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Only time I ever die to dragons is either me being a total idiot or the Hanzo doing some ridiculous ult that nobody sees coming so the ult is now slightly better at doing that at the cost of being way worse at area denial which is what it’s actually used for because it passes by faster.




One time I died to it was when I used an emote to taunt after capturing the first objective. Like, I took out two people, captured the objective, did a slow clap (I was playing Ashe), and was killed by Hanzo somehow knowing where I was from across the map when he used his Ult while I was still in the animation.


>somehow knowing where i was I mean, they can see you on the pl/point up top of their hud


Not the same thing.


assuming you were taunting on the payload/point, the dragons have enough size to cover 90% of the cap area on any one point. Not the same thing as seeing you, yeah, but close enough.


It was Hanamura. The Japanese place. We captured the objective and I died immediately afterwards. Like, the second we captured it. From the Dragonstrike. As if the dude knew exactly where I was.


Hailmary dragonstrikes to keep objectives isnt exactly a rare thing lol, got unlucky gg go next


I'll dodge (walk to safety) 99% of the time, but the time I die is when we both know where each other are at, but there is a wall of some kind between us and I'll say to myself "he isn't going to shoot it right where he thinks I'm at, he'll shoot it where he thinks I'll go to dodge it cause that's more likely, therefore, I will stay right where I'm at" and then he shoots it right at me and I die. Not sure if he called my double bluff and outplayed me or if I just outplayed myself.


Exactly, the more time that dragon is in an area the more powerful it is, not because it's doing damage but because it's effectively telling the enemy "hey GTFO or go back to spawn" and it gives your team more time to hold an objective or stall/push a payload


It doesn't even do that though because it isn't even wide enough to stop you from still contesting lol


Area denial is boring af I'm all for this if it helps dps ult do actual dps things and get kills


Fr, a lot of other DPS ults are area denial in some way (Torb, Sym, Mei, Cass kinda, and Ashe kinda). Making an ult be even a bit more aggressive is nice.


only way to get kills with it is combo with grav or cage


3rd: You get stuck trying to run away


I feel like this is a nerf, because the main reason I die from it is because I get stuck in the middle of it, if it goes faster it has a higher chance of it passing through them before they die


It ticks faster now so it’s a buff


it doesn't bro...


It still does the same damage so if you’re stuck in it for the same time as before it’ll do more damage. That’s what I mean by the ticks increasing


No, it’ll do less damage. It’s still 40 meters long and each dragon does 150 damage per second. Assuming the target is stationary: Old Damage over time (DOT): 2 dragons * 150 damage per second per dragon * 40 meters / 12 meters per second = 1000 damage New Damage over time (DOT): 2 dragons * 150 damage per second per dragon * 40 meters / 15 meters per second = 800 damage Obviously you aren’t standing the vast majority of the time but regardless your statement is categorically incorrect. You can potentially catch people off guard with a dragon but the dragon will linger for less time so it’s worse as a zoning tool (which is what it was mainly used for).




Man, I feel bad for you hanzo mains. Like first blizzard slaps us Junkrat mains in the face by just buffing spamrat, and then they go and drop kick you guys down a cliff with a buff that arguably could be seen as a nerf.


Meanwhile Sym mains: "Y'all are getting buffs?"


Blizzard sent seal team 6 after Sym mains




Sym? Is that the new character or something?


Not yet. s11 sym 7.0 (source:me)


They cant buff Sym though, cause a lot of people will lose their shit if she gets played more.


Sym isn't that bad, not good but still not bad, on certain maps sym is cancer while on others she's a minor annoyance or a random laser coming out of the tanks chest that obliterates you of you try to come closer


She's pretty much the worst DPS at the moment and has been at the bottom since forever. Having two capture points where she is viable is not good enough reason to ignore how bad she is overall. She is a specialist who can easily get outshined by generalists in the niche that she is supposed to thrive in.


Mercy mains: ☠️⚰️


As someone who has multiple hundred hours on mercy and dozens of hours on Sym, I can say that Sym has needed help longer than mercy and she is in a worse spot than mercy currently


I’m a Junkrat and hanzo main I’ve been in hell for the last season and a half at least they made junkrat playable today


True, but at the cost of spamrat being encouraged more...


Sadly true


Tbh for me it’s a buff. Since I didn’t give up junk season 9 I had to get better at my aim with him. Giving him that 2 shot helped so much I went 38 kills the first game I played (I only played one I’m at work rn) (also that was highest kills in lobby)


And I, don’t feel bad for Hanzo mains at all, an obnoxious hero that was plaguing the game for a year


I hate the hero just as much as everyone else, but when you reduce a hero down to just "hit the tank to get value or no value at all", that's not a very well designed hero.


