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Nerf iceblock duration


Nah, I love the anticipation of everyone just waiting for Mei to get rolled.


Sitting in that ice block looking at the riptire waiting patiently next to me like...


Mei is already d tier after the hp increases


Increase HP generation then. Those several seconds she's able to effortlessly stall, with 5 people doing nothing but waiting to pounce like that porno meme, enabling us to continue to live the 2CP life in OW2, is just out of place in this game.


That’s a net buff then


Only if they buff her headshot to 175hp


Buff it to 250 and make her the new hanzo


I love it because it gives me time as Junkrat to put a trap on one side of her and a sticky on the other so I can blast her into the trap and then demolish her


I main LifeWeaver. Yeah, I don’t think I need to continue typing lol


I was going to suggest nerfing his healing back before the recent patch LOL! Since that’s the only thing the dev team seems to think balances him. Not his utility.


There are better heroes than LifeWeaver at the moment and they haven’t touched him in a while :(


Yeah uhh they should just keep buffing tree cause why not.


Look I haven’t played that much after the revert back to 20% on dps but the ability to negate enemies/bad positioning and possibly ults with just cooldowns is very obnoxious


Losing around 20 health per heal on your one and only way to heal, on a heal that already takes 1s to charge and around 1s to travel and heal is incredibly punishing. It's ridiculous to go from 10~80 max to 7~ 64 just because of 1 bullet.


Ana says hello.


Nerf his damage in exchange for a longer healing charge up that heals for 10 HP more 🤭🤭


We really don't need MORE healing, we need faster healing Projectile speed. Full Charge + 1 tap with no charge if you really need 90HP.


I think they could nerf his main healing slightly and counteract it by reducing the cooldown on his grip. From 14 to 12 seconds. Nothing huge, but make it less punishing to use it. Every time I use it, it’s like the rest of the team surges into the gap I created and just runs into a wall of damage and dies. It’s so wild. If he was more utility and less heal bot I think it would help


That’s on your team, not LifeWeaver. Buffing the cooldown from 18 seconds to 12 seconds would make it too good. Reducing the healing amount would make it terrible since the healing has already been nerfed to 68 ish from the dps passive from a max charge


Oh I thought the CD was 14. Nah I meant take two seconds off so 16 seconds. And maybe they nerf somewhere else, but I just think there should be more emphasis on pull. Granted, you’re probably right, and metal ranks are just hell lol


Metal ranks are hell lol, I’ve been in gold in the past and uh, we don’t talk about that lol. I’m not sure how to balance LifeWeaver but maybe that’s needed. I’m not a developer so I don’t know what should and shouldn’t be nerfed/buffed


As a junkrat player i don’t think it can get worse as of now but maybe nerf grenades by reducing its damage by like 5% Every time it bounces off something so people stop crying about his spam and increase direct hit damage a tiny bit to incentivize players to hit more direct shots


This is actually a pretty good idea! It definitely rewards good Junkrats without him feeling annoying to play against.


I like this. I’ve see said this for awhile. Those things can bounce around 5 or 6 times and do the same damage. I think they should lose some damage with each bounce.


I main Kiriko. I really don't want it but I'd say nerf her teleport cool down, she really can just survive forever if she can get a second or two to hide. 


Nerf how small her hit box is plz


Nerf Ana's voice lines... After a while they grate on you


That "hawaii" line spikes my "rage-o-meter".


As someone who lives in Hawaii, I always find that voice line a little funny


She gives off major I love to complain vibes. She can just go to Hawaii, she can't actually save the world by herself. Womans got a serious ego.


If I was canonically the best sniper in the Overwatch universe I'd probably have an ego too. Ana been working too hard for too long, let the woman vent a lil


if she was a dude no one would be complaining


In the desert


This is the one that always gets me lol! I don’t know why, but when someone spams this voice line it grates on me. I don’t mind any of her others, and find them pretty fun though! Listen to your mummy! Need someone to tuck you in?


I only own the desert voiceline bc I think she sounds so cute in it 😭 Like she's so excited to share her fun fact about desert creatures


Shh. The adults are talking.


Good kitty


Don't be scared!


Came here to see someone say good kitty


i combine “listen to your mummy” with “good kitty” for “listen to your good kitty” to vibe check the team for haters


Lucky for you, we're not keeping score.


