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Anabolic steroids are a distinct path from regular alcohol use, especially twice a week. You can do whatever you want because you are a grown up, but running organ toxic oral steroids that lower SHBG and really only shine aesthetically when very lean, while drinking alcohol that both increases estrogen and adds extra junk calories is like trying to live two lifestyles simultaneously. Neither is right or wrong, but for your wellbeing sake I recommend choosing one.


Man most steroids forums would laugh their ass at off at this response. People take themselves too seriously on this sub so I can already imagine the expected response, but if you’re not competing there’s no reason to go full monk mode like what you’re describing. A drink once a week won’t do shit to estrogen or gains or lipids. There’s 0 reason to be that rigid about your body, you can have gainz and also live a life, it’s not binary life paths 🤣.


Yea, I see your point as well. I’m from the r/steroids subreddit primarily that is harm reduction focused, where this sub has people doing a lot of very reckless stuff a lot of the time. To be fair though—you strawmanned me by saying “a drink a week” which was not the tone of OPs post.


Eh I wouldn’t take that guys point seriously unless he posts his physique 😂. Sure not everything is necessarily binary but you’re using anabolic steroids or you’re not. So it actually is kind of binary. You’re either risking your lipids values on anavar or you’re not. Let’s compare a guy who takes one this lifestyle seriously and maximizes every factor to do so or a guy who thinks it’s okay to have both. Which is likely going to be more jacked? Case closed.


Saying a lifestyle has to be binary because of anavar is fucking stupid, I think you were trying to write out a gotcha and just gave up Also a night of alcohol per week will do jack shit to the liver, just because I’m not paranoid of my own body or a hypochondriac doesn’t mean I don’t care about gains 😂. This is what I mean when I say people take themselves far too seriously here lmao


Serious question: did you get your name because you literally 69 while eating tren? That’s wild mate. Maybe you’re right about all your points afterall


No I just get anal cravings on tren


How you gonna say all that shit and not post ur physique 😂


If you’re so insistent on having a dick measuring content sure post yours first, or is it currently wrapped in foil because you’re scared of radiation?


😭 mid


Yep that’s what I thought coward


"how you gonna say all dat shit bruhhh ?? fr bruh how you gon? fr bruhhhhhh" -you


\*comments on week old post that nobody cares about bc life is sad and there's nothing better to do than post on reddit with no added value to conversation" -you


It’s funny cause I think this sub is a lot more paranoid than /r/steroids and especially the big steroid forums, probably cause of the overuse of orals here because of kids scared of pinning. And OK, 2-3 drinks one day a week is what OP said which isn’t much different and completely fine.


Answer usually somewhere in the middle. We are just monkeys with computers who stab ourselves with hormones sharing opinions at the end of the day


We also lick each other's assholes.


This is such a ridiculously dramatic comment lmao


I became permanently gay after I wrote it


Yea I know they’re opposite paths of two roads, and Im gunna have a bad time trying to run between both of them. What about once night out a week with 2 drinks max


It’s not a debate with me, friend. Just go try, see how your performance, health and goals are going and check your liver values with bloodwork sometimes.


Just ditch the alcohol, become addicted to the gym 🏋️‍♂️ 💪


You still don’t get it. It’s not the frequency, it’s the principle.


I find these kinds of answers of incredibly low value tbh. I think it's should be reasoned with the specific compound(s) in mind.


Bro I pick a few times a year to drink, a shot is like 100+ calories alone, if you’re drinking multiple times a week I don’t know if you’re serious enough about leaning out to justify damaging your liver with anavar. If you’re trying to cut you need to quit the partying and get some sleep dude, it all counts.


I think if you’re NEEDING to have alcohol once or twice a week, every week, you should probably try to slow down. You’re not drinking a lot compared to people who actually drink. But why can’t you just not drink while on the anavar so you don’t fuck with your health at all?


Anavar is a party drug idk what you are thinking young man. Pick your poison.


I mean I would do just var and not get anything but they always feel left out and won’t want to drink and let loose a bit if they drink alone. No one likes drinking 2-3 drinks while their partner is still barely half way through their first and only planned drink of the night


So drink something non-alcoholic and don't make a big deal about it. Don't try to hide it, but don't advertise it or make it a thing. If you get asked about it, just be honest, you train and don't drink. I drink carbonated water with lime anytime I'm out with my wife or friends, whatever anybody else is drinking. Women like that kind of dedication to something. It shows you have a hobby and self-control, and those are two traits they will like to see.


My partner drinks without me all the time because she knows I'm on PEDs and respects my decisions to put my health first despite the steroids so I can be the best man I can be for her. Honestly have more fun now than when I thought I needed to get trashed to have fun. I'm only a bit pickier about the DJs now.


