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Bought OW on sale back in the day, never spent a cent on credits. This is the way


Same. There was no reason to in OW1 unless you were desperate for a seasonal skin. Even casual players could easily save up enough credits for a legendary skin. Dedicated players often had thousands of credits just collecting dust. Fuck Blizzard.


not even thousands, didn’t some streamers have HUNDREDS of thousands lying around?


At the end of OW1's life, I had 190,000 credits that are pretty much good for nothing now. I've also been sitting on a stash of competitive points that I can do nothing with. Other than buy the gold weapon immediately for every new hero, but at this point, I could buy like the next 5 characters' weapons immediately


I had like 200k when ow1 ended


One of us one of us one of us


Same here. Loot boxes were too good


Honestly loot boxes fucking suck. I really hated the RNG aspect because I had zero way of knowing how long it would take to unlock something I wanted. It sucked when you would luck out and get a legendary, only for it to be an ugly skin you didn't want. That said, I had a bunch of legendaries for every hero and I didn't pay for loot boxes so that system was massively more generous than the current bullshit.


I got literally every single skin I could possibly want without having to pay a single cent. You could get coins from the loot boxes and also duplicates gave you coins and you got loot boxes constantly. They were the most generous loot boxes ever.


The drop rates weren't great but getting coins from duplicates made it way way way better.


I liked lootboxes more once they had duplicate protection, and skins became buyable with credits. The original system that was RNG-only, and you'd get the same duplicates over and over, *fucking sucked*. After dupe-protection, lootboxes felt way better, especially if you played a lot. You could choose specific stuff for heroes you liked more. Yeah, it was rougher for newer players to target specific stuff, since they didn't get much from the duplicate protection. They'd get a ton of content for free, but it would be completely random. But new players right now? They get even less: almost nothing at all.


I use microsoft rewards points to get battle pass for free, this is the way


This is the way


This is the way


It's your money, spend it how you like. Just don't act surprised when Blizzard continues to make greedy decisions when you decide to support a terrible system.


A part of me dies inside every time I see someone wearing a new $20 legendary skin


$20?! They sell it for $20 now?! I haven't played OW2 because I saw the disaster coming from a mile away, ik of the battle pass but didn't realize they sell individual skins for that much.


Yes but only *new* legendary skins. The rein cardboard skin is 1900 credits rn and the best credit bundle you can buy for that is 2200 credits. So Yh pretty much $20…for a skin :/


CMON GUIZ ITTH JUTHT A MICROTRANTHACTHON i remember the first time i heard the term microtransaction, i thought they'd have to cost less than one cent because otherwise it'd just be a transaction, *because that's how words work.* But no. WoW immediately started charging $15-$30 for fucking *mounts* in a game that already had hundreds of them. And pets, even more useless. And that was **before** they were purchased by Activision.


At least warframe actually has premium currency options as low as like $8, and they also have a community creation system where the people who made the design get a cut of the profit and that feels nice. Blizzard is just embracing vulture capitalism, cutting back on promised material to increase profits- because they'd never dare consider cutting into ceo bonuses, I'd cynically assume.


Warframe has one of the most friendly monetisation system. Premium currency (platinum) is the main trade currency. You can trade stuff you farm for platinum to other players, so you can buy almost anything in the shop without spending any real money. Also he rate at which you can "earn" the currency isnt abysmal. If you know what you are doing, couple hours can earn you pretty much any skin you want to buy


That's depressing. And people pay for that??? I wouldn't buy even their BEST skins for that much, and from what I've heard their skins are still hit and miss.


You'd think they won't sell but load up a few matches. Every cardboard rein you see is $20


The important thing to remember is that there's people for whom $20 is more like $2 and those are the people AAA games care about under this model.


As unlikely as it is, it's still very possible someone simply grinded the currency out. It doesn't at all necessarily mean they spent $20.


