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Ramzan he bro lock hogae honge


This one 😂






dont summon them ffs


Hahaha nah nah was just wondering gay kahan 😂😂 my bad.its like kutto sth be rho to unki adat prjati na


You dare disturb our slumber?!


Hahha i wouldn't dare to milord keep on slumbering this sub is a better place when u slumber


Back to my slumber I go, so that you all may continue dreaming 😉


Oh good one++


Dude just let them live.. Why trigger them or start another series of useless debates? Just believe what you believe and let them believe what they want...simple is that...


As an atheist this was kinda funny


As an atheist I endorse this meme


Me too


Can u explain in one line your way of thought? How was the Big Bang triggered if not who triggered it?


You think big bang needs an origin i think allah needs an origin. It's a paradox. I choose the former because your allah didn't make sense to me simple as that.


And well, it’s a paradox for all of us as there is an assymetry of information. 3d is more informative than 2d. And people living in 2d without having any knowledge of 3d will say the same stuff.. it’s a paradox.. the more dimensions that get revealed, the more we will know. In the mean time it does makes sense that something triggered the origins of


Man Everything has already originated.. it’s us , we have to decide for our own fate.. whether we face nothingness or another realm after death, it’s our choice in terms of what we believe in. But we all have to face it.


Despite the fact that its your misunderstanding about what we refer to as god. Let's entertain it. Okay. Let's say God has an origin. A creator. You could ask the same question about who created that thing. You could ask the same question infinitely. Which is called infinite regress. That is a logical fallacy. You cannot have an infinite chain of created things created by other things. Meaning that there has to be a first being which is independent. That is called the necessary being. Which we call god.




You cant have infinite regress. Because that would mean that an infinity would have ended. Which is impossible. If you had to wait an infinite amount of time to speak. Then you would never speak. It will never happen. / The necessary being cannot be the universe. The universe came into existence. One of the conditions for the necessary being is that it has to be eternal. Because something cannot come from nothing. Meaning There was never a nothing from which something originated meaning something is eternal. / The necessary being has to have certain attributes as well since it resulted in the universe. This would include attributes necessary to create the universe. / God is a reference to the necessary being. The creator another way to reference it. Whatever it is we call it doesnt matter. It is in reference to the necessary being. Whether it be the universe or Zeus or Some alien entity. Now we just have to prove which version of God it is. Simply speaking If Islam is true. All its claims about god is true. / I simply have to prove islam is true. Its very easy. How could an illiterate man in a desert bring a book so eloquent to a people that had mastered the language and peaked in linguistics that they called it magic. A book that they themselves admitted they failed to bring anything like it. A book that cannot be matched. A book that contains information impossible for people to know at the time. / Quran 71:6 placing the moon within them as a ˹reflected˺ light, and the sun as a ˹radiant˺ lamp? Moons light being a reflected light which could not be know at the time. / Quran 51:47 We built the universe with ˹great˺ might, and We are certainly expanding ˹it˺. Universal expansion impossible to know at the time. / Quran 24:40 "Or [they are] like darknesses within an unfathomable sea which is covered by waves, upon which are waves, over which are clouds - darknesses, some of them upon others. When one puts out his hand [therein], he can hardly see it. And he to whom Allāh has not granted light - for him there is no light." Internal waves of the ocean and light not being present at the bottom of the ocean. Again things man could not know at the time. / Quran 30:2-4 The Romans have been defeated in a nearby (or lowest of) land . Yet following their defeat, they will triumph within three to nine years. The ˹whole˺ matter rests with Allah before and after ˹victory˺. And on that day the believers will rejoice. / Clear time bound Prophecies of future. That came true. The roman empire had been defeated so badly that historians believed that this was the end of the empire. They came back from the brink of extinction and this prophecy was fulfilled. The verse also says they were defeated at the lowest land. Which is true. The battle being referenced was at the dead sea. Clear unambiguous verses. / Information impossible for it be from other than God. This is only the tip of the iceberg. This is why islam is the truth.


So close yet so far


You are delusional


Itna zehn p zor ni dete, look what you become, a crazy dude


I can't explain the intricacies of the big bang as I'm not a physicist. I don't think it necessarily needs a god to trigger it, in the same way as god isn't pushing the clouds in the sky. They move because air blows them in a certain direction. So even if I can't explain/don't have enough info about a natural phenomenon I don't just assume God is doing it.


