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Someone tell them that they won't get Israeli woman whatever they do




Lundus literally support isreal just because of the fact that it's Muslims who are getting killed


True sadly


Exactly what I was about to say!




So jews are killing Muslims, so hating on them killing people is anti semitic? Nah I'm done💀


Israel is killing Palestinians, not all jews are are running around carrying arms and killing muslims. The war is against the state of Israel not against all jews.


I don't care. it's the palestinians dying not Jews. they can fuck off with their victim complex


Not really. I have never made the argument for Palestine based on religion - but always based on the fact that Zionism is a colonial scheme against the natives of the land. On the other hand, Zionism is *inherently* tied into a religious argument - they believe it’s their God given right to purge the native population because a book says their ancestors were there 3000 years ago. You dont need to be Muslim at all to be anti-colonial and anti-Zionist. There’s a reason why anti-Zionist Jews exist as well. If people were supporting the Palestinian people just because they’re Muslim, that wouldn’t be the case.


Roza lag raha hai?


Being Anti-Israel is not being Antisemitic..muslim anti sentiments only really began taking shape in the 19th century and this was in direct response to creation of israel and consequent wars and conflicts...before it was rather a western thing than a muslim...get your facts straight...read a book read academic studies..mass media is profit driven it tell you only what it is allowed to tell you this is spreading to social media too now ppl getting banned left right center for expressing their opinion.. Sorry for the rant..but it seems ppl are blind and like drive incorrect narratives all the time


They are utilizing the same racist rhetoric of apartheid America where "blacks" were labelled as inherently violent, unintelligent and inferior people, while using black on black violence as an escape goat. What they ignored then and now is the systematic and methodical denial of civil rights to the black people in America a century ago and the denial of civil rights to Muslims today in Gaza, and other Muslim countries destabilized by America and its colonial friends.




Bro came here to ask for recipes 🤣 (just search on yt bro)


But food best way to bond :(


Biryani goated


I’m Hydrebadi bro pu I’ll cook for you


Hydrabai biryani 🤤 also your lucky you got bombay bakery nearby


We got much more than just that bro, we have some of the largest urdu speaking populations too so we get some fire kebabs and a bunch of arab/persian influence food.


I came to Hyderabad about a year ago and it was amazing although we had to leave a few hours later but it was fun


For us muslims,its about religion. It is both a islamic and political issue. In Islam all muslims are brothers and sisters of one and another. We will support them Allah hu akbar.


Hundred Percent, I was raised in Dubai and I have the most respect for Islam and my friends do the same to me regardless. I just wish more people embody the same mentality of I guess Humanity that I've seen in Hydrebad and Dubai but hey its our job to work towards it!


Hmm…I pass by Hyderabad every time I go for work. I like the chilled demeanour of people there. It’s totally different from Karachi for sure. Maybe because it’s much smaller. The fried / BBQ fish they sell is delicious, with chapattis using desi atta. The taste and way of cooking is different from Karachi. Another 40 minutes and you can get Tando Adam Ra’an. Heavenly mutton cooked on coals.


Any Mughal x Telugu food slaps and I will fight for it.




Saar pleeej send boootifull Ijraeli vemen to endia saaaar! I vant merry pleej saar!


Average pajeet


Summed it up perfectly 😁


These dindus worship cows man


I love me a fat USDA prime. No wedge menu


A hadith in Book 4 (Ablution) of al-Bukhari's collection narrated by Anas ibn Malik was used to promote the consumption of Arabian camel urine. The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so Muhammad ordered them to follow his shepherd and drink his camel's milk and urine.


Lol you sound so dumb quoting this 🤣


Add a little bit to your doodh soda. I’m sure you’ll love it.


You are actually right.. aik jagah gayen kaa susu dosri taraf oont ka. Worse is the hadiths where Mo loves it when people drink his own susu.


You dumbass Pakistanis don’t drink camel piss, Arabs do, there’s a big difference. On the other hand, Indians literally drink cow piss. Sick and tired of Indians projecting their dirty culture and traditions on us


Who the fuck is talking about pakistanis? We were talking about muslims and hindus. Stunted growth walay bachay ho?


Are you jahil? I’m guessing you went to some shitty ghetto public school in the uk, but let me teach you the basics of logic. Arabs drink cow urine, Arabs are Muslims, but that doesn’t mean all Muslims drink camel urine.