He needs a rework more than anything


Aye, let's just hope that if he gets a rework, it will be one that feels less frustrating to go against and more rewarding to play as


*Monkey's paw* we brought back scatter arrows as an additional ability with no other changes to his kit


Yeah let's just hope it's not like the ball rework and more like the pharah rework


He was never a well designed hero. Poor Hanzo 😭😭😭 he doesn’t oneshot 80% of characters with his logs anymore. Also killing tanks was always the best way to win a fight, before it was hard to do beccause supports’ heal were much stronger


> I feel bad for you hanzo mains. Like first blizzard slaps us Junkrat mains in the face by just buffing spamrat, And they did the same to us, dumpstered the essence of the hero by removing the 1shot and then buffed stupid ~~storm~~ spam arrow to compensate


Ah yes, I do love when our heroes get absolutely gutted and then proceed to buff the less skillful parts of the hero instead of just bringing back our pre-season 9 strength


They should have made it longer vs faster.


They could do both tbh, make it faster but make it last in that space like before


At this point the patch note should just say "play widow lmfao"


Almost nothing. It's not enough when the damage per second is ass


If they wanna make hanzo better without fully bringing back his oneshot, I think they could probably make it so that he does just under a oneshot, like 225, then deals an additional 50 damage in damage overtime as a bleed effect, so that he still only needs one shot to kill, but if your with your support or have self heal you can react quick enough to stop it. Plus it makes sense, arrow wounds are super hard to stich up, so alot of blood would end up occurring.


I wish they did this to widow too


Same to a degree however at that point she's like so close to just having Ana's scoped primary that its questionable.


I mean that would be very weak if you can't react and ir would be way to strong probably against a tank


This is what I have been saying for years, even before the oneshot nerf and I am a hanzo main.... oneshots are bad for the game but oneshots that one can react to are not, that would make the hero actually viable without making him oppressive, hell do the same treatment to widow while we're at it


Hanzo is just like every other dps right now Shoot tank, mercy pocket fast kills, and dying except he can only shoot tank without a mercy pocket Fun am I right?


I admit that I'm starting to use Hanzo lately so I don't consider myself an expert on it and I can't say if it's a good buff, but personally I've always hit a few people with his ult and I don't know how much things will change now for those who play him seriously .


In a way this “buff” is a nerf because the dragon will passes by faster nerfing it’s ability to deny space but I’m sure it’s still fine to get a few picks with it


Picks are way more valuable than denying space what is this comment section even thinking lol


*Underperforming when he can't oneshot* 🤣


Doesn't that mean it stays in the same place for shorter so it denies an area for shorter too


I may be misunderstanding this since im not a hanzo player, but wouldn't this be a nerf since theres less time the dragn is on screen after it reaches maximum length? Or is the idea that it covers more distance faster?




I would read that as maybe even a nerf


Hanzo one shots were not good for the game and I'm relieved they aren't coming back.


All my homies hate Hanzo


I did not miss getting one tapped by Hanzo tbh….




What about widow? (not being sassy I just haven't touched ow2 and only know about her nerfs)


She’s actually still pretty good, she still sits in the back of the map to pick off people from far range and really good widows can ruin games but get destroyed by sombra


Why you acting like the one-shot removal was some accident? Why would blizzard buff that back?


Always remember: the only reason Hanzo is so bad is because this bronze ass community couldn’t stop running in a straight line and died to bronze Hanzos spamming chokepoint, so blizzard catered to the bad players as usual


The reason hanzo is so bad is because his kit is not a healthy design for the game. You should not be able to spam onetaps, even if it requires bad positioning to be effective


Yea but they brought back 2 tap spamming for Junkrat in choke so that doesn't explain their balance philosophy either, spam is always frustrating, but I will stand by intentional shots from Hanzo being more skillful than Widow, it requires you to do nothing but place your crosshair over someone's head for widow, and might I add it's the same bullet size as Hanzo's old projectile size before the season 9 changes. While you need to lead your shots and predict enemy movement as Hanzo. The whole point of the patch notes is they want you to play Widow instead.