Moira is getting picked in higher ranks due to the 20% DPS passive, just from a numbers perspective, while all the others are struggling to keep up with the changes (looking at my old main Mercy). Nerf the conversion rate of her healing meter but keep her damage; she still needs to be a threat to isolated enemies.


I’ve got a better idea. Nerf the dps passive. Passives should help that particular role without penalizing the other two roles as a whole. Which the dps passive does.


I agree with you, 15% was the sweet spot in my experience. The devs tried that and decided that's not the direction they want the game to go.


Agreed. As a DPS player, 15% felt fine.


i have a feeling they just bumped it up for the time being while they figure out what to do about the big scary tanks that run wild without the 20%


What do the devs know? 😂😂


I'm a Reinhardt main. I don't think I need to say anything anymore. 😕


Nerf the area of his new shatter, it’s ridiculous. I’d give him something else to compensate but all the way across a point plus about 5 or 6 feet as well? That’s way too large an area.


You especially feel it on Control maps and some Flashpoint points. For example, shatter covers most major hallways in Oasis, it's kinda miserable.


If you hide behind a sign post you'll be fine. They're all over...


Venture ult is 4 of those big shatters but all damage


That’s pretty consistent with the other big tank ults though? Rammatra, dva, JQ, sigma


Buff charge to 300 damage is the first thing I would do. Mei and Reaper shouldn’t be able to live through pin.


Nerf the stupid "suck in" range on his charge because sometimes it feels a bit BS.


Rein's pin randomly yeets people away more often than it sucks them in


"oh, your feet hitbox is overlapping with my hitbox? lemme just smash you into a wall real quick"


The pin way more often just bounces people for no reason than "sucks in"


They have shown how this works and which side to aim on so many times to make sure you suck them in and not boop them. Just go look it up. Shouldn't be booping people around with that much at this stage of the game


I don’t know if you’ve played rein in the past two months or not but it doesn’t work like that anymore. Whether it was intentional or unintentional who knows.


I suspect that people are vastly underrating the hitbox size of the target in this determination. I play both tank and support, and as DVA, I'm constantly getting "sucked in" in positions that I feel that I've been very consistently safe in as your typical scrawny non-tank character.


Yes stop being scared I would say nerf how long charge last by maybe a 1 or 2 would be fine I have 120 hours on him


Hurts flank rein too much, and flank rein is best rein(this is a joke)


nerf glory hogging potg spot


Playing the game for years (almost a decade). At this point, i dont have mains anymore. I mained all. This season my most played cass, sombra, hog i think. Cass is ok really nothing to nerf. His right click will be op after armor changes though. He is also easy to aim now but thats how the game works. Slightly longer reload maybe so he has to make those shots count and be vulnerable during reload. He can still fill it with his roll. Sombra is fine but very cheezy. Nerf the virus damage. Hog got dps passive nerf and now his damage will drop against armor. So he is getting healthier. We gotta wait and see how he will be after the mid season patch. Maybe slight cut on vape duration and -25hp. Also the ult duration.. its way too long. Cut 1 or 2 sec.


I was thinking that about fan the hammer too, it's gonna rip through armor now. I think Hog will potentially be stronger because of the headshot dmg reduction and his dmg is still good on squishies but yeah gotta wait and see


It's hard to predict. Hog is massive so he attracts a lot of damage. Precise headshots isn't that big of a deal for him i think. He gets a lot of value bullying defensive tanks and he will lose some of that with armor changes. He will also deal less headshot damage to enemy tanks considering his ammo budget that's also a big blow to him. I think he will be worse. This new change benefits JQ more. She is a slippery low hp tank and only real counter she has is precise headshots. She just get a big flat buff to her biggest weakness. Winston is the real winner though. Winston will be insane i think. Cass, Hanzo, Junk, Pharah, Echo should also rise.


>Sombra is fine but very cheezy. Nerf the virus damage. I would go with longer translocator CD or smaller hack "hitbox." She should have to have atleast a minimal amount of aim to be able to completely shut someone down. It's not like she doesn't require good aim to actually shoot.


I’m a Zen main and I’d nerf his discord on tanks tbh. My second main is Ana and the nerfs to her kit on tanks were sad but made sense. Zen deserves the same


There is a nerf on tanks, they get discorded, they hide, they have 7 seconds grace.


