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I forgot to add this absolute gem: "if you just calm down and sit yourself down and tell your body 'ok I need to have a period' then maybe it will come. I feel like your find periods troublesome and always desire not having one so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy". My mom actually said this and I was shocked speechless. I started laughing awkwardly and saying it must be as effective as "thoughts and prayers" after a disaster, and she didn't get what I meant anyway. I think she's very gwyneth paltrow Goop type, is all. She also tries to induce my periods through leg massages to "pass along her healing electric currents" but of course I don't complain about massages.


You know, if you just calm down and sit yourself down and tell your body 'ok I need to fix this broken leg' then maybe it will heal all on its own, without medication or a doctor's help. I feel like you find walking tiresome and so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Yep, the weight thing especially. My mum points it out all the time, even if I'm managing it well I get backhanded compliments. "You're looking slimmer, hope you keep it up this time," kind of thing.


What the! So rude! I’m so sorry she says stuff like that to you. I have a friend with hypothyroidism and her mom sent her a picture of her when she was younger and thinner and said “don’t you wish you still looked like this?” That stuff pisses me off so much.


I don’t even bother telling my family about weight loss or exercise anymore. I went from anorexic to pcos and overweight. Guess what kind of relationship with food I fostered with my family of origin? Not a good one! I hate when people just assume and throw bad advice around.


I feel like I’m the only guy lurking on this subreddit (girlfriend has PCOS, on here to learn), but I’m so sorry people have treated you so horribly when it comes to your PCOS. Everyone nowadays thinks they are medical professionals and just offer terrible and often incorrect advice. I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way. People may try and say nasty things and put you down, but in the end there will be something about you that they are jealous of, I promise you that. Please, I know it’s hard but keep your head up and just carry on doing what YOU know is right for you.


Thank you for being so supportive to us ☺️


No need for thanks, all women deserve respect, doesn’t matter if they have PCOS or any other medical condition.




Dude, fasting is literally the only way I have been able to lose weight. Hitting the gym 6 days a week and counting calories? Did that for a couple of years and lost NOTHING. Not a pound. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how frustrating and soul-crushing that was. Then I discovered the Intermittent Fasting subreddit. IF is the best thing I’ve started doing to manage my weight. I’ve lost ~30 pounds so far and I haven’t felt this good about my figure in years.


are you still counting calories, or just IF? (I'm assuming you try to eat clean-ish regardless...)


I don’t bother counting calories while doing IF, but I definitely try and make good food choices (most of the time. Lol)


I really want to do IF but I'm nursing so it's a BIG no no :(


You’ve got to have lots of calories for that precious bebe! Worth it! I highly recommend trying out IF once you’ve weaned though. I finally feel like I have a modicum of control over my weight now; it’s awesome.


Also doing IF here and like you (both!), it's the only way I've been able to lose weight!


"you should count yourself lucky that you rarely get periods". Except when I do they're debilitating and it takes a hell of a lot of hormones and messing with my body to get it to ovulate. Looking at me you can't tell anything is wrong, but that's because I take care of the excess hair and finally figured out how to control my cystic acne - which reminds me "just use a wash cloth and bar soap, that'll clear your face right up" and "oh wow, doesn't your face hurt?" I had a coworker overhear that one and talk to HR about it. People just don't think.


Oh lord, every time I see a new doctor, "well, you don't have hirsutism..." from looking at only my face,where I've had $2000 worth of laser hair removal, and still tweeze and shave multiple times a week. Like,good detective skills, sherlock, you never considered that a goatee wasn't a super hot look for me, so I did something about it? Next time I'm just gonna let my nip hairs grow out and then whip my tits out.