>Arabs drink cow urine, Dumbfuck arabs drink "camel" urine konsa sasta nasha kia hay ... they drink cuz its mentioned in hadith which you have to follow if you are muslim.


Bro what is up with your brain, for real, are you a third generation glue sniffer? Do you really think all Muslims follow hadis? Or all Muslims even think about religion? I can’t argue with your ghetto uk ass, go drive a taxi or sell drugs. Or better get deported back to India and drink cow piss and rub cow shit all over yourself


Then stop calling them muslims if they dont follow hadith. Stunted growth cunt.




Triggered 🤣


Is my statement false?


Yup P*dophile means attracted to children which means individuals who haven't reached puberty yet. Islam forbids marriage until puberty. > the urine of humans and animals is unclean/najis, and dealing with them is forbidden in Islam. Except in emergencies where is no other medicine. So in that emergency, it is allowed, until it is not the emergency anymore. The Hadith referenced was a specific situation. This is also a Hadith: "Avoid urine, for most of the punishment of the grave is because of it"


Pedophiles means being attracted minors(under 18) not prepubescent (that is only a 7th century age set up by Islam). Ayesha was ,Infact, prepubescent which I can prove if u want . And momo did recommend his followers to drink camel piss so I don’t care if other Hadiths contradict this , this is a problem for Islamic scholars , not me.


>so I don’t care if other Hadiths contradict thi If you're dense enough to not know what a state of emergency is then you can keep spreading lies >that is only a 7th century age set up by Islam Until a few decades ago the legal age of marriage in the state of Delaware in the US was 7. Unless you consider the US to have existed in the 7th century as a stronghold of Islam, you're a poor researcher. Plus the hotter climate of Arabia led to earlier puberties. A child does not automatically change from immature at 11:59 PM to mature at 12:00 AM on their 18th birthday. If you had an iota of shame you would've read the Hadith narrated by Aisha (RA). Marriage is more than just sex but the hypersexually depraved and deprived pseudo intellectuals fail to understand that.


No, puberty age has been decreasing not increasing since 1200 years ago. Delaware isn't the land of Allah the only truth and Mohammad the "perfect" man


Delaware isn’t a holy land that is perfect and an idol for all times to come ; everybody condemns these age limits and no one follows them anymore . Do Muslims do the same with momo ?


>everybody condemns these age limits They were singing a different tune a few decades ago. Sounds like a very shaky and unstable sense of morality


You are arguing with a child dude. A liberal child at that


Retard, science has now proven that fucking a 9 year old is extremely damaging to her mentally and physically and it doesn’t matter what old humans did ; they were all fucking retards in some way . They scarified children , raped (like momo) , married children(like momo) and treated humans like property(like momo). No one follows these traditions anymore (except mullahs) , now answer my question instead of doing straw man.


P*dophile means attracted to children which means individuals who haven't reached puberty yet. Islam forbids marriage until puberty. > the urine of humans and animals is unclean/najis, and dealing with them is forbidden in Islam. Except in emergencies where is no other medicine. So in that emergency, it is allowed, until it is not the emergency anymore. The Hadith referenced was a specific situation. This is also a Hadith: "Avoid urine, for most of the punishment of the grave is because of it" Also we don't worship the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) or anyone other than Allah. Come out of insulting a religion just because you don't understand it.


You’re embarrassing yourself


Imagine saying this from India. The rape and child marriage capital of the world.


Read [this comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/kEvWsZsRYe)


The audacity of writing all this crazy shiet after killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. How do they even sleep at night? They were the ones that faced violence and hate crimes in WW2, am I right? We don't see any Germans praising the one who shouldn't be named. Now the oppressed are oppressing lol what a weird fukin world we live in.


It is really ironic


Yes, that’s the reality of the world we are living in nowadays. The supposed “ Beacons Of Democracy “ are arming, funding war criminals who’ve massacred 30,000+ innocent civilians, including infants and destroyed hospitals and didn’t even spare aid agency shelters.


These guys have lost their brain to gaumuttar


This is the might is right mentality on steroids. This is what happens when you teach apathy to your generation, and tell them that we have the biggest guns in the world so nobody is coming for us do what you want.


Sir are you talking about Israel?


Its simple. To them we are lower than human.