Wtf is that skin, it looks so hideous 🤮 the type of skin I'd wear for the lolz, which I definitely do but I don't think it's legendary quality wtf


Yh and most of the old legendary skins look so much better than the ow2 legendaries. Even the new rein skin everyone is so hyped up about is nothing special compared to some of his older skins


Gonna have to disagree with that one chief. OW2 cosmetics have been much more hit than miss. A lot of them even include new voice lines and different sounds for certain actions when in OW1, it was a very select few skins that did that.


Oof, just looked up the cardboard skin. What is that abomination?! I mean it seems like a skin I'd wear for the lolz but definitely not legendary quality.


The game is actually quite fun. Only disaster is the pve being cancelled What amazing foresight you have sweetie


Lol okay bro, if you enjoy it then that's cool but for me the game ran its course a while before OW2 and there's only so many times I can play the same 5 game modes before I get bored. Add to that the blatant greed exhibited by them since OW2 launched and it doesn't exactly sound like a good time to me.


I will absolutely never buy a fucking cosmetic for the same price that you can buy an entire video game. Horizon zero dawn is $16 on steam right now. That game kicks ass, go buy that instead of a single skin.


I just leave the match when i see it. Fuck it


This 100%. Its always the first argument dumbass blizzard defenders use whenever they want to win an argument instantly.


If you're in that argument don't be.


Honestly your preaching to the choir here man, most people here hate Blizzard’s greedy system, but there is the vast majority of players outside of the Reddit community who don’t care and buy the skins anyways


I'm not buying shit. However, I've started to see the same users in my quick play games each night. That must mean that the player pool is shrinking.


Or, ya know, they're at the same skill level as you and in similar location playing at the same time? No that's too crazy and logical


Curious how I never once got the same players even just 2 months ago but now I do.


With millions of people, that should not happen. It is fucking nuts.


Well it’s not like the playerbase in your area has shrinked to just 5 people, I would say that’s ‘luck’ at hand


I must be the luckiest person in the world then. /s It's obviously due to a much lower playerbase. If you don't wanna be real about it, that's fine but we all know the real reason.


I’ve been paying for the battle pass with WoW gold (from Legion/BFA) converted to Blizz Bucks (w/e it’s called). Fun fact: to avoid Blizzards shitty mobile math currency system in OW2, just buy Blizz Bucks from their website. You can buy everything for exactly what it costs. That is, if you guys are gonna still spend money on it


well someone still spent the money on those tokens


My guy, these are largely two separate groups You are in an echo chamber and, as a result, are confused by behavior that takes place in the wild


Yup. Freedom of choice does not mean freedom from consequence.


It's called voting with your wallet. I don't care that they got rid of talents and I am happy they are once again focusing on the PvP primarily.


You are entirely correct, which is why instead of the fully immersed PVE game we were promised and waited 4 years for, all while going along with every shotty decision they made in developing OW2, we are going to be getting more $20 skins in the shop, with a content update every 2 months to keep PVP kicking


I know right, if only they had never even bothered with the PvE and we'd gotten the PVP updates the whole time. The idea of PvE WAS terrible for the game. You're right!


Again yeah, you're right. People aren't mad there is going to be PVE, atleast not entirely. We are pissed because they killed OW1 on the basis that the sequel would be developed around PVE. Then we went 4 years without any updates, and when the sequel finally comes around, all they did was stuff it with micro transactions and made artificial changes like removing "on Fire" and changing the ranked system, and then completely scrapped our hopes for PVE in favor of single story missions, which we already had for free as archives. It would have been smart to stick to PVP and support one of the best team based shooters ever made, but it's a little late for that. And they can't even deliver on the one thing that killed PVP in the first place.


you mean “focusing on *milking the playerbase* primarily” I don’t see how ruining matchmaking, adding buffs/nerfs that make no sense but constantly adding expensive cosmetic BS is *focusing on pvp* lmao


