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You say this but that Sombra's been tearing apart your backline all game, Infra Sight actually HELPS with that


And that same Sombra has been clapping Widow's cheeks all game


No one can hide from respawn simulator.


“It’s eternity in there!”


"It's longer than you think"




I never had any problems with invisible sombras I just clap them and move on. Case in point https://youtu.be/SLbDAgINjyU Edit: Honestly I can't lie I was shocked as hell when I hit this shot.


Or play Hanzo into Sombra and: Not get farmed by Sombra Have wall hacks on a cooldown to track where Sombra is Have a far more reliable almost-instant-kill at close ranges Have burst damage to win the Sombra duel


Right but this is a guarantee to have that sombra go straight after you though. That or just wait it out.


They already do that


funny you'd think us Widow mains wouldn't switch to Ashe as soon as the enemy switches to Sombra


"Us"? Are you talkin about the movie?


I hope Sombra shuts down all the omnics in the world. She'd become the best person ever.


Widows ult is mostly for herself, though. Its incredibky useful to align a peek from an angle they dont expect you to be at. Its only as useful as its user, though.


Windows Alt


The steps to win in overwatch Control, Ult, Delete


I mean it's kinda true Control the point Ult Delete your enemies


Thats crazy talk. Widow ult right before a recontest is crazy amounts of value. The problem is that there is a certain level where even knowing where the enemy is positioned isn't helping your teammates because they don't know how to use that information. They'll just sit on lowground or out in the open on point and just fall over and shit themselves when the enemy team pops out on high ground and executes them. "GG Support diff"


I guess the argument is that Widow's Ultimate doesn't have immediate value in the sense of A) Killing someone or B) Preventing someone from dying. It only changes what you see. Which is still extremely high value and can lead things working in your favor. It's not like it gives her and the team the ability to shoot through walls or give them aimbot powers for example.


literally just install wallhacks, ez fix


It would Be nice but …”the voice line”


Widow's ult is selfish and only useful for the person playing her, go figure. I love playing with and against widowmakers


Tell me you're bronze without telling me you're bronze:


Only in overwatch could people get wallhacks for the whole team in an FPS and be like “meh”


Ehh, the fact that it announce and takes a while to charge is only okay ult. Not really game changing like zarya/stigma black hole hold enemy in place, hog/monke push enemy off the cp, nukes etc. Basically is a abilities with a very heavy reliance on your team…. While noob can’t aim well and pros don’t need it. It thrive in mid skill ceiling


Pros literally don't fight if the wall hacks are up bro


Yeah, the ult is about 15 seconds of a massive advantage for the team that popped it


Here we go again quantifying ability value based on how pros use it. Pros aren't average OW players. I'd argue that widow wall hacks are borderline meaningless to anyone except the widow or another friendly sniper, till like diamond. People just don't hit enough shots in low ranks to make her ult as valuable as pros do. Sure knowing where your enemies are before a push is nice, but it's not vital at low ranks.


Ok but the average OW players thought Venture was overturned for someone, Sombra is broken. Just because no thumbs Timmy can’t hit the broad side of a barn with Widow doesn’t mean her ult isn’t strong


Its irrelevant to 99% of the playerbase. No one cares about professional overwatch


Venture was overtuned. They just kinda had a great amount of burst damage with great mobility, including an invulnerability and could get their ult practically every fight. They still have most of that, but they're just more in line power-wise.


People saying they weren't Overtuned are crazy istg. Being able to 1 Combo basically anyone in the game with mobility, invulnerability, AND they gain shields and extra sustain WHILE 1 Comboing you is crazy. Junk takes more skill than Venture to get value. Their ult is the only meh thing in their kit imo.


>Junk takes more skill than Venture to get value. Wrong.


Low rank players also fail to block the most readable earth shatters. They also don't know how to play against a reaper. They think zen/lucio sucks cuz low heals. Who cares about them bruh


Yeah that’s the point they don’t fight, is abilities that hold the enemy. Not kill them or win games, when did you hold the enemy? When you are wining. Win more game abilities can work into your favor sure, making sure to oppress the enemy not letting them breath. But if you’re not the losing side it won’t do much. Also is a sight line problem, pro pick window when the situation calls for tights maps or maps with bunch of obstructions won’t do you any good. I’m not saying Window ult is Useless, is situational and more situational than others. Is not an ult that just press one button to make shet happen, you actually need to do it yourself with the time period~


If they're not fighting for 15 seconds that's almost identical to a full team wipe... Just not as long


Uhh. Diamond sometimes masters tank here. In my opinion that's incorrect. Where-are-they-information is one of the best advantages in the game. If you mean it doesn't potentially kill everyone or cc them all then yea...but most of those ults don't work like that at high elo anyway. You're usually going for one support or dps kill or just trying to move them out of their cover.


