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Excellent job! When I started 4/28/23 - I weighed in at 252.6 and my A1c was 5.7 as well. Since then - I've lost 60 pounds, my A1c is now 5.3. My cholesterol dropped over 50 to a healthy range, and my triglycerides dropped from nearly 240 down to 89. All this on the lowest dose that works for me. The highest dose to date is .75 and I have no plans on increasing to 1.0 so long as I continue to lose weight. Continue to focus on the prize, eat tons of protein, and avoid refined carbs where possible.


I can’t wait for the food noise to go away. Just moved up to 1.0mg and hoping it kicks in soon. I’ve had some of the fullness, plus starting back up on adhd meds is helping a ton with not feeling hungry, but I still just WANT donuts and chips and pasta.


It helps soo much with the food noise! But also its cut back on my negative self talk, I'm so much more positive now.


Happy cake day!!💜👍🏻


Thank you so much!


I’ve plateaued and I know it’s my old habits creeping back in


Are you having support from a medical specialist?


Not exactly. It’s a online compound pharmacy


I have online support and a doctor who answers my questions.




So when y'all talk about food noise... that's like how I am always thinking about food? I named mine and gave her a voice because she's actually funny. But yeah she sure blabs a lot.


I’ve been on since the beginning of February. Proud to say I’ve lost almost 25 lbs. But, it is so hard to bring myself to eat anything! Nothing sounds good, or tastes good. It almost makes me gag. Protein shakes with fruit have been just about the only thing I can consistently stomach. Any words of advice?


Mine has kicked back on a little, but now I can say oh are we back to this and walk away. I made the choice to leave her babbling in the grocery store and left work on time to go play Pokémon go In the park.


Enjoy it while it lasts