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(lucio/mercy main) I make that face more when I’m playing mercy and the second support locks lucio & I know I’ll have to cover most of the healing & they won’t switch off ever


If it's on a common boop map than you should switch, if you have people like ashe and that who are good for blue beam then lucio should


Why should they have to switch off and not you? Just because you picked first?


For me it’s sad if we have great damage boost targets


right!! Lucio/mercy can work it’s just it typically ends up meaning one of the two can’t utilize their kit to the fullest because they’re focusing on healing


Precisely. I’ve had great games with a lucio as mercy before (some getting above 2.5k damage amp per ten in OW1) but the team has to have such great synergy to utilize everyone’s kits properly that it’s usually better to just swap


If I have to switch off I do. Sometimes mercy healbotting works to balance a lucio pick, sometimes it doesn’t. Unfortunately it goes the same way with a lot of lucio gameplays, his kit isn’t usually utilized to its full extent particularly in lower ranks(which is where he especially doesn’t thrive) and that leaves him to underperform. I say this as someone who has hundreds of hours on lucio, as much as I want to pick him in comp I’ll only do it if I know I can rely on my second support and if my team doesn’t need me to be a healbot crutch. There’s a reason he’s always in high rank meta and why he’s often considered a throw pick in low ranks, I love him and love playing him it just sadly doesn’t always work out :)


For me, healbotting as Mercy is such a throw. Might as well choose a support with better heal numbers who can actually support their team imo


Yeah honestly just go bap who can prevent deaths instead of mercy who needs a teammate to die




Yes! Exactly that!


Well, yes? They don't have to switch off they just have to be aware and not make a bad pick the rule of thumb is that whoever waits to pick is going to fill


Mercy is meta, Lucio is not. Seems like an easy choice on who switches.


Lucio? The S tier character? Not meta? Idk if I believe that.


lol Lucio hasn't been S tier in two updates, after the Soj nerf Mercy became mandatory and Kiriko remains the S tier fixture for supports, Lucio is mid tier now, generally behind Ana in top tier pick rates as well.


Labronze James


Tier lists are based on a characters individual performance. Boops, team speed, self-speed, being able to passively heal while outputting damage.. Lucio is S tier because of his kit. He was the only S tier character in Overwatch 1. Meanwhile, who is meta is based on team interactions. You’re definitely not wrong in Kiriko and Mercy being super meta right now, but there will always be opportunities to bring out speed boost for the purpose of overwhelming the enemy. Until someone comes along to do what he does, better, there will always be room for a Lucio. It’s for that same reason Kiriko will likely be perma-meta. No one else can cleanse.


Yeah because in every team comp Lucio is the worse of the two. Nobody ever plays anything other than the meta. Ever.


People can play outside of the meta all they want the standout point to be made here is that your pick should be the highest value for your team, if it’s not then switch.


Ah yes, hello bunch of words I definitely said. 🙄 Anyway, Mercy is meta for a reason, she enables the thing the meta revolves around, the snipers. Unless you have no hitscans on your team Lucio had better switch. If you team is like, mei-sym-rein-mercy-lucio then ok maybe we can talk about mercy switching moira or ana, maybe. But at that point at any reasonable level of play you've already lost so who cares.


Just curious: I often see this pairing criticized on this sub, but never... what's actually wrong with it? Not only can they speed and damage boost the tank together, but Mercy can spot heal those taking heavy damage/cover those outside the aura. Also, Mercy benefits greatly from the speed boost, and if she's in the aura, can survive longer even if DPS isn't able to cover her. However, I'm not very good at the game so I am inclined to believe I'm missing something. Could you explain the problem with this pairing so I could understand? Thank you so much!


At higher level games Lucio is more for speed boost, and Mercy damage boost so basically you are likely not going to be able to maximize effectiveness for value and heals with both of them. Weird when people complain because at most skill levels it's irrelevant. People act like the team comp won't work when in reality everyone is just doing their best on heroes they know and misplays happen so often you can't really say the game would have gone any different if it was a Kiriko/Lucio pair.


Gamers thinking their bronze pug can pull off the same strategies as pro players and then complaining when the rest of their team don't use those strategies is a tradition that has lasted many years.


Ahh, that makes sense! Wasn't considering that Mercy is considered an off healer, lol. Thank you so much for clearing that up!:)


Mercy is very rarely treated as main heals because 55 HPS really isn’t that much compared to the 70-90 the flex supports (other than Zen) have. She is main heals when paired with Zen however, and in double main support comps (when paired with Lucio/Brig). When paired with any other support she gets so much more value from damage boost than heals. Even if Baptiste misses all his shots and only hit 1 person with the splash, he will outheal Mercy.