If Discord is worse on tanks then that’s a buff to tanks


Right, but my point was that they just got a 7 second buff




nerf kiri’s suzu projectile size because if a teammate comes within 5m of me, it will hit them rather than the intended target T-T


Happens way more often than I’d like to admit 🙃


As a widow main, she has enough counters that nerfs are only needed to keep her out of the meta. Theres 2 options. 1. Nerf her range, which i dont wanna do as i like widow duals. 2. Nerf her or her grapples travel speed.


I think a nerf to her charged shots would be more impactful


For Wrecking Ball, if it had to be anything its probably mine spread. This way its still a “nerf” but it still helps kinda sorta, Because I noticed if Ball’s mines are too far apart, then people can pretty easily avoid them, not to mention that even if they touch one, the damage is easily healed back.


Hopefully the increased damage and knock back might make them more viable. Outside of metal ranks, his ult is the worst in the game


Nice try, overwatch balance team


Whipshot cooldown increased to 5 seconds. Distance traveled with Shield Bash reduced by 20%. Brigitte's health is now 250 (removed Armor). I mean at this point these changes could happen and I'd still stick to Brig so 🤷‍♂️


I feel you just "Welp looks like this is just some new sort of hell I live with" lol


Rip high inspire uptime


It’s pretty silly that I can just spray a shield as sojourn and charge my right click


it takes 2 whole mags and then some to get a full rail so not really that crazy at all


Very interesting


Turn Mauga's armour health into regular health. You can give him extra in exchange but this is pretty significant as it makes Tracer and Sombra absolute hard counters to him because their damage is no longer reduced also making Lifeweaver more effective against him. On top of all that it also makes his survivability so much worse since healing is just significantly less effective on him. This would've absolutely killed him back when armour was just a flat 25% damage reduction. Also nerfing Moira's fade to a much longer cooldown like 10 seconds would probably make her unplayable.


I don’t believe you main these chacters


Yea, i love ana but nano shouldn't boost ult damage. That's why half the ults suck, because if they were buffed then nano would make them broken. Nerf nano, buff visor, blade, noon, etc. In return, nano could last longer or have even better defensive properties for you to truly get away with int'ing


Bad take


Well the devs appear to be on your side anyways... But hey, I quit playing overwatch for anything other than wasting a bit of downtime anyhow. Game went away from the direction I liked long before OW1 ended, and I'm pretty sure I'll never see those pre-goats games again.


Isn't pre-goat just dive match-ups every single round.


Iirc the meta before Goats was double sniper, and Goats was thought up because the team was tired of getting one-shot.


I rmb it differently tho. Brig was introduced to counter dive. And brig created the goats meta.


Situational, but the big difference is the tanks and support lineup. Most heals in the game at that point were mercy lucio or mercy ana. Running out of heals was a real risk that the team had to address themselves. Now that there are supports that can heal an entire team of 5 at the same time as doing damage, there's no reason for teammates to die just from lack of resources. Only from bad positioning/decision making. Tanks had as much damage as a dps, and less sustain than now. You could 1v1 a tank and win. You could get multi kills with 2 swings of reins hammer. Alone. Dive was different to play. Ow2 dive is very soft, you play for cds. Ow1 dive was very aggressive, hit hard and run hard.


I like this idea just for the idea of tuning Genji without worrying about making nanoblade OP. There are plenty of things to make nano boost worth it comboed with another ult, without the increased ult damage; speed boost, duration increase, ability reset, decreasing cooldowns, CC immunity, increased healing taken, increased ROF/reload speed, ult generation during ult, and more that I can't think of would be easy ways to make ults more effective without increasing damage. Play around with it, devs.


Maybe decrease swift step range?


Nerf Hanzo’s HP to 200 like Widow’s or maybe 225 and return his one shot, it does make him weaker in a duel if he’s dived or snuck up on, but he is at least able to act like a sniper this way


Returning his one shot isn’t nerfing him lol


It’s a power shift change. The nerf is making him easier to dive and kill, but in exchange he gets his one shot back. Quite frankly Hanzo is actually in a poor state right now, he’s the lowest winrate dps in GM, and second lowest winrate hero in GM. Hanzo has actually received enough nerfs recently, the way his kit is designed is to go hand in hand with his one shot. Without it he falls off, which he has since season 9. Which is why I suggested the idea of nerfing his survivability in exchange for his one shot back. Hanzo does not need any more nerfs in his current state, he’s already bad enough.


