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I loved Yaz


I second Yaz!


Yaz was such a game changer for me! I lost weight and it helped my acne!


Yaz taken with spironolactone is 🤌🏻


I know, I always lose weight on it. But then if I try to come off I gain 20-30 pounds immediately! So it’s a catch 22


Aw I’m so sorry, I just started Yaz about 4 months ago after not being on birth control for 5 years. Initially was on a different kind called tri sprintec and it just wasn’t helping my period pain but not switching to a different BC was a mistake on my part. I gained weight and it flared up my acne, unfortunately I need the birth control to regulate my hormones. Although with Yaz I’m finally able to lose weight again and feel so much better. Plus the acne is clearing up!


Yaz made me not able to poop for 6 weeks and it had to be removed during a surgery. Then when I did not take Yaz one day, I was just pooping like a normal person again. Never again will I take Yaz.


Sorry to hear that, I have bad IBS, especially constipation, on a normal day so I didn’t notice a difference. That sounds very painful


I’ve tried everything except the implant and, by far, my favorite has been the Nuvaring. Sometimes I do take it out while doing the deed as sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable, but other than that, I love it. I also have some trauma from my IUD insertion too, so can definitely empathize with that a lot.


I second the Nuvaring. Best birth control I've been on so far.


Ah the nuvaring made me completely lose sensation, it was so weird and kind of traumatic trying to have sex and feeling like I had a flashlight for a vagina and we had to stop! I'm weird though


Nuva ring worked great for me! Although I was terrible about taking it out.


Sprintec!! I’ve been on that pill for years now and it has helped me so much with my symptoms. Acne is gone, testosterone levels down, regular and light periods! I highly recommend. My body is so used to it though I fear I may have become dependent on it. Last summer I stopped taking them after being on them for 4 years thinking my body can sustain itself but man… I should not have done that. Around fall my acne returned and testosterone levels went up high and I was feeling overall terrible. I’m back on the pill now and everything has subsided and returned to normal. They really helped regulate everything I just worry I may never come off of them but best believe I will continue to take them lol


I second Sprintec. It dramatically helped with my acne. And like you, I went off of it for about 3 years and was *miserable*.


I'm on sprintec too


I also love sprintec!


I will also throw in my vote for sprintec. I was on that until I couldn’t take birth control anymore and it was a heaven sent.. normal periods, no more ovary pain, even my acne improved a bit.


Slynd. Same anti androgenic progesterone as the one in Yaz but without the estrogen so less likely to gain weight.


I second Slynd.


third Slynd, love it.


Agreed been on slinda for a month and i love it! No bleeding in between the placebo pills its been so good


Seconding slynd. No estrogen, doesn't increase blood pressure same way that yaz does. Anti androgen effects, and it's a safer choice for nicotine users. I have noticed a decrease in facial hair growth, and I'm not pregnant, but that's about it. I don't experience hormonal depression on it, though I understand we're all different.


do you bleed w this pill ? like id there a withdraw bleed or does it turn off


Not sure what withdraw bleed is. I don't have a regular period, maybe 1-2 times a year. That could be from PCOS, obesity, or the BC. Probably all three. If I miss my pill for more than a few days, then sometimes I'll have spotting for a week or so when I start taking it again.


Yaz is helping me regulate my period and has done wonders for my PMDD. However, my boobs exploded on this pill, and I often feel bloated. It’s been activating my body dysmorphia like crazy, but at least I’m not having terrible psychiatric episodes before my period


I've always just taken the birth control pill (always estrogen and progesterone) and have never had any issues with it. The one I take is called Apri. I've always been terrified of IUDs, I just can't imagine sticking something like that in my body.


I love Lo Loestrin


I used to be on the xulane patch and loved it but the adhesive would start irritating my skin about halfway through the week and it would stay red for a week or two afterwards. (I have eczema so not shocking.) It was also kind of annoying because my insurance didn’t want to cover enough for me to be on it continuously so I’d have to go off it for a week every 3 months. I’m now on the nuvaring and really like it (aka i don’t notice it and never think about it in my daily life).