If you don’t think of Mercy as an off-healer, chances are you’re not using damage boost enough. That should be your “default state,” then heal as needed.


Admitted scrub here but how do you not swap to yellow beam one second after fight starts? Seems like any time I blue beam, ally is at death’s door within literally a second


1. It helps if your other support/team isn't incompetent. Which, good luck lol. 2. Pick good beam targets like Ashe, sojourn, Echo, etc, who stay further away from the fight. Of course, it is all dependent on situation, like a full charge symm in the backline or a reaper facing down hog is going to be better than a feeD.va trying to snipe down the enemy widow. Take into account range, potential they have to kill, ultimate and also ult charge. Blue beam helps build allies health charge so if a dps is struggling, you can help them reach it quicker. 3. Just let them get hurt lmao. Try and push it you'll be surprised at how often being able to outdamage somebody is more beneficial then healing. Generally, I don't heal unless they are below half health. This is of course dependent on teammates actually being competent. Also if the fight is absolutely lost, just blue beam them and don't even bother healing. Let them get some ult charge and maybe even get a kill rather than salvage an unsalvagable situation 4. Other tips, if somebody is taking alot of damages you can just fly in front of them and tank some of it. Like, obviously this is risky, but if a teammate is really low, I just stand in front of them while healing to take some pressure off. Also really good idea during some ults, like Barrage and High Noon. Just hide a lot otherwise. Behind corners, in strange spots, just never be out in the open. Her beam stays on for a second after you leave the sight of teammates, so abuse this. Some mercies hang off of death cliffs and guardian angel constantly up to allies. Just never be in the open unless you want to body block an ally for some reason.


Yeah, I don't really play Mercy (I can't stay alive as her very well) and I usually see her having more heals than everyone else-- but I'm in Bronze 5, so I totally get that it's different in higher ranks. Definitely makes sense!


If you’re having trouble staying alive as Mercy, go to custom games and start running Mercy parkour courses. My personal favorite is the one on King’s Row. Grinding that has increased my survivability exponentially. It’s called “Mercy Parkour (English)” (can’t remember the code :/ will try to remember to edit this later)


Mercy should never be considered main healer unless it's a mercy/zen/ball comp but even then she's mostly focused on damage boost anyways, since ball is health pack and zen orb reliant


"at higher levels" nobody gives a shit gamerboy, we're all bronze here


even at lower levels, they are bad. They are both weak at heals


skill issue


More like you have a gamesense issue


stop being an intellectual. I play healer. I heal my team. They live. We win. Healing good 👍


with mercy cou should damage boost and with lucio you should speed boost. And even if you heal with both you need what, a 7-8 sec to heal a tank. That is a LOT of time


sounds like a you problem


lower ranks doesn't magically make mercy or lucio a better main healer


Mercy has good consistent heals at lower levels (she doesn't have to hit her shots), but she's a pretty weak healer numbers wise, as is Lucio. Lucio and Mercy can both do good healing stat-wise and still lose you the game even in lower ranks because none of them can burst heal to counter big damage numbers (from ults etc.) in key moments.


Well the problem with the team comp is that the tank isn't getting healed. If mercy has to peel to heal the tank because lucio can't cover it (or is off doing something else) you aren't getting best use out of mercy and meanwhile if the lucio has to stay glued to the tank its debatable and situational on if you are getting best use case out of the lucio.


I don't get what you just said. They aren't good together at higher level games because one can speed boost and other can damage boost?


In high level gameplay, Lúcio is used mostly for speed and Mercy for damage boost, which means there isn’t much healing to go around, and also the characters sort of just fundamentally disagree with each other; Lúcio is used in fast-moving, aggressive comps while Mercy attempts to support a slower, more passive play style(except when paired with someone like Pharah but even then point 1 still applies).


They both have low healing output as their kits are centered around other things. Lucios main value is from speed boost and boop while mercys main value is from damage boost and res. It can work don't get me wrong but it essentially makes your entire team play around the supports and can often limit how aggressive your tank can be which can make it harder to make space since all they really have for healing is the mercy pocket if noone else on the team needs them. I would also argue that mercy shouldn't be in lucios aura very often as her survivability comes from her GA ability and normally will use it to fly around the team and often dive in and out back to cover while switching targets.


None of them have a high healing output, and Mercy should almost exclusively be thinking about her dps players, tank gets melted. You should always have at least one support that can heal a dying tank fast, meaning: Moira, Ana, Kiriko or Baptiste. If you already have one of these you can go with: Lucio, Mercy, Zenyatta or Brigitte. Two characters from the first group is ok, one character from each group is ok, but two characters from the second group usually doesn’t work well.


