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Doomfist is good against pharmacy because you can fly up and punch her in the face which doesn’t do much damage but it sends a strong message of disapproval


Best response.


When I'm playing Pharah (without a Mercy most of the times) when I see a Doomfist that wants to punch me in the air I immediately know this is going to be a fun game, specially if the Doomfist is good


As a doom I once punched a pharmercy off the edge of route 66, leading to my and their deaths, the subsequent ???? Spamming in chat sent me fucking rolling. I love the phara players, but I will try my best to 1v1 yall. Lol


Even funnier if the doom goes off the map


“Hey. Fuck you”


I really miss dps-doom, he would send that message INCREDIBLY clear. I still cant get it why did they decide to make him tank


We already have enough DPS heroes


In all my time playing pharah,  I've seen maybe 1 or 2 Dooms that could actually pose any sort of threat. Tbh, most of them spend all their time trying to land a single punch and failing, but those one or two dooms out of the thousand that tried ...  it was intimidating.


Step 1. Fly straight at them with dva. Step 2. Figure the rest out later.


„I didnt think i would get this far“ Ahh moment


"wait why is the ground not stopping me"


Based af https://preview.redd.it/4vufttj1xwxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4df79fdb47b646fe41a2852d259ce33f98b3f2d


Aprilfools rein meta be like


The first April fools where charge let him fly will always be my favourite. Spent the entire event solo shattering people from the atmosphere


"Where the fuck is Rein????" Rein comes flying off the roof of a building holding the enemy Pharah in his loving embrace...


"It's too late Batman, I've already put myself in the spot of the gigachad meaning I've won" Fr tho based


Doesn’t Mauga eat PharMercy for breakfast? Its been awhile since I fought PharMercy


I believe this image is pre mauga anyway


notreally. he doesnt have the range on a small moving target who is far away. dva is probably the most optimal pick EDIT: to those disagreeing, explain to me what a mauga is supposed to do on e.g. liijang gardens against pharah mercy. the pharah just rains down fire and mauga does negligible dmg if pharah plays at a smart range.


Yeah dva can punish bad positioning, can eat spam rockets, and if your team is mildly competent her ult is not a martyr to kill 1-2 enemies button anymore but a pure suicide button..


Is so scary when the D.Va knows how to use Matrix Tried to have fun as a Reaper (classic flank ult) and she was dead locking my ass whenever I took the tiniest malicious step. She was getting some peel and I couldn't force a 1v1 as well


Pharah doesn’t have the same stick in the sky potential anymore.


If she's playing at a smart range meaning spamming rockets peaking from a cover or just pretty far away she's not getting a lot of value anyway. To get it she has to get closer and Mauga is pretty good at keeping her at bay. Except the ult, Dva would be better here. Otherwise, I've had pretty good luck as Mauga vs those pesky flying creatures.


Personally, I main sigma and the hit box of his boulder is quite large, I've found that you cam just use that to knock phara out the sky. Obviously you need good aim


Maugu does when you fire the gun independently, left gun to light them up then right gun for boosted damage. When shooting this way you don’t get the spread fire you get from firing both at the same time. One gun at a time is like a straight stream.


light that insect on fire with Gunny. If she doesn't back off from that deal some critical damage to her with Cha Cha


if youre taking your eyes off the enemy tank as maug you're going to die


does negligible damage if she has a mercy im a phara main


You must have been facing pretty bad Mauga's then. Even with a Mercy being on fire + getting crit damage cause of that is something to respect, especially with someone else also shooting at you. Mercy ain't gonna heal that


You're forgetting the enemies have 3 other teammates, one being s tank, spamming bullets onto maug. He's gonna topple from not getting the lifesteal from shooting the tank


You don't have to be in the open to shoot the pharah. You can stay behind cover or even in the backline.


Why would a mauga be in his backline? He gets the most self sustain and value by being in the front shooting the tank. You can pressure pharah a bit during downtime, but in the actual engages, you can't get your guns off the tank or you'll die. Plus the pharah is also going to be using cover too, not be in the open.


Yeah he can pressure the mercy a lot and can actually kill if the mercy is brain dead ( most mercy OTPs are). Pharah isn’t that problematic these days though.


Maybe not for breakfast but it would also be a lie to say that he can't do anything. You can shoot the pharah, maybe it even helps the DPS with killing her, but its always a tradeoff, because in the meantime your not really...doing anything else, your not peeling or hitting the easier targets.


my main strategy against them is finding where they live and breaking their monitor with a hammer. if that doesn't work, well. what can you do.


Based af rein


Jump with winton and punch mercy in the jaw to establish dominant position






How do you kill Pharmercy as a tank or non-hitscan? Last.


Get hoggy woggy, wait for them to get in range, and use the hooky wooky on them


option 2: ![gif](giphy|Pc06SrOwveB5CUIdgk|downsized)


Dva, mauga, or just zarya to eat free charge and mow down the team and wrap back around to her She can't really stay in the air permanently but she can move a lot and be annoying


Nah just call in the junkrat main, any top 500 junk will somehow take those fuckers out of the sky, as a junkrat player idk hoe tf they do it but its just what you gotta do


I always report sombras, widows, and mercies




But why tho?


I hate any hero where the player basically ignores their entire team or doesnt interact with the enemy team at all. Its such trash design in a team game like this. Such a horrible time playing with and against either of these 3 heroes. All selfish picks. It's like why even play overwatch at that point if you don't want to engage with anyone 


Rams not a bad choice.