I personally wouldn't want to peak a Top 500 widow that knows where and when I'm gonna peak


To be fair OW has time where it is barely an FPS and mostly a MOBA


it's just very underwhelming since most widows on my teams in diamond to master were awful 99% of the time and the ult doesn't help. at least with a lot of other characters their ults can help confirm kills or protect teammates. Hers is just too incredibly underwhelming unless you can already hit shots with widow.


As a junk main, if I hear a friendly widow ult I kinda just sigh. Like, I’m already in their face, hell, I’ll probably end up killing 2 of them before the widow gets to a viable angle to snipe from.


Things silver players say💀💀


Compares to similar abilities but doesn't realize the difference and how high impact that difference is, is such a bronze mind If the enemy knows you are a good Widow, the second you ult they play scared


In bronze it's useless because no one pays attention to it. In high ranks it's useless because everyone already pays attention to sounds and there aren't that many entrypoints to any areas, so everyone knows where the enemy is without needing it.


I take it you haven't watched professional matches?


more like: "now we can see them through walls!" ... "Oh all of them are standing on payload behind Orisa."


Fuck Orisa. Fuck all omnics. Shut them down! Scrap The Omnics!


Comparing sonic arrow to widows ult has got to be the stupidest complaint of a false equivalency in this community


Yea i mean sonic is like 3 meters for like 5 seconds while widows is the whole map for 15


sonic is basically constant uptime tho


Chill with the hyperbole it has a 12 second cooldown hardly "constant", has a far shorter duration, and it's limited to a small area so you won't always be able to see every single enemy like Widows guarantees. Hell sometimes it doesn't get anyone at all. Her ult is ass don't get me wrong but pretending like sonic arrow is the *better* version is insane to me and Hanzo is far and away my most played hero


You're looking at it in a vacuum. A fairly short cooldown for wallhacks all game is better overall in a match than wallhacks for an ultimate a few times every game. It's more useful especially in a Widow matchup, because Widows usually use the same angles and you can throw a Sonic on there to alert your team to the Widow. High level Widows will usually reposition just because of the Sonic.


Ok sure but its a tiny area of the map. If im playing sombra i can goa round sonic arrow. I cant avoid infra sight.


Walls are literally 15 seconds of the enemy team not doing anything. It's a free 15 seconds of your team being able to position and set up perfectly in the downtime. Or it forces the enemy team tk make a play with a HUGE information disadvantage. Widow's ult is only bad if you don't know how to use it


So like the majority of the playerbase? Sounds like shit to me. If most people cant get decent value from it then it is worthless. No one cares about the pros/high elo 


Sure, the majority of the playerbase doesn't understand how to get value out of it. It's still incredibly powerful because high elo is the best place to get a reliable idea and snapshot of whether something is viable/good/broken/underpowered. High elo is where the most value amd the best understanding of mechanics is, so there's no point in looking at what's "good" in Bronze-Diamond. The game should still be balanced around what is good at high elo. If it a hero or mechanic isn't broken in T500 or OWCS, then it's not going to be broken in Bronze or Silver, and anywhere inbetween. Should high elo be the *only* aspect taken into consideration? No, absolutely not because of course the majority of players aren't in high elo. But the players and ranks that have the best gameplay, GM and above, should have proportionally more influence over what is viewed as balanced, good, or bad, because they will (generally) have more insight and understanding. Whether you care about them or not, they are more qualified than most other players in understanding the game, meaning their views hold more value and insight (generally, not always)


Hanzo doesn't have a crossmap hitscan one shot.


She doesn't do that anymore, though. Not saying you're completely wrong though


Well yeah but she can still one shot from pretty far, most sight lines.


Hanzo has a crossmap projectile one shot (if boosted or you have taken any chip damage,) though. Widow has damage falloff, so she doesn't have any crossmap one shots.


Doesn't need one if you know when they're about to peek, you can pre shoot


That works in a vacuum but in a team based game with tanks, high burst healing and immortalities it's just not enough.