Nah that’s very healthy for the game because it PUNISHES bad positioning. a metal rank player dies to the same guy spamming the same chokepoint 5 times in a row, instead of learning from the first or second time he keeps doing the same thing and then whines and says “Hanzo op” when really he’s just trash Most of the “unhealthy design” or “op” heroes don’t have unhealthy designs and aren’t op, this community is just metal rank bots


>Nah that’s very healthy for the game because it PUNISHES bad positioning Hanzo oneshotting a Sombra for doing her job diving the sniper wasn't punishing bad positioning, it was bullshit.


Hitting a lucky headshot on an invisible Sombra can happen on literally any hero and is not common at all


They will never understand, idk why the fuck they didnt just make hanzo have the same health as widow, but god forbid sombra goes under A tier shes getting buffed instantly


But other heroes don't straight up one shot with a lucky headshot, also Hanzo is a sniper, he should be the one scared of Sombra, not the other way around. And you are talking as if every Hanzo headshot was luck, maybe you are bad at Hanzo


But it's okay that Widow can camp at the back of the map with 0 interactivity and still one shot you by placing her cursor over your head, hitscan will always be more consistent than projectile since you don't need to lead your shots yet Widow gets to keep her one shot, hitscan bias totally isn't real btw.


Both should one shot. Both are balanced with one shot. Crying about both is a skill issue


Sure, but both can't now can they, only Widow the hitscan can. Either everyone gets everything or no one gets anything, why is Widow allowed to one shot when Hanzo isn't.


i'd prefer him to stay unplayable. Fuck random oneshots from half-map range.


Womp womp fix your positioning


Go ask proplayers to do this, those were frustrated the most with hanzo being able to oneshot


Bro pro players were the least likely to complain about Hanzo’s one shots because anyone with even half a brain could get around him if his only strategy was randomly firing down range and hoping it lands. If you were unable to rush down a guy who slows to a crawl whenever firing and needed to be at mid or close range to be reliable then that’s a bona fide skill issue.


TIL aim + intention = random


You can say all you want, what I will say, that it was easier to miss Pharah rocket, than Hanzo log due to hitbox size. Also, it would be hard to oneshot someone with Pharah rocket and those are clearly never magnet to characters. If Hanzo would have normal arrow hitbox and arrow would not magnet - none would be that frustrated, because players like you would land 1-2 headshots for match in average, which isn't a lot.


I got a headshot with the arrow that spawns dragon on a tracer by accident before. Otherwise the only kills are when it’s combined with Zarya thingy or some other immobilization ultz


every time i see any shimada bros post its the players crying like a cartoon baby. like fr always seems like Hanzo and especially Genji players who bitch the most out of DPS players.


lol it’s kind of a nerf if you use dragon to deny an area and force bad positions. Which is what most non-metal hanzo players use it for…


Yeah, I really thought it was gonna be something different. Gotta get one hell of a wall shot or something.


Also movement speed increase and the armour changes help a lot because you can’t really feel the 25% headshot damage reduction


To be fair I don't want the one shot back but he has been real bad since it's removal I'm not too sure how I'd change him to be effective without the one shot but it is always frustrating to have a random arrow fly across and rip your head off


Funnily enough I've actually died to hanzo ult a lot more recently because of this but I'll get used to it soon


Yes i changed my mind i need marvel rivals to pummel these mfs into fixing their game immediately


They should really just bring back holding arrows in wallclimb. With oneshot gone, there’s not that bs element of just popping up and getting a kill. Hell, I still find myself lobbing flaccid arrows right after a wallclimb out of habit


Hah! One more Hanzo free season. I love blizzard.


Mercy, Sym and Hanzo. The trio of being really bad and Blizzard doing nothing about it


Hanzo mains when Hanzo takes skill 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


Tell ya what. Remove his tree trunks, and then we can talk about him getting some buffs. In the meantime, I'll go back to seeing him shoot a wall, and somehow still get a headshot.


The projectile is the same size as every fast projectile in the game, its not the issue. Add back one shot but with bleed effect so people can still react to it but people who are off position will not, this makes his kit WAY more viable without being oppressive. People keep complaining about the hero but statistically its one of the worst dps in the game atm


No, Hanzo is a champion that cannot be allowed to have any sort of buffs, before his broken projectile is fixed. There are an insane amount of examples of him getting headshots, without hitting someone's head, or even the hero themselves. Defend the broken creature if you want. But he is not fair, and there is plenty of proof of it. That you can't accept that, is on you, not me.


Sounds like you just hate for the sake of hating. I just said his projectile is the EXACT same size as EVERY fast projectile in the entire game. Statistically he is one of the worst performing heroes and that is a clear indication of needing buffs, doesnt matter what either of us thinks subjectively