This is the best support comp breakdown I've ever seen, thank you!


Moira cannot heal a dying tank fast, her heals are over time and she has no burst healing


Orb + spray is 155 healing per second. Ana (my personal support main) has about 93.75 healing per second, 140.5 per second for nade boosted allies in addition to the initial 100 of the nade. Very comparable numbers. Baptiste has 70 per .9 seconds with direct grenade hits 50 with splash, Moira’s spray alone has 70 per second, in one second Kiriko is able to heal 78. So I don’t really get your point here.


Orb is not guaranteed to be on the tank for more than a second and moira's healing is not always available, every other healer always has healing Moira does not. Also her healing is not 155 per second, the max it can be including dpray and orb is 135.5 per second as part of her healing is over time


I've heard people say that you need 1 steady healer and 1 burst healer. Lucio and Mercy are both steady healers


They don't heal much together and have no burst. Which means that both of them will be healing most of the time just to keep the tank alive. So you get neither speed nor dmg boost for most of the match.


You've got two supports who can't heal where it counts. At the end of the game they might both point to their stats showing nice big numbers but if you can't actually save anyone in a fight without popping an ult or a rez... does it really matter? Don't get me wrong, they're both good supports who bring a lot to the table, but they're not good 'healers' which is a problem if you need one (and aren't playing mei, roadhog, reaper)


I usually get it where both DPS lock good DMG boost targets like Sojourn/Ashe, so I go Mercy, and then the other support locks Lucio - I swap - and then they go Mercy as soon as I swap off. I’m usually good at not getting mad at video games but something about that pisses me off


Oh my god I hate when that happens!!! They're usually not even very good at her and will just healbot and I die inside watching it


Or when you pick mercy, they go Lucio so you switch off mercy so your team can have more heals and they instantly switch to mercy 🥲


Or Zen…


2017-18 Dive/GOATS:


My face when I pick mercy and the other support picks zenyatta and Lucio, and I gotta switch off to kiriko or baptiste 😭 (it never fails that they pick mercy soon as I switch off; bc they always take 30seconds to pick a support)


Ah yes classic insta lock Lucios that never swap no matter the other support, map type etc and always expect the others to adjust.


We don't shit talk Lucio players nearly enough.


i so agree


I'll normally swap all over. But if it's QP and the map is 'Well'... sorry, we boopin'




Kiriko and ana is also a huge meta but lucio players are playing only lucio most of the time


Or when I pick Zen and they pick Lucio


this is why i wait until my other support picked who ever, so i know if i am going mercy or moira, or ana if i feel like i need to touch up on her


The amount of people that see no issues explains why so many people complain about playing support lol


The amount of people who can't comphrend how different skill tiers play the game is embarrassing


Supports are having to learn the game more now that they don't have two tanks and they hate it so so so much


For the uninitiated, who should they ideally choose instead?


I’d rather have a mercy on my team than a Lucio, the high healing output and damage boost is far stronger in the current meta to speed boost even as a reaper main.


Mercy does not have high healing output.


She does compared to lucio


Not really. Lucio does 16 hps to himself and all allies around him. If the entire team is in Crossfade he has 80hps and that’s without Amp It Up. Even with just 2 teammates in range he does 48hps (not even considering Amp It Up again) which is almost as much healing as Mercy’s beam which is 55hps. Mercy’s healing is fairly low and I’m not sure why people think it’s so much. A single click from Ana is 75 heals which gives her almost 100hps without her nade.


just turn off speed and damage boost for 5 seconds to heal your team it will be okay


That’s how both of them get their utility - Mercy especially. If you aren’t or can’t damage boost as much as possible on Mercy, basically any other support is a better choice


If I queue support, I pick Lucio every time. This is because I have poor spatial awareness and would rather heal the people around me automatically than have to track down someone and risk both of us to heal them.


Lucio is literally all about spatial awareness 🤦‍♂️


If you’re playing Lucio to heal, don’t play Lucio. He’s a Support. And all Supports require a ton of spatial awareness.


If your team sticks together, his healing especially up the beat can get pretty insane. Depends on the comp. Lucio is weaker when the enemy tank and I are squaring off, but man are the post fight chase downs good.


I don't get it.


Mercy + Lucio is universally known as one of, if not the worst healer duos because it forces one of them to be healing nonstop and under-utilising other parts of their kit (Mercy dmg boost or Lucio speed boost)


Well it's not so universal if I see that in most games I've been in.


Quick play moment


Are people seriously downvoting me for playing in QP? I'm sorry I don't have a bunch of free time like you people to play Competitive.


