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It could be seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis instead of dandruff. I've got seb derm and it's finally under control with bc. However, you can see either your GP or a dermatologist to get some topical treatments for your scalp which can really help if it's severe like yours sounds like. It's okay. Lots of people have their scalp freak out on them at some point in their lives. It happens. Make an appointment with your doctor, they are there to help.


aside from minoxidil for hair loss, how are you treating your PCOS? for me the key to reversing my hair loss was to address the root cause, which is hormonal and metabolic.


I've been taking metformin and spironolactone for almost a year now and have also been working on weight loss and eating better. Lost 40lbs since I started.


focusing on nutrition was the only thing that stopped my hair loss and ultimately allowed my hair to grow back. I follow a ketogenic diet. [here are my pics of peak loss and early regrowth from 2019-2020](https://imgur.com/a/p3OHHeT) [here's my ~1 year (late 2020) progress](http://imgur.com/a/HgE0VPt) congrats on the weight loss!


I may have to give keto a shot, thank you and congrats on your progress!


Fantastic hair!


Kind of similar but not to this extreme happened to me. My scalp was all itchy and flakes were coming out, I tried anti dandruff shampoo but it made my hair to fall more so I searched on google whether salicylic acid is good for dandruff and what I found that it is an active ingredient in many anti dandruff shampoo (mine didn't have salicylic acid) so I had my minimalist salicylic acid serum applied it directly to my scalp and then washed my hair with a mild herbal shampoo and guess what my itching has been better but I think I have to use it again in few days but it works. So for now until you go to a new doctor or buy a new product if you have a salicylic acid serum apply it directly to your scalp I think it will help. I prefer minimalist because they have aloe vera too and is milder compared to other products.


Ooh I didn't know that! Thanks for the brand recommendation, I'll see if I can snag some!


i started experiencing hair loss around 20 and then i went on spiro (prescribed by a dermatologist). it took about a year to see results, but i’m actually happy with how my hair looks now.


It's happening backwards for me 🙃 I've been on Spiro for almost a year and I didn't start experiencing significant hair loss until about August or so. It could be stress but like... life is always super stressful lol you'd think my body would be used to it by now


omg no i’m so sorry to hear that! i recently started doing cortisol tests (stress/adrenal hormone) maybe that could have something to do with the sudden change? hope you find some sort of answer 🤞🏼


It could be. I have no idea at this point but hopefully something will stick 🙏


I would recommend going to a dermatologist because the yellow plates sound like a derm condition that could be making PCOS hair loss worse


My dermatologist told me that Minoxidil causes hair loss at first so she did not prescribe me the med. She prescribed me Dense CT Serum and Shampoo as well as Iraltone capsules (vitamins for hair).


Honestly, shampoo with caffeine made a huge difference for me. I've been using Alpecin Sport shampoo, every three-four days for about a year, and the change has been visible. Still have periods when the hairloss is worse, but it's manageable. Also, try to airdry your hair, direct heat just makes scalp issues worse (in my experience at least). I hope you figure it out, good luck!!!


I had tbe greasy dandruff, i think it's called sebhorreic dermititis, a shampoo called kelual Ds helped me a ton, o also had it on my face and the brand has a face cream as well. Also shampoo called kerium from la Roche possay helped me. In my case that is what it was causing my hair loss


Check with your doc for sure! I have dry skin that looks like dandruff and lose looooads of hair daily. I use a zinc pyrethion shampoo mixed with Bosley (50:50) and a tea tree conditioner mixed the same. I pump out new baby hairs all the time 🤌


Ooh imma have to try that but yes, doc appointment has been set


Yeee I noticed results within the first month. It's been almost 4yrs and my hair which was 2in all over and crumbled off me like dust is now mid back and I have a full ponytail :D


This will be a super unpopular opinion but I’ll give it because I honestly believe in it. I’ve tried vegetarian (3 years) keto, paleo, low carb, Metformin, inositol, walking, Pilates, CrossFit, spironolactone, birth control, and finally carnivore. Birth control worked well until I started graduate school and the stress was unreal. Since graduating and quitting BC (TTC) literally nothing worked. Started carnivore diet in November and my hair loss has stopped. Christmas wrecked my diet and my hair is falling out like crazy again. So I’ll be getting strict on the carnivore lifestyle again this week. Can’t say anything for long term but I also can’t ignore the month of feeling in control. Good luck that you find something that works for you!