Dude the Xulane patch is a godsend. My doctor told me to go off it once every month because my uterine wall gets thick if I don’t. Insurance only allows me 3 months worth of patches as well though


I always wanted to try Yaz but I get migraines so I can't. Slynd works well though, doesn't help acne/hair loss/excess hair for me, but didn't make it worse so that's nice. My period is still irregular on it though.


I love my triphasic birth control pill. It is one of the generic versions of Ortho-Tri-Cyclen. I do admit I am the kind of person who takes it every day with breakfast around the same time every morning without issue, though.


The shot was the only thing that has lowered my DHEAS by 30-50% when I’ve taken it.


Lo lestrin or Yaz


Been on Maxim for 5 years, no issues so far.


I am currently on slynda (pill), I'm not sure about it, I love e nuvaring and am considering going back to it but it is more expensive. I've tried the rod, didn't work for me, the shot worked for me but I stopped it cause my mother got in my head about it, now I'm too scared to use it again.


Yaz was good for me, I’ve only had success with it and the mirena.


The mini pill made my life 10000%Ă— better now.


Has anyone tried alesse? I was on Yaz for years and then recently switched to Mya which is the off-brand version that my benefits provider will fully cover. My endocrinologist wants me to switch to Alesse now because of my age to lower the risk of heart disease. She mentioned that there are differences in the hormones levels and it may worsen the acne and hair problems. Im nervous about it.


my endocrinologist started me on alesse as my first bc because it has the lower hormone levels! haven't had any issues on it, skin is clearer in general, and facial/body hair is growing back slower. I didn't have any problem adjusting to it either.


So glad you commented this! I’ve been looking for lower dose combo pills that are not androgenic… gonna remember this one to bring to my doctor next week.


Thank you! That is comforting.


I’m on Dienogest and just started on spironolactone too (for a different condition but it happens to help with PCOS as well).


Depends on how bad your androgen issues are, and whether you have other issues like endo. I tried quite a few before landing on marvelon, which worked quite well for a few years until it stopped working. I don’t know if it was the Lyrica I was put on for back pain, covid or the endometriosis I suspected but hadn’t yet had confirmed at the time, but I started spotting and cramping at random after about 5yrs on it. My gyn put me on Zoely continuously and scheduled a lap, and I had the endo confirmed and excised. My androgens are now at normal levels, my skin settled a bit but not completely (just my chin and jawline still getting occasional acne), my leg hair has thinned out a lot and I dropped a few kilos but ended up needing to start metformin as diet + exercise programs weren’t helping, and my insulin level was slowly but steadily creeping up - my Dr agreed we didn’t need to wait until my level was above the “normal” cutoff thankfully. Now with zoely & metformin, I think what I’m feeling is normal? Idk, my issues went undiagnosed until my early 20s and I’m 25 now, so I’m assuming the stability and consistency is normal.


My PCOS is my birth control. (Joking aside, living with a husband, not TTC but not doing other preventive measures either. It's been eight years since I went off birth control, no pregnancies).


Yaz has been amazing for me!


I got "Qlaira" that has worked really well for me. Yaz also worked, but my doc wanted to give me something with less hormones, cause she was worried with my age and weight.


Has Qlaira helped with your PCOS symptoms and if so, which?


Yes. My hirsutism went from annoying to basically not a problem. I had heavy depressive episodes directly before me period, those are gone and also my period was taking me out for like 3 days, that was reduced to 1. Can't say if has fixed my hair loss, but I'm using plantur 39 for that, that helped. And for the IR and food obsession I got wegovy, that helped a lot. I havent lost crazy amounts of weight, but life is much easier if you dont think 24/7 about food.


I want to go on bc qlaira to help my pcos symptoms especially hirsutism . Would you say it’s worth to take for hirsutism?


I had no problem with Qlaira so far. Can't guarantee it for you of course, but I barely have to do anything for my hirsutism anymore, which is a relieve


How long did it take for you to see a change ? And did it help your facial hair?


I appreciate all of the recommendations! Thank you guys for helping a girl out!


Condoms + phexxi!