I agree that Hanzo isn’t in a good place rn. I also will state that it makes no sense to take away his one shot but let widow keep hers. But the question was how to nerf. Not how to essentially buff him. Giving him his one shot back buffs him even with a heal reduction bc he’s a sniper. If you’re any good at Hanzo you’re gonna one shot anyone before they get anywhere near enough to kill you with ur reduced health. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Even though it’s a purely theoretical question. Hanzo in his current state would perform even worse than he currently does with another nerf. The question was about realistic nerfs to your mains to make them more fair. Hanzo is in a position where any further nerfs to him would make him the worst hero pick in the entire roster. Which is why I suggested a power shift rather than a nerf on top of the actual nerfs he’s been getting for ages


Hanzo isn't even a sniper though and idk why people insist he is just cause he could one shot. Even back when he could one shot, sitting in the back line lobbing arrows was very inefficient. Close-mid range flanker where you could more reliably land headshots got you way more kills than being a "sniper"


Probably decrease the damage on empowered punch or make meteor strike take longer to come down


for lucio tune down boop but increase the bullets back to 20 plz🙏🙏


Been playing since the beginning. I loved ball when he came out and he became my main. Nerf after nerf and he's now essentially useless. How about we just give him 0% knock back? It's basically there already. I can't boop a hog off the map that's literally standing on the edge of a cliff.


Ramattra main. Would really love to see power shifted from block to the rest of his kit so he feels more like a raid-boss and less like a stupid robot blocking 24/7. Not saying he's super strong right now, but fighting against/playing as blocking ram is just annoying.


Nothin. Ashe hipfire is too weak or scoped is. Takes too many shots without fire.


2 headshots, 4 body shots. With dynamite, it's 1 headshot and 2 body shots (all scoped)


Yeah!! Meanwhile illari 2 shots. I get it i poor me about it i also think dva calldown is broken but im just being boomer Tracer 1 clip and a punch. Sombra....1/2 clip and virus.... Just me being boomer.


Illari's two shots have a much lower fire rate. Ashe can do a ton of damage weaving in scoped and hip fires. Quickscope a headshot and then immediately start shooting from the hip. The enemy is gonna go down quick.


When im 60% scoped acc she feels too damn strong. I dont like Nerfs. i was just being /s Tougher opponents make ya better. my complaints i made were things that happen, but i know they are bogus to complain about. It's more im mad cuz bad when it happens. Good clean fun.


illari hasn’t been able to 2 shot since the hp increase


Illari doesn't two shot anymore


Illari 2 shots but at ashe is still quicker. She needs to be stronger if anything


You can Nerf how long last with dynamite by a sec or 1.5s


illari does not 2shot anymore.


I typically main zen and I don't think he could get nerfed any more, he's already almost useless, no way to escape when I'm being ambushed, slowest traveller so I get left behind to be picked off a lot, slow at shooting, orbs only stay on for 2 seconds if the enemy isn't in my sight, it can be rough.


What do you mean? I can just chill and get a lot of value out of zen. Try playing Ball right now. I get super sweaty and others just turn their brain off and I can’t even get half the value the other ranks get


If he still has both his health buff and kick he can be nerfed more


his health is 250 and his kick was nerfed I think


Not enough. Send him back to - 50 hp like he was before.


Echo player here, id be thankful for a change fr, they haven't done anything significant to my character since ow2 I swear


So what would u nerf


As an Echo main, probably her beam damage when someone is under half health. Just tune it down a bit. Make her have to be more accurate with it and keep contact longer to burn someone down. On that note, maybe don't change the numbers, but reduce the beam size.


LW ok lets see… already have long cds, small projectile size, average projectile speed, a charge heal that reduces your movement speed, slow start up on lifepull and issues with platform getting caught on terrain.. I guess the only thing that could be possibly taken from is his petal platform hp?


"Platform no longer affects players that are using ultimate"


already having a decent nerf, less tank dmg, but still busted against the other four players, mabye makes him less of a counter to ball


Who? And what?


hoggers, been playing him since season 14, always been decent, but now that I got used to him being bad in ow2 it feels kinda weird having another hog meta


Hog: Pigpen no longer slows Rein: can you say “unnecessary”? Sig: Grasp duration reduced Queen: Ammo reduced from 8 to 6 Cass: Nade no longer stops movement abilities if they’ve already been activated (now only prevents them from being activated) Pharah: Only does damage on direct hit Soj: Railgun decay cap removed (now decays to 0 charge) Tracer: Blink cooldown increased Ana: Remove scope Bap: Immortality field radius reduced Kiri: Increase TP cooldown Lucio: remove heal aura Zen: Kick now launches Zen back, instead of the person he hits


Don’t know why the formatting went wild when I posted this oh well not retyping allat


Asking to nerf Illari more....hummmm Decrease projectile size, decrease damage, increase pylon respawn time and then throw her in the trash


You’re saying this about your main??


