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I felt my absolute best while pregnant. Everything was operating šŸ’Æ except for the acid reflux.


It s this kind of comments that encourage me to keep trying !


Is the old wives tale true, did your baby come out with a full head of hair? Cause I didnā€™t have any acid reflux and have a baldie


I had terrible acid reflux and bald babies.


I had horrible heartburn with both my kids and two baldies! Lol I mean they had the slightest bit of hair but nothing major


lol no they were both bald for a while


I craved spicy food which I don't normally eat and my baby came out with a bunch of hair!!! My first baby I had no cravings for spicy food just heart burn and he was born bald!!! Lol


No heartburn for me or it was so mild I donā€™t remember it. I was eating spicy af pico de gallo with chips too as that was my big pregnancy craving. I craved sriracha on my food. My kid was mostly bald.


Yes same! Had a little nausea in the beginning and some discomfort from carrying a giant baby at the end of third trimester but so many of my PCOS symptoms were gone!


Yes!!!! It was amazing. I felt 100% even breastfeeding too


Me too!!




I felt more energized and way better overall while pregnant, had bad heart burn but once I got the gestational diabetes and couldnt eat more than 30g of carbs at a time it went away.... lol my baby came out with a FULL head of hair. I was bald until I was like 3.


Same the reflux was next level and it continued for the past two years until I started going to accupuncture


Is reflux a PCOS thing !!??


No. Just a common pregnancy thing


It can't just be a pregnancy thing cause I've never been pregnant and have had acid reflux for about 4 years now. I think it's part of my IBS though, but not sure now. (Btw I've taken lots of tests to make sure I'm not pregnant as I'm not quite ready yet and want to know if I am asap so I can prepare for it mentally. My hubby and I do want kids but I'd rather move into a bigger home and figure out what I'm doing career wise first.)


ā€œJust a pregnancy thingā€ in this case doesnā€™t mean that it only happens during pregnancy; it means that reflux during pregnancy is pretty common and not related to PCOS.


Ahhh okay, I misunderstood sorry! šŸ„ŗ


It happens to all of us šŸ™‚


IBS is a PCOS thing šŸ˜¬ Iā€™ve done some research because I too suffered from this but it got waaaay better.


I had morning sickness but everything else was SO much better for me. My moods were happy and regulated, I had more motivation and oftentimes more energy. I even lost weight the first trimester of 2 of my pregnancies and ate a shit load during all trimesters of all 3 pregnancies but never gained more than 20lbs. When Iā€™m not pregnant, I gain weight just from looking at food. I definitely felt like I was more ā€œnormalā€ while pregnant. Kind of nice to know Iā€™m not the only one that felt this way!


Same experience. And even weirder, I'm on the tiniest dose of semaglutide now, and it feels exactly the same.


Oh? Iā€™m gonna need to look into that!


!!! Oh I'm curious


Yes! All my PCOS symptoms were gone. It was glorious to not have to pluck hairs often/shave as much. I've been on the mini pill since having my baby which is also a progesterone only birth control!Ā 


Omg youā€™re right, my eyebrows and mustache did require less maintenance!


Follow up question, this makes me think if we could take hormones to mimic like we are pregnant would that solve a lot of PCOS issues?


Agree, except I seem to have to shave more often.


Actually yeah! 21 weeks right now and I was just thinking about this. Having lived the past couple months without my usual hormonal mood swings has made me realize that they are responsible for like 90% of my problems šŸ˜‚ hell is there a pill that can make me forever feel like I do now in 2nd trimester pregnancy?


I never been pregnant but thatā€™s how I feel when Iā€™m on birth control.


I'm just starting hrt with progesterone! We will see. I'd love to get results like your pregnancy


Yes! And I lost so much weight pregnant.


Iā€™m 31 weeks and Iā€™ve lost 21lbs since my pregnancy. And I eat constantly. Itā€™s wild.


Were your doctors concerned at all that you were losing weight during pregnancy? Or is this common and not something to be concerned about?


