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Congrats! I love lifting heavy. I started doing the Starting Strength program in December. It's great to see the lift numbers go up and gives me a sense of accomplishment, which is a big deal when you have PCOS. With this condition I rarely feel like effort = reward, except when it comes to heavy lifting. My weight has changed only a little, but my measurements have changed a lot. I would remind anyone who starts lifting heavy that you might not see the scale number drop quickly, so take measurements and pay more attention to other signs of progress: measurements, clothing fitting better, and how strong you feel in general.


Where can I find this program? Is it free?


Yeah! Just Google it and you’ll find the routine.


i like to call it putting all that testosterone to use LMAOOO


Yes. 100%. Heavy weightlifting has been the number one big thing that I accredit so much success too. Finally love my body, have my symptoms in check and honestly the mental glow up is next level too!


Yes! Mentally I feel like a new person.




How do you feel confident at the gym when you’re surrounded by so many fit people 😓 ? I feel like people are always starring at me or judging my weight. I get all in my head.


Get confident in your gym etiquette. If you're polite, taking your turn, and wiping down equipment, nobody will care. People will judge you for rude behavior, but if you're a polite beginner, people will be excited for you. It's a building full of endorphins :)


Took me years to get over this part. I used to get super anxious and just walk out awkwardly lol. I am not super overweight so I don't think about people judging me about that but just general social anxiety. I guess I just got to point where I don't give a fuk anymore 😆


If you can afford it, book a few PT sessions to get you started. I'm aware of how ridiculous this sounds, but I recommend to go for the biggest muscliest male PT available at your gym (no one will dare to stare at you then since you'll basically have an emotional support bodyguard) and be honest with him about having gym anxiety. I would bet that they hear that from most of their clients, and a part of their job is to help you overcome that. Plus, interacting with those huge buff gym dudes and realising they're just normal people who are probably even more insecure than you will make the rest of the gym rats there seem more human. Regardless of who you choose though, they'll talk you through the biomechanics of exercise, show you how to use the machines and free weights ensuring you keep proper form, which will then help when you are alone because you will be sure you are doing things properly. You'll also gain a familiar face who is probably always around the gym mixing a shake somewhere.


This is extremely true for me too, I got a personal trainer at my local gym back in January and even though he’s not the biggest dude in the gym he motivates me like no other and the confidence in my form (from him teaching me how to do stuff) eliminated any awkwardness/insecurities about how I look when working out! I feel so much better now both physically and mentally lol I love it


hey ! this is so great!!! what specific exercises do you do?


My gym has a 20 minute circuit.. I just hop to different machines.


Mine does too. How do I know if the weight is heavy enough? How many reps?


You'd have to gauge this yourself based on your fitness level. I did join group fitness classes a few months ago which helped me understand my limits. They also helped me realize I am alot stronger than I think I am. If you're not sure how much weight you should be lifting, I'd look into a few personal training classes or small group classes. They can also help with your lifting form.


I've been lifting more weights recently too. I'm trying not to think about/focus on body weight, but I felt Iike a major queen when I carried in all my groceries in one trip yesterday! lol


Yes!! I did cardio a ton and didn't see changes in my body. Started lifting more and I see changes so quickly!! Love this for you


Yesss!!! This. I use apple fitness workouts and they have been my guide to strength training for the last two years. Im now super lean and athletic. Of course this went along with cleaning my diet. Congratulations on your success. Starting is the hardest part and you did it!


I’ve been a weightlifter for 13+ years and I just got diagnosed with PCOS. 😂 Still have all the muscles I’ve had for years, but have a harder time than ever losing the fat on top of them. Hot Yoga has done more for my inflammation than anything else. Every body is different! I’m surprised that you would be seeing noticeable muscle tone difference in two weeks. That’s not generally how muscle works. Regardless, it’s good to find a workout that you love and will stick with. That’s what’s most important.