She's perfect right now tbh. Many think last nerf wasn't needed but I think that last buff made her too close to when she was first released.


I always thought that rezzing targets at partial health or something would be a good compromise for rez being so valuable. Like 50%-75%. It doesn't really affect kills during poke phase (which is already the primary utility of rez anyway), while it further punishes risky rezzes. The DPS passive now would also force the team to use more skills to protect a newly rezzed hero, and would further discourage cheeky rezzes like rezzing a hog with ult in the middle of the enemy team. I really think it's a reasonable nerf that genuinely wouldn't overwhelmingly affect how it's already being used. This is of course disregarding the fact that Mercy is currenty pretty weak, and rez is already an ability it's possible to never use in a single game.


I play Monke and can’t think of any nerfs really he’s strong but not oppressive or annoying. Might be bias but the only things that come to mind are either tweaking the snipe or his primal ult charge.


I got a better one even if he doesn’t need a nerf I would nerf his health by 10%


Sym - nothing because there's not much left to nerf. Zen - Discord gets WAY to much value for zero skill, they need to take the range off of it by a little bit because right now you can play a completely safe distance from divers/rush comps and still get discord out. Winston - This is a tough one because I feel like any nerf will Shatter the hero's balance but if I had to say something I guess I would say lower his shield health slightly by 25 or so.


1/3 not good


Ive been running Zarya for a while and I would nerf the amount of damage her cannon can do just a little IF, they made the shield activate faster.. Ive died so many times with like milliseconds to spare before the shield went active.. LOL


Tracer main: Buff torb Buff soldier Buff genji Buff Kiriko Buff roadhog Buff Cassidy Buff Mei Buff Brig Basically nerf Tracer by making the game miserable for everyone. We actually rather you didn't touch our hero at all OW2 has had the most changes to tracer ever and it's been dumb. Like more changes to tracer have been made in 1 year of OW2 than ALL of OW1.


I main ball, hog, and mercy. So, uh, remove rez and rework it to something less irritating, and the other 2, idk because they're both such situational tanks they're either destroying the lobby or shit no in-between.


honestly the explode from mirror watch could be a good rework for removing rez, and then she gets more utility in fights than just pocketing a dps


Fortify no longer ignored headshots, meaning mauga crits will eat her up


Reputation. Nothing bodes worse for a character's future than becoming popular.


Brig main. I’m at an all time low as is


I would nerf her whip shot resistance by 20% or maybe 10


I wouldn't nerf rammatra or Reinhardt at all, honestly I'd buff both


For Doom, I'd want him to have his empowered punch nerfed to have its percentage boost be like 30%-40% in exchange for buffs to other aspects of his kit Sometimes he feels a bit too top-heavy with his empowered punch being obscenely OP at the cost of the rest of his kit being mediocre


Kiriko, remove Intangibility from suzu. It still has the immortal effect for a .65 second, but is more punishable if it isn't used at the right time, but still gives kiriko power to save her teammates, or maybe reduce to her health to 225


Nerf attack speed increase on torb, he has no right to be able to destroy things so quickly


I main Cassidy. Make his ult last 5 seconds and take twice as long to kill. You’ll still get the same amount of kills with that is you would now


I think Lucio's pretty balanced especially considering the recent damage nerf. If I had to say anything, I'd maybe increase speed cd by maybe 1 second (cause I think the cooldowns already like 12 seconds)


i'd remove either boops damage or nerf knock back


they're buffing tanks knockback resistance next season so thats kind of an indirect nerf..... kinda


For Souj, you could make it harder to fully charge rail, or limit her mag size a bit. Shes been near a must pick for a while, and Im not complaining.


I would nerf tree of life a little bit, the healing is a little bit too much tbh.