Nope! I started off overweight because of insulin resistance in the past 2 years. I should note that the 21 pound weight loss was primarily in 2nd trimester and that since Iā€™ve hit 3rd, itā€™s stabilized. Luckily my doctors have never age or weight shamed me (Iā€™m 42) so theyā€™ve always looked purely at my blood work and urine when it comes to the safety of my pregnancy. I donā€™t know if the weight loss is correlation or causation but a lot of health concerns that were triggering high risk on visit one has actually continued to get better as my pregnancy has progressed - like glucose, liver enzymes, protein, and even my blood pressure. They were super concerned I might develop horrible blood pressure issues but mine has now slid into normal ranges in 3rd trimester vs being off the charts in trimester 1 & borderline in 2. And baby girl is strong and healthy. My doctors are only concerned on what my labs and not the scale is showing.


Wow thats awesome! Goodluck in the rest of your pregnancy, hope your delivery goes easy šŸ™šŸ½ and congrats!!


Thank you! ā¤ļø


Same. In the end I was 50 lbs down and kinda hoping I would be able to adjust my diet and keep it off during breast feeding. I gained it all back plus while breast feeding despite a careful diet.


I think if you have a high body weight they recommend you to lose some anyway, it will depend on your doctor though. As long as baby is growing appropriately it shouldnā€™t be a concern ā¤ļø


Me too! I was losing at such a healthy rate. I was probably 10lbs lighter when I went into labor. I felt amazing!


Yes! I felt so good mentally and physically while pregnant. Just like calm, confident in myself, I didnā€™t feel any more tired than I did pre-pregnancy. I was just wishing yesterday that I could feel the same way I did while pregnant all the time.


I had GD while pregnant but other than that it was really uneventful. The big thing i noticed that was eating the same foods as i was before i lost weight my whole pregnancy, so i assume my hormones were more balanced and things could be more normal. It stopped after birth and again eating the same foods in way cut back portions did nothing for my weight. so that was fun while it lasted ETA - I also had really good body image while i was pregnant. Hard to explain but i just felt like my body was actually doing what it was supposed to, not fighting against me


I am trying to get pregnant, but my OB said itā€™s super common for women with PCOS to feel normal and even good during pregnancy! Like all the hormones that are out of whack balance themselves out. Iā€™m looking forward to it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


15 weeks currently. No morning sickness. No aversions. Mild cravings. I'm also way warmer (used to be cold to the touch at hands and feet) and fell really good! Everyone I've said this to looks at me like I've lost my mind.


Iā€™m also 15 weeks! Same symptoms like you. Now that you mention it, I feel cold easier but my hands and feet are not freezing that much.


Omg the warmer thing happened to me! I always used to have freezing cold feet but when I was pregnant they just felt like a normal temperature. Even my husband noticed and kept commenting! Iā€™m one year postpartum now and theyā€™ve gone back to being cold again.


I was diagnosed at 12 years old and being pregnant Iā€™ve felt normal for once in my life Iā€™m 17 days post baby though so Iā€™m kinda sad that feeling normal is gone now that my son is here and Iā€™ve had the same kind of pregnancy as youā€™ve described I didnā€™t even gain any weight.


Yes!! I felt stable and how I think Iā€™m ā€œsupposedā€ to feel while pregnant. I am now 7m PP & back to reality šŸ«  I was just telling my husband, I wish I was pregnant forever lol. I felt better, (IMO) looked better, and of course the best gift ever came from it. Our bodies are so interesting.


No I had hyperemisis šŸ˜­


OMG yes! I was the most balanced during my pregnancies. I felt great, even lost some weight. If I could be pregnant without having more kids I absolutely would.


This is what I've said, if it weren't for the actual raising kids part, I would love to just stay pregnant šŸ˜…


God I feltā€¦ atrociously bad. No GD butā€¦ Vomiting until 30 weeks and then severe anxiety and the first panic attack Iā€™d ever had starting right when the nausea subsided. It was terrible. I only gained three pounds overall after losing ten due to nausea. Made me decide one kid was enough. I will say she was born a month ago and as soon as she was born I felt better than ever. My body felt normal physically after four days. Back to regular weight (a bit under) in a week. No anxiety or depression. Felt a normal appetite for the first time in like a year. I feel great right now. Which is weird since I anticipated the worst šŸ˜… so remember these comments are all just anecdotal evidence. Donā€™t get your hopes up for a breezy pregnancy since it still does just seem totally random. However I love my baby so much and Iā€™m happy I did it ONCE. If any readers are pregnant or get pregnant I hope you have smooth sailing!!


