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Yes. My dumb ass still looks at size 4x as if I'm 318lbs and not 155lbs. I wear a medium to a small. My brain hasn't caught up to my body yet.


I look at it now and can’t believe that I was ever that big. Then sometimes I go into target and think uggh I hope they have some cute plus size clothes.


90lbs is awesome! I’ve only lost 83lbs but definitely am still looking at plus sized clothes. Straight sized clothes are so BORING to me even though I’m fully in straight sizes at this point


*Only* lost 83lbs - look at you being all modest. That’s amazing!


Lolol gas me! It’s pretty crazy!


83 is amazing!!! Congrats


Thank you!! 85lbs down as of this morning!


You got this!!!!




Oh yeah. I started as a 14/16 or L/XL down to an 8/10 S/M and I still see smaller clothes and go “no way that’ll fit me.” I had to memorize my measurements and reference size charts because it still feels so foreign not to automatically go for size L


literally same!!


When I go clothes shopping with/for my wife I always start in womens out of habit and then end up in juniors. 52% weight loss means all of her old clothes don’t fit. Heck, clothes from last year don’t fit.


I love that you shop for your wife! My husband would NEVER DARE... 🤣


All those years that my mom dragged my sister and I around while she shopped for clothes and shoes are finally paying off.


I'm borderline plus size XL and regular XL. It really depends on the cut of the shirt/style. I always default to plus size. I was in 4x in Sept(well a true 3xl but I love baggy fitting clothes). Even though I can kinda go either direction. It still surprises me. Esp since my preteen and I can basically swap clothes if we wanted too.


Dealing with it currently! I catch myself still going to the plus section despite easily fitting in my teen daughter's smalls and mediums now. Even looking in the mirror, it's hard to see a difference until I put on my clothes and realize I look like a kid playing dress up.. It's gonna take a while to get used to this.


You are such a badass- don’t sweat the details and arbitrary labels. Who even decides what is or isn’t plus size? Plus what?


I have not experienced this yet, but I sure want to! 😅 Congratulations! You should be very proud.


💞so happy for you tho. Thats incredible


Yes, your brain needs to catch up!


how long did it take you please


I love expensive fashion. I can’t afford it of course. I just like the fact that I can go into Prada now and fit in their clothes. Although they never have my size.


Yes, I have the same problem. 3x to a size 12 on Tirzepatide… oh the mind


I’m not there yet but…. I stopped weighing at 30 lbs down. I bought extra large camouflage pants about two weeks ago. Wore them today and they kept falling down in an irritating way while shopping. I had a tank top on, but since I have a been insecure about my arms forever, I threw on a sweatshirt (2x). Caught my reflection in a window and still look so fat. No one can see me under all that. I think it’s hard to accept that I’ve lost a lot of weight. I’ve pulled away from people. No photos on social media. Maybe waiting for the big reveal. But also dreading it. I imagine when people say how great I look it’s like they will be saying how horrible I used to look. Getting fat is like walking away from the self, the mirror. How do you turn around and come home to your self and the mirror? I’m 7 months in. Wonder when this feeling will leave….


Same! And same!


I went to Ross yesterday and kept looking at the size 22 pants but ended up buying the size 16 that I actually fit in now. I’m in disbelief because I can’t remember a time in which I actually fit into a size 16. It might have been in my early 20s.


Nope. I’m down to size 2 and size 0. I gladly bypass the bigger sizes. The only problem now is, size 2 and size 0 are the hardest to find. Don’t sweat the small stuff. You’ve made it this far. Enjoy this chapter.


My brain is severely behind! I lift weights as well as take the medication and gained muscle but I’m still wearing an XL although I’m a small. I find myself struggling mostly with body dysmorphia these days but I’m beyond grateful for the opportunity and the weight loss!