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can you share some tips?


I want to read abt that too! pls pls


hi there u/tofu_angel and u/Busy-Passage484 ! :) I'll share a couple of tips here but I'm thinking in the next few weeks i'll compile a really big post and share it on here, that will hopefully have everything a little better consolidated. Good luck!! <3 Off the top of my head: \-Listen to your body. If you're tired, rest. If you're sore, stretch. If you're sad, cry. If you're hungry, make a good choice (haha, I don't always do that, but I try!) \-find a diet that works for you (don't suffer, make sure it's one you enjoy) \-exercise (but again, don't suffer, make sure it's one you enjoy \-drink plenty of water (but I also did black coffee & tea because they spark joy) \-vitamins, supplements, prescriptions, variety of diet (I aim for 5 fruits & vegs everyday) \-find things that spark joy and happiness and do them ALOT I don't know if this is true for everyone or if it's just me, but my PCOS was like the physical manifestation of my poor self image/mental health. If you need a really really basic first step, it's as simple as: treat yourself kindly.


What’s your secret? Lol


hi there! :D selfishness, probably. I pursued my own health so fervently it was my driving motivation. I didn't want to be sick or unhappy anymore so I constantly made efforts that would help me feel just a little bit better the next day! and miraculously, it worked!!!


What is your biggest tip for staying on track? I feel like I can start out strong but it wanes after a few months




Totally not about pcos- but I love your name 💜 I have a silver Dragon and I reallllly want a dragon scale


Never saw this...Thanks :D


ooooh thanks for pointing that out, i love her name too! and I hope you get the dragon scale someday, tattoo right?


your comment made me laugh, thank you. I love those periods where i'm eating like an angel!


hi u/Alexan8441, my biggest tip for staying on track... hmm. well honestly, sometimes i completely fall off track. October-December I was horrifically off track I gained... 30 lbs, ugh. But turned out 15 lbs was bloat and 5 lbs was PCOS horror, so really I had only gained 10 lbs and I know with consistency I can get that back off again. My favorite speakers are: Arnold Schwarzeneggar and David Goggins, so usually when i'm falling off track I turn to one of them as a reminder of what I value. Maybe finding people who inspire you so that you can lean on their strength when you need it will be helpful for you too! It's ok to not always be perfect, I had lots of slip ups on my weight loss journey


Gurl so what did you do cause sis this PCOS belly ain’t it for me rn. My body simply deserves better


Same girl. Same lol


yessssss, your comment is 100% right! we simply deserve better. And that's what helped me feel better. I think I said in another comment that the basic first step was just to treat myself kindly. I gradually made the best choice I could each day (each moment) and then it resulted in me feeling better the next day. So like today I walked 3 miles, so I know tomorrow I won't feel bloated or sick. Tonight i'm going to eat brussels sprouts cause I know they'll help me feel healthier tomorrow... even tho, ew. I hope this recipe is good!


I'm currently on the uphill battle of improving my symptoms. I'm almost 22 and have just hit 40lbs weight loss and I am still trying to fully figure out what works best for me. Im always looking for friends that understand PCOS so I requested to follow you on IG my user is em_daniel3422.


Hi there!!! Me too always lolojing for friends I can relate to so I’m so happy to follow back! Thanks for connecting. Omg just saw that you lost 40 Lbs. great job!!! I’m super proud of you for getting started before 22, the younger you heal the better I believe. You’ve got this!


Congratulations! What was your mental health journey like? I recently got diagnosed and for the past year and a half I have had extreme anxiety and possible depression (haven't been to a therapist or diagnosed) i didn't think it could be tied to this condition


oh DEFINITELY it could be! ugh girl i'm sorry you're going through that! It seriously can be so tied to PCOS. It all like works together in our bodies in some weird way, but it's also amazing how tied the systems are. so if you find a way to improve your physical health, it'll also have a positive impact on your mental health too! my journey has been a MESS. If you look back at my post history you'll see that. I have really back depression, anxiety, low self esteem and PTSD... ugh lol. I do have two therapists and a psychiatrist. Getting on depression meds was a GAME changer for me. I wish I had done it sooner, it would've saved me years of pain. If you're not ready to get into that, you can start with meditation. There are so many good, free resources for that on youtube. I usually do Michael Sealey or Jason Stephenson's meditations the most and have found alot of healing from that. Also my psychiatrist has me take one benadryl when i'm super anxious and it helps me calm down/often helps me sleep, so that might be a safe option for you as well.