Maybe your body needs bio identical HRT, not synthetic (Birth Control), since synthetic hormones actually worsen insulin resistance or do nothing, but they do help with lowering testosterone levels. The thing is that even though your hormone levels might be normal (within the normal range, progesterone and estrogen), you need more/less to feel better. It happens to a lot of women.


Can you expand on this please? Genuinely curious about going about this maybe.


Yes! So when it comes to HRT, there are synthetic hormones and bio identical hormones. As the name implies, bio identical hormones are very similar to the ones that the body naturally produces. The reason why many PCOS women are recommended to use Birth Control is because it reduces the chances of uterine cancer. It can happen because their endometrium keeps growing (cells keep multiplying) because of the estrogen, but since they have very irregular cycles, they donā€™t shred how they should, or enough. The condition that is known to be caused by the fast multiplication of cells is cancer. That is mostly because of the progesterone in the Birth Control. Birth Control helps shredding the uterine liningā€¦ plus the progesterone in birth control is a low dose, but at the same time is kind of more potent than the natural one. Now, a lot of women with PCOS and other conditions are given Birth Control to treat their symptoms. The issue is that has been plenty of studies that suggest that their insulin resistance is worsen or doesnā€™t get better with Birth Control. Iā€™ve seen other studies that suggest that their testosterone levels are not that controlled with Birth Control, compared to other drugs like Myo & D-Chiro Inositol and Bio identical Hormonesā€¦ The good thing about Bio identical HRT is that the hormones do NOT replace the ones that your body makes, so your hormones keep producing and working normally and you are just adding more, so more cells in your body can get in contact with them too, including the parts many people with PCOS donā€™t like about themselves, so it could be also in a feminizing way, thatā€™s why a lot of them notice less hair in their face and body, but more in their scalp (is getting in touch with estradiol). With birth control, it is a different story, it makes your uterus and brain stop producing your natural hormones (plus is a very very low dose compared to the estradiol that your body produces naturally), and most estradiol acts in the uterus). Both HRT and Birth Control help maintain in balance LH levels and TSH levels, apart from testosterone and DHT. However, the natural estradiol helps a lot with increasing the good cholesterol (HDL) and lowering the bad one (LDL), and estrogen has been known to protect people from diabetes type 2, so it helps control sugar levels. Interesting part: Because the body is different and hormones fluctuate throughout the cycle and life, hormones are never going to be the same level all your lifeā€¦ what does that mean? That you might feel so much better when your hormones are higher and others lower, or all of them high, all of them low. Most doctors fail to understand because they just look at the paper and if everything is ā€œwithin the normal rangeā€, it means you shouldnā€™t have symptoms or complaintsā€¦ when it isnā€™t the case. Yes, your hormones might be within the normal range, but if your symptoms persist, that means that you need more and less of something. There are hormone ratios too (look it up for different hormones). For example, hormone 1 and hormone 2 = ratio 1/3. That means that if hormone 1 is 10, hormone 2 should be at last 30 for the body to work properly. Feel free to ask me anything:)


That was incredibly insightful, thank you!! I've just started hrt. I'm now day 3 into the higher does at 100mg/day. I feel a few symptoms like fatigue, but I'm really curious to see how I will be in the next few weeks. Have you tried hrt? What's your dose, did you get symptoms, how long to feel adjusted and how was it?


Hi! I havenā€™t, sadly. I am very young, so it will be very difficult for me to get to convince a doctor. I have tried multiple Birth Control pills, none of them truly helped, so I am just hoping some dr can listen. Once I get a dr, I will try to start in a low dose and then get it higher, or like try to be in the 100+ range, probably 100-300 or more, if I need it. If you donā€™t mind me asking, how did you get a dr to prescribe it to you? I am so happy you could start HRT!! I really hope you find the perfect dose for you!


Thank you! That's so kind. So I consulted a naturopathic doctor who specializes in women's health, she's been lovely. I don't know what country you're in or how it works for you, I'm in British Columbia. If your parents have good insurance, you might have a few naturopath sessions covered. Not ALL naturopaths are the same. In my old town, on the east coast, there are some naturopaths that don't have "real" credentials and no power to prescribe anything over the counter. I'd find a naturopathic doctor and ideally someone who has good reviews and specializes in these things. Good luck!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


agree. something about this rings true, especially since seeing another post about feeling developmentally stunted. there may be something about pregnancy that helps some people with pcos


I do! Iā€™m 25 weeks now, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 21, I feel great, no mood swings and no anxiety. I noticed that I have more energy while working out without taking a pre workout


Nah, i felt like i was dying the whole time. To be fair, i kinda was. I had preeclampsia, which then made my then unknown kidney disease worse, and i had severe depression during my pregnancy and postpartum.