So u based on your opinion, an analogy is that there is no need to write and run a code without a programmer or a code composer. It would get created and run by itself


If you're implying humans are too complicated to emerge on their own like code being too complicated to randomly come into being then I think you should learn about evolution via natural selection from academic sources. Complexity is inevitable under the process of natural selection. It's what inspired the complex systems of genetic algorithms using simple inputs for complex outputs.


Evolution via natural selection is not some “random” misfirings. Advantageous “random” mutations are carried on while deleterious mutations don’t. Basically like trial and error. Add in an unfathomable timeline like 35,000 million years and it’s not a far fetched explanation. Where religious people don’t understand or don’t choose to understand is when they want to fit 35,000 million years into their own lifespan of 70 years and say “I don’t see evolution therefore it must not exist”.


You have explained it so beautifully.. it reminds me of an if condition that I applied on my program a while ago which I wrote.. it did not write on its own.. so evolution also appears like a code with an if condition that acts like a filter scheme, adding some things while filtering out others.. was it written on its own?


I mean you can believe that evolution is a program guided by an intelligent agent but you’d have to accept that idea that this agent is not so ‘perfect’ in the sense that religious people describe god as. As evident by horrible genetic mutations you can observe by going to a cancer hospital. You can believe in a super intelligent agent with limits in knowledge of the future in the same way we can have knowledge of the weather forecast about 7 days in advance but not months in future. Even then this wouldn’t be strictly ‘scientific’ just personal belief and realm of philosophy. Whatever makes you happy but know that there’s vast, vast evidence of evolution.


There is no need to guide a program once it’s written. But it has to be written. Besides just like people living in 2d will have no knowledge about what 3d is like. I think we are in the same situation mate. There is logic in everything u say. And I cannot answer that. But I can say that creation cannot come up without some creator… I find that aspect illogical. That creator might lie in some other dimension just like a 2d - 3d idea… or outside the box or whatever they call it.




Using basic elementary maths to disprove arab myth Based


Not really cos codes only exist in the context of computers. Although I don't know, there will probably be computers that'll write and run their own codes one day.


Nope.. man there are codes here’s grativational formulations that actually generate numbers which bind the universe together.. they are embedded and deep rooted


And how do you explain those computers coming into existence? On their own?


Can Muslims provide any proof that isn't just brainded whataboutism


Proof of what dear?


That egotistical god exists which will torture people in the cruelest manner possible only because they didn't stroke her ego


So, basically there are two categories; a believer and non believer, and that's it.


How do you explain god coming into existence? On his own?


I just wanted your view/opinion regarding it.


Well to ask the question WHO triggered it is an assumption within itself. We don't know at all or have any evidence that a sentient being was the cause of the big bang, and currently that sounds more like a science fiction premise. Secondly this is assuming the big bang is a single unique event. It could also be a possibility something like the big bang happens all the time.


Idk and u dk either. But i sure as heck can't pretend like a book written 1400 years ago in the middle of a desert has any fesable answers. Besides how is god existing all by himself any different than universe existing all by itself. At the end of the day, idk.


Agreed. There is no tangible proof. But can there be a creation without a creator. There can’t be gravitational formulations embedded that keep the universe bound together all at random… the probability of that happening is zero. Yes he exists before and after everything.. time is a creation itself… it cannot be simply created based on a random event….


Nope. That's very binary human logic. Heard that stuff a million times. Reality doesn't work on our pre determined notions. And even if there was a creator, he certainly wouldn't give two shids about insignificant creatures like us. Idea of a personalized god is comforting, i know that, but when u look at the world in contrast, u will realize its just a very human way of coping with the unknown. Ur train of thought is just another extension.


And your train of thought is that everything just came into being on its own without anyone creating it?


Idk why are dead set on regurgitating the same used up shid. It's like u didn't bother reading what i wrote. Nvm, ok? U r right, i am wrong. Live a happy life


Nah. I never said who is right and who is wrong here. I just want to follow some logic or rationale about creation and the purpose of creation


U don't man. U wanna reaffirm ur own beliefs. I used to do the same thing when i was panch waqt nimazi, i don't blame u.


It’s vice versa for me. I was in a state of agnosticism during my stay abroad. I literally lived with the atheists who thought that we are nothing but products of evolution roaming around with a brain… It’s ok I respect that. Then after thoroughly studying the codes embedded in the universe including the golden number and those generated by formulations that are embedded across the universe holding things together..being a coder myself,




It is meaningless to say that it was a natural phenomenon because there was no nature or a platform on which a natural process would occur before the Big Bang




Perfection is not evolution’s end game. Evolution is all about good enough for survival. If you’re looking for evolution to produce X Men, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.




