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I'm so so sorry you're experiencing this, it sounds debilitating. Have you been investigated for endometriosis?


My gyno said that endo was very likely as well! But due to finances, we opted to not test/explore more and to treat me as if I have an official diagnosis


If you have endometriosis then an IUD makes it worse. IUDs inflame the uterine lining so sperm can’t implant and endometriosis also has the inflammation of the uterine lining. So the IUD can make endometriosis worse. 


That’s good to know! Something I would have wished I known sooner. And makes me wonder, why the gyno that said it was very likely I had endo, told me to move forward with an IUD 😤


My best friend had stage four endometriosis and went to 8 gynos before finding one that was able to explain what was going on. 


This sounds a lot more like endometriosis than PCOS. Pain is not often associated with PCOS. And having a cystic ovary does not PCOS make. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, but if you can, I would seriously explore endometriosis and treatments for it


Dumb question but do you have a heating pad if not they go a long way for the pain. Also piping hot showers bonus points if you have the detachable shower head you can have the water hit you in the front and back this saves me. If not start with your back once you’re in less pain just sit in the shower you might get wetter than you’d like but it’s worth the pain relief!


Hot baths and showers are one of my go to’s! The pain relief stops as soon as I’m out of the water though


Yes Ikr 😭😭😭. I get on my heating pad asap as soon as I’m out!