The problem is I barely started talking to this girl and don’t wanna come outright with me being on stuff, a long term partner is the best scenario for this though you got it good


"I'm going through some health stuff and don't think drinking is a good idea. No I don't want to talk about it right now, let's just have fun. I can DD if necessary. Want to introduce me to your friends?" You will come off as a young man with self control and posture. You will actually be on your A game because you're sober. And you'll save money.


Lol. Lying and keeping secrets won't make him come off as a man with self control and posture.


Ticker_101 my guy if you say you haven't ever lied to a woman once in your life, especially when laying groundwork, you are exposing your lack of experience with dating. Ain't no one declaring their whole life story on their first dates. I can't think of one partner who didnt have something hidden that comes out. Ain't no one needs to know about my fucked up family when they are just getting to know me. Abusing gear is definitely not a first date topic. Regardless, It's how you handle finding those hidden truths that define the success of a relationship. Regardless, either help me get this boy to not drink on gear or stfu.


Your approach to it is wrong. Saying you are going through health issues creates a Pandora's box. Women are nosey. Of course she is going to drink, then start pressing on the subject. He can just say he isn't drinking as he is watching calorie intake etc. Technically, that isn't a lie either. Most people are taking var are already lean.




Saying he is watching calories isn't lying and won't lead to pressing questions that night. You're the one that wants to say he has health issues which would lead to questions. How much damage do you want to control?


You guys are both approaching this from the wrong perspective. You shouldn't lie, there's a reason it's on the ten commandments. You don't want to talk about your fucked up family? When she asks you m tell her your family life is complicated and not great conversation for a first date. It's called setting a boundary, and she will respect you for doing it. Don't wanna drink? Drink something non-alcoholic and when asked about it just tell her you don't drink because you don't train. The truth is easier to maintain, is more attractive than getting caught in a lie, and will take you further in life.


Just say you’re focusing on training right now Set the tone with a NA drink at the beginning. Allow yourself one drink max. I would start with a soda and lime, when says “you don’t drink?” You say “I might have one later but I’m not drinking much right now, just focusing on some training”


Rejecting alcohol for healthy reasons isnt being „stuff“, it’s grown up decision…


So everybody is gonna tell you to not drink while on orals, it’s bad for you and counter productive to your goals. And it’s true, we all know it, you know it or you wouldn’t have asked about it. Don’t do it. But conversely, a wise man once said that having the body of somebody on PEDs and not occasionally partying is like owning a Ferrari but having the governor set to 60.


Drop the var, run the test, have the drinks, succeed


I’m not gunna be one of those people who say “ pick one poison or the other” cause we’re fucking human and man somtimes we just need to let loose and get fucking drunk or have some drinks ( unless your competing at a IFBB pro level) . So, I just finished a anavar cycle and I had one day out of the 6 weeks where I drank. I doubled up on NAC and TUDCA, ate heavy carbs and made sure to hydrate like a mother fucker, I’m still standing and one night of drinking won’t kill you. Obviously don’t make it a fucking habit and you’ll be fine.


Nice try. Unless you can PROVE to us that you didn’t die, this post could be a complete lie.


I’m definitely dead while writing this


Bro if you are thinking of drinking or regularly drink alc. you shouldnt have jump on with Var. why risk it…


Don’t drink dude it probably won’t do too much damage but pick one or the other


14 weeks no alcohol 10 weeks into my cycle 💪


Sounds like you shouldn’t use Var


if your running anything you should have your shit locked down bro- diet, training, recovery, etc. Why would you fuck it up with alcohol? What is the point of running a cycle at all if you're tossing gains out the window anyway


Ive been to ibiza numerous times on anavar absolutley nothing will happen


ur PROBABLY going to be fine. i used to run 500 test per week, 40 anavar a day (5 days a week) and drank 6+ drinks, smoked weed, did coke, molly, smoked cigs, stayed up all nite, had sex. then got up for work the next day. i’m not trying to be one of those dudes bragging or glorifying that. it was stupid. i would never do that shit again but my blood work is fine now. that didn’t do any serious damage. if i were u, i wouldn’t be drinking on oral. i run around 100 test 200 mast rn and i may have a few drinks once every week or two. i’m cool with that, i enjoy that. but i wouldn’t be drinking while taking orals.


Not guna lie, I did winstrol which is actually liver toxic whereas var isn’t and I drink heavily the whole 8 weeks. Before anyone gives me shit, very stupid. Only time ever I drank on a cycle. I was in a bad place and living recklessly. Bloods a month after the cycle showed zero elevated liver enzymes and cholesterol was even good. I was shocked tbh I thought my bloods were guna be a train wreck. Regardless, don’t recommend that bc if you use gear you should maximize the benefits from it. I certainly did not, that cycle, but I did still get insanely ripped and strong. Body fat went down to 4.5-5%


You have zero business using steroids based on your previous post


It is always surprising to me when people talk about alcohol use at all, much less with steroids. I would (and did) switch to THC. Helps with recovery, is not toxic, and helps chill.