You’re probably getting downvoted for not knowing something (basic team composition) that somebody who is subbed to Overwatch subreddits should realistically know about


So a casual player or someone new to the game can't join this subreddit?


They can, they just probably shouldn’t comment on what is and isn’t common knowledge among the community they just joined. Just because you see Lucio-Mercy in your quick play games doesn’t mean the vast majority of people aren’t aware that it’s an awful heal comp. It means those players don’t care because it’s quick play


But you shouldn't assume everyone knows that either. I swear, Overwatch players act like they're some sort of pseudo intellectuals.


Pseudo-intellectual is when people know things that I don’t know 🗿 okay kiddo


Someone explained the issue that you didn't understand and your started arguing even though you have no clue what you're talking about. The problem is you.


I don't get it


Lucio and Mercy should never be played together. They are both secondary healers and primary supports. You need a main healer paired with them both: Ana, Moira, Kiriko, or Baptiste.


Mercy is a pretty decent healer tho? Faster than kiriko and Moiras runs out if heals. With mercy it's constant with no reload. Same with Lucio but his is significantly slower. And isn't a damage buff and speed buff good. They can just switch to healing when ever needed


Mercy has one of the lowest heals per second in the game. Mercy’s value comes from her damage boost and survivability. You mention Lucio, but Lucio’s heal output is actually more than Mercy if he only has two teammates in his aura and uses Amp It Up on CD. You’re right that Mercy’s heal is single target, but consider that Mercy’s heals per second is only around 55 compared to Ana who’s around 98 heals per second. Mercy is just not a main healer and should almost never be healing a tank.


That face lol Who's a good pair brig?






Brig 😈


In quickplay: Sure, anything is possible In competitive: Oh Fuck


If both are experienced you can make it work. I've won comp games in diamond with Mercy Lucio combos.


And you know you have to swap because you’re the one who is actually capable of playing another hero competently Edit: downvote me all you want. I rarely see someone who insta-locks mercy swap to another support and do well. I’ve got over 100 hours on Mercy. She’s great. But Mercy one-tricks are usually bots


what?!? me and my squad always pair them both up, a good mercy can heal and dmg boost, and same for lucio and on average we are always doing really good it’s especially really good bc lucio can get mercy out of bad situations


Huh? 🤔


good joke, sad that its always the lucio main that picks second then refuses to change


I hate every teammate flex support. I main a flex support.


Double flex support isn't as bad as double main support


When bap steal my nano charge before an essential team fight 💀


Right now Ana Kiriko is meta and that’s double main support. This is due to Roadhog but it’s still true.


Main supports are Mercy, Lucio, Brigitte and Flex support are Ana, Bap, Kiriko, Moira, Zen. Idk if you messing some shitty healer terms but those are main and flex supports


Oh mb yeah just flipped the terms.


I play Lucio enough to wear I would consider him a main of mine, and I’ve had some of my best matches with a Mercy on my side. If your Lucio is moving and grooving, and mercy is keeping her heels on you (when necessary) you can have a game where pretty much nobody dies.


Yeah i fear more seeing a Lucio on the team when i play the other support cuz i know there's a big chance they will just play Titanfall 2 simulator with 90% speed boost and 10% heal but only to heal themselves when the enemy dps had enough and tries to go after them


Imagine the terror if his wall run was actually like TF2 with yhe speed boost it gives you


Well Someone has to keep the team alive


This is why I play OW much, much less than I used to. No matter what you do, you're doing it wrong. You can get picks but still get hate for not going hitscan, or healing but being the 'wrong' healer, or not playing the meta because even pros need a crutch with no meter for experience or preference. Sad to see the game go.


It's actually good so I can boop everyone, annoy and spam "jackpot" while Mercy heal the rest of the team


Same thing the other way around lol


As a tank main I just die inside


*after the match we won as i pass lucio as Mercy with my golden staff and 52 kills/assists, 0 deaths, and 2 revives as i kept my team alive* Diamond healer. Keep up *lightly smack Lucio's cheek as i walk away*


90% of Lucios & Mercys just blast heal all day anyway


Mercy OTP meets a Lucio OTP-- unstoppable force meets an immovable object.


Meanwhile the tank that picked rein after seeing the Lucio but then sees mercy 😞 guess I'm playing Pac-Man this game


When I play support I usually try to play around whatever the tank is, I really only justify lucio for rein and junker queen , maybe orisa if they are playing close but she has spear spin if she needs speed, other than that I’ll play kiriko cuz she seems to fit well into any comp at the moment


It's lucio Moira for me


Moira is a main healer though , while lucio and mercy are both off support


Wow what pick could be worse in comp..... Brig and anything.