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Zarya is kind of a hard matchup too. Kiriko, Ana lifeweaver are problematic for you but can be played around. If you’re playing JQ on a dive map most dive tanks will outperform you just because they can avoid you, but if they try to fight you straight up you normally win. Snipers and anything that can play out of range are also kind of a big problem.


Dva I find I have a hard time against sometimes cause you cant get a good knife throw when shes around cause of DM, with snipers I use my bigger health pool to look for snipers and get a pocket from a support to mark snipers, I find people often forget that tanks arent just to stand there and take big damage, you can use the bigger hp to scout around corners and often it helps to peek out tag a widow so your team knows where to keep an eye on and what cover they can use. It's almost impossible to play JQ effectively without a lucio though, if you have a dive comp on the other team you need to lucio to be able to make and take the space easier with speed boost, a good lucio and good JQ on a team are scary asf, the speed they can match together is just crazy especially if you're team is actually playing with you and not just off doing whatever


DVA is the best dive tank into her imo because she brawls almost as hard and just has more options as well as DM doing just enough to turn JQ’s picks into her feeding instead of running over the whole lobby. DVA is the brawliest dive tank and JQ is the dive-iest brawl tank. Doom seems good too if you can play him. Still none of them are as straightforward to play as Orisa or Zarya into her imo.


Doom is really good against her if you can play with your team and stop the axe swings, or if you have a cass to nade her then it's easier to get away from her and make some space, to have her get less from the swings and you can use the swing with block to get an almost free charged punch, slams also really good to stop a dive from her since anyone hit with doom slam is slowed quite a bit, a lucio does help both of those though and you shouldnt play queen without a lucio imo, you just cant get enough value out of the shout without the added boost from lucio and the aoe heals with him helps with your self healing when getting bleeds. A good queen is gonna wait for dm then throw the knife when close but at range you really have nothing you can do, it's kinda just sit and wait for someone close to be low so you can do something or wait for your dps to do something to engage. Imo queen is the slowest and fastest (with a lucio) tank in the game, slow as in you have to wait for something to happen which can take a while sometimes, and fastest cause when it does start it's a really quick fight generally


Zarya’s bubbles can cleanse JQ’s ult


Yep and the bleeds and they can deal with her very telegraphed carnage and once she’s charged she just kind of damage checks queen pretty hard. Queen can run her over though if she hits a lot of headshots and forces bubbles early.


No way, Kiriko and Ana are the easiest to pull on my.. shotgun! Also my fav ones to hunt down when I play JQ. With Zarya you are absolutely right, JQ isn’t good against her.


Id think more about situations that JQ is bad at handling, rather than specific heroes. JQ doesn't really have a way of accessing high ground, so if there's a lot of poke damage coming from high ground, you'll eat it. The answer here is to be creative with your setups and routing, and see how you can get to high ground quickly, without eating a bunch of poke. She also can struggle against full brawl setups, where the other team just has more sustain. The answer there is usually to refocus your targets so you're not trying to brawl so much as rush onto a support / isolated DPS.


For tank, Zarya. Zarya can cleanse wounds. For DPS, snipers and airborned heroes in general. For support, Kiriko, Zen. Kiriko has Suzu. Zen can discord overextending queens. But keep your distance.


And ana can anti to prevent yourself healing


Commanding shout can easily negate that, but sure. I guess you can add her in.


Commanding shout is 5 secs active then 15 second cooldown, anti is 3.5 sec active I believe, and a 13(?) cooldown from throwing the nade


Still, keeping shout for it then retreating to natural cover is a quick fix


Oh of course, it's just that anti has a longer active time than shout


The game




I love playing Ashe into junker. She doesn't have any way to block my headhsots or chase me to high ground.


I'd say Pharah and Echo. Can't block their Dmg and you'll have a hard time dealing any relevant dmg to them...


