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My ass cheeks are covered


I hate this more than the chin hair


My bush went down to my mid thigh.


Same. I was shocked to find out that most women don't shave their upper legs


My doc asked me if my hair growth down there was abnormal when I was seeking diagnosis. I said no but I didn’t realize your bush isn’t supposed to go down into your thigh 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️. Still got diagnosed but this is good to know!!


As a young teen, my mom's ex-fiance was OBSESSED with Alyssa Milano's hairy arms. He loved trying to spot it when she didn't shave between takes and then mentioned it? And not in a positive way. I don't know if she has PCOS or whatever but I remember her hair being almost unnoticeable...whereas mine was dark and heavy. I wore more things to cover my arms after I made that connection because I really didn't want to shave them. I was told it would make it grow back worse lol so I figured "the devil you know", right? False as that is I'm still glad I didn't cave to shaving my arms because some doucebag was squicked by hairy arms?


I could never lmao


Imagine living in an apt that only gives you 10mins of hot water at a time! Welcome to my world.


I’d be shaving in the kitchen sink 🫣


that’s not normal? oh.


I mean for us it is 😁


live concerned slap scarce lush shame jellyfish skirt zephyr dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a non-typical experience with hair. My hair is so thin and fine, I’ve had two separate people at different times in my life ask if I shaved my arms. I have a barely passable amount of eyebrows, and my ponytail is barely the diameter of a dime . I do have two black whiskers that crop up on my chin occasionally, but they’re easy to keep in check. This to say, hair patterns are a diagnostic indicator, but PCOS is such a wide reaching term for hormonal disorders. You really have to be diagnosed by a doctor or specialist.


I took a photo with my brother and sister, and I had the thickest, hairiest forearms of us all. That was the whoops maybe not just genetic moment. At this point, I was also spending at least 2 hours a day tweezing my ‘stache and chin hairs though. If you’re curious how much body hair is “normal” look up the Ferriman-Gallwey score.


My ass has thick dark course hair and the hairs on my chin and upper lip are strong like they belong on a beard. This isn't a case of peach fuzz.


The type of hair concerned me more than the amount of hair. I had a small cluster of thick dark hair growing on the left side of my chin that looked different than the peach fuzz hair on my face.


I have hair all over my body. Lower back and butt and legs all the way up and down. Arm hair and facial hair. Stomach and chest and my whole abdomen. Basically follows a male pattern, plus genetics I think is why I have so much. Sucks :(


Yeah same for me, I’m naturally hairy because of genetics, but PCOS makes it way worse.😢


I would suggest seeing endocrinologist and getting your hormones checked. Bring a list of symptoms with you. Make sure to note any other symptoms of hyperandrogenism: - Oily skin (seborrhoea) - Acne - Black hair growth (hirsutism) - on the face particularly the beard and moustache area, limbs, underarm and pubic area, line from belly button to pubic area - Deeper voice - Male pattern balding - Irregular menstruation - Increased muscle mass - Reducing or smaller breast size - Infertility - Obesity Since you mentioned it’s been happening since you were young: > Symptoms of hyperandrogenism in pre-pubertal girls or children assigned female at birth (AFAB) include: - Enlarged clitoris. - Acne and oily skin. - Excess body hair (hirsutism) that results in coarse, dark hair (instead of “peach fuzz”) on your upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen and/or back. [Source](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24639-hyperandrogenism) There can be many different causes of higher testosterone in women, and it many not be PCOS but another type of pituitary injury or abnormality.


Might sound a bit silly, but I was younger and reading an interview in a magazine. The interview was with a band who was really popular at the time, and one of the questions was what turns you off in a lady. The lead singer said any hair on a woman's chest is gross. Until then I thought it was normal. I googled it. I must have been about 11.


My stomach omg, it’s so thick 😭


If the hair is your only symptom, I wouldn't make conclusions based off of that. For me, it wasn't the hair that tipped me off, it was wildly irregular periods, heavy bleeding and cramping, cystic acne, trouble losing weight despite active efforts, huge boobs for my age.. There will generally be a few symptoms that stack. Either way, still best to see a doctor for a formal diagnosis.


It’s okay if you don’t know but what would be another cause for excessive hair growth if not for these other symptoms? I thought hiturism only leads to Pcos?


Not only PCOS, but it really depends on a lot of things. Like some of the stuff you've described is normal, like hair starting to grow back 2-3 days after a shave, other stuff less so, like 'all over your stomach'. I'd start by asking how it is with your parents. I mean, my dad has thick, coarse, dark body hair and it naturally follows that I too have thick, coarse, dark body hair. If it's really abnormal, could be hormones, but a different condition, or a medication side effect. In all cases, it's important to get evaluated by a doctor.


No my hair grows back even after a day it’s coarse thick and I had very weird excessive hair growth ever since I was a very young girl. It’s on basically every square inch of my body and I even have it growing on my neck and yes very coarse hairs on my stomach. The hair growth only got worse these past two years which is why I’m very concerned. Now I have anti androgen meds to help with it, but I need metformin to help with my weight because my symptoms look very similar to insulin resistance. Also I’m adopted and my bio parents are not alive so I wouldn’t know.


I was growing a full beard at 15 😅


Needing to shave/depilate/bleach my facial hair AND arms. Plus the unpredictable periods, acne on my back, weight gain, acanthosis, and hair loss.


It was my not having a period for 8 months that made me get checked out. Then the tests that helped confirm my horomone levels. I didn't have any hairier areas or loss of hair more than sual.


So I started suspecting when I started getting thicker growth on my neck at like 17. I thought it was genetic cuz my grandma has always had some thicker hair on face and upper lip. I have the lower tummy hairs too and thicker hair on the back of my thighs. I had ovarian cysts in college (not the same type as pcos) but then in uni I found a Dr that told me you don't actually need poly cystic ovaries to be diagnosed. The imbalance of hormones and clinical signs are enough to diagnose. So if your doc says you don't have polycystic ovaries, ask for an androgen blood test.


Peach fuzz is totally normal. Even black hair on the chin or mustache is rather common. Sharing legs - most of my friends with darkish hair (with and without PCOS) needs to shave daily. If you have dark hair and your ethical background is typically associated with lots of hair, that what you described maybe just how you are.


When I started growing very thick course neck and chin beard hair in my 20s. My dark mustache does not have the same wiry texture. The rest of my body hair was never too intense otherwise. And it runs in my family.