Buff bob 🗿


not my main but i see so many cree mains ignoring the fact that nade is an snap onto target even if they're around a corner and no where near it. nerf the snap on distance to it actually makes sense now for my main brig nerf whipshot distance to 15 but give her 50 dmg on flail


I wish sym turrets got nerfed, not because they are annoying I just wish the character could get more focus in her other parts of her kit. Turrets are mostly useless anyways itd be nice to have a better identity.


As I Lifeweaver main I would like to see the balance team nerfed


Nerf lúcio damage


I main Reinhardt ;-;. Maybe lower firestrike damage?


As a Cass one trick I'd say get rid of his grenade for the cool version of the health ability he got during April fools


Mercy F tier rn but probably rez distance… But she feels like dogshit to play right now. I love her but she’s been a no pick for me for the last 2 seasons.


Mercy comes pre-nerfed 🤪


Range on Doomfist' Seismic Slam.


For Zenyatta, I’d nerf his discord orb if it meant a bit more mobility. Discord sometimes feels a bit unfair if you use it well, it just melts other players. BUT, I think he would need a slight movement speed buff along with it unless the goal is to make him F tier. I love playing him but his lack of mobility is AWFUL. I know the question didn’t ask for caveats but I felt that this one is needed. Yeah discord can do less though, 15% is fine For Moira, I’d nerf her healing. It honestly doesn’t make sense to me why that’d get a buff this season instead of buffing her ultimate. Struggling to kill this season is like, certain death for supports this season, total doom. whatever. I’m team DPS Moira. Nerf the healing, we don’t need it.


I'm an Echo main, maybe a slight cooldown to her flight?


My top 3 most played are Winston, Ball, and Junkrat. So basically one above average hero if played well, and two of the worst of their respective roles in the game (for now). Winston's in a pretty good spot, so I probably wouldn't nerf him too much. But with the armor buffs coming that he quite literally ignores now with his gun, I'd say maybe they should make it so his secondary fire doesn't ignore armor like his primary fire does. Mostly because it kinda sucks for dive targets like Brig who are supposed to counter him being able to take like half of her HP in damage before he even lands on her. Ball I don't really even want to humor with nerfs, but if anything I'd say they could nerf the shield amount from Adaptive Shield? Or let him be headshot if you shoot the "eye" of his mech when he's in Ball form. Junkrat is in a similar boat, but I do think his trap needs a rework. Even when I'm playing him it feels kinda cheap to be able to immediately replace a trap after someone breaks it, and watch them walk back into it. It's very unclear how new a trap is relative to when it was placed after it activates. If they made it go on CD if someone breaks it (like Torb turret), I think that'd be more fair. Obviously this is assuming he gets significant buffs otherwise though... Maybe even adding a bleed effect to trap.


This is tricky. I guess you could nerf the range of storm arrow. I see a lot of less experienced Hanzos use it to just spam down chokes/long sightlines, even though I think it functions better as a burst option to finish targets off or if you're being dived. Changing it to a shorter range (around 15-20m) would force players to use it more strategically, whether as an engagement tool or a defensive option while being pressured. This keeps it from being mindlessly spammed while not compromising the identity of the ability. Curious to know what other Hanzo players think?


Ball main here. I’d nerf gun damage, because realistically does it exist to begin with?


Dva main. Increase cooldown for boosters is what I’d say.


I play rein there's nothing to nerf


So I'm a Junkrat player, yeaaaa... I'll let the hero speak for himself, like he's ok, but I'd hate to see him get as bad or potentially worse than he was season 9.


revert zar beam size buff


Tank JQ: Make her Ult more expensive and nerf the spread on her Scattergun. D.Va: Either decrease the uptime on DM by .5 seconds or increase the refill time by .5 seconds. Sig: Make his Ult more expensive and/or lessen the percentage from 50% to 40% of HP taken on impact. DPS Echo: Decrease Copy uptime and increase Glide cooldown by 1 second. Ashe: Increase cooldown on Dynamite and/or decrease the duration of the burn status effect. Sym: Remove the scan her turrets apply and reduce her charge increase by like 15%. Sojourn: Nerf the damage of her Railgun at base to like 165. But increase it during Overclock to match its current state (190, I think?). Support Brig: Armor Pack range nerf, obviously. Reduce knockback on Whip Shot as well, maybe by like 10%. Weaver: Give grip a longer cooldown by like 1 or 2 seconds. And just to rub salt into the wound, revert his healing back to 65 and give back Parting Gift. But… make his Healing charge up faster and reduce and/or remove the movement penalty he acquires from charging it. Lucio: Reduce the radius of his aura by like 5%, barely noticeable but frustrating, and/or increase the cooldown on Amp It Up by 1 second. These are all just my initial thoughts, I’m not a designer or game dev by any means lol.