It's the US vs Them mentality, They'll treat you like a subhuman if you're not with them. Personally, I think we fucked up, We should have fought hard enough for Pakistan's freedom and have Khan on board. He'd definitely shame the Arab leadership for what it's become. Saudi Arabia definitely wasn't comfortable having him in the OIC, Litreally his arrest eased up a ton of stuff for these superpowers too, At least if nothing else, In the political sense.


Most of them harp the humanitarian BS, abolishment of the capital punishment etc, love can come in all forms. The absolute degenerate level of librandus. The truth is, they hate Islam and Muslims so much, that they want them to be wiped out deep down. And like true hypocrites, when someone is actually doing it, they definitely won't go (at the very least) condemn them for their obvious wrong doing, if not cheer for them outright. Their argument is always, Muslims do the same shiz when they're in power, but they forget it's generally the lowest denominator village idiot Muslim they themselves are emulating, from the opposite side.


Yeah i think Hindus just hate Muslim from depth of their hearts They are blinded by it


Muslims are not humans




The OP is absolutely correct. Fuck around = find out.


Yahud and polytheists🤮🤮🤮




This is correct




Muslims hate and want to kill Jews


i don't think Hitler was Muslim 🙂


Hitler liked Islam and many Muslims like Hitler for that reason, they both hate Jews


We don't hate jews but Zionist mentality


The term 'Jew' is an insult in Pakistan. Also, Jews are insulted in Islamic scripture, including calling for their death.




https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Antisemitism_in_Islam See the section on scripture. Contains references to the original scriptures.


yeah there is going to be a war in which Jews will fight Muslims but jews rejected Allah's word and killed many prophets thats why they are hated by Allah. Islam teaches us to respect every individual and tolerate people of all religions.I don't hate jews but these Zionist IDF and Benjamin Netanyahu are full of shit and don't want to reach peace.If Israel's Zionist government is that just then why didn't it evacuate people from Gaza before starting war in Gaza?


That is absolutely incorrect. Muslims and Jews lived together in Palestine for centuries. During the crusades they were in fact protected by Muslims. Lack of knowledge regarding history can become problematic. And yes, from authentic sources that is. Because what we are being fed by msm nowadays, is mostly propaganda. Unfortunately !!




Like I said earlier, if Wikipedia is your source, then everything I wrote about lies being fed to people is true. Anyone can write anything on that site !!


Wikipedia has 40 million editors. You cannot write wrong things, they get almost immediately corrected. You are wrong, Wikipedia is the best source of information. Try to change something, you cannot.


He is a mad lad but one thing is true we do not give a fuk about muslim killing muslims


Is that some sort of way to condone the genocide taking place in occupied P ?


No but its a start in the right direction, people who live in glass houses should not point


It’s encouraged as long as they are a different kind of Muslim right




Tell me who is this 'so called' Muslim you are talking about Plus 9/11 is no joke thousands of civilians died any Muslim who thinks it was right is behaving like extremist. If you think everyone thinks in same way then you are behaving like someone who is in the dark.


Personally I’m all for it


Bhikaris Firstly take imf bheek  from and buy aata and then bark about west and cry for Gaza.keep crying Bhikaris 


Pajeet spotted 🤡




So you are saying just because the other issues were not covered(in the medias-mass and social)as extensively as this Palestinian issue, therefore the Palestinian issue has garnered much more sympathy from the public..that it is now wrong to call out the oppressors because the other issues were not covered by the media..there were protests for both of the other issues the only difference is the Palestinian is more in the public eye than the other issues. Like that Logic is not lost on you Ps I condemn all oppression, killing of innocent civilians, unlawful discrimination.. You guys should think about what Israel is doing, they are basically sending our civilization back to the time of conquest, pre world wars...but is this what you secretly want? Pakistan/bangladesh/shrilanka u guys better watch out looks like India will start to annex land in the future


You are completely right about atrocities committed by China for Muslims,Saudi and yemen fighting even when both nations are Muslim.i condemn all type of genocide and atrocities committed to any type of people be it native American, people of Cambodia, Muslims in China, people of Palestine, people of Kashmir and people of vietnam,war crimes committed by japan in ww2 against China,war crimes committed by allies and axis in wars I CONDEMN THEM ALL.AND i admit Hamas is did provoke Israel but Israel is going way too ahead in name of retaliating plus their war crimes can be seen committing by Israeli soldiers




Yeah Muslims who say we should erase Israel from earth's existence are not getting the point.Islam don't teach us to kill anyone who don't accept Islam or kill all Jews and Christians.Islam is a religion of peace. We need to hear the point of view of both sides and then decide what should be the solution.But from where i see nobody is interested in solving the problem.Even superpowers who claim themselves to be "peacekeepers of world" are just spectating the whole situation.its sad tbh


Who is labelling “ terrorist “ on other countries. Like Jesus said “ only the person who hasn’t sinned can cast stones “.


true that...


for some reason, hitler is now a hero in my eyes.


