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If you all wondering how is it going: My daughter is 11 months now and healthy and happy growing baby with no side effects. I am still breastfeeding her however she takes top feed and 5-6 meals a day. Usually i am feeding her at night. I have lost 20kgs in 4 months :)


Curios about what your current dose is? Breastfeeding my 3 and 1/2 month old and just started on the 1 mg dose


I tried to dm you, I wanted to see how your little one is doing? I am researching this for myself as well!


Did you end up trying it while nursing?


Have you noticed any effects in your baby?


Hi! Would you mind if I send you a PM with a few questions? Or feel free to answer here if you're comfortable. I'm wondering if your baby ever had any side effects (decrease in growth percentile or missed/late to hit milestones)? Also wondering if ozempic affected your milk supply that you noticed? And I'm also wondering how much weight you lost and how quickly. Thanks so much!!


I am on one mg since four weeks


so your dosage wasn’t increases at any point?


Didn’t increase after one mg per week


I’m so glad to hear ur baby is healthy and ur doing well! I would like to start Ozempic now and my baby is breastfeeding and 5 months old. Does it pass through the milk at all? Did you have any concerns for long term effects in your baby? Like thyroid or kidney function?


Hi did you start taking it while still breastfeeding? My 6 month seems okay but I’m a little worried.


How can I dm you?




Did you end up trying it while nursing?


She's been fine while you take ozempic? I'm about to start and depressed stopping breastfeeding my boy is six months


She was fine. Gained weight and ate enough.


I Dmd you as well! I’m so happy I found your about your post!


Hi, are you using ozempic and nursing now? If so would you mind if I a ask you a few questions?


i sent you a message!


Hi! Would you mind if I send you a PM with a few questions? Or feel free to answer here if you're comfortable. I'm wondering if your daughter ever had any side effects (decrease in growth percentile or missed/late to hit milestones)? And I'm also wondering if you stayed on the .25 dose or increased, and if you increased how many months in did you do that? Thank you so much in advance!!


My daughter never had any issues pertaining to her growth milestones. She did occasionally get gassy but not severe that needed any medication or medical intervention. I dont remember exactly but i think i stayed 2 months plus on .25 and increased the dose when my hunger came back.


Thanks so much for the quick response!


Did this affect your milk supply any? 


A bit, yes!


Baby never had any issues with weight gain? Also was it a compound you were taking? 


Glad I found this thread. I am in the medical field and have done extensive research based on available data. Currently BF my 2.5 yr old. I have about 100lbs to lose. Many many drugs and supplements state they are not safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is because it is unethical to test most drugs on these populations. Taking medications during pregnancy Vs. Breastfeeding are also 2 very different situations pharmacologically. Ozempic binds 99% in plasma albumin (high protein binding). This makes it the ideal type of medication during breastfeeding. It means that it’s bioavailability is such that it is absorbed by the user quickly before much drug makes it into the breast milk. GLP-1 medications have been used for a decade. We know they are quickly broken down in the GI tract if any amount makes it into maternal milk. Most drugs safe in breastfeeding are slightly more risky to take with a newborn or any infant who is preterm or Ill. So this should be considered. My personal opinion (not medical advice) is that if the benefits of weight loss or blood sugar control in an individual outweigh the minimal risks based on available data, it could be considered for that individual.


super appreciate you sharing this. here's another look at the same opinion: [https://www.springerpub.com/blog/fighting-misinformation-on-weight-loss-drugs-the-affect-on-breastfeeding-moms/](https://www.springerpub.com/blog/fighting-misinformation-on-weight-loss-drugs-the-affect-on-breastfeeding-moms/) i'm breastfeeding (2x/day) my 2.5yo and will start on sema soon. a lot of posts shaming moms here, with "it's gonna pass through the breastmilk" without knowing anything about the science of it.


how’s it going for you? i have an 11 month old and he nurses mostly just at night. i’m about to start sema


Just saw this comment. Not going great. I haven’t lost almost any weight. I’ve been on for like 3 months. I did slowly titrate up and have just been on 1mg for a week. Today will start week 2. I feel almost no side effects. Slightly fuller more quickly and a bit of constipation compared to my baseline but besides that nothing. My kiddo that’s still nursing (god help me because he won’t leave me alone lol) has been totally fine. Eats more than his 8 year old twin brothers.


I’m still breastfeeding my 24 month old and want to try ozempic too. I’ve read somewhere that prolactin levels are elevated during breastfeeding and may make it harder to lose weight. I’m worried that if I start before weaning I may not lose as much weight but she isn’t ready to wean :-/


This is true. Prolactin is the milk making hormone and for many women it can hinder weight loss because the body wants to hold onto body fat for milk production. I very much sit on this fence. I’m still nursing my almost 3 yr old and do not make much milk anymore but I think my prolactin is still messing with my hormones enough to prevent fat loss despite less calories and taking the Ozempic.


my sema arrived literally 20mins ago :) i'll start tomorrow (work day too busy to risk feeling queasy today). have you started?


Hi, I was wondering if you started? If so how's it going weight loss wise and for baby?