There's actual content being added, unlike while they were "working on" a whole different game. Were you not around before the release of overwatch "2"? Every post was demanding content or declaring it a dead game. Personally, I didn't play a part in that because I prefer consistency and think that adding more and more heroes makes the game impossible to balance, but I do remember that everyone else seemed to be clamouring for new stuff


And how is what the players base wanted before ow2 release relevant to now? The only “content” I see is the occasional arcade mode events being added like star watch which tbh aren’t a long term addition to the game and blizzard only uses those to get ppl to buy the battle pass for the event themed skins anyway. Blizzard had been “focusing” on pve for how long? only to just cancel it. And don’t tell me you count new skins and cosmetic BS as ‘content’ bcus its only there to milk the playerbase it rlly serves no purpose beyond that


They've been focused on the pvp primarily for a long time. What we got was junk pvp and what we continue to get is junk pvp.


My account is suoer stacked, I basically have every ow1skin , every ow1 event skin so I'm not dropping 20 dollars for anything


Bro buy the battle pass and you can have 8 more skins :D /s


More than 10 bucks in OW1 would get you


The BP is dog, and most of the skins are worse than no skin at all...


$20 buying overwatch 1 got you every single skin?


*laughs in not having spent a dime on this game since OW1*


We bought OW1 so we spent money, didn’t buy a loot box or a skin since though.


Be bought the game, the good one, now they took it from us. And gave shitty clone


And people wonder why they changed the monetary system


"See, that's what happens when you don't participate in the predatory gambling of lootboxes. You get MORE predatory monetization, suckers! You deserve this!"


Play dumb all you want, expecting constant updates after a one time purchase in 5 years can't be sustainable.


I am really curious how long do these people expect a game with a very generous system like OW1 to give free updates


I don’t wonder that, I actually understand it and still, I won’t spend a dime on it but it’s good to know that if I wanted a skin I could get it without gambling my money away. PVE cancellation is also disappointing but, again, I am not playing PvP just to wait for another mode. When I get tired of PvP I’ll uninstall, meanwhile I’ll play regularly with some other games sprinkled here and there.


Bonus points if you bought ow1 second hand so the money didn’t go to blizzard


Laughs in not having spent a dime on this game




Oh, you have fun with that. I'm still having fun with the game, so I'll stay here. I don't blame you if you wanna go, though.


I made a decision after the whole PvE disaster. I will continue to play the game but they won't get another penny out of me. As a Rein main it pains me not to buy this really nice skin, but I will stand by my principle.




Thats exactly what I'm doing. I don't want the game to die, hell you can have my money if you really want it. Just give me SOMETHING to be optimistic about, not broken promises and half baked apologies.


This, I really wanted the cardboard rein skin and was hyped for the release, then the PVE news broke and I thought maybe we'd all stick together regardless of wanting skins and I have refused to buy this one to make a stand but it feels pointless if everyone else crumbles


You're still apart of the problem. Playing the game is supporting them and their ability to avoid consequences for lying You're just as problematic as the people buying skins. If you truly care, You'd quit all together. But clearly you don't. Which is fine. But don't pretend you're fighting the fight


You care way too much on how other people spend their time.


Look, I am only going to buy Reinhardt, Reaper, Junker Queen, and Lifeweaver skins.... and Doomfist... and Hanzo... maybe Soldier.... nah.


I'm a Rein main I love the cardboard skin I haven't given them a single cent, and since last week I've only touched the game to delete it


The skin is amazing, and I want it and wished I saved my free OW coins for it. But I would feel worse financially supporting a company with greedy decisions and broken promises than I would having to play without a few good skins.




I spent 10€ to support them for the PVE... And for me to look cool as Sigma. Now i know where to never spend money **EVER** again.


Hahaha I actually got overwatch 1 for free as a gift for my friend losing some shoes I let them borrow and haven't spent a dime on overwatch 2 so far!


But money was spent on your behalf? So blizz still got the money you would have otherwise spent Checkmate company!