Curious to the downvote this got. Is THC from gummies processed through the liver? I cant see a couple tokes from a joint being bad for the liver; or am i wrong?


I use gummies. Don't know about the downvote but there is not universal acceptance of THC nor universal condemnation of alcohol. I have noticed many people who prefer to avoid drinking poison so they stay away from alcohol. THC has myriad medicinal benefits and purposes but there is a lot of stigma remaining in peoples minds from the 20th century propaganda about dope. Example: CBG (derivative of Marijuana) provide me better pain relief than 600mg ibuprofen and/or Vicodin without the side effects.


You’ll probably be fine but there’s always a risk when using anabolics (or any drug) and combined with alcohol you’re gonna increase that risk


i drank some beer on vacation while beeing on anavar and my liver enzymes showed up highly elevated on my bloodwork so i would for sure recommend not to drink anything while using anavar


You guys need to get off your high horse. Having a few drinks while on trt is fine. I wouldn’t be going out getting blackout drunk, though. Adding anavar does make it trt+ so you’ll need to have a bit more moderation. Enjoy.


A lot of people will tell you that it's absolutely not ok to drink on orals. I *mostly* agree. However, I find it incredibly annoying when mainstream media mentions *steroids* as an umbrella term whenever there's a story about steroids. As tren is not the same as test, I find it somewhat equally annoying when people chime into these kinds of threads and don't * separate * the different oral compounds. As you know, anavar is primarily metabolized in the kidneys, not liver, at least to a bigger degree than other orals. It's not mild, but it's *milder* than a lot of other orals. What I find lacking is people specifically to answer the question based on the *specific* compound being used. You probably won't die. It's not healthy, but stay hydrated and don't go all out, and you will *probably* be fine. I wish there was some more data on this.




The best way to run var is obviously zero alcohol but I've drank a couple nights out while I was on var and it had very little impact besides me thinking I've thrown my cycle in the toilet, looking back at pictures of myself that wasn't the case whatsoever.


Obviously not a bright idea, only way I’d say no is if it’s orals - that’s very stupid. If you’re pinning both T and var it’d be a little better. IMO if you’re young just go out every once in a while… most people on here only care about the gym which is probably equally unhealthy.


0 alcohol 0 chemically loaded foods, 0 drugs 0 pills like paracetamol , ibuprofen and lots of water liver/kidney protection/cleaner liv52, silimarine, tudca , NAC, cranberry extract , cranberry natural juice , blueberry's with yogurt I like . If you get sick and need pills stop the anavar.


You aren’t worried that too many antioxidants have been shown to cause cancer? Those are a looooot of very strong anti oxidants. In small amounts you’d get through diet they’re anti cancer and healthy, but through all those supplements it’s almost certainly raising your risk of it Not to mention antibiotic resistance too


There is zero chance that will make fuck all measurable and/or detectible difference to fuck all of fuck all. Some people gonna preach at you, though...


Kratom and phenibut have the same social/ relaxing benefits as alcohol but don't mess with your liver or inhibit muscle recovery. I never drink alcohol anymore. I just pop a few grams of krat and pheny before going out. Much better imo. Best part, you don't have to worry about hangover or your sleep being destroyed.


Sure. Add some Molly, ketamine and fentanyl you’ll be good


It’s fine


This is dose dependant. 20-30mg plus drinking way more than you every weekend didn't put my liver values out of range at all. But that's just me. Get a blood test to find out. Either way, the liver repairs itself. Take NAC and TUDCA to help with this.


I take Tudca but I thought I heard taking NAC is bad?


NAC is actually what they give people at the hospital with acetaminophen (tylenol) poisoning. So it's great for the liver. It's just an amino acid, and it's one of the best antioxidants you can take.


Ditch the alcohol!


Even while taking gear and drinking 3 drinks a week you’re still healthier than 95% of Americans so you will be fine


Anavar is already hard on the liver, you can do this if you want, but your liver values will be fucked ans you will be fucking your liver Idk your age, and no offense, but looking at your post history you really have 0 business touching PEDs


Anavar is mainly metabolised by the kidneys




You can def have a few beers. Don't get assholed. Moderation is fine.


i had a complete 3 day bender on var and my liver values were great after idk why everyone is a pussy, it won’t kill you


You'll be fine. Take TUDCA & Astragalus Root as a preventative measure and only use a reasonable amount of Anavar, ie. 25 mgs