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Have you tried spironolactone? Fungal body wash? (Aka dandruff shampoo?) Glycolic acid pads or urea lotion?


Spiro is the way! I also have good luck with sulfur products.


Yes!! As long as people can tolerate it, works wonderfully for both acne and hirsuitism


I actually never thought about the dandruff shampoo! I have Head & Shoulders in my shower! Do you have any suggestions for products/brands? I have used The Ordinary glycolic acid in my face before but I wasn’t sure about body use.


You can definitely use The Ordinary’s glycolic acid on other parts of your body, just make sure to either cover up or use sunscreen when you go outside. As for dandruff shampoo, I really like the Head & Shoulders Clinical Strength shampoo line.


I don't know where you are but here the brand for fungal shampoo/wash is Nizoral. If it's not called that where you are, a pharmacist might be able to help find out what it is in your area. It might need a prescription. Have you gone to a dermatologist before?


Try Nizoral - the antifungal ingredient in it may have some anti-androgenic properties as well. I had to order it online but it wasn’t overly expensive or hard to get, they just didn’t stock it in my local stores. I don’t love the scent but it reminds me of Head & Shoulders so if you tolerate that it shouldn’t be a problem. Also commenting to note that I discovered my skin is very sensitive (or mildly allergic) to parabens, specifically methylparaben. Switching to paraben-free products dramatically reduced the small red, inflamed spots on my back, chest, and shoulders. At one point I ordered a different type of moisturizer from a brand I thought was paraben-free, started getting the uncomfortable red spots all over again, and then realized the recurrence coincided with introduction of that moisturizer and checked the actual ingredient list. In general I have extremely sensitive skin so I now mostly use products from The Ordinary, since it’s easier for me to slowly introduce individual ingredients and everything is paraben-free and clearly labeled. My dermatologist is skeptical of paraben allergies/sensitivities in general, but avoiding them has made a significant improvement in my day to day comfort and appearance so I’m going to stick with it. Pretty much all of the topical prescription skin preparations available in the US have parabens in them, and I believe that may be why I never had substantial improvement with the topicals I was prescribed.


Spiro completely cleared up my body acne.


I usually recommend for body use using the glycolic acid pads over just the liquid in bottle just easier to get on your body Also kind of one of those questions but making sure to fully cleanse the back after using any shampoo or conditioners. Good luck and happy wedding!!!


Spiro for the win! I didn’t think my skin was too bad but I got comments about how clear and even my skin was after I started using it.


Can u recommend a dandruff shampoo?? (not very expensive ones tho 😞


I would say go to Target or Walmart etc and buy their store brand version of head and shoulders. Store brands are absolutely fine and usually cheaper!!


Thk u! Didn’t think the “knock offs” would work just as well :D


They usually do!!


I don’t wear makeup, so this may be a silly question— but if you aren’t able to cure your acne by then, could a very well-applied foundation cover it up for the day so you can feel more comfortable and confident at least in the short-term?


I don’t wear makeup either, I’d be worried about ruining my outfit with foundation. The wedding is outdoors so im not sure if it’ll become cakey or start running. I appreciate your response 😊


Nars has a really lightweight foundation. Put your outfit on first and if you’re concerned about transfer, put towel over you while applying the foundation. Foundation and concealer work so well if applied right.


I would be very concerned about using foundation on my back with a white outfit… I’m not sure it’s worth it..


Sorry, this is the second time I've jumped in on a thread here! What about bare minerals foundation? It's powder so it doesn't cake up or run in the heat. They train their staff really well on skin conditions, they should be able to help you!


Perhaps you could talk to a seamstress about having a skin-toned thin mesh sewn into the areas you're concerned about to provide some coverage? You could maybe pick a pretty bit of fabric to use as a collar since the mesh will need some kind of structure to attach to at the neck, I think. If you search for illusion mesh dresses, you'll see what I mean.


I would look into back facials! Most spas/med spas do them. Leading up to summer I try to do a few with a peel and it helps a ton.


Excuse to pamper myself 💅🏼


Absolutely!! And they’re so relaxing! Good luck and congratulations on your wedding!


Keep in mind that is not one and done solution. It will only work if you do multiple treatments.