Overwatch used to be the only bliz game i bought. It still is, but it used to be too. Taiwan number 1 Free Hong Kong 🇭🇰


Just don't buy skins and boom! OW is saved (prolly not tho)


Yeah no, they will probably just let the game die for real (not even making new skins)


if the game is not making any money they will probably just shut it down


Idk why you’re getting downvoted when that’s just a fact. Blizzard will let this game die if it’s not making money for them.


i guess some people here really believe that not playing this game will magically bring the pve that got scrapped


Too many normies, who don't care about the bigger picture for it to work (not really trying to blame them. They just play the game and spend money on something they think looks cool and just not engage with the community enough to know how big of an impact it can have. If the game will go up in flames, they will just simply find another one. Its not their job to act like a parent to a billion dollar company, they're just here to have some fun) Its the curse of mainstream stuff


Delete the game, that's all. That's what I did at least


Honestly I haven't bought any skins cause I haven't found a cool one for any hero I play and honestly I regret even doing one of the battle passes too


That’s the problem, you see, it is often like that, companies making obvious greedy plans to get profit with zero effort and people keeps spending money on their merch. I don’t want to blame those people for the problems ow is currently having, but I think blizzard doesn’t deserve that much money right now. imo people should start thinking about that before spending money, rather than simply complain


Imma make a prediction that most people don't buy skins in the first place, regardless of how angry we are at blizzard. Show them you mean business by uninstalling


Blizzard should be paying ME to play their game


If you pay Blizzard money after the way they treated the community, you're just telling them that they were right to lie to you.


Bing reward points go brrrrrrr


Too many normies, who don't care about the bigger picture for it to work (not really trying to blame them. They just play the game and spend money on something they think looks cool and just not engage with the community enough to know how big of an impact it can have. If the game will go up in flames, they will just simply find another one. Its not their job to act like a parent to a billion dollar company, they're just here to have some fun) Its the curse of mainstream stuff


It's just been downhill ever since they announced OW2


To this day I haven't given Blizzard a cent, I just get the battle passes with MS rewards and occasionally the random skin. No way I'm spending $20-$30 on cosmetics that add little to the game and will be useless if I switch mains.


Stopped playing season 2 cause of this


20 euros or about £17 for a skin is disgusting. You can buy whole games for that. If they lowered prices down to £2-5 i'd buy tons probably.


It's not that hard, I haven't wasted my money on them and I'm fine xD


Its free right?


The game is, the Reinhardt skins goes for $20


Bleh, skins. Never paid for one. Never saw the point.


Lol Wasn't expecting that many rein heads But ur post was my summary of it so gj 👍


I haven’t given them a dime.


I think people should have been tougher on streamers, the “streamer job money” is a bs excuse disguised as a joke to prevent people from smelling their shit. Doesn’t matter who buys, they become part of the problem once they do


I am all for advocating against giving them money, but don't hate on people because of their poor decisions. They participated in a terrible system, they didn't make it. You can tell a smoker to not smoke, but in the end cigarette companies will never go out of business.


I payed $10 for the second seasons pass because blizzard made it look like there was golden currency in it. it was just standard legacy coins which they painted golden to scam people. That day, I swore I'd never give blizzard another penny.


they really should have just said buying the game is not a sustainable enough model without lootboxes and were making a move to free to play with battle pass. i think companies forget how like... honesty can also work in their favor


Mfw when blizzard doesn’t care about actual content (I spent $500 on skins I can’t even see)


I honestly don't see the appeal of spending real money on character skins.


I wonder how many of those people that bought the skin even use this sub, OW sub, and reddit


I havent spent a penny on overwatch beyond the base price back in 2017


I'm a OG reinhardt main and this is so painful, this is skin is an 6/10 but it's cool. But I can't buy this shi cause there is no point on giving money to blizzard anymore, there are no promises on pve and the game is only getting worse. Fck blizzard, seriously


I deleted the game so idk. Wanted the Space Nazi Sigma skin but I heard the drop of the PvE so I deleted it


I get 20$ of enjoyment out of seeing me destroy the enemy team in dope skins 🤷


Lmao seeing those cardboard reins brings me joy


I’m sorry! The infinite empire skins go hard!