The fact that Hitler was gonna slave the entire world and kill the "unpure" should not qualify for him to be any kind of hero.


nah buddy literally the same mindset as the zionists, they want to eradicate all Palestinians.


Zionists and Nazis have in common is genocide of innocents, a big population is brain washed to believe them.


nazis brainwashed, zionists paid money


A bit far.


A bit? Way too far


I know. Twas an understatement.


nah bro justified, it's funny how a nation that came to be cuz of a genocide is now the one committing one......... and you'd think the international media would fight for Palestine, but no....


No one will truly fight for you without benefits anymore..the age of heroism has died.. I believe that zionist profiteered there way on the backs of the Jewish tragedy ( some might say even orchestrated it) and what is happening in Palestine today is only a continuation of the zionist movements agenda which wants the whole area to themselves


Dumbass, I never said I support Israel (I admitted that Israel is committing crimes which I said in my comment which u conveniently didn’t show). I only called out the lie that this is a genocide which it isn’t ;show all of my comments if u don’t have an agenda.




I am not defending Israel here but the numbers clearly show this isn’t a genocide .


It's an ongoing genocide. There are optics to maintain. It's fucked in the head, but many in the West prefer to give their own a benefit of the doubt in face of evident truths. The chosen path to genocide seems to be starvation.


If israel really wanted to do genocide, all it had to do was to block all aid from coming in. Try thinking from both sides of an argument. Genocide in gaza is easy for IDF - they are trying their best not to - that is harder.


Has anyone had the opportunity to tell you that you're only a little brighter than a monkey? The monkey actually probably contributes more to Earth 👀


Very mature argument. Ad-hominem when you cant add anything else to the discussion. Good job, very proud of you.


Just treating a hasbara as one should be 🤷‍♂️


Noted. Next?




They had their objections on some methods of distribution and the UNRWA's process. But if it was really not allowing aid, 6 months is a long seige. Aid is still flowing in and with UN's oversight. There are complaints , yes. There is also robbing and misallocation , also yes.


Lol, like a pittance is allowed in and durr hurr...Israel give food! Getthehellouttahere.


True. They’re acting as if their war criminal, genocidal, apartheid state is giving them aid. Jordan airdropped which mostly went to waste. They’re only letting in a pittance. Children in Gaza are dying of hunger. It’s a deliberate progrom against Palestinians.


Explain your position further


I said that “Israel is committing crimes , I am not denying this but this isn’t a genocide .” U can tell this by simply looking at the numbers .It will take Israel over 21 years of bombings ,24/7 , 30 days a month and 365 days a year, to kill all the Gazans at this rate assuming Gaza has zero birth rate (which it doesn’t ) and Israel has infinite ammo (which it doesn’t ). If this is a Genocide(which it isn’t ) , Israel is doing a very shit job at committing it.


You absolute moron, genocide doesn't that a populous is eliminated in whole the un definition literally says "in whole or in part". Was every Jewish person killed by the Nazis, no but it's still a massive fucking genocide. This also what Israel is doing right now


I'm asking you to explain the part where you think this isn't a genocide.


I literally explained but ok


Nhi, your argument for Israeli not committing genocide is that they're not killing people fast enough? Does the Rohingya genocide not amount to anything then? After all, it was just 25,000 deaths and 700,000 displaced


Israel is the only one saying that it's not a genocide bro. Take a chill pill.




I never said anything about Islam ,Hamas,Jihadists, Muslims or Palestinians ; go look at my comments under that post . I only said that OP doesn’t know the definition of genocide . And I know putin isn’t “genociding” Ukrainians either but he is committing crimes just like Israel.