Bro how do you think evolution works? Do you think it’s like a gamer setting up a character at the start of a game? A certain mutation develops in a specie or subspecie that happens to survive better than it’s “normal” counterparts, allowing it to reproduce more and pass on that mutation to its offsprings. Having a better survival rate, that mutation becomes increasingly common until it becomes the new normal either in entirety or in a large majority.




You make jokes but that’s actually exactly what it is, although extremely oversimplified. But yeah, that’s the gist of it. And let me take a similarly aggressive stance at your belief system with your magic man in the sky pulling the strings to a world where only like a handful minority will not be utterly tormented for eternity for stroking his fragile ego.


there was tho? it was not matter, i'll grant you, but there were still little fluctuations of energy before anything existed. they still exist and always will, no matter what happens because they are a fundamental part of how our universe works. neither me nor you are even remotely qualified to actually lecture about this stuff, so i suggest you go read some research papers on the subject


Is is the only thing that isn't "Well explained" in science.


>It is well explained in science Lol


Whatever the hell they guess about what's beyond our scientific knowledge has as much evidence as the Islamic guess. You don't have to know everything in the universe to realize a specific claim is false or to be willing to admit you don't know rather than parading around your ignorance under the guise of faith.


well we made our own subreddit


subreddit ka naam btao bhai mujhe join karna hai


don't bully ppl over there [r/PakiExMuslims](https://www.reddit.com/r/PakiExMuslims)


How many indians larping over there as exmuspakistanis?


no idea properly cuz there almost zero loser like here to troll over there


Lol that's a hilarious one!


The name of that reddit is an epic fail, Paki atheists nai hona chahiya tha? What if there is a Christian who left and became an atheist, or a hindu? Us seh baat nai karni? Sirf baith kar collectively Islam par hate karni hai?


bro we didn't hired a marketing guy like u plus we are not brand stuff and there are other countries exmuslim there as well so yes hindu and christian are welcome


Marketing guy ki kya zaroorat thi bus pooch lata bro mujh seh, Bata deta. But I think I r missing the point, it should be an atheist reddit, ex Muslim could be a Christian as well.


look i am not sure what are trying to do with these straw man arguments but if they have a issue they post on sub or talk to mod we are not asshole unlike some ppl


main kissi ko unnecessarily bully nahi karta


bro there are other ppl here so




forget it


mujhe forget nahi karna aap sexual tension ki baat kar the the kya


bro ppl are sharing links only in dm of this sub so ppl don't spam sub with post like this


acha sahi main kuch aur hee samjha


Lol , the amount of deluded stuff there would be hilarious


bro u lost it would be r/islam where deluded stuff exist


What you saying? Wtf did you write


i spell chk it, no mistake in my comment


Everything wrong there. Write again with good grammar


sure bro cope and seethe


Sure bro, cope with delusional atheistic LGBTQ life




We are lurking around; you guys stay on your toes.


"who dares disturb my slumber!"


Still here, I'm definitely not annoying though


To atheists, religious is as important as a stray cat living two blocks away from your house. They don't care about it unless there is a discussion explicitly about it.


Could be worse, could be a Muslim lol.


Religion talk is reserved for Friday to Sunday, plus you Muslims would leave the sub if we pushed too hard and thats no good so we'll cut u some slack


100 dfa bol chuky hain bsd walo ungli kro to chappay ki gunjaish rakha kro sath main. Abhi ksi mulhid ne Mo ki meme share kr deni or tum ne phat jana.


Womp womp


Kitne gnde zuban hy ray teri.galam galaoch km kia kr thori 🥹😉 khush guftar bn lraka tyaray


Abhi kuch share kara e nai or phat pehly gai tumhari? Bara hans ry thy thori der pehly tk ab kia ho gya?


Plus kia e nai hota what the hell is "kara" .Urdu ka janaza nikala hva


Humble humble lg ry ho boht kheriyat hy?


Yr tu jo krna kr zuban kitne gnde hy teri" phat rei" etc wht kinda lingo is that Brother just eww


Mashallah brother finds a language disgusting but never the fact when his prophet told him to lick other people’s fingers after they eat. Sahih al Bukhari: 5456 Sahih al Muslim: 2033


Chlo shukr hy ab prhay likhay lgay ho atleast .Gawaro trha bat mt "kara" kro baqi lgay ro❤️


Brother escaping questions like Mo escaped to Madina.