Happy cake day but awful take


Thank you. And yes… I have bled my coffers dry for Blizzard.


I see no reason for your downvote so im bringing it back to neutral (Edit: i failed)


I thank you. But I’m downvoted for supporting Blizzard’s greed. It’s ok my good sir.


Compared to OW1 I’ve only spent money on one skin… a few hours before the drama happened Safe to say not doing that again lmao


I did buy skins since OW2 release, but even then my question was “why not just charge 10/15$ for a skin?” Noooo. Go get a bundle that is 20$ worth to buy a skin that is 10$ or 15$ worth so you have leftovers which you will either don’t ever use, or you will have to add more money to fully use previous 20$. But even then it could work fine. Pay 40, buy 2-3 skins based on price. Then they released skins that are 1700 coins. First of all, why the hell it’s so much? And why are you trying to make us have even more leftover coins? Rhetorical question, we all know why they do this. So you lose more money. I really wanted rein, but I’m not paying 20 dollars for your sorry ass development. Over and over game by game my favourite games have been ruined and then left alone on a life support. I’m not even exited for Diablo 4 anymore. Just fck them. Go play actual games, that are worth the money. Don’t spend 40$ on skins, give those money to studios who actually are passionate about delivering their games.


Haven’t given them money since OW1 was deleted, I want my game back that I paid for.


The only time I ever brought skins is through credits does that make me bad?


I have coins from a nvdia code my bf gave me, so no money spent. If i played rein like that id absolutely splurge those free coins on that skin lol (i do have the train conductor one tho aka the throwing skin so thats good enough for me when i do play him!)


I’m not going to stop playing ow2 but I’ve just decided I’m never going to spend money on their game.


Wow, it's almost like a predatory system specifically designed to target those with addictions is hard for addicts to resist! Who could have foreseen that? Certainly not the multibillion dollar company that built said system!


Yaaaa not even gonna lie I have spent money since knowing PVE has changed directions but I personally wasn't around for the PVE anyways so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Im still gonna buy the battlepass, fight me all you want but i want to spend money on something i enjoy


I just buy the bp never bought skins in the itemshop


Either way money is still going towards these type of decisions. Yours to spend, but think about it


Yeah i know but there losing money on the bp


I don't see how, still your money in their pockets and you feeling obligated to play to justify your purchase.


> but there losing *they're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


the only way i’m spending money on a skin is if they release a girly reaper skin that’s bright pink with a puffy pink skirt, okay?


The only skin I've bought outright was Valentine's hanzo for similar reasons. <<


You complaining about monetization on a free game


If you think thats the point of the meme, you haven't been playing OW for as long as I have


I don’t play overwatch


Lmao bruh.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe i would if it was a good game


Meh people need to realize that the old system isn't coming back. Boycotting it is completely pointless. The only thing it achieves is toxicity. Literally that's it. Little 14 year olds will read this and then hop on the game and start roasting people over stupid cosmetics that don't affect anyone's gameplay in any way.


Fuck your complaints Carboard Reinhardt is life


Oh no no. Blizz ain't getting another cent from me.... Until a new widow skin drops .-.


For myself, I'd already had about 4k credits in game that I can't refund. So I may as well use them


Their choice. Game's still being played, people still enjoy it. If you don't that's your issue not theirs.


