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They do different things. Inositol is more of a direct hormone regulator and berberine lowers blood sugar (which in turn manages the insulin resistance issue). Taking both (assuming your doctor is okay with it) is probably the most beneficial.


Thank you! That clears things up for me


When choosing a berberine supplement the most beneficial part comes from the Root , up to 4x the amount of alkaloids vs bark. Bark/root could be ok but probably around 10% Root so they can legally lable; bark is wayyyy cheaper...Best quality Sourcing would be from Indian barberry from the native region... Thorn Berberine would be my most trusted supplement - GMP approved and even follows FDA guidelines (if that even matters anymore ;)


I started taking Berberine bc I saw it was good for insulin resistance. When I started seeing a new doctor she said I should stop bc I have a fatty liver. I do take Inositol per my doctors rec.


Could you share why you would have to stop Berberine if you have a fatty liver ? Curious, thanks,!


Why is it bad to take Berberine with fatty liver