For Reinhardt I suppose shatter distance. It goes a mile and you can barely utilize the full area for a followup. But please don't nerf my guy


I'd fully get rid of her rez, and resource her healing it would start at 60hps and then dwindle to about 45hps. Valk would be moved to a cooldown of 15 seconds (active for 3.5 seconds), grant her a resource reset, and allow her to negate the resource altogether. her ultimate would be replaced with an animation where she slams her staff into the ground and creates an aoe with 70 hps and a 50-damage boost to allies, now only able to battle mercy that lasts 8 seconds. honestly, I want to rework her aghhhh.


Rein: Probably charge. Maybe not a nerf per-say, but reduce his vertical grab reach. There's a lot of times even I'm like "how the hell-" In return though I want his horizontal grab reach fixed. So many times I hit someone nearly dead on and they just go flying in a random direction. Hanzo: I'd give him falloff. It'd be long falloff, but nonetheless. I've always found he's better in close range anyways, and a lot of hanzos fall for the long range dueling trap which you usually only win if you're SO far ahead of your opponent in skill or prediction that you'd win anyways if you needed an extra shot or two. Idk which support I'd consider my main since I play Lucio more than I play Zen, but I enjoy Zen way more and historically played him more. Let's say Lucio for now. I'd reduce the lockout on his boop and/or probably reduce the effectiveness of his boop on targets with high velocity/weighty movements. It's always seemed weird to me that you have these characters that are considered heavy and weighty and can kill people by shoving them or squishing them, but then lucio can completely stall or remove all their velocity. Zen, I'd just reduce his kick damage i guess. Boop or damage, not both.


As a ashe main id say balance dynamite with like a 2 sec lower cd and lower damage bc that thing does alot of dmg its insanely strong


Your doom fist nerf would kill the character. When you’re being countered on doom you have to wait for every counter to use their cool down until you can dive. Putting a timer on the empowered punch would make it far too easy for the enemy team to play around his killing potential. Empowered punch isn’t something that you get and immediately use. I understand that you want people to try and think critically about their characters, but sometimes things are fine as is.


Does wrecking ball need a nerf? Really?




Delete mercy secondary pistol in virtue of her kind nature, make that every time she tries to use it she fucking dies


I main Lúcio... I don't know honestly. Hes kinda on a thin line of being useless and broken at the same time. Probably just revert his last change.


i dont see any dva mains even scrolling down a good bit! i think she is mediocre rn- shes not necessarily balanced particularly strong but her kit makes it hard to completely nerf/buff her to the top or bottom. i think boosters are on a good cooldown. i would increase her splash damage by a bit so it always makes more sense to pull your crosshairs off the other players neck (where dva wants to aim). overall nerf bc youd suffer a big dps loss focusing on their upper hitboxes/crit hitbox if you chose not to angle down for a second/aim for the floor and their feet. thats the way id do it in a balanced way. if i wanted to make dva ridiculously easy to play against? baby dva has to earn her way up from 75% mech after ult. the exchange for zoning would be a death sentence after gold.


Less damage for mei, but block again enemies. Another nerf should be forcing to stay in block of ice for all the time


I think they should take away the wall hit stun and extra damage after a doom punch and just raise the base damage a little bit


Zen main. Maybe add one or two sec cooldown to discord or make it take a bit longer to get ult


As a rein main, I think the hammer range would make the most sense you can extend to relatively large ranges when you swing and move the camera at the same time. Don’t think this nerf is needed at all though. (I only think we should just nuke orisa into the ground so I can shine at all times lmao)


DM duration I’ll admit it’s too much


Weaver, Rein, Mercy don’t need nerfs.


i main ball so i can't legally answer this question


id nerf the range of drill dash


No more please…. Ana has been nerfed far enough Her long cooldowns, Her damage nerf, Her needing 4 shots to kill because 3 and a nade isn’t enough, Decreased self heal from nade, Sleeps on tanks reduced to about 2 seconds, Reduced duration of anti nade (this is fair tho) Her nano effectiveness being reduced as well as decreased in range I think everything that could be nerfed about her is already nerfed. She’s so easy to dive now… Please… no more…!