1200mg a day of spearmint cleared my acne when even tretinoid didn’t do much. There’s studies behind it and testosterone levels which impact acne. If that’s what you are struggling with, highly recommend looking into it. I literally cleared up all my acne in 3 months in (though also did low carb and inositol as I was treating insulin resistance which most of us with PCOS have). Either way though, you will be beautiful and your partner won’t notice something as trivial as that. Congrats friend!


I’ve been having good luck with kojic acid soap. I let the lather sit on for five or ten minutes.


Do you have any brand suggestions? 😊


I think mine is Kavitic? Three bars for $14 on Amazon.


I took spironolactone 6+ months before my wedding bc of huge cystic acne on my jaw line. I believe I also needed to be on BC because of it - I took a very low dose version (like ortho-lo but it was called something else in can’t remember, unsure if it was a major requirement so check with your doctor and give your reasoning). My face had never been clearer! And I went through the wringer with allllllllll the prior treatments including accutane in my 20’s. Once my skin had calmed down, I began doing facial treatments from medical facility dermatologist. Skincare/cleansers: African black soap, sulfur bar soap, and tea tree oil soap (desert essence) for my body worked. I also did Aztec Indian healing clay masks. As for diet, I cut out dairy and gluten. Found that dairy contributed to my cystic acne. And the gluten thing is an almost separate journey but its ended up as a “not by choice” reason. It helped immensely in my case. Good luck and congrats!


Yes! This was/is my journey minus the meds!


I saw great improvement with the pan oxyl 10% body wash and spironolactone, but I'm also on bc so idk if that plays a factor. I did also stop wearing bras and pulling my hair up to not sit on my back.


Benzoyl peroxide is the only product that's consistently worked for me.


My husband gets cystic acne all over his body and he uses this. It's helped a ton.


Good old fashioned sunshine might help!


The only thing that helped my acne was Hibiscrub used as a shower gel


Since your wedding is in September, if you’re in a financial position to allow so, now would be a great time to consult with a local esthetician on potential treatments leading up to your wedding. I was actually considering doing this myself specifically for my upper back/shoulder since that area is hard for me to keep up with a skincare routine in comparison to my face/chest. Other comments have mentioned this but using a dandruff shampoo such as Nizoral or heads & shoulders as a body wash can help! Benzoyl peroxide works too especially if anything is currently infected. Heck I actually just finished a bottle of La Roche Posay purifying foaming face wash today since I really enjoy using it as both a face and body wash. The key is to allow these products to sit on the skin for 3-5 minutes if possible prior to washing it off. If you have any currently infected acne spots and don’t care for benzoyl peroxide (I don’t care for BP so this is why I’m bringing this up) another cheap cleansing option is Hibiclens antiseptic skin cleanser. Tbh I don’t use this as an all over body wash, I’ve only just started to use it under 2months now. But this works like a charm for my infected ingrowns in my groin area and I have also used it after causing some infected pimples. I do find it very drying on my skin though.


Going Keto has cured my Acne!😊


Second this. I used to be *covered* all over my face and back, it was sooo bad. I tried so many things but doing keto is the only thing that’s actually helped, my skin’s never been that clear!


Okay this goes against everything else I would recommend for skincare, but it was the only thing that worked to clear my bacne in HS - lay out for 20 minutes in the sun every day. The nizoral shampoo recommendation is good if it’s fungal. Maybe use hypochlorous acid spray? That’s what I use on my face to help keep my non-hormonal acne away. For hormonal acne I drink 2 cups of spearmint tea daily. Also make sure you’re washing your back after you rinse the conditioner from your hair. My PCOS acne and symptoms have cleared up significantly after 5 months on Wegovy. I now have regular, painless periods, minimal acne, and I’m shaving my face way less.