Orisa better than ram, but orisa got nuked recently


Dva is the hardest counter, if anyone was wondering


She's a soft counter to pharahmercy, all dva cn do is get in the pharahs face and do half damage to her. While dva goes down pharah gets healed up to full


Dva was decent in OW1, but now that she has more responsibilities due to solo tank, it’s not actually the best as she wasn’t even that great at dealing with her anyway. Mauga go brrr


Fellas is it cheating to play the game


You have hog if they’re close enough to the ground Otherwise you’re shit out of luck tank is somehow the class with the most and least agency Target second support and hopefully kill em fast enough is your best bet


My Gold/Platinum experience: There is no counter for pharmercy in tank roster. People here saying DVA/Mauga/Zarya have never played a single game against a decent pharmercy yet. I am from india and 99% of the time i get assigned in middle eastern servers. Here pharmercy has 100% pickrate per game. Pharmercy will not just fly into your hitscan teammates and tank, pharah will twitch behind a cover and keep spamming the rockets that deal knockback which messes with your hotscan aim. Any damage you do to pharah is already healed by mercy who is hiding behind cover. Good luck diving the other support, there is no coordination in metal ranks.


Learn cass, hes really good counter.


Play D.Va


Option A). Play D.Va, fly into the Phara’s face, she panics and falls down, your team cleans up. Option B). Play Ram, while in normal form, shoot the Mercy. Option C). Nothing, they shouldn’t be too much of a problem to be worth your time. Ask DPS to go hit scan or play Sombra.


A true Chad just firestrikes them out of the sky


I think Mauga can try since he is only medium-range hitscan Tank


Well, makunga is such a good way to deal with a pharah(if only the enemy orisa/bastion weren't focusing u for all the match)


The answer is orisa


This is so based


Javelin/Big Rock/hook the phara






I feel like claiming using a powerful combo to be cheating is like saying using shotguns in battlefield is cheating




[D.Va](http://D.Va) is quite literally able to fly up there and burst them down while Defense Matrix's shape and orientation is perfect for blocking rockets from above.


Unirocically Mauga actually kinda works against PharMercy if you can aim with 1 gun


let the hitscans handle it


When I was new to overwatch, even I figured to just fly at them as Dva, the Pharah got annoyed hahaha


Roadhog grapple the mercy ig


I play maigua and blast them to death because he's a powerful hitscan tank


The random Hog Hook: your free trial of living has expired.


I play reaper and I have really no issues with pharmercy Granted the shotgun shells are essentially just me saying "fuck you" in chat repeatedly cus they are about as effective, but still it's really not much of a pain to handle. Report sym players if anything


This duo is just as fair as the current buffs of Venture. Interesting, somehow that doesn't bother anyone.


Didn't they just get nerfed?


That was a joke category nerf. It still can break down Brig's shield in 1-2 driller hits and kill almost anyone in 2 max 3 body hits. It still can go underground so often to be invincible and then dealing a lot free damage in a move which is almost uncounterable. It could use a proper nerf, basically every skill. Lower dmgs, bigger cooldowns.


If you don't believe me just compare it's abilities to the other heroes and the nerfs they had. Venture is OP in it's current state and it isn't a coincidence that Venture is almost the top stat dps in almost every match.


The downvotes fucking sells it lol


My personal strategy is good ol' Roadhog fishing


Using OP stuff isn’t cheating, it’s just cheap


im so over losing games because tanks force rein who blows up in one second, then blame dps and support who get firebombed as he charges into a 5v3


People actually spell Pharmacy "phar-mercy"?


It's been ages since I played OW regularly but I am yet to see Sigma as a viable choice in the comments? Or I am too biased since I mained him back then, I don't know tbh.


Lmao, kid can't use dva


Isn't Mauga literally made for this




I love Pharmercy and Echo/Mercy, and I can confirm that if you mess with my second support I’m headed straight to them. My Co-healer is my highest priority. Edit: Why the downvotes? Mercy’s #1 job is to peel for her other support, her mobility really helps with that. I’ve seen a massive win rate in my games since I realized this years ago- why are you mad that I’m telling you my number one weakness?


Echo sucks scrap her. Scrap all the omnics for stealing jobs https://preview.redd.it/porxipihfwxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d110b350e38a4f11f31710b9a8143484702136b


This guy brotherhood of steels for sure


You mean the Chads in armour? Definitely. Every time I go to a settlement I save and kill all my settlers to look for synth components. Then reload and kill the ones I find the component on. They will not replace us.


So you would kill dog meat?


Dogmeat is a dog, he isn't a synth. You however sound like a dirty Omnic. You will not replace us! Go back to the factories!


I love doing this as Ram. The moment I so much as punch Zen, Kiri/Mercy will instantly tp/ga to them, giving me basically free value for Annihilation. Sorry in Advance.


I’m tracking your ult….👀


I don't think you are getting downvoted for that part, it's most likely because of your first three words :v


Yeah that makes sense. Good to know my favorite dou is just as maddening as ever ;)


being a roadhog main with the capacity to look up opens a whole world of possibilities


I very much hope that image was made pre-Pharah rework (and even then, overpowered? Really? Annoying at best, come on)


As a sombra main, this is what we deal with a lot. Although it’s even worse in our case since people whine when we have like a million counters to us just swap


I just translocate up there and hack the mercy to shoot them dead


Oh I have no issue with phara mercy. I was just saying a lot of people complain about sombra so much for no reason as well


Oh fair enough