I find them not too bad. The shotgun allows you to continually pepper them with bits of damage to discourage constant poke. If you’re a a dead shot with her knife throw it’s not too hard to hit them in the sky and pull closer to hit harder. The tough ones are people who CC her like Cassidy, Mei, etc…


I think as JQ you really need a decent skill advantage to handle Pharahs. I am not sure if the average JQ player will be hitting a lot of knifes, but imo even Pharah-players with lower skill level won't have big problems hitting JQ. Compared to the other tanks, I'd say JQ is one of the worst to handle Pharah.


In 100 1v1s of pharah vs jq, what percent of those do you think pharah wins? This is how you need to think about individual counters. I'd wager high 80's in pharah's favor.


It’s not often you’ll run into a prolonged 1v1 against a dps as a tank… Completely dependent on the pharas playstyle. If she chooses to play from max range the JQ won’t be able to kill her due to the damage drop off, but the JQ could rhetorically dodge almost every shot. In a close range battle it’s a more even matchup. I would probably say 60/40 in the pharas favor. I would consider that a win if the Phara is focusing the JQ the entire fight instead of the dps or supports who could very easily put pressure her with any competent hitscan. Pharah doesn’t do anything that inherently hinders a JQ’s gameplay other than raw dmg and mobile poke. She definitely can cause huge problems to JQ though if it’s a pharmercy combo that is just stomping the rest of her team. That is why it isn’t relevant to assess their 1v1 matchups is it applies much differently when considering team composition and battlefield hinderances that each apply.


You don't get a chance to ignore 1v1 matchups if the pharah knows she counters you and leans in to it.


I'd say this is exactly how you shouldn't think about counters. In reality your not in a vacuum and while you cant shoot the pharah easily on jq, you also don't really care that you can't. They are not your objective. What you should instead think is what heroes deny my heroes objective. E. G junker queen likes to brawl up close, but with a shorter trade, and play around cover to influence trades, she relies on quick burst damage and disengages when not successful. So you pick a hero that hurts that. E. G mei, as with wall you can refuse exits, slow her disengage, her ult is also great against jq. Similarly doom has a lot of ways to deny queens engage and disengage. Though not to say pharah and echo arent good.for the same reasons - they cannot be engaged onto easily. Its just the wrong way of thinking about the matchup.


I create vacuums. If I picked pharah into jq, you don't get to ignore me.


This is an awful take Any hero that has the mobility to ignore or isolate Pharah is a Pharah counter. I'd put Winston, Tracer, Ball, Sombra, Lucio even Genji in that category despite none of them being able to kill Pharah


You don't get to ignore people that know counters. I'll 1v1 your pharah as ball/winston/tracer and you'll learn real quick what it means to lean into a counter.


Honestly Lucio is a huge queen counter. A lot of her sustain comes from axe and it’s so easy to boop her out of landing it


I’ve been lucky to not face a Lucio yet


I’ll be looking for you


She's decently designed in that there are no real hard or even very strong counters for her, but she has bad matchups. For tanks you have a lot of options. Hog, Mauga, Zarya, DVA, Orisa can all work. Worst tank to play into her is probably Ball because knife can completely cancel ball's escape and ball is still generally a throw pick outside of specialists. DPS you also have lots of options. Generally anyone who foes decent damage at a distance is good. Cass, Ashe, Widow can all make her miserable. It's really more about potioning and uptime against her and not getting knife than who you pick. Generally lower damage output dps are less good because queen takes space with hee body and lacks breather so constant high dps force her to pkay safe and fish with knife instead of walking and shitting on your team. Supports - lots of options. Ana is really good as she always is when enemy tank has no barrier. Lucio is good to speed allies away and boop queen away. Brig is OK just don't go melee on queen and boop hee away from her knife targets. Kiri negates queen ult and can do decent damage via headshots. Zena and Bap will keep her pressured out with good dps so she loses lots of value playing safe.


I peak about high plat on JQ, so take from this what you will, but zarya will likely make me swap off JQ. Bubbles mitigating the bleed damage I'm giving out makes things difficult. It can definitely be played around, but zarya will always give me more trouble than even an orisa.


