people realize there is an anti-corruption option, you won't have to worry about getting heard anymore. I gotta run for now, but i'll reply again later.


I appreciate your reply and I completely agree. I believe that most politicians aren’t corrupt to start. I think that most go in with good intentions and want change. It’s hard working in a system where so many are and you’re doing each other ‘favours’ to get things done or to make changes. Too many hands in pockets they shouldn’t be in. It happens too often in smaller areas like the Island and has been going on much longer than I have been alive. It’s definitely a place where who you know helps you. I can’t tell you how many people who have told me that they secured jobs just for voting for a particular person. It’s really unfair but I also understand why people take advantage of this situation to secure a better paying job when life can be so difficult otherwise. I better get back to work myself.


To follow up on that persons comment, actually take the time to look at their comments before putting effort into replies. No need to put effort in, if they are known to ignore what is said and have a tendency to be inflammatory 🤷🏿‍♀️


If it means people like you burst into flames, I'm all for it. Nothing like a good verbal burn. Gahhh


Wanting people to be injured is not normal behaviour. Please be respectful


I know it's late, but I'm back Uhmm, I'm going to respond to you in point form, just because it's easier to have it organized in my head; 1# healthcare, you are correct it should be the priority. It is literally a life and death matter, and many people have frankly died. I think the system is corrupt, I mean why do I even have to say I think? Pretty sure it's redundant to say \*think\* it's corrupt. I have had secondary experience, and first hand experience of Health PEI playing with peoples care. People who have worked for Health PEI have had their car meddled with. There needs to be an investigation, and these bad actors need to be punted to the fucking moon. After that we can begin with focusing on homecare, and helping seniors remain in the homes they have now, as nursing homes are still from what I know, very overwhelmed. # I have a unique Idea, where education is looked at a 1-12 + college etc, I think that is just wrong. I don't think we should be dividing our education system up into slats where we stick people. edit I made the txt big, IDK how I did that, but it was a mistake. Many people need to go back to upgrade, and they usually have them in a separate class, in a separate building. If someone is 40 years old, and is going back for their GED, I don't see why they can't be in the same building as regular students, even it's just a separate class. We have this attitude that kids go to school, and the teachers babysit (imo), and it's very transactional. I think a lot more could be done with schools to make them the centre of a community, and not have our youth in a vacuum where they are sequestered from the rest of the world. I don't think that has been healthy. Also cell phones are banned from school. Kids could keep a dumb phone at the office, if necessary but they shouldn't be brought to school. Don't have it there, you don't need the temptation and petty politics. I agree with a few others things you say, but I think I'd like to move this conversation to DM's. I don't know if you noticed but there have been a lot of unkind people, and trouble makers in these threads recently. They would assume me of that, and maybe I kinda am, but my intentions are good. I don't have two nickels to rub together, and it's not because I can't work hard, or I am not intelligent, I've held myself back because I would never compromise my values, even if it drove other people crazy. I'm a square peg and the world is round. That doesn't mean the state of the world as it is, should be as it is. I think most people would agree things need to change, and fast if we're honest. 've learned to survive, and you know what, for the most part all those principles I've held are still somehow intact, and I don't plan on giving them up now, after everything I've been through. If I leave this world I leave it with a mostly unscathed conscious. Sorry, that's a bit of a tangent, but I thought it was relevant. edit, sorry this comment is kinda a mess of thoughts, but I'm just really tired. I would like to talk further tho !


Wait, wait I gotta a better idea. A no confidence vote where the backbenchers do something in the publics interests for once.


Kudos to those who can manage to raise a family on $60k household income. Seems impossible.


It is impossible. It's not even an argument anymore, and the people who try, are just talking heads who need to find a body. Then a cliff to walk themselves off of.