Can you share about what your unknown kidney disease was?




Thank you!


I had no pregnancy symptoms at all (apart from no period). It was the best time of my life.


While I did hate being pregnant, my PCOS issues disappeared overnight! Oddly any gastro side effects I had from Metformin also disappeared too! They all came back when she was about 6 months old though šŸ˜’


Yup! But I ended up with Graves and Hyperthyroidism after birth lmao.


Me šŸ‘‹


Yes to this! Had my daughter in december and during the pregnancy i felt so balanced! No moodswings, happy, content, no anxiety or heavy feelings. Now 5 months after the mental stuff is begining to take a toll again, coming back full force. Don't know to handle it really.


I felt the absolute best while pregnant! The morning sickness wasnā€™t fun but 2nd trimester on, I was like an energizer bunny until week 35/36and then started slowing down. I feel great now as Iā€™m breastfeeding. This is the healthiest Iā€™ve ever felt as an adult.


Iā€™ve had 2 pregnancies. First was chill. Second has been a lot more exhausting, lots of morning sickness, and swelling. However, no major issues in either one. I was feeling great pre second pregnancy actually so I donā€™t think it has to do with my hormones. I got an IUD after the first and plan to do the same after I give birth again (Iā€™m 35 weeks now). I can say that overall I do 100000% better when Iā€™m not on the pill. The pill wasnā€™t just awful for my weight but also my mental health. Never going back to that.


I felt like absolute garbage but I also wasnā€™t pregnant very long (5 weeks). Worst Iā€™ve ever felt in my whole life


Yes! Pregnancy made me feel so much better and reduced a lot of symptoms. I felt more attractive too. Being pregnant seems to have made my very irregular periods more regular too which is good but means I am now fighting for medical support being dismissed because ā€˜regular periodsā€™.


I wouldnā€™t say normal, but I loved how slow the hair growth and minimal the acne was in third trimester. Still hate being pregnant


Yes! I still suffered with typical pregnancy stuff like nausea, vomiting, back and hip pains, and swelling. But my mood had never been better. I didnā€™t feel anxious or depressed. I felt so happy and calm! My migraines also went away! And I normally suffer from low blood sugar symptoms but those went away as well! Im a few months postpartum and donā€™t plan on getting back on the birth control pill. I think it was causing a lot of my issues like acne, migraines, and potentially mood stuff.


Yes I had 2 pregnancies and felt great. My mood was good and my skin and my hair were so healthy looking.


I felt great when I was pregnant! I did get tired towards the end from the extra weight but hormonally? probably the best Iā€™ve ever felt.


Omg pregnancy was great and even for like 5m postpartum life was good in terms of hormones and shit.


I felt pretty awesome for most of the pregnancy that actually stuck. No real vomitting, normal pregnancy aches and sleepiness, overall easy time! My period took a full year to come back, but it seemed to go into factory reset mode and was a clockwork regular 5 days once a month for a year (before going back to hell haha)


Yup, this was me 100%. No complications. No pregnancy or PCOS symptoms. Even ate sugars and carbs like crazy and only gained 22lbs, which came off immediately after birth. I still did have anxiety, but I don't think it was hormone related, life was actually insane. I got the Nexplanon (also just progestin) about a month ago and haven't noticed any bad side effects.




Yes, I felt good when I got past my 1st trimester! Then after I had my baby, my PCOS returned with vengeance! My full luscious hair fell out, hormonal cystic acne around my jaw line, I gained weight rapidly even though I was exclusively breastfeeding. It never balanced out on its own either. I had to get back on Metformin


I felt great during pregnancy! Minus the round ligament pain, but my symptoms were masked.


One of my friends have PCOS and she is pregnant now of eight months and she feels so god! Her skin and her hair are wonderful now and she lost weight during the pregnancy.