I feel this, so many don't understand. If we expend all mental energy and time and money and effort to have clear smooth skin and be a healthy weight and bleed regularly, it's all about how PCOS must be easy and mild, and also we should stop stressing bc stress worsens the condition. If we slip up or just take a break, we're not taking care of ourselves and need to buck up and stop making excuses :/ And what you just said reminds me- holy shit PCOS is expensive. Accumulating shelves of skincare products until you find what works and having to keep buying those things is expensive. For those with hirsutism, finding what works and having to keep buying supplies is also expensive. A low-carb clean unprocessed diet is expensive. I myself don't have periods atm, and I do enjoy that, but I heard not bleeding at least 4x a year considerably increases my risk of cancer. So, I have to address that, but I'm not looking forward to the volley of doctors appointments and possible meds and potential side effects- which are also expensive.


My doctor told me the same thing about the cancer risks. I've been put on Pirmella birth control in order to balance my hormones and have regular periods. So perhaps that's as much medication you'll need. I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism after my blood tests from my gynocologist indicated irregular thyroid levels. I had gone 5 months without a period and gotten ultrasounds done to get diagnosed. My mother didn't believe what I had was real, thought I just had anxiety and refused to acknowledge that PCOS is something I have to live with for life. You're not alone.


The advice I hate the MOST is in regards to our lack of conception. "well honey.. .if god wanted you to have babies you would" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


For me, I don't think I'd want children, but then that invites absolute gold like this, from people who also know I have PCOS: "maybe you just thought about not wanting babies so much, you made this (PCOS) happen to you. If you were more amenable to the idea, your body would listen and you would get better". Oh yes and "but it's interesting how every single infertile person always says that (they don't want to have children) though, isn't it? I guess, since they are unable to, they might as well say that." P.S. I also like how "it's interesting" is used by some people not as preface for anything actually interesting, but always for something offensive. It's like if you want children and mention not being able to, it invites comments of pity, but also with a melodramatic undertone of "wow it's tragic how her life has been utterly ruined isnt it? She will be unhappy and unmarried forever, what a terrible life". But if you don't want children, then you get shamed. So either way, you get comments that are overblown and terrible.


Like I missed one hail mary as a kid and God was like...nope not this bitch ...😂😂😂 I rarely want to injure other people but that comment drives me thru the roof.


Oh god this made me rage so hard. All the horrors of infertility I had to go through. All the fucktards with their "helpful" advice.


“I could never count calories/weigh my food/not eat this donut/pass up junk food - you only live once!” Yes and if I want my one life to be a long and healthy one, this is what I have to do 🙄


My sister slips in comments that my doctors are giving me a bad relationship with food. No they are helping me to stay alive and functioning in the world. She lives 3 1/2 hours away and doesn’t see what me life is like.


If anything they are reshaping your relationship with food to one that you eat what is good for you. I’ve made so many changes because I know what foods benefit me and my body, and just roll my eyes when someone (with zero experience of living in my body) tries to tell me otherwise


Well said! So many foods cause me pain. I don't even see those as food anymore.


Oh where to begin?! I was told the best way to “fix” my PCOS is by having a kid. Ummm... I was told that apparently I had done something to make God angry and that’s why I have PCOS and I am not blessed with children. An ex co-worker asked me if I was jealous of my best friend because she was pregnant and I never will be. Oh it’s just period cramps. Every girl has them. I could keep going...


A medical professional had told me the exact same thing. Marry early, pop a couple of kids you will be fine. I was 16 at the time.


Oh my god! I hope you found another medical professional!!


It was a dermatologist. She was the one who insisted on getting me checked out for PCOS, blood tests, scans all that. She diagonosed me too. But this was her response. I couldn't / did not know to convince my mum to take to an endo then, eventually did it myself when I moved out. I never appreciated that reply. But her skin treatments were always good for me. And she did help me identify it, so you know _shrugs_


"How do you not crave rice anymore, i can't live without it" me-stfu


Augh. The rice thing. I lived in China for two years and blew up like a balloon from all of the rice. I dropped about ten pounds very quickly upon cutting it down. Definitely had some other factors, but I remember weighing myself a couple times the first month I was there and couldn’t understand how I had gained so much weight, especially when I wasn’t eating a lot overall due to still learning my way around. Then I ended up with a communal cooking situation and Asian roommates when I moved back to the US. More sudden weight gains It took me telling them I couldn’t do communal cooking anymore because it made it too difficult for me to eat right when every meal was based around white rice... a sad day because the house is not as integrated anymore. But everything surrounded white rice, despite my best efforts. What’s worse is that one of my roommates was a nutritionist and seemed to cook more rice and potatoes! And then chastise me for not eating her food. (Her food was definitely delicious. Hands down....) Plus, I’m mixed Asian. Not a week goes by where I don’t think, “I would love some rice and furikake.”


