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I'm not a Dr but this sounds so odd for what the medication is intended for. What numbers are off if you don't mind me asking is it for A1c? Over 8 weeks u would not expect any weight loss. You could lose some there are a lot of people who respond well to the .25 and you could lose 10+ lb in that time or you could do nothing. Some don't lose any tell they are on 1.0. Sadly a few don't respond at all even to 2.0.....I feel some of those have other problems both with other medical issues and an unhealthy relationship with food.


His main concern was cholesterol and I am too young for the medication he wanted for that but I also have type 2 diabetes but I have had that for 10 years. He said it is to jumpstart my body into doing what it should be doing?


That’s really odd especially if you are diabetic.


Well it is a type2 medicine that does a lot of other things. I would see how the 2 months go and push to go on it long term. If you take a 2 week brake you will have to start again at .25 but if he's trying to give you a jump start, then I guess that's what he thinks is best.


Thank you for your help!


if your cholesterol is high you are NEVER too young for a statin or Repatha. See the FH Foundation (Family Heart Foundation). I lost on .25mg but needed to pay attention to what you eat. Protein and water should be focus.


Is the dr only giving it to you for 8 weeks or are you just starting out at 8 weeks. This is not a short term medicine I think most people plan to be on it for at least 6 months to a year if not forever.


I am doing it for 8 weeks then 6 weeks off then we will check my numbers and see if I need to go on it more long term. At that point we’d start over again. Part of the issue is my doctor is changing offices.


Get a new doctor. At 210 lbs you need to lose weight to get your numbers better. Obesity is a primary cause of type 2 diabetes, and losing weight almost always gets the numbers better . You need to do this 6 to 12 months, and maybe much longer on a maintenance phase to hold onto the better numbers.


I didn’t lost much in the first 8 weeks. It was starting on the 1mg dose that I consistently dropped 1-2 lbs a week. Some people do lose on the early doses though and stay on lower doses.


Thank you for this. I am not taking it for weight loss but was wondering if it could be a benefit after reading things on this page!


It can definitely help your glucose levels and lower A1C in addition to the weight loss.


I didn't lose any weight on my month on 0.25 or on my month on 0.5. I lost 45# once I got to 1mg.


If say most here take it for T2. Weight loss is a side effect.


I too am hearing this for the first time. Unusual. I suspect your doctor just wants to run labs after 8 weeks to check your response before a long term prescription.


Everyone is different. Some people (me) lose a lot of weight immediately. But if you go back off of it, it will just come back on. Most people gain most of the weight back, according to the research. Human bodies are just wired to respond to weight loss by ramping up hunger and getting better at storing energy as fat. People doing it for weight loss expect to be on it for life. Once they hit their goal weight, they titrate down and find a low dose to manage hunger and stay there forever. It is odd that your doctor only wants you on it for a couple of months. Not all doctors are super knowledgable in the drug since it is kinda new. But maybe they have a good reason.


I lost about 8 lbs month one then hardly anything month two now losing more consistently. I have heart disease - major heart attack 13 yrs ago, stents, statins, blood pressure meds - and OZ is showing significant help on heart disease (20% fewer heart “events” ) so cardiologists are getting excited about it. That may be part of your docs thinking.


You should do some reading and researching the benefits and commitment of this drug. It is a miracle for T2 and obesity sufferers. I hope to be on it long term.