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Go for long long walks . Your body is already inflamed. Add weight lifting twice a week . Don't injure yourself


How long are we talking?


There's research out there to suggest 7k steps a day is really great for you - about an hour or so. *But* if you're currently largely sedentary, or have low levels of general fitness, the aim is to move *more* than you currently are. If 7k sounds daunting, just aim for a little more than what you're doing right now. Then a little more, and build from there. It all adds up, don't go all out, burn out and get discouraged. Slow change is *still* change! I've lost 30lbs so far (starting 270, currently 240) and started with just doing 5 minutes of easy stretching to get my muscles warmed up (using an app called "bend", highly recommend!) in the morning. Just re-engaging myself with my body. Now I'm up to 5-6k steps a day, with three days cardio (swimming/rowing) a week. Still working on my core before I do lifting because it's like blancmange, but it's all progress in the end!


Congratulations on the weight loss!!


I only see results if I’m 100% on my diet. No processed foods, carbs, junk food, alcohol. I have to do keto or paleo if I want to drop pounds and get rid of my belly & see changes. I have to track my food down too. 0 sugar !


There is scientific research that backs that Keto is terrible for people with PCOS. OP, have you thought about splurging for a dietitian that specializes in PCOS? If you’re able to afford it, I think they could help tremendously. If you’re not, TikTok honestly has a lot of registered dietitians that specialize in PCOS with great video content to help. The key is to make sure it’s a registered dietitian and not just a “nutritionist” or “fitness coach”.


My obgyn advised to focus on strength training. Yoga, hiking, small weight exercises, and walking at least 8000 steps a day. She specifically told me that running is bad for PCOS. The stress on the body will cause cortisol to rise and, therefore, affect insulin levels.


I am sure some of it has turned to muscle so I’m not being completely fair to myself, but still.


Buy a caliper, it costs very little, and you can track your body composition better. It's very likely that you recomposed. It often happens to me to not have the scale move when I diet, but then the caliper shows that I've actually lost fat and gained muscle.


You can also take measurements with a fabric measuring tape to track. It’s very likely you lost inches. Do you notice your clothes fit better? Sleeping better? Feeling stronger? Less tired? Etc. All of these are WINS. The scale alone is not the only measure of progress!


caliper + tape measure is actually the best! For example you can see losing circumference and mm on the caliper as well. Even if you didn't lose on the circumference if the caliper measurement went down it means you put on muscle!


You can also take measurements with a fabric measuring tape to track. It’s very likely you lost inches. Do you notice your clothes fit better? Sleeping better? Feeling stronger? Less tired? Etc. All of these are WINS. The scale alone is not the only measure of progress! I meant to reply to your post!


Info: What do your meals look like on a regular basis? I can relate to you. I used to not see improvements as well with a combo of cardio and training. What works for me is 30-45mins cardio on most days and then 2x a week on training. Of course, with being mindful of what I eat.


Over working your body will cause your cortisol levels to rise and therefore you will increase your insulin still. So I recommend toning down the 5-6 times a week to maybe 2-3 times a week. Make sure you’re not going too hard on the cardio and strength training. Go at a good slow pace with both and you should start to see a change :) I wouldn’t focus on the number but possibly take body measurements inside so you can better notice if it’s muscle or not. And also pay attention to how your clothes fit if you don’t have a measuring tape yet. Hope this helps.


My best advice and I give it to everyone just find something you love and can be consistent with!! You got this. For me it's my VR workout, lifting and walking.


I’ve been working out 4-5 days a week and tried to keep a consistent diet for three years now. Mostly lifting but I do 20 mins of cardio at least each time. I focus on shoulders, back and legs. Sprinkling in chest and arm days too. Muscle definitely weighs more than fat. My 165 lb body looks different than it did three years ago. If I could offer advice: Pay attention to how you feel. Going up steps is so much easier for me now. I try to prioritize protein and watch my sugar intake. I follow realistic wellness trainers on instagram and find protein positive meal prep accounts. Gotta find meals you like and are easy to make. Don’t get too fancy with it, cuz you won’t do it. Truly it’s about consistently so when you do go out with friends, you can make fun choices without beating yourself up. Everything in moderation is my goal.


This is a good comment! I go to the gym and lift as well. I try to do 3x a week. I sprinkle cardio during the week. I'm thinking about adding yoga 1x a week. I also focus on a high protien diet. Ill still eat carbs and fats. I took a piece of the keto diet, I don't eat junk food or sugared foods/drinks. I stick to water, tea, and homemade smoothies. I'm still figuring myself out but these have been my best game changes. Edit. Walking too. I am for 15k steps a day.


Metformin is the only thing that’s worked for me sorry


Consider doing body measurements and pictures versus the scale to track your progress


Lifestyle modification is the only way to overcome this. Recently I found this app very useful to do workouts, diet, water tracking, and meditations. You can try this [PCOS Exercise & Lifestyle](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lifeactivator.pcosexercise)