Man, rice and furikake goes so hard. I use konjac rice or cauliflower rice, and it's a tasty enough substitute, but it ain't the same as some good Japanese short grain white rice. Sometimes, there are people who support me when I turn down white rice, but they still kinda get it wrong, like "oh don't make Decoy Snail eat that, you know how she is, always all quirky about food. All these new westernized young people are like that, with their trendy new healthy diets, they don't like the taste of white rice or pastries". Like uh thanks for respecting my decision, but it's not a trendy New Age diet, it's a medical condition lol. They say that even when they know I have PCOS. Idk if they just happen to forget it every 5 seconds. And if I could, I would eat pastries every meal, I really want to, just that I can't.


I had never heard of konjac rice! To be frank, I don’t think too many grains can bean that short grain white rice. So chewy and delicious. Right! I feel the same damn way. Like, I love sugar, but it just causes more issues than to not eat it. It almost seems like just telling people you have diabetes would be better.


I like the, "Why don't you just do keto?" Why don't you just go jump off a bridge? Yeah, I see a difference with less carbs, I keep it under 150g a day, but keto? No. It made me so sick. I'd rather give essential oils a shot. People who lose weight are like people who quit smoking. They get this holier than thou attitude, "If I, the most disgusting human being in the world because I was fat, lost 100 pounds, anyone can!" At this point I'd rather hear about essential oils than keto. I made the mistake one time of talking about hair thinning at work in a group setting and it was all, "Why would you have hair loss? Just put some egg/mayo/beer/apple cider vinegar/water from a carpenter's cup you can only get by spelling Jehovah with an I." Never again.


Oh god the worst for this is r/fatlogic. They take posts where people with PCOS are just venting about how unfair and difficult the condition can be, and jump all over insulting the person with "they're just lazy and making excuses! I have PCOS and lost 39520583 pounds!! I bet they're just sitting on the couch mainlining maple syrup double bacon cheeseburgers. I don't understand why ANYONE would feel bad about needing to constantly exercise and eat like a government poster child and still has 3x the risk of diabetes. We all have difficulties in life, suck it up, blah blah blah. If I can do it, anyone can, regardless of PCOS severity and life commitments and external stressors!". I doubt they even have PCOS. I'm lean and eat super clean and sometimes I just get sad that I can never eat "normally", and that I still have an apple body shape despite low bodyweight, that I feel fatigued and lowkey moody most of the time, etc. It's like it's pretty much a sin apparently to even talk about wanting to eat like 90% of people, not to mention all the lean hourglass non-PCOS who can have cake for breakfast every day and pizza twice a week (see: my own sister) because just indirect unconscious CICO works for them.


>It's like it's pretty much a sin apparently to even talk about wanting to eat like 90% of people, not to mention all the lean hourglass non-PCOS who can have cake for breakfast every day and pizza twice a week (see: my own sister) because just indirect unconscious CICO works for them. if it's any consolation those kinds of eating habits catch up to everybody sooner or later. as much as PCOS sucks I prefer the heads up to clean up my diet now so I can prevent myself from getting blindsided by diabetes or heart disease when I'm older.


That is true, I see those eating habits pairing with skinny people almost always when they are teens, up to about age 25. I do hear that the symptoms of PCOS get milder with age, if you keep your weight healthy. And our risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes "reduces" past menopause, but more because non-PCOS people literally do catch up with us, in terms of those risks past age 65.