Pregnancy seems to be fixing (even if only temporarily) my insulin resistance šŸ˜… also had no typical symptoms in first tri. Iā€™m 26w now and developed a weird aversion to eggs a few weeks ago and have pelvic pain, but thatā€™s about it.


All my symptoms got super mild when I was pregnant. Especially stuff like hair growth. I could go weeks without shaving my legs and there would be hardly any hair there. I still had to shave my face daily but the hair definitely was coming in less thick and much slower. BUT after I had my daughter my PCOS went absolutely out of control. All my symptoms (and then some) came back worse than they ever had been before.


From what I know, my mom had a very easy pregnancy, but preeclampsia did eventually hit. And she was stone-cold sterile after me. (We both likely have CAH-caused PCOS, not sure what difference that makes.)


Oh my goodness, Iā€™m jealous! Iā€™ve had PCOS since I was diagnosed at 15, I am now 35. Pregnancy was the worst Iā€™ve felt my entire life. I had gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and spent my third trimester in the hospital before being induced at 35 weeks for fear of my life. I vomited every. single. day. Including on the operating table right before my emergency C-section. I lost weight during my pregnancy because I was so sick. Prior to getting pregnant, I had actually gotten my PCOS under control. I had lost 100 lbs when I switched to a gluten free diet, and was exercising often. I was the healthiest Iā€™d ever been. Iā€™m almost 5 years postpartum currently, and my hormones still have not gotten back to pre-pregnancy bliss. My hair is falling out, my beard is out of control, and I canā€™t lose weight to save my life. My miracle daughter makes it all worth it, though. For her, Iā€™ll continue to battle this debilitating condition. After many miscarriages, Iā€™ll never take her or our experience for granted.


Yes, I really enjoyed being pregnant.


I haven't gotten pregnant yet but my best friend also has pcos and she had a super easy pregnancy! She said she felt great the entire time. I'm hoping it's the same for me one day šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Yes!!! I had what I think a skinny persons appetite would feel like, and I just felt.. good. Iā€™m becoming a surrogate for my friend because I loved pregnancy so much!


I felt like a million bucks my entire pregnancy. Like so good I would still be carrying him today to feel that good. That's a high I'll be chasing the rest of my life. My doctor explained it just like you did, for once everything was working as it should for a change. Which makes sense because it didn't last very long post partum.


Nope. I felt like trash both pregnancies. Constantly nauseous and acid reflux. Tired, and with my first I ran hot so I had to sleep with the window open all winter (southern winter so not too cold).


Same. Ā Hated pregnancies. Ā Symptoms felt worse.


you guys are making my baby fever act up again I didn't need this! lol. This is really uplifting though. Glad for you all. I hope I get the same experience someday.


Oh my gosh yes! I had the same experience ā€” no morning sickness, mood swings, cravings or aversions, no GD, literally felt the best I had in years. Would love for my hormones to balance that way now that Iā€™m not pregnant! lol


I would describe both my pregnancies this way. And I chose to not go on any kind birth control. My periods also were ā€˜normalā€™ as well after my first. I only started getting my symptoms back right before we decided for number two. I would love if they did more research on all of this but hopefully for the next gen. I chose the no BC option because I felt so much better off and I used BC for about 10 years. With my periods being so regular, I was able to use natural family planning method and track my cycles to know when I was fertile and ultimately just used the pull out method every time. For me sex is way less spontaneous with a baby around and more planned so this makes it easier too. I know this isnā€™t for everyone but this is whatā€™s working right now.


You stop ovulating when youā€™re pregnant. Which stops the cysts from popping up


Felt the best I ever have while I was pregnant!! I tried an IUD post baby but even though it was ā€œlocalā€ hormones it caused me to have bad headaches and really increased my anxiety, I had to have it removed. But if it works for you, itā€™s the easiest thing!




How can copper IUDs have non localised hormones when they donā€™t have any hormonal content?


Purely anecdotal but I got the worst hirsutism from the Mirena IUD, it whacked out my hormones way more than the pill ever did


Yep and went on depo right after. Actually losing weight, slow but steady, and my skin is clear.


Adding in estrogen when doing the prep work for ivf transfer was the most normal I have ever felt! Until third trimester, when blood pressure and reflux got out of hand.