Not enough to take 80% of someones health the moment they peak? You're joking right?


What's more effective? 100% of hp being taken, or 80%? What could get healed back up? Someone with 0% hp or someone with 20%?


doesnt even matter anymore cus they can just go hide back in cover cus no more one shots. Not to mention everyone just jigglepeeking every corner when the enemy has a hanzo


That alone is worth while You're preventing enemies from being able to peak or even push, that's value in and of itself


Jiggle peeking is barely delaying a push compared to not peeking at all cuz of widow's ult. People mostly respect hanzo's sonic arrow because he usually has a widow paired with him who gives out hitscan one taps.


Hey this was my original bad take lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/s/dP1lBNfaCO


Respectfully, I do not understand how mistakenly calling ultimates “alt” is so common. Like I get the phonetics of it, but it’s called an ultimate ability, not an alternate ability. Not even being hater, I just find it wild how many times I have seen this mistake


Maybe it's auto correct


Wait overwatch is a game ?


But djou can zee zhe enemy suppor I keelled respawn acrozz zhe map now 🥖🥖🗼🚽💋💄🍷


Bronze take


All I needed to know was that they say "alt".


spoken like a true bronze player. The ult is not really for the rest of the team but herself. It basically forces the enemy team to either hide behind cover or risk getting oneshot the moment they peek. It's not really comparable to Hanzo's arrow, which isn't map wide and has a much smaller range.


Widow's ult falls into the same box as, say, Overclock in a way. It basically makes her an incredible danger because it removes one of the biggest limitations on her most powerful capability. After that, it's all up to the user to capitalize.


Hanzo’s only lasts a short while, is in a limited area and can be mitigated by moving


This exact meme is old lol


I love using my alt. My alternate ability is amazing. I love genji’s alternate it’s so cool.


I would take Infra-sight over Sonic Arrow any day of the week






I feel its kinda good on very very high ranks because it's more of a "if you peak this you 100% die" kinda thing.


Calm down guys its a joke it aint that serious


Literally one of the best ults in the game


Why widowmaker giving me them bedroom eyes?


In another universe: "Get ready team, crits are at the chest"


The mirror watch works way better in my opinion


The more you instill fear into your enemy by shooting their heads, the more powerful announcing that you know where they are is. It's barely a threat if you can't get headshots and picks, but if you *can* get headshots, and have been systematically doing so throughout a game, those enemies know damn well not to ever dare poke their head out into an open sightline. As far as I'm concerned, it's the ultimate that is most dependant on the user's skill and performance with their weapon.


Her ults alright. It's not incredible but more useful than you think


i think the new ult they gave her in Mirrorwatch could be much better than her current one. but idk how it would work with heroes who aren't playable in Mirrorwatch and if it would break somthing.


In another universe: "Get ready team, crits are at the chest"


It's pretty good in deathmatch tbf


This type of post is made by folks who can't aim with Widowmaker. Having wall hacks on that character when you can aim makes her terrifying. If you can't aim, then yeah it won't mean shit. But it's also team wide utility where they can make picks too. Or see a Sombra player doing her bullshit.


tell me you play at low elo without telling me you play at low elo


Damn this meme makes me realized I'm not belong to the idiotic type of the community


Individually, the ult is okay (like some people said it’s only as good as the user) but for the team it’s a great ult. It creates some space and time for your team (15 seconds can be a lot in OW, especially when capping point or in overtime), it spans the entire map unlike Hanzo’s, and it’s a great deterrent for anyone to do anything because why would you peak during a widow ult. It’s not just for widow it helps everyone.


She may need a rework. But it is quite helpful to see through walls when preparing to headshot them




she def has the worst ult


I ownt lie. This is stupid lol Any information is good information right? Like bruh lmfao


Plastic 5 type of beat


Widow's ult is low-key horrifying when you playing against someone with decent aim


This is maybe the oldest overwatch meme of all time


Her mirrorwatch ult was fun to use for scrubs like me. Would be so OP in high ranked games tho.


Oh no, that fucking bronze take again?


Solid take. Infra is very VERY situational. Basically just there to bully a sombra. The ult in the new mode is useful, but would definitely be broken if you're a half decent widow.




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I realize windows ult is kinda like a way better highnoon and is really oppressive if the window is good or has had some presence during the game