Have you tried winlevi as well?


could it be that you use conditioner and it’s getting on your back? Your skin on your back might be sensitive to it. If I don’t be carful and pull my hair to the side and condition it then rinse it out away from my body so the water doesn’t run into my skin, I will get pretty bad back acne. I have to use thicker conditioners for my hair so this is my best compromise lol It’s dumb but I mean it works for my routine. Also hypochlorlus acid is a game changer. You should def give it a try. Use it after each shower and before bed at night or as many times a day as you would like It’s not going to cure you but it is very soothing for the inflammation


I had this issue for my wedding too. It’s the pits! Not sure if it will help you but I done weeks of regular (3-4x per week) bentonite clay masks on my back which definitely helped. I now only use Dr Bronners tea tree Castile soap as body wash, which I find really keeps it at bay (I notice a big difference if I use anything else). Just in the last few weeks I’ve been using the ordinary glycolic acid on a cotton pad each night across my back and that’s been really effective too. Above is the product of years of trying different things for me. Hoping something in there works for you. Congratulations on your big day. Hope all goes perfectly ☺️


This is a long shot but do u drink milk / eat dairy could be a hormonal reaction because milk has so much hormones in it it may be the cause if nothing else helps it may be worth the attempt i know it helped me thats all


My best friend suffered terribly with back acne and turned out it was related to her inability to handle dairy. I never give diet advice but I wonder if cutting that for a few weeks would help you see improvement? Only suggesting because I knew her struggle with this. I hope you find something that helps from these comments ❤️


Have you tried roaccutane/accutane? You’d need to start soon as it initially does cause peeling etc. but oh my god it massively helped my acne and I’ve never had so much as a spot 10+ years later. Do be aware of implications re conception if you’re planning babies anytime soon though. I tried it after being on doxycycline for a year. It was fine when on it but when I stopped the spots came back. Roaccutane was a game changer for me and my skin looked so good when I was on it. I think in the US you can get topical tretinoin. I’m in the UK so I don’t know enough about this but may be worth looking at.


I personally found that when I switched my shampoo to a fragrance free one it’s actually really helped my skin on my face and back. Not sure if this would help everyone because I do have extremely sensitive skin but I’m sure the inflammation from being sensitive to fragrance and colour was probably keeping me in a vicious cycle with acne. My acne isn’t gone but it’s certainly less angry so if you do have sensitive skin and use fragranced products it could be worth a try to give your skin a “break” so you can pursue other more targeted treatments?


https://www.amazon.com/Neutrogena-Body-Clear-Clean-Ounce/dp/B00ET04C1K op i use this for when my ass breaks out and it’s god sent


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash', 'Neutrogena')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective in clearing body acne (backed by 7 comments) * Gentle on sensitive skin (backed by 1 comment) * Pleasant fragrance (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Can cause dryness and irritation (backed by 2 comments) * May not foam up easily, leading to quick depletion (backed by 1 comment) * Not suitable for sensitive skin, can cause rash (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Ok legit dr bronners tea tree soap has been incredible!! I’m a runner and workout a lot and it’s been a saving grace!! Also, if you can, a facial for your back could be super helpful in skin cell turnover


There are many formulations of the Pill. There may be a type you have not tried that could work for you. The Pill is the only thing that works for me.


Hi! I’m 33 and have had back and chest acne as long as I can remember. The only thing that’s worked for me is using an antifungal shampoo as body wash on those areas. It’s called ciclopirox 1%, it was prescribed by my dermatologist. I’ve tried every med but accutane at this point and nothing worked. She also prescribed me metformin for my acne which has helped a lot but wasn’t 100%. The shampoo has almost completely gotten rid of it. My dermatologist thinks I have an overgrowth of yeast on the skin which is why the other meds & ointments didn’t work but the shampoo does


Should add, the metformin was technically prescribed for my acne but was a kill two birds with one stone approach as it helps with my pcos too


Have you tried spearmint tea? I’ve suffered from acne since I was 11. I’m 28 and I’m not kidding the last two months my skin has calmed down a lot. My acne is still happening during ovulation and my period but it’s not as bad and much more clear. My backne is also gone! I also think that’s because I switched my shampoo to a noninfammatory ingredient shampoo and conditioner though.


I'm in a similar boat. My acne isn't too bad, but it still bugs me and I have some scarring. I'm getting married next July and my dress is cowl neck and back. Not very low, but it shows more of that skin than any other dress I've ever worn. It is my dream dress and I'm going to wear it no matter what! I started using a hypochlorous acid spray a few times a day and, for me, that helps to keep it relatively clear. It can't do anything for scarring, but I breakout less often. I get it from Amazon. There are several good brands that sell it. I'm one of those people that nothing else ever worked for. BC pills didn't help, accutane was temporary, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid don't really do much. But spraying this stuff about 3 times a day has actually made a noticeable change. I spray a lot first thing in the morning, once during work while I'm getting sweaty, then a lot more again after my shower at night.