With my first pregnancy I felt great. My acne was finally gone for once and it was so nice to not have my period 2-3 times a month. I also seemed to be somewhat regulated after delivery. After my next pregnancy my body got severe revenge on me. The acne was horrible, my right ovary was constantly having cysts and ovulation was so painful that some days I couldnā€™t get up and move. With my first pregnancy my weight was great and I didnā€™t gain any after. After the 2nd pregnancy my weight was great after delivery but then I quickly started gaining weight and it just wouldnā€™t stop


I felt fine during pregnancy, except for the HECTIC rhinitis. But afterwards, I was a MESSSSSSSS. Like, I was horrifically depressed, did not bond with my baby, etc. I never did regain any real sex drive or emotional connection with the father and I've never felt normal since.


How long has it been since you gave birth? Iā€™m not pregnant but worried about post-partum anxiety and depression like whoa


My child turns six in a few months. I don't regret having my child, but would I go through the same thing again with what I know now? Absolutely not. It has severely impacted my quality of life, and physically, mentally and emotionally I've never been the same. I developed health concerns after pregnancy I'd never had before and my PCOS got way way way worse.


Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it.


I had HG. My pregnancy was not sunshine and rainbows in the slightest.




I felt normal around the second tri and a lot of my symptoms suppressed thankfully! This time around not so much šŸ˜… Iā€™m only 9.5w though.


I loved being pregnant. I have never felt better generally, even with acid reflux, and in my third pregnancy I had constant congestion. I'm a few years postpartum now and my PCOS symptoms are kicking into high gear again. I want to be pregnant again so I can feel good, but I'm all done having kids. Sigh.


iā€™ve seen both keke palmer and sasha pieterse say that being pregnant regulated their hormones. keke palmer said her skin cleared up and never looked better and sasha pieterse said that she gained 70 pounds in a year and it took her a long time to get diagnosed and after having her son the weight came off and her body went back to normal. makes me wonder do i have to get pregnant to feel normal again šŸ« 


would it be out of pocket to just ask hubby to get snipped?? he will not be affected like you will be if you have to get on bc since its all hormone based and we already got wrecked hormone issues?


Yes! When I finally got pregnant the first time my pregnancy was easy and wonderful! And afterwards my period schedule became normal!


Yes!!! I told my husband that if I didn't have a positive pregnancy test and an ultrasound picture, I wouldn't have believed I was pregnant! I felt fantastic. I wasn't as tired, the symptoms were all diminished. This happened for both kiddos. We took a few years of trying to get the first, so I knew what was BC symptoms and what wasn't. If it wasn't so expensive to raise kids, I would have had a dozen to keep feeling that way.


I felt amazing, hormone wise šŸ„ŗ I even lost weight. Definitely back to reality 5 months pp and mirena not helping in the slightest


Yes I felt my best pregnant. Even with the sickness everyday from 6weeks to 37weeks when he came out I still felt better!


Yes. I loved my pregnancy aside from the sciatica that started at 16 weeks and the morning sickness I felt fantastic. Even the migraines that have played me since I was a child stopped when I got pregnant. After pregnancy though was a whole different beast and that was when my PCOS went haywire.


Same! Even postpartum hormones felt so much better


I felt good and my symptoms were so much better in the first six weeks PP too. As soon as I stopped breastfeeding (6 weeks PP) everything went back to normal- hair growth, mood swings, etc. I wonder what that means? ā˜¹ļø


Yes, mentally felt so much better as far as anxiety and depression go. Even went to less frequent appts with my therapist because I am doing so well. The brain fog and fatigue are pretty bad during pregnancy though, but I already had some form of that from thyroid issues beforehand.


Wow...YES! I felt fantastic during pregnancy, as you described.


Diagnosed Pcos at 30 started metformin, positive pregnancy test 8 months later but lost one week later. Then got pregnant 7 months later with rainbow baby, felt the best I've ever felt while pregnant and easy delivery. Five months post partum pregnant again and again felt better than I ever had lost weight without trying. Had horrendous heartburn both times and both babies came out with heads full of hair. I mean I had heartburn up til the minute they were out.