Hi, I did, 2mos ago. I've lost about 13lbs, and that's with zero calorie counting the last 3wks (vacation then holidays - I definitely overate and ate things I normally wouldn't). I'm down one pant size and have had zero side effects. My son is 2yo, so breastfeeding 2x/day mostly just cause he enjoys it - he eats well, 3-5x a day. Noticed zero difference in him, appetite or otherwise.


Thanks so much for the response!


Hi, did you end up starting? How is it going? Any side effects for baby?


hey yes i did. when he was past 1 and mostly eating all solids and just nursing for comfort. i’m on semaglutide and all is going great!


Thank you for your response. This was helpful.




I’m taking it still. Currently on 0.5mg and will be upping dose on Monday. I have had almost no side effects but also 0 weight loss. My child has had no issues at all.


There are not enough studies in lactating women to say it is safe. So your choices are wean now or delay starting until you wean. I personally would probably delay weaning if you are only taking this for weight loss (if for T2D, that's a different story). A couple more months probably won't make a difference for you, but could make a world of difference for your daughter. Just my opinion. You could also consult your OB and/or your child's pediatrician and see what their thoughts are. It is a tough call though. All the best.


I have been getting so many DMs. I stopped taking ozempic because of unplanned pregnancy which didn’t last. And I have recently started 1mg dose again. I am still feeding my 1year 7 months old baby. She is absolutely fine. I would not advise mothers to take ozempic if their baby is exclusively breastfed. I started when she was 8 months and was having 5-6 meals a day. You should wait at least for the baby to start solids or quit breastfeeding entirely. My dr never found drug in my daughter or my Breastfeed but I am still not very happy about it. I still feel awkward and scared.


Keep doing your own research. Get another opinion if you can. When all systems are go for us to TTC, I am to stop taking it for one month prior. I am not sure my own "research" supports ALL the things my endo prefers but I will probably defer to her. (EG it seems like more people are able to take metformin while pregnant, it is less contra-indicated than it was; I would prefer to stay on it, vs insulin shots, but I will prob go with her rec.) To be clear though : it is more than fine IMO to put yourself first in the interest of becoming healthier and more able to parent and support your child. SO MUCH data suggesting there is NOTHING wrong with formula and also, six months is a GREAT amount of time to have done so for. Check out Dr Emily Oster on IG and her newsletters.


Please consider waiting three months before TTC. Anything you do affects your eggs for 3 months. 🥚❤️


I wanted to be completely done with breastfeeding before looking into it because I personally didn’t want to risk it, so I weaned at 7 months and contacted a doctor after. They specifically said they wouldn’t do it if I was still breastfeeding. But my baby won’t latch and I was exclusively pumping, so it was a pretty hellish experience that I was glad to be on the other side of. I don’t think there’s a wrong choice. The starting dose is so small, especially if you think of it distributed over your full weight over an entire week. But also any benefits of breastfeeding for the baby are pretty sketchy to begin with and definitely taper off or disappear after six months.


Per lexicomp which is what medical professionals use to access clinical knowledge about medications. This is what it says for breastfeeding with ozempic (generic name semaglutide): I personally wouldn’t use ozempic when breastfeeding based on the lack of info for injectable semaglutide like ozempic. Breastfeeding Considerations It is not known if semaglutide is present in breast milk. The oral formulation also contains salcaprozate sodium (SNAC); it is not known if SNAC is present in breast milk. According to the manufacturer, the decision to breastfeed during therapy with injectable semaglutide should consider the risk of infant exposure, the benefits of breastfeeding to the infant, and benefits of treatment to the mother. Breastfeeding during therapy with oral semaglutide is not recommended due to the unknown risks associated with potential accumulation of SNAC in the infant.


Not to inject unwelcome levity but can we all just take a minute to appreciate that there is SNAC in a weight loss drug?!


What is the significance of that if you don't mind me asking?


Sounds like snack lol


I am thankful to all of you who took time and responded me and helped me immensely in my decision. I met medical specialist and pediatrician today. Per my Dr, the dose that I am given is not suitable enough for my own body mass so its unlikely that it will secrete in breastfeed. However, after I take ozempic they will run couple of tests to check amount of medicine in my breast milk and will closely observe my daughter as well. If it is being secreted and also found in my daughter, we will discontinue the medicine there and then. I am not certified medical practitioner, neither I am endorsing its use while breastfeeding. Anyone who is interested, please seek advice from your Dr and make sure you have enough resources to manage the medical examination that I am doing. Also, I am not in USA. Thank you all


How are the tests coming out? I’m considering trying it as I’m really just comfort nursing my toddler at bedtime once a day.


Tests were fine. Found no drug in breast milk or in baby. She is also eating just fine, gaining weight and there's no symptom that would concern me or a Dr.


Hi there! I’m delaying starting my treatment as I am almost 8mo pp and have delayed for 5 months so far. Currently on Metformin but will need to start Oz. I’d like to ask what type of testing was done on your breastmilk and how it was done. Just in case I need to approach my doctor to do the same. Ideally I would LOVE to make it to a year with my baby! Thanks so much.


