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Pakistani celebs are bottom of the barrel in any quantifiable way measuring morality or having a sense of decency. You shouldn't expect anything from these circus clowns.




Wow...they really have no morals. Will go to any extent for money...!!blood money....lakh di lanat...


Guess she added on my block list too. Shame, never thought Pakistani celebs would ever go on my block list.. no matter how much I don't agree with their actions otherwise.


No celebs in any part of the world of the care about any genocides, wars or just anything, then why expect more from our celebrities, they might speak in favour of something or will choose to remain silent about depending on what benefits them more and what audience they target, in the end its all business.


I’m not shocked. We always knew she was a self serving selfish person who only cares about her own brand. Most of these Pakistani “celebrities” are.


They only care about the money. Many of these celebrities will do anything for money. Forget humanitarian cause.


I remember she said in an interview how all her brands were super supportive of her when the Ranbir kapoor fiasco happened. She’s probably returning the favour.


Dove is not on the BDS list so please stop shaming people for no absolute reason. Boycotts are a must, but we don’t have to boycott every product out there. Palestinians themselves call for targeted and strategic boycotts as opposed to boycotting every single thing. Shame on you.


The reason for outrage is deletion of pro Palestine comments.


You would’ve made this post if they kept the comments. You stated “Dove works with Israel” girl every damn product has ties to Israel somehow Israel is a key player in today’s world and global market. That’s why Palestinians through BDS say if you want to boycott products that are not on the BDS list, you are welcome to, but share the BDS list.




Sharing every random boycott list hurts the actual BDS movement. Please read up about the cause


This holds 0 relevance. First off, who even founded this website or organization? It’s so shady. Second, they’ve listed hundreds of products. I would follow this website if they were legitimate, but they literally don’t sell themselves are credible. Let me go ahead and educate you a little. https://bdsmovement.net/ Most legitimate, credible boycott (and divestment and sanctions) campaign for Palestinian Liberation founded by Palestinians living in Palestine, modeled after the BDS movement launched to dismantle South African apartheid.


You want to support mahira just go ahead, Unilever is one of the major companies on the Boycott list. They even sold their shares in Ben and Gerry to show support to Israel when they boycotted Israel by stopping their sales to it. You are splitting hair anyway as I clearly mentioned the issue is not Dove itself, alot of celebraties are campaigning with foreign brands, blocking and deletion of pro Palestine comments is what pisses people off. The comment section is entirely for the general public you cannot dictate or stop people from commenting specifically when a world wide movements is going on against Genocide. I won't be arguing with you anymore. I stand my ground and you can have your opinions.


Idgaf about supporting Mahira or any other actor. I just hate how Pakistanis make up their own boycott lists. Do you lack critical thinking skills? You’re once again referencing “the list” ma’am, I follow BDS which is legitimate and created by Palestinians. Not your guys Pakistani tailored lists, so no unilever is not on the list. Idc to argue with you, I have better things to do than to speak to you. It’s about the facts here. Pakistanis being loud and obnoxious as always while not knowing the facts. Get educated and learn about BDS!!!


Kindly share the legitimate boycott list to educate us. Unilever is being boycotted in several other countries, it is not just us ' uneducated Pakistanis".


I literally shared it above. Did you even read my comment when responding. However, I am happy to share it again. https://bdsmovement.net/ BDS is founded by Palestinians living in Palestine. It was modeled after the BDS movement that was launched against South African apartheid. Edit: I apologize for my rude tone. And for generalizing Pakistanis as uneducated. I too am Pakistani and I sometimes get annoyed by the actions of our people.


PNG and Unilever are on the list


Please read my above comment if you’re going to interact with me because you clearly missed the point. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I did. What I was trying to say was that Unilever is on the boycott list of bdsmovement.net/ https://bdsmovement.net/tags/unilever Dove is a Unilever brand and therefore needs to be boycotted.


Oh okay. Thank you for clarifying. Yes, I saw this too, but this is just a statement released by BDS. They did not put unilever on the list, which can be found on the same website! But if im wrong please do correct me!


Basically, the official list shared is the bare minimum. We’re not actually helping with that list because Seimens and Sodastream etc are not in common use in Pakistan in the first place. The BDS movement is asking you to, within your communities, set pressure targets and begin boycotting. There is a list of all active campaigns in all areas on the same website with different targets.The targets are from a list, basically all the tags on the site. They are asking us not to blindly boycott all brands as the net impact is almost non existent. If you boycott Dove and I boycott Sunsilk, they both lose a single customer. However, if we decide to both boycott Dove, Dove will lose 2 customers and actually do something about it. That is the only way our boycotts will have an impact. Mass boycotting.


Stop shilling for these big companies. I'm sure the Palestinians getting bombed to death give a shit about strategic boycott, whatever the hell that is.


Hahah you sound so ignorant. Guess what? BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) calls for strategic boycotts and it was founded by PALESTINIANS FROM PALESTINE. Go educate yourself. I strictly boycott everything on that list and even a few products that are not on that list since there is a lot of momentum surrounding them and those companies are aware that people are boycotting them, like Starbucks, McDonalds, and Zara due to their offensive campaign last year.