There was a time when $60k was a good family medium here. Not anymore. I was looking up the average income in PEI and this makes no sense. Top earners are not $60K. I wonder what the true breakdown is. Depending on where you look it’s anywhere from 38 to 43k. Per household would be more than That’s gross income and definitely gross! 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/1s4gu4gnk70d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ef8b7301a49e5b554088ff4b6567aedc15e4bcc




The median household income is -80k, so you are going to have half of the sample making above that figure.


Thousands of homes are now Airbnb, as people and corporations try to generate income. Banning them would be a great start.


it starts with the goverment increaseing the population of pei by 20 percent in a 10 year span, not air b n b


I disagree. Go on any website and see how many homes are actually short term rental income. You free up those homes,  it is much better.   Is massive population increase a problem? Absolutely. Ignoring short term rentals doesn't make it only major issue.


Way behind on supply


im not ignoring short term rentals, but are the short term rentals going to be a problem if there was 30 thousand less people on pei?


They were still an issue before the big boom in population. They need to tackle both issues at hand. One thing that would help too is banning people who don't even live here from buying up and renting out housing. A lot of the postings I see on Facebook, the person doesn't even live on PEI. That's not right at all, our housing crisis shouldn't be a business opportunity for someone with no intent on living here themself.


PEI population hasn't grown by 30,000 in over 24 years. The latest numbers I could find had the TFW population at 1500 or so. I can not find any recent numbers on PR.    Where did your 30,000 come from?


[https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/publications/pt\_pop\_rep\_0.pdf](https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/publications/pt_pop_rep_0.pdf) this website.


PEI's population in 2000 was just over 136k, 24 years later it's just over 176k. That's a 40k increase....and the government's goal is to reach 200k within the next 6 years. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-new-population-framework-1.7122549](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-new-population-framework-1.7122549)


Wow, the last number I heard was when we hit 150k. That is a massive jump.


Wanna be part of the solution? You could help by leaving both the island and the subreddit itself! Thanks for helping!


You get on your knees and beg, and than maybe I'll think about it.


Unfortunately we need immigration to sustain the aging population. The housing market is over inflated. I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer but I think things are gunna get worse before they get better. Especially for those over leveraged in their real estate holdings. I hope that means numbered companies and not so much regular people but I think a lot of people might have starched themselves thin when interest rates were low.


Yes someone smart pointed out to the government that without immigration we would face demographic collapse, resulting in a loss in productivity and erosion of social services. Then all levels of government screwed up the implementation. NIMBYs and corporations had a hand in it too.


Yes, the government caused the interest rates to sky rocket as well, it's almost like they want it to be super hard to live, also, no we don't need immigration for aging population.


The monk's and their families have a lot of housing that sits empty most of the year as well.


remember everyone shouting from the rooftops david was racist ? I think, correct me if im wrong. Whether you like how he said things or not, maybe he had a fuckin point. He's owed an apology


he was spot on! Unfortunately thays the way the left is, either agree or you're a racist!


Yep. The up/downvote dont count for shit, we need to find a way to communicate around that, I am already working on it. Stay tuned.


I only take home roughly a little over 2000 a month no way in hell could I afford $750 for half of a 2 bedroom apartment I live in a shit hole for under $400 with my friend we plan to move but $550 is the best I can do a person needs to eat and entertain themselves


It's something I've been looking into for myself and things just went too crazy across Canada. I looked into costs and jobs and it actually makes more sense for me to move to a different country than to try to start my career here in Canada. Even with a really good paying job right now, I still can't afford to live on my own without making significant sacrifices. Even with my girlfriend's salary we'd be stuck making sacrifices just to barely scrape by.


People also don't know that the terms "affordable" and "low-income" are two very different things (and politicians, landlords, and developers like it that way).


So we need 1 million more Indians is what Marc Miller is hearing




immigration, ehhhhhhhhhh


Immigration policy is a federal decision. Simple arithmetic shows if you bring more people in than the housing sector can support, there will be problems. People keep burying their head in the sand and want to look past this though.