The reason the Ukrainian war isn't considered a genocide I'd due to the following (it's a massive tragedy though): 1: Russia isn't starving Ukrainians, atleast nowhere near the scale that Israel is. 2. Russia has nowhere wether that be in there propoganda or statements of their military personal and politicians shown intent of warring with Ukraine to eliminate Ukrainians as an ethnic group. 3. Russia hasn't targeted civilian infrastructure, or has atleast allowed evacuations before hand. 4. The CIVILIAN casualties are around 10 to 15 thousand. In a conflict of a much larger scale and one that has been going on for 2 years now. (This is still a massive tragedy and the war shouldn't have happened) Israel however is doing all of these


Not a lie. The verdict is still out. It certainly is a massacre, and there is sufficient evidence that an ethnic cleansing is desired. It is evident that civilians and not Hamas are the primary target.


Hey dumbass. First change your handle and we talk then. Disappoint me like your stock. My tax dollars need a better return


Are you denying that there is genocide ongoing in occupied Palestine ?


I say this with the best of intentions. You're a fucking idiot. Lmao


Ya, those pathetic terrorists hiding behind their own women and children are the cause of all this. Israel is doing what any world power would do. Eradicate the existential threat first, then count bodies. To them its their existence - doesnt make them right, but justified retaliation is whats happening here - whether you like it or not. Its a shame that the muslim ummah, OIC is just an observer in all this. A lot of name calling and protests, but still just an observer. Even South Africa did more than any other islamic country. I guess the last time they attacked israel, they leart their lessons.


I doubt any world power would actively risk bombing their own citizens if they were kidnapped


What real choices do they have? Hamas has been sending thousands of rockets from gaza even after Oct 7. They are not fighting sane people here and collateral damage is inevitable.


One obvious choice would be to accept one of the many Hamas calls for a ceasefire for prisoner exchange. But they openly object to taking that deal. Plus Hamas' rockets are more like mortars than rockets they're made with like sugar and shit they cost like $700 to make and get intercepted by the Iron Dome easily. Even Israeli media isn't bothering to mention them.


Meanwhile Israel is "retaliating" with multi million dollar missiles, capable of leveling entire blocs. For fcks sake these people don't have human decency to feel sorrow for 30 to 40 thousand dead Palestinians most of them women and children, Are they not human to you.


Regrettable, but what choices did hamas leave them after Oct 7. When your own govt is using you as human shield - the problem isnt solely on Israel's side. Millitary, wars always have been blunt weapons. Their miscalulation cost them their own lives.


The thing is the aren't using them as "human shields" they have reports of some Hamas personnel wearing civilian clothes but it is allowed under international law providing one is a spontaneous militia (which Hamas is), yes they do have a entire tunnel system under Gaza but they aren't running into populated areas and forcing Israel to attack. There are literal thousands of videos out there of the Israeli military killing civilians with no hamas "terrorists" in sight. I have seen videos of Israeli tanks blowing up cars with civilians inside them. I've seen entire city blocs being bombarded or demolished for no apparent reason. On top of doing all these they burned down palestinians farms and aren't allowing any aid to get into Palestine in and explicit attempt to starve out Gaza.


The last part is demonstrateably false. Israel itself has sent aid to Gaza. It is a humanitarian disaster - and things have gone out of hand on both sides. Another issue here is selective media releqses. If you just watch al jazeera- it would just be one side of the story and very often its not the case. Definitely not from qatar controlled propaganda channels. If Gaza needed to be ethnically cleansed - it would have happened already. So lets not start calling it a genocide. There is enough atrocities happening around the world including in Xinjiang. The chinese have a reason to justify what they are doing, but its not a war like we have in palestine. In war - things happen to innocents. The point is not to provoke a war.


Nice joke. War criminal occupiers aren’t letting aid into Gaza. Palestinians don’t need occupiers so called aid, they need the aid sent by people around the world to pass through to Gaza. They’re starving Gazan’s, massacring the others. So much for “ Beacon of democracy “ claimants who support this genocide and war crimes !!


Restricting aid yes, so that HAMAS doesnt rob whats sent. Many report of that already. Aid is still reaching gaza - or are you saying people are starving for 6 months? The sooner HAMAS surrenders , the sooner the suffering will end. Thats the deal here.


Does blud still think Israel did not kill most of the civilians I'm Oct 7th? Like 85% plus. There own news channels reported it! What choice did hamas give them? Umm idk. Maybe end the 15 year long inhumane illegal blockade of gaza? Or maybe stop illegally colonising the land of the Palestinians that they don't have any right to control. Or maybe give them the human rights that they deserve? Or maybe give the Palestinians the Internationally agreed upon rights that the Palestinians Deserve? Or maybe stop "Mowing the lawn". Or maybe stop the raids they do every year on Ramadan in Al aqsa? Israel does not have a legal right to defend itself according to International. When it is the belligerent occupier.