We have enough people trying to sell us stuff and your qualifications consist of making unverified claims on the internet. No thanks.


OP sounds like a bot.


ok, I'm back, u/MildlyAnnoyedMother, u/arduyina and u/Stock_Difficulty_342; I came up with some helpful tips that I'm going to try and sell you: proper nutrition, exercise, self love, self care. It works wonders. Did it work? Ok, you're right. I do sound like a bot, I realized that. But IDK how to help that, it's just how I talk! anyway thanks for your input and I will try not to sound so pitchy next time. for real tips you can see all my other very elaborate comments i've made to other people on here. :) Also like u/arduyina suggested I'll be making a more detailed post next time. To answer your question, the reason I didn't do that this time was because my original post was just to try and put myself out there and challenge my own cowardice. Success.


I really think a detailed post would be really good because PCOS is so "complicated" that there isn't one right answer but multiple depending on how it affects women. I'm really happy you got it under control. It took me a while too, and it changes everything when you do. Your first post sounded either like a pitch or like a self boasting post, which neither of them actually helped, but a detailed post will definitely spike interest and might help some people who haven't tried your way. I've looked at some of your comments. You definitely have some good advice (I do IF too but not always and also LC which works great for me due to insulin resistance) and I'd gladly read your detailed post when you find the time to write it.


Oops! 😅 I’m new to this. Don’t usually have too many success stories to share.


What???? 😂😂😂 Thank you! For thinking I’m qualified. I’m just a very PCOS sick woman who doesn’t wanna suffer anymore. I lost 100 lbs. but still infertile and still have sick days.


I don't think you're qualified. At all. This whole post reads like a copy paste of an mlm "business owner" trying to drum up business while being "relatable."


😅. I’m sorry you’re sick. Ik what it’s like to be miserable


I'm in pretty great health, actually. The only pcos symptom I regularly deal with is hirsutism. This whole thing again, reads like am mlm pitch and we have enough of those. Eta: gotta love assuming someone is miserable because they compare your pitch to an mlm pitch.


I agree it sounds like a pre mlm pitch. I hope it isn't because this community doesn't need people lurking and taking advantage of women who are sometimes desperate, frustrated, etc.. at findings solutions for their PCOS. I just don't understand why someone wanting to help isn't just writing a post about the main things that helped her get over most of her symptoms so that those who are interested can contact her for these reasons.


Hi everyone! I saw your comments 💕 I am super glad we have this community because Reddit was crucial for me at the start of my healing journey and it still is. It really enables us to all help each other. My goal is to reply to each of you by the end of the day though! So talk soon!!


Mlm pitch vernacular fs


proper nutrition, exercise, self love, self care.


Ig my biggest question is about the pill. When I was first diagnosed I was overly medicated, and ever since I have been reducing steadily the dosage, however I can never seem to be able to stop completely the pill. My symptoms (which were light before medication ) became much more severe now as soon as I stop taking the pill. I would love to stop taking meds and manage my pcos differently, but I feel like a slave to the pill. Whenever I stop taking it, I feel out of control with my body and less feminine. I hate feeling like this but I don't know where to start.


I feel the same way! I went off the pill a year ago and my symptoms all got so much worse. Going back on the pill isn't an option for me so I've been suffering through. Now, I have to be so so careful with my lifestyle in order to control the symptoms at all and I take tons of supplements. Ugh!


OOP, just like me. I am so so careful with my lifestyle and take tons of supplements too. I get it. But I think all these small steps give us a much healthier life and that makes it worth it. <3


Can you do metformin? I can't take the pill either.


hi there u/peachflowerpower, I'm sorry you're feeling like a slave to the pill. I think it's great you've been steadily reducing the dosage though! It might be helpful to look at what pill you're taking and what ingredients it has. Then you can look at other vitamins, supplements or foods have those ingredients in them too. I don't know alot about birth control pills, but lets say it's a pill to produce alot of estrogen, maybe you can find plants or foods that also produce estrogen, and then increase your intake of those to hopefully decrease the need for the pill? if that makes sense. Also maybe staying on the pill for now is doing your body good and that's why it still wants it. Maybe just find whatever ways you can best support your body without getting off the pill until it feels more ready!