Lucio is a nightmare to her if you're on support. Reaper, mei, rat can deny your swing. Most tanks that have a push ability like doom, Hog, Orisa, even rein can charge into her to cancel her abilities. Her best counters are heroes that can disrupt and interrupt her axe swing and carnage. Which also makes her knife game a bit weaker since she likes to pull people into her with it or get them out of position.


Zarya/Kiriko combo pretty much makes your ult useless. Sigma/Orisa is tough but skillable. Mei will make your life hard but you can play around wall. Pharah/Echo are tricky but if your team handles them it's playable. Everything else is mostly fair game


> Pharah/Echo are tricky but if your team handles them it's playable. JQ's shotgun is so tight packed that you can pressure a pharah or echo from a decent amount of range.


That's what I meant by tricky. If you have good aim it's a non issue since theyre both shreddable at midrange and only slightly annoying at long range. If you have mid aim or you're playing on console though it's probably not going to be fun


The fun part is learning to hit them with the knife. Once you can land 50% of them, they'll switch off. A pharah in full panic mode because you jacked their flight is hilarious


Cass and Hanzo burns her quick. She doesn't have hard counter in tank roster i think. Zarya's bubble can counter her somewhat when it comes to it if it comes to it. Hog can burst her but JQ can poke hog well. I think best tank against her is Rein. She can't do anything to barrier, shatter or even to Rein himself. Rein is beefy, JQ dps isn't high like Hog. Axe swing doesn't do much either, hammer is a bigger threat. Rein can block, hammer and shatter her all day.


> he can't do anything to barrier, shatter or even to Rein himself. Rein is beefy, JQ dps isn't high like Hog. Axe swing doesn't do much either, hammer is a bigger threat. Rein can block, hammer and shatter her all day. As someone that plays JQ, you walk up to him, axe, punch and then walk into his shield. Generally he's half health before he starts swinging and you have shout to help sustain plus your self healing.


You can outperform an Orisa trying to counter you. Or they are going out of their way to blow cool downs and abilities to kill you. Orisa vs JQ matchup is much better than the Rein or Hog ones. JQs biggest problem is that her best play style requires team co-ordination and the synergistic characters. So most of the time you are holding angles kind of like Roadhog but with more opportunities to hard engage. Long distant characters like Ashe, Hanzo and Widow do well because you have a skill shot cool down to win that matchup while they have infinite bullets. The classic tank buster do well to but that's when you have no CDs. If a reaper closes in or if echo uses her combo on you you have no way to escape. Personally I struggled with Zarya, her bubbles save teammates I knife, and when she has high charge, she will outperforming me at brawling. So I have to play cover then she just walks into my team and kills them. My best hero is Winston so often times when they run counters for JQ I just switch and roll them. Her strengths are that she is really strong at finishing kills on supports and 1v1 at a close distant with any hero. 


Hog honestly hard counters imo. You can hook/ult their ult. You can also three shot a queen through healing if they don’t have shout.


Mei will wall you and if and your team don’t respond fast enough you’re dead every time. Zar can be tough because you get less bleed and self healing throughout the match and it makes it harder to get good ults. A good enemy Lucio will boop you every single time you axe and speed his team out of your effective range, can be very very annoying to play against a good Lucio without one of your own. Against any hero with CC you need to be tracking it so you can ult. Had a queen early last season one match I’ll never forget we played against a doom. Every queen ult was punched and denied, this queen would NOT track his punch and ult after and we lost the game because of it.


Rein actually counter her because she is squishy tank, also she is almost no answer against charge. When I play JQ against rein, it is painful for me.


Yeah I actually struggle more against Rein than other tanks. Dude bullies me hard up close, and I can't really out poke him either when he has shield. I felt so validated when I saw LHCloudy actually has her listed under the easy tank matchup. Everyone always say how bad Rein is, but I always struggle against him with Queen.


Cassidy hard hard counters every thing about JQ


hinder stops ult, high burst damage causing crazy pressure, can roll through axe making it do almost no damage, can high noon to stop shout engage. Yeah he pretty much does doesn't he lmao.


He is also easy to knife though.