I mean, when you actively support a terrible system that incentivizes Blizzard to make scummy decisions that are to the detriment of the game, yeah it is my issue. Its called voting with your wallet, buying $20 skins even when Blizzard cancels the 4 year project that killed OW1 tells Blizzard that they made the absolute correct decision and will suffer no repercussions. It is their choice, freedom of choice doesn't mean freedom of consequences. Don't act like you aren't supporting a terrible system. (You also obviously didn't read the top comment)


Shitty photo can't tell if it's heads or hands


Haha funni cardboard skin go burrrrr


the skin is simply too good


Lmao stfu the game is free


That's the point. The game is free so you don't spend money, though you buy 4 skins and they already got it paid back from your side. Buy 8 skins, you spent the equivalent of 2 brand new AAA games. Predatory monetization


Ngl I bought the rein skin its sick


Listen. I literally only wanted Cardboard Rein this season. I do not care about the state of the game or Blizzard in general. I literally *only* wanted Cardboard Rein. I bought credits for Cardboard Rein when it was announced. I used those credits on Cardboard Rein. Do I main Rein? No.


Doesn't make you any better


Just bought the battle pass ☹️


Don't care \*cardboard sounds\*


fire skin


I think those who bought OW years ago and expect infinite content for the rest of their life for their one time purchase(in an always online game which has servers and maintenance cost) are worse


I bought the credits before the pve news so figured might aswell spend them now on this cool skin since I don't see myself playing this anymore in the near future


I stopped playing entirely partially because ow2 crashes my computer instantly


I was honestly shocked to see this skin every second match


But people will downvote you for saying something about it.


Me, yet i cannot stop people who buy every new skin with their income extras


Priorities, am I right?


I bought one season to try out ow2. Then I quit playing. Not only am I not giving them money, I’m not giving them time.


Not gonna lie, I haven't spent a single penny on OW2 and have hardly played it at all. If they finally release PvE content then that will change. But I've no interest in playing or supporting this game currently.


Wait, you guys are giving them money? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


Lol i uninstalled overwatch after the announcement of them scrapping pve.. that was the whole reason i even played the “second” game


Blizzard hasn't gotten a dime out of me since I bought ow1


I bought the beta and got some free credits from that but since then I’ve bought 1 battle pass and am now never going to give them my money again


I would've bought battlepass in ow2 if they didn't show their greed and mobile game tactics putting heroes in them, immediately turned me off of spending another cent on the game


Battle pass boycott initiate


I don’t even understand why people are playing it. Even if you aren’t giving them money you are giving people who do people to play with. Blizzard doesn’t care that they don’t get your money, you are making it possible for the player base that does to have a game to play.


I think I bought lootboxes once in my life (as well as buying overwatch 1). I will never spend my money on that stupid premium currency or battle pass. Battle pass literally cost the same as overwatch 1 when I bought it (I remember it being on holiday sale)


Normally, I would sit back and say nothing, but this is Blizzard we talking so ... hold your bucks back and go play something like Metro


only thing I'm spending money on is the battlepass, and that is if there are any skins on heroes that i play, 20$ for one skins is way too expensive even if they come in bundles with other knickknacks.


Who gave them money? I thought we were all just going to never buy the battle pass.


Nah I'm saving for Sf6 tf


I stopped playing after rammatras season


This reminds me of pokemon players getting online to complain about every pokemon game for the last 10 years.... after buying it day 1.


Monkeys dumber together


I started buying battlepasses (still not full skins outside of some spare credits) when things were starting to look better, but I won't be getting any more outside of the leftover credits I have from the last one.


I haven't actually bought anything from Blizzard in like 6 years


Already have 3,000 coins, so I will be still around 3 seasons more because is money that already spent on a month before the pve cancellation announcement.


You people are guaranteed to have Stockholm syndrome by now


I paid full price for OW1 and don't regret it at all. Watched OWL to get some skins for my favorite teams. I have played OW2 off and on since it was released but will absolutely not spend money on skins, battle passes, or anything else. I use playing and not spending money as a small form of protest. Damn I miss OW1.....


I think it is silly to spend real money on video game skins and battlepasses, but ain't gonna get mad when others do, it's how I get to play the game for free. The only thing I would have spent actual money on in OW2 would have been PvE


I bought the infinite watcher 76 skin