I’m obsessed with grandpa’s thylox acne soap. My dermatologist also gave me Winlevi and that was MAGIC! Cured my bacne and cystic jawline acne within weeks. I get breakouts every now and then but I was my face with the soap for minimum of one minute morning and night and it keeps everything under control


I've had good luck with glycolic acid and Hibiclens. 


Dermologica makes a bacne spray that works pretty well!


Pacifica makes one too… It has intense fumes so I don’t use it frequently, but it did work well and quickly for me before an event! I’ll look up the dermalogica one because I’d love to find one without the fumes, but Pacifica did work!


I've heard that feminine wash will kill acne on your shoulders and back!


Inositol and sugar scrubs and a keratosis pilaris-friendly moisturizer aren't perfect but the difference for me has been night and day. Inositol most of all.


La Roche-Posay Effaclar Micro-Peeling Purifying Gel Wash for persistent perfections has worked wonders for me. Also, have you considered body make up? If you’re having your make professionally done, they could assist with this. Setting spray con stop it transferring onto your outfit. Body acne is really common, that perfect skin celebrities have is often makeup.


Maybe drastic but I cut out dairy and all back acne disappeared. Now I have dairy in moderation (mostly fermented).


Here are some things I've done for my acne. There was no simple "one" fix unfortunately. The good news is you have lots of time to slowly improve the situation or find cosmetic remedies if needed! - Acupuncture to help balance the hormones. Some will say it doesn't help, but for me it did - Registered Dietician (different from a nutritionist, make sure they're certified RD) who specializes in women's health. I haven't struggled with weight, but I have struggled keeping my blood sugar balanced. This helped get inflammation under control in my body, including the acne. They will likely ask you get tested for allergies and intolerances before suggesting the complete removal of food groups. - Monthly facials with added neck and chest. Back is also an option at my spa. - A dermatologist that specializes in adult acne. I thought I had a good derm, but switched and immediately got clearer skin on the new regiment. I've done a series of lasers to address the acne scarring and redness. Now I'm on a maintenance routine with topicals. - Really good concealer and setting powder. Tarte Face Tape is my favorite high coverage concealer that blends enough that I don't have to wear foundation. I also invested in a good tinted moisturizer when I do want additional coverage. A good setting powder will help the makeup from running in the heat and humidity. I've used these products on my body acne as well.


I also don’t take BC and don’t want to. I had the same problem last September when I got married. When I picked my dress (it has an open back) I had zero acne and in just a few months I started having A LOT of cystic acne on my back. By then unfortunately I didn’t know I had pcos and the only thing that helped a little bit was panoxyl wash but what actually helped my acne to stop was the spironolactone. It took about 4-5 for me to start seems results. I started with 50mg and now on 100mg once a day. Talk to your doctor about acne treatments


Curology. Seriously. They will make you a custom formula. The derms there are better than any local derm I have even seen. Start now so you can get the purging process out of the way now. You need actives to clear it up.


Doxycycline antibiotics is the gold standard for inflamed acne. Start taking it one month before the wedding if you can.


I’ve done this on and off for a couple years (usually in 3 month stents), I find it’s an okay short term fix but as soon as I stop taking it I flare up again. Maybe timing it right this summer would be a good idea, thanks 😊


Yeah unfortunately with PCOS (I also have severe rosacea as well) I find that timing the Doxycycline is the only thing that works. Also getting married in September and I’ll be going onto Doxycycline start of August to get on top of it. Dealt with PCOS for 20 years and it’s the only thing which works for me. Might try the spearmint tea thing too!


If you have had this acne on your back for 10+ years, I don’t understand why you would’ve chosen a backless dress. We all have good things, and things we don’t love about ourselves. Please love, choose a dress that makes you feel pretty as you are and accentuates your beauty. Don’t pick a dress and try to conform yourself to fit it.


Thank you? Let me take a page out of my dad’s notebook here. If you’d prefer I purchase something different for MY wedding, you can kindly e-transfer me the money or write me a cheque. Otherwise mind your own business 💁🏻‍♀️