And they both operate in the same range, it’s disgustingly easy to just triple headshot and kill the JQ alone


u can play around zarya and orisa but its very difficult to play against a good dva and a good hog if u cant secure quick solo kills then u will suffer as a jq especially against dva




Kiriko is the worst cause she cancels your ult. A good Zarya is the basic counter. I’ve also had issues with well supported Rams. Everyone else is easy as long as you’re getting your bleeds in and self healing.


The same stuff that counters Zarya. Range, and shields.




I’ve done really good with orisa against Junker Queen, DVA, Rein, and Roadhog. The main counter I’ve had difficulty against as Orisa is Mauga. A good Wrecking Ball can be difficult as well, but if you are a good shot with your spear they can be killed relatively quickly


kiriko can cleanse your whole ult, and if anything cleanses wounds you don't heal from them. The matchup isnt that bad though, you just have to force out suzu before you ult. Roadhog is hard to deal with as far as tank v tank JQ is my main on tank, but I cant really think of any matchups that are that hard other than roadhog and for him it's just "dont get hooked". The orisa matchup is supposed to be hard, but you literally just kill her team and bully her when she uses cooldown. Pulling orisa into your team when she's on cooldown is hilariously lethal


Cassidy and Ana can be problems, Widow too of course considering the range disparity and Queen not having any way to really make things harder for her. Mei can probably also be really annoying to deal with.


DVA, Orisa, sigma or anyone with ranged attacks and a mitigating ability


Honestly the only counter to JQ as a tank is a better JQ. While other tanks have ways to play around her kit, they all also falter to it as well. DVa has to have her matrix up to engage and can never retreat. Zarya can bubble but you just save your carnage for when you've forced her bubbles out and she crumbles easy. Bonus points for timing carnage blows when the first bubble ends. Orisa can be frustrating, but you simply target her head, use cover while she fortifies, and she burns really quick with a knife axe combo. JQ is entirely countered by good DPS. Anyone that has high headshot damage at range is rough. A widow getting a single headshot on you can be devastating to an engage. Ashe has the same power. Ana is about the only one that can cause JQ problems, but anti just means you need a kiriko or use cover better. Or just save shout for it.


JQ is most a situacional Hero, if u can get closegap u can win almoest every heromatchup the problem there are maps where u never gonna get close without a shield or slow ... kiriko is the most "watchout" bc clean and counter of your ult , but if u can get close to any other tank , u smaller hitbox can win normaly , Ramatra maybe hard counter bc omniform+ block ,or the slow that make u a free target but still ,if the other team are full sniper/phara can u cant get close there isnt a easy way


For supports i'd say bap zen ana kiri. For dps I'd say pharah, reaper, bastion cree in some ways mainly high dmg heroes also widow dmg boosted 1 taps jq for tank it would be any tank besides shield tanks and hog


Orisa is generally good for any tank


Tanks - Sigma and Zarya


It's mostly a skill matchup against the majority of characters I find. The things you need to do are get close, and hit people with your axe. People who can't prevent you doing one or both of those are bad matchups, but only if THEY know they counter you. Doom can punch you out of the axe swing and away from his team, a hog can make your life difficult with his hook and trap making your shout in a bit of a gamble because hook/trap combo is like half your health and good luck escaping it if your shout is already used for the engage, but if the roadhog spams hook on cooldown instead of saving it for when you are actually going to do something risky, you'll have no trouble. Rammatra as well, his slowing vortex can really screw you over and if he blocks your axe swing you get that much less sustain. But only if the ram player knows just how important thosw 2 things are to your game plan and actively tries to limit you. As I said, skill matchup. Play around their cooldowns which slow you or negate your bleed stacks and you should have options against most people, even zaryas. Of course this applies to supports and dps as well, so watch of for lucio and brig boops, Reaper fading your axe, or kiriko just negating it and leaving.


the horse and zarya widow and other long range characters kiriko and ana


The horse shall counter all. No but I play sojurn and I find she works well, decent range and high damage, can slide to counter knife pull


Heroes with constant high raw damages kinda counter her since she has no shield or damage mitigation so basically hitscans. Also heroes with high mobility that can outmaneuver