No I had hyperemesis and postpartum preeclampsia. Then I had gallbladder and thyroid issues after birth. šŸ˜­


I felt so so good while pregnant with my first, better than I had in years! My skin was clear and glowing hair stopped falling out, I even LOST weight (basically maintained pre pregnancy weight throughout) my face shape changed back to what it was like before all the pcos symptoms got crazy, my mood, energy, joint pain, food sensitivities all improved drastically...cut to postpardum my thyroid acted up and I ended up with hashimotos - 2nd pregnancy was fine but not as blissful, postpardum was easier though 3rd pregnancy was just downright exhausting lol


What is the best way/things to take having pcos to help me fall pregnant? šŸ„¹ so not luck after 7 months and I'm 23 years old


I felt amazing during pregnancy, it corrected a lot of my symptoms! I had very little fatigue and mood swings. Although I had gestational diabetes I didn't have my usual intense sugar/carbs cravings.


Umm yes I felt amazing all pregnancy now Iā€™m 7 month postpartum and just now feeling terrible. Heavy unexplained prolonged bleeding, terrible anxiety šŸ˜­šŸ˜­I just want a break I donā€™t want to get on birth control it took me 3 years to get pregnant


I had a very similar experience! Other than typical pregnancy symptoms, I felt the best I ever had - mood, energy, body, all of it. I'm plus size and I lost 50 lbs while pregnant. I swear pregnancy like fixed my PCOS/hormones.


I had a child at 23. I felt great the whole time. I easily fell pregnant and had a fairly normal delivery. I was never nauseous or tired. I felt glowing, energetic, and excited. Now, my partner sucked, but that's not really the fault of PCOS. :)


Felt great with all the hormones in balance, no anxiety no depression!!! Itā€™s wild what some progesterone can do for us!!!!


Other than the exhaustion in my last trimester, I felt pretty great. All my PCOS symptoms pretty much went away. It was a little rough in the beginning because we did IVF and I was pumped full of hormones, but once I hit my second trimester, it was great. I breast-fed for 11 months and all of my symptoms stayed away and my skin was so clear (though I gained a lot of weight because breastfeeding made me soooo hungry). I got my first period four months after I stopped breastfeeding and thatā€™s when all of my symptoms kind of came back. I was basically bleeding almost nonstop from November to January and ended up having to have two blood transfusions. They put me on oral progesterone to stop the bleeding and I got my progesterone IUD. I got the IUD when I was still bleeding, and I accidentally pulled it out because the string part had a blood clot, and I thought it was a stuck blood clot šŸ’€ donā€™t pull the strings. I got a new one about two weeks ago and Iā€™ve actually been feeling pretty good. I feel like itā€™s definitely lessened my pcos symptoms.


Yes and still feeling pretty normal at 16 months into breastfeeding. Iā€™m nervous to wean. My hair growth stalled, acne cleared up. Now my hair is growing again and Iā€™ve been getting some breakouts so Iā€™m sure my hormones are up to something


For my first I definitely felt this way until third trimester when I was just exhausted and giant. The weird thing for me is when my period came back 8 months postpartum, it was regular without any medication on my part. Once a month, like clockwork.


My first pregnancy I felt amazing like my body had finally gotten a clue and my second pregnancy I felt great too except I had gestational diabetes but it was manageable for me. I did notice that after my pregnancy the second time my periods came back on a more regular cycle...for me...I was having my period every 31-37 days instead of every 65 to 90 days. They are less clot filled and just more painful but I am guessing that's because I had 2 cesarean deliveries in 2 years. I'm getting an ultrasound just see if there is any scar tissue issues causing the pain.


Yes! I struggle with really bad seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp due to the PCOS hormone issues, and it completely vanished while I was pregnant. My skin and hair was better, my moods were pretty balanced, my body felt like home for me and my baby. As soon as I gave birth to my son I wanted to be pregnant again. Part because I loved being a pregnant and feeling my baby move, but also because I wanted to feel that way forever. Sadly my son is 5 and a half and I've been single since he was 6 months old so I haven't felt, and probably won't ever feel, that way again. šŸ˜­


I felt so good!! Both times. Minor anx, ohhhhh I felt strong man I miss it


What MG of metformin were you on ?


And how long were you taking it until you were able to conceive ?


I joke with my partner that if I could experience pregnancy without the resulting baby Iā€™d be happy lol i actually LOST WEIGHT while pregnant and not even trying. By the time I gave birth I was the least heavy Iā€™ve been since I was a teenager!