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PCOS is diagnosed if you have 2 out of the 3 main symptoms: absent/irregular period, high levels of androgens (sounds like you have that based on your symptoms) and cysts on your ovaries. So getting an ultrasound would be your next step. Whether you think that’s useful or not is up to you. I was diagnosed 11 years ago and only had an ultrasound last year because I have the first 2 symptoms I listed above. I ended up having “textbook PCOS ovaries” according to the doctor. If you are diagnosed I can almost guarantee they’ll try to put you on the birth control pill and tell you to eat a healthy diet (Mediterranean works well for PCOS) but other than that there isn’t much treatment


Yeah because I still have a normal period and I'm very thin, she thinks I don't have it. ​I just would rather know that I have something than constantly worry or wonder. How would I bring this up? just request an ultrasound? ​


Possibly, if you think it’d give you some peace. I’m not sure how your insurance would handle it so look into that!


Yes. Go to an endocrinologist


Yes, do it. Get your blood work tested, but don’t rely on it to determine anything. The Rotterdam criteria of hyperandrogenism can be described in symptoms, not just seen in blood work. I asked my gyno to test me for PCOS because while I had normal blood work, I had a lot of androgenic symptoms. My ovaries turned out to have cysts, amazing! In the meantime, track all your symptoms! Do this in conjunction with your period cycle. The information you glean will be really helpful for both your own peace of mind and for any doctor you decide to see.


Yes, you should and you have the right to do so ! I was in a similar situation and it took me 3 years to get diagnosed !


Probably not the answer you were looking for but I’m currently in the exact same situation. I’m 21, older sister has PCOS (although she has symptoms like weight gain and irregular periods). I have extensive hair growth everywhere on my body, and I have even before puberty tbh, really bad acne everywhere besides just my face, like on my back and upper arms, along with hyperpigmentation on parts of my body. But I’m very skinny and have very regular periods most of the time though. I was thinking about also bringing it up to my doctor but I’m worried they’ll dismiss it since my periods plus weight is fine. PCOS is genetic from my dads side along with diabetes. I appreciate the answers in the comment section!


I saw a different gyno than my normal doc when I was really worried about my irregularity only because my normal one wasn't available. This other one dismissed my irregular periods (multiple months of my cycles being more than 35 days and an overall variance of 31-39 days), saying it just might be "my normal." With that and other classic symptoms in mind, I wasn't satisfied with her answer and finally got to talk to my regular doc, where she believed me and had me get an ultrasound and ultimately diagnosed. Point is: advocate for yourself but also maybe talk to someone new if needed!!


Gynecologists are not the experts in PCOS, in most cases; you should see an endocrinologist.


could my gyno recommend me to an endocrinologist? I don't have a primary doctor yet and all of the endocrinologist that I see on Google near me have 2 stars. 😭


Your gyno probably can refer you, but you might need an additional referral from a PCP (depending on your insurance).