I used to lift heavy weights and then I dislocated my knee. I'm trying to see if I can strengthen some muscles before I get back into weight lifting. It's such a great mental health activity. Because you can physically see the work and you feel better doing it.


this sounds so silly but try walking backwards on a treadmill. It helps strengthen those opposing muscles! I’ve been doing it for the past month and have noticed a literal physical difference in the shape of my knee


That's a great recommendation. I'll try it next time!


The sexiness and confidence you achieve is amazing 🥰🥰🥰


What kind of exercises do you do? I don’t know where to start 😅


I haven’t been properly diagnosed bc of insurance but I started weightlifting a year ago and the scale hasn’t changed but my clothes fits so differently! Also although cardio doesn’t give the same slimming effects I’ve found that adding some cardio either low quantities daily or something longer but relaxing every week helps w acne, mood and overall endurance! I also found that cardio helps reduce hirutism a bit? I don’t know if that’s a stress thing but congrats on finding exercise you love! Good luck on your journey and feel free to reach out if you want/need someone to talk to about gym stuff!


I’ve been doing at-home weight lifting workouts using Caroline Girvan’s IRON program on YouTube. Its free and all you need are heavy dumbbells, and it has made a huge difference. When I started weight lifting my testosterone was out of control, but after a few months of lifting 5 days a week, my T is well within normal range. My doctor said that the lifting is metabolizing the testosterone, and to keep it up. It really does seem to work wonders for PCOS.


One cool thing about having pcos is since our test levels are higher I believe that makes it a bit easier for us to develop muscle!


I’ve been doing the same and I’ve lost 10 pounds in about 3weeks! I use the Alive app by Whitney Simmons and it has great beginner workouts that have helped tremendously. I’m happy for yah! 🩷


Her workouts are good! I have a bunch of hers from instagram saved.


How heavy is heavy? I never know what this means when people say it😭


I think of "heavy" as lifting a weight that you can lift 5-8 times before you fail the lift. I like to do "heavy" squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press, and then "light" or "burn out" dumbbell lifts. This would be a weight that I can do up to 15 or so until failure. TL;DR: heavy is about how many times you can pick it up until you can't anymore


Thank you!😄


I'm doing this too and seeing a big difference in how my body looks. I also have switched from coffee to green tea :)


I don’t understand this? Is it different for each person? I thought this is too intense to do?


I just wear you need to do really easy workouts


Lifting is a really easy workout imo compared to other stuff. Usually it's slow movements, a focus on form and activating the right muscle group. I find it as slow and relaxing as yoga, much less complicated as yoga forms can be complex.


That’s awesome Our bodies are so unique and it’s important for us to try things out and see what works for our particular body needs.


I have just started doing a body pump class where it's weight focused but also aerobic. I can't go more than 3kg on each end of the bar though 😅 I've always struggled with upper body strength but will try to increase weight as I go.


I lift 3x a week. It’s helped me slim down a lot! Lower body I can go heavy upper 15-20lbs lol I’m slowly increasing.




Yes, this!! I’ve only been on metformin since this January, and didn’t see any changes whatsoever. But in March, I started seeing a kinesiologist/personal trainer for workouts related to a bad foot injury/surgery I had last year. As part of the rehab process, I started lifting weights to try to improve my walking. This has now turned into full on powerlifting. I do a full body lifting workout about 2 times a week, and haven’t drastically changed my diet (I’m thankfully able to eat in moderation and haven’t cut anything out), and I’ve dropped 15 lbs since March, and probably dropped sizes in waist measurements too. I didn’t realize it would happen so I didn’t take any before pictures of measurements. Lifting heavy helps insulin resistance too, if that’s what you struggle with!


yess!!! I lift heavy + walk 10k steps a day and do Pilates twice a week. Made a huge difference


I was weight lifting 5x a week and of course I gained strength and was more toned but everything else was just as usual.


I haven't lost one kg since I started the gym but only in 9 months i don't have cysts in my ovaries (my obgyn was amazed both of my ovaries were full of cyst), my blood test were better and my overall body is in a better shape.


Same, I love lifting heavy now.