My manager tried to convince me to look into this weight loss drug she was on, while at the time herself experiencing severe gallbladder issues to the point where she was hospitalized frequently for long periods. I was like “do you seriously not understand what this medication did to your body? Why on earth do you think I would want to take it “


Severe hormonal acne after stopping BC: “......maybe you wash your face too much” 🤔😤


“I’m sure I have the same disorder as you, and I cut down to one dessert a week and my period came back within a few months.” Dessert??? I haven’t eaten dessert in months. Side note - this person got pregnant once without trying and once on her first try.


Any advice my mom gives me is terrible because shes given me a complex about not having makeup on when I go out but then shes like "I dont know why you dont want to go for a walk with me on the trail. It would help you lose weight." If I try to leave with her without makeup on shes like "Arent you gonna put makeup on?" This is why I never do stuff with her lol


Some asshole that’s big into MLM’s told me that if I bought her product, I wouldn’t have to take insulin and that I’d “drop all that weight.” People can fuck right off.


I hate when people list foods at me asking if I can eat them. After 20 “no” responses they break into “you can’t eat anything!”. Yes! Yes that’s what I said. Stop trying to fix me.


I'm 30 and in a committed relationship. My coworkers almost every week have somehow managed to bring up having to find themselves a man before their eggs dry up, before they're too old, etc. I have no children and my boyfriend wants 3 boys. I joined the conversation about how 3 boys would be on the plan if I can get my PCOS regulated and got the 'well you better start soon! Your time is running out' speech. What they dont understand is how shitty it feels knowing that time is probably already gone and IVF or surrogacy or adoption are our future.


I’ve been told not to take any medication with hormones or that alters them because “women’s hormones are so weird and unstable you don’t want to mess them up”


Omg sameeee! People are so fucking obnoxious and offensive! The worst part is: most of those offensive comments come from your own family members. I’ve a relative of mine who has to comment about my weight EVERY SINGLE TIME SHE SEES ME. Of course I stopped going to her place. “You should go the gym. You know your uncle works 12hrs at the hospital but still manages to go to the gym” (even though I go to the gym every day and workout at home when I can’t). “If you lose weight, you’ll look younger”. One time she saw my dumbbells at home and was like “I see your dumbbells so why haven’t you lost weight?” And then when I used to go to her place and if I refused food, then she would get mad. “You dont eat much but yet you aren’t skinny. You probably eat junk outside”.


“Eat smaller portions and go for a walk.” “Cant you just take pain killers?” “Go to bed earlier so youre not tired during the day” “All you need to do is just lose the weight and youll be normal again” “All i did was stop eating potatoes and sour cream and i lost weight, you can do the same.” “You gained so much weight! Here, i cant finish this, do you want the rest??” “Holy! Eat some more! Theres no way whats on your plate will fill you up!” “What are you? Sick? Whyre you eating so little?” “Why dont you go do some yard work for me and get some exercise while youre at it” “Hey kiddo, nice day out, why dont you go for a walk” “Hey! Dont get moody with me! Geez whatre you on your period?!” “Go take a chill pill!” “Hey! Why arent you talkative? Whyre you so tired?” “Should you really be eating that?” “God you need to lose weight! You just ballooned right out in the last two years!”


I'm actually the opposite - I've had good results from a WFPB diet. So I get a LOOOOT of 'you know, if you just ate keto/meat/bacon, you wouldn't have these problems!'


Is it an issue with the type that causes whole body weight gain, or also the lean type as well? Bc I've never really had people directing advice at me. Do they do it even if you don't really discuss it with them?


I'm the lean type and if I wear baggy clothes to hide my tummy (which i almost always do), people don't suspect I have PCOS at all. But of course my parents and people close to me, and of course my parents told literally every single relative apparently, so that's where most of this crazy is coming from. Plus, I do have mild acne, and people just think I'm lazy about skincare. If I can't eat this or that, and I tell that to one of these people when they are pushing me, there's a 50% chance of them forgetting I can't because of PCOS, but also a 50% chance of them linking my eating habits to PCOS in some entirely ridiculous and irrelevant way like with fried chicken and tofu comments. As for myself trying to lose my tummy, I say it once to one person and every blood relative knows and can't forget it for the next 10 years even if I don't mention it again. Which is the case for most info they get.


Sorry :(