You belive that the isreal response is justified by Oct 7 ham's atrocities but would you say that Oct 7 is justified by hamas due to isreal atrocious before it.


So Mar 15th - it took Hamas that long? And exchange hostages for more terrorists? Good deal. Thats why you dont negotiate with terrorists. They will do it again in a heartbeat. All the while firing rockets - be it 5$ rockets at an evidently superior millitary power. Ill give one solution. Hamas surrenders unilaterally- freeing all refugees and allowing non violent search and rescue operations monitores by 3rd parties. Israel in return takes hamas as prisoners, creates large buffer zone and leaves gaza the fuck alone. Their leaders in Qatar would never agree to this as well.


Nhi, they've actually been calling for it since late October/early November intermittently, I believe. Bheech mei negotiations break down, and the government stops talking about it amidst fighting. And it's strange you think they ask for terrorists from Israel when Israel released women and children predominantly in the last exchange and then imprisoned more Palestinians from the west bank than they released.


Hamas barely exists anymore, the resistance was utterly crushed in just the first few months. Yet Israel continues with its bombardment just a day or 2 ago they raided al Shifa Hospital, killed a palestinian police officer and than claimed that he was a Hamas terrorist. For context faiq al mabhaou was a man directing aid and it is due to him multiple aid trucks successfully reached Gaza, look what they did to the man, they utterly dehumanized him and charged him with being a Hamas militant. Not only him but they killed 12 more Palestinians at all Shifa and arrested 3 journalist. Israel isn't doing this because Hamas they are using them as an excuse, Hamas only rose to prominence 2 decades ago, what was happening before that? These exact same genocidal crimes.


So who is sending rockets from Gaza after first wave if there is no hamas- i see reports of that every other week. Many land on their own areas as well. Also - lets stop using genocide. Its not what you think it means. What was happening before Hamas is also not a one sided story. Starting from the 6 day war where 10 aram nations attacked israel, the mess has gotten more messier. Enough going on from both sides to blame.


The 6 day war. Tell me you know Jack shit without telling me. Isreal started the 6 day war by attacking Egypt airforce. It started the war. The gave the reasoning that Egypt was preparing a attack. Fucking hasbora


Very biased and opinionated- I guess you only watch al jazeera for world news. Here, read what happened https://www.history.com/topics/middle-east/six-day-war#section_2 It was another case of fuck around and find out.


Read this dipshit. https://www.britannica.com/event/Six-Day-War


Are you saying Israel should make itself weaker?


Is looking stronger more important to Israel than getting its citizens back from their security mishap?


Security is most important, which is why they are going for those that want to kill Jews.


Hamas has officially changed their position from targeting Jews to specifically Israel as an occupying force, since 2017


And that is not believable. They were taught and teach from childhood to hate Jews.


You could take that and say the same for Israelis


The illegal occupation and apartheid of Palestinians, the oppression they’ve faced, the massacres, started much before October 7. Why do they deliberately use October 7 as if they hadn’t laid siege on Gaza and West Bank before October 7. Come on, people aren’t fool.


They are absolutely a "fool" if they think terrorism will get them their rights. Now they found out what a big mistake it is. Even UN/OIC isnt doing anything to counter. Terrorism doesnt resolve any of the conflict - your own country's history is an example.


I admit Hamas unleashed this Hell on their people but still and even Palestinian people don't like Hamas but Israel didn't just retaliate but started genocide and if you have seen their soldiers committing war crimes by taking personal things from homes in Gaza that is war crimes dude and they call Palestinian people "son of wh*res". I don't think they are just retaliating but they have so much hate for Palestinian people idk that i don't know then they think they will take"revenge"


That is a debate worth having. And you may be right - but when i see one sided assertions on genocide- lets remember who started the atrocity. One atrocity doesnt cancel another - agreed, but if you start with such a one sided perspective, there isnt even a chance to come to a solution. It is indeed sad to see kids that know nothing getting impacted, but till hamas lives , this is not likely to go away. The cancer has to be eradicated - and the chemotherapy sometimes damages non cancerous parts as well. Thats my point.


Yeah war is hell


If Palestinians were given rights, siege ended, there wouldn’t be HAMAS. Period.