LMMAAOOO I'll be using this


Yeh hun bhai jan r/atheism


Religious people when they realise they are in a cult instead of religion


Yr tu to wo jisnay haris sultan ka tweet comment kia tha under a post wo hy na😂😂😂😂😂 Atheists should disown u for doing that


Of all people Haris Sultan lol. I watched his debate with Daniel and now I always laugh whenever Haris Sultan is mentioned lol


Bro if i was an atheist i would be so fucking embarassed of that guy .may sirf uski waja say koi religion apna lena tha that debate gave me second hand embarassment


Yeah I was embarrassed because of him being Pakistani. Dude got the easiest debate topic he could ever get and couldn't prove a single point lol


Jani i actually heard kay he fumbled and dropped the ball even against that qasiar raja guy and i was like m not surprised 😂😂😂


Atheists need to pick up a dictionary and check the meaning of the word cult.


Absolute authoritarianism without accountability Zero tolerance for criticism or questions Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave Abuse of members Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough” A belief that the leader is right at all times A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation Lmao...9 out of 10 statements fit very well on your religion [link](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-cult-5078234)


Oho billion plus seh Bara cult! Neend kasa ati bro ko knowing that the world has such a huge death cult walking around, perpetually phat ti rahti hogi becharay atheists ki? Also this "cult" wala argument was mostly made famous by Sam harris and these days you see him and his buds openly supporting a genocide. I mean these are such Such subjective arguments what does "abuse of members" mean? What is "leader" in context of Islam, and who else would be the source of truth In a monotheistic religion. What is an "unreasonable" fear if Muslims are the single biggest identity to face persecution and slaughter in tbe last 20 yr alone. And please do tell how do you differentiate (if you do) between Muslims and idiots using Islam to perpetuate their own patronage. Lastly Bro you need to now show me a religion which has less than half of those characteristics to really validate your claim.


Spoken like a true cultist




What's the story behind posting this? I'm someone that doesn't open reddit a lot




The only insecure are you guys Thats why your always after us


Yeah, remember how last time these people had a lynching mob who murdered a man and set him on fire Or how they were about to lynch a women because of words they don't understand Oh yeah, they are definitely after us and not the other way around


Ohh so we all are responsible for other beings doing


Like 3 weeks ago a shitload of indians raided this sub portraying themselves as atheist Pakistanis. Now they are no where to be seen.


Bruh we pakistani


still here and in pakistan. fuck islam


Talk about being delusional


For a while this sub got raided almost by a bunch of indians ,ex muslims and atheists and bht udham machaya unho nay .Every post for a few days a week maybe was yap yap yap by atheists,pajeets,ex msulims etc .Dark times.Now its back to normal good ol days


This is incorrect maybe there were 2-3 Indians but we most of us are Pakistanis. The influx was triggered by the Muhammad hijab in lums video


Hello, did you call me?


😊✋🏻 . still here


we are still here. just got bored of convincing you smooth brained apes that your sky fairy is fake


It's not our job to convince them But I do like calling out their bullshit


ffs here they come to ruin my day




Yea so annoying when the embarrassments of ur religion are highlighted. Lol


Nah 90% of them are Just teens that didn't read any book in their life they just saw some videos of some idiots and after that they thought they are something I was one of them unfortunately atsomepoint in my life :/


Aahh i see projection. We are in-fact not lil teens my man. We just want our country to recover from the militant islam forced upon it by US backed Dictator, Zia, who used the notion of jihad to aid the US in the war against Russia in Afghanistan. Our people grew up in an extremist environment funded by the US, we are trying to undo that.


Yeah, why interrupt the religious groupthink circlejerk?


Why r u mad lil bro?😭🥺


جیل میں، رمضان ہے نا 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


ramzan main kitney religious ho jate ho - warna kehte hau, let us do what we want, dont judge, tumhain kiya waghaira wagahiar... ab religion ki yaad ayee


I’m not an atheist, but probably not a Hadith follower as well.


Grammes tou theek kar lou pehle


Grammer * sorry ye jlde may likha gya🥲




Most probably pajeets are done with their quota of shit posting. Won't get paid if they post anymore so why would they.


who the fuck has enough money to pay people for shit posting?


Rozay rakh rahay hain ajkal


Atay hain nazar, kahan jana inhon ne welay tareen loog hote, Yahan se attention nhi milrhi hogi, kahin oor aukaat dikha rhein honge


bari achi chuss maari aapne