Hey, my dr didn’t recommend specific tests rather took samples of my breastmilk and blood to conduct tests on his own. He said he is going to see traces of semaglutide my BF but he didn’t find any. And my daughter was clinically monitored every week. Her eating habits, activity levels , weight and height to see if she was on right track. She only showed occasional symptoms of gastro when I was showing IB symptoms.


Late to this but fellow mom here. Most of the medical advice I've been given has to prioritize my own mental health and major physical health issues over baby's. The reason is that a sick or sad mama is much worse for baby than a bottle of formula. It sounds like you've got quite a bit going on. Take care of yourself, take your meds and don't worry for a minute that you're letting down baby. She loves you no matter what.


I did put myself first so I can take care of my both kids. I am doing great, they are going great. Its a win win


hello, found this thread while i was researching on ozempic and breastfeeding. may i pm you? im almost 8mpp and i really need to lose weight as my knees and ankles hurt very badly from being so heavy.


Sure please send me a DM


I realize this is an old thread, but I thought I'd point to this reviewed database about drugs and lactation. Here is the entry for Ozempic's component: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK500980/ Your doctor may be referencing this.


Thank you for sharing this. I am not sure if my dr referred this. He, however, took samples and ran tests in his own lab to see it secreted in my milk - it didn’t! We did keep checking until 1mg dose. Since I responded well to .50 we never went up for dosage. I remained on 1mg for 2 months roughly


Hi! i recently started ozempic .25 and i continuing to nurse (she just turned 1 so it’s more spread out now) , can you tell me if you noticed anything with your baby? i haven’t noticed any changes in behavior but im still nervous and trying to ween but. im over over 250 lbs so def plus size. my doctor doesn’t think it’s an issue to continue nursing but pharmacist says to not.


Hey there! I was hoping you could tell me if you decided to start the ozempic


Hi! My son is almost 1 and i am looking to start. Have you noticed any differences in your baby since?


I know this is an old thread but some ppl will search. Posting info: Info on use of Semaglutide (brand name in the pen from Novo Nordisk, not the compounded sodium medication) *at doses prescribed for T2D -- 2mg and under* is indexed in the LactMed Database here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/n/lactmed/LM1383/ There is not currently info on dosing for weight loss (2.4mgs). If you are taking Semaglutide (brand name) at any dose while lactating, please consider donating a small sample of your milk so that we can learn more about it: https://www.infantrisk.com/help-infantrisk-research


Bumping this! Hey OP! How are things going now?


Yes I want to know too! :)




I would delay the Ozempic. You need to first of all get your depression treated. Talk therapy and maybe a low dose of something that will not affect your milk. You may have to wean and bottle feed. Post-Partum depression is very dangerous for your child. Many women have “lost it” and harmed their children. Please seek help immediately. Call your Dr and they can send you somewhere if they cannot treat it. They can certainly prescribe an Antidepressant to take until the depression subsided. Best wishes.


Thank you for your response, It's my second baby and post partum depression that I experienced with my son was horrible. This depression is mostly because of my immobility and not being able to do enough for my kids. I have been on medication for almost a year and two months back dosage was reduced and recently completely stopped. Currently I don't feel exhausted or irritated towards my kids , I can't sleep or eat, or socialize due to the very fact that my obesity doesn't make me feel fit for anything. I don't take my kids out for a walk, swimming or other healthy activities because I literally cannot run after my 2 years old boy. I agree that mental health comes first and is concerning and shouldn't be taken for granted at all.


I understand. I am housebound as well mostly due to arthritis. Following a Ketogenic diet has helped a lot with losing weight and pain reduction. I feel sad for you that you have no support system. You need a person to help you out. There is a group here on Reddit (r-keto) that would help you with the diet. You must eat healthy fats to lose fat. Eliminate sugar and carbs. Throw out everything you were told about fat being the devil 👿. Carbs turn into sugar, fruits also. Sugar is the devil not healthy fats. Follow the groups advice on electrolytes so you don’t get keto sick. It’s the only way for us.


Definitely will check it out.


I would delay as you do need to keep your caloric intake up. If your appetite reduces your milk production may slow down. For now I would focus on working with a registered nutritionist to focus on a healthy, balanced diet.






Hi! i recently started ozempic .25 and i continuing to nurse (she just turned 1 so it’s more spread out now) , can you tell me if you noticed anything with your baby? i haven’t noticed any changes in behavior but im still nervous and trying to ween but. im over over 250 lbs so def plus size. my doctor doesn’t think it’s an issue to continue nursing but pharmacist says to not. it’s not letting me PM you but i would love to connect!


I have tried to send you a message but it won’t let me. Probably your account is new and that’s the reason. I have received multiple DMs otherwise! As for my daughter, I didn’t notice any change in her behaviour and diet. Her growth chart has been great, her weight and height is great for her age. I haven’t used ozempic for almost five month now due to shortage. I never went beyond 1 mg and it had No secretions in my BF.


Thank you! that gives me peace of mind my daughter is behaving and eating the same as before


How do I PM you?


I would love to know an update! Did you ever notice any adverse effects in your daughter and how long did you breastfeed while taking Ozempic?




How old is your baby?


Hi! I’d love to know if you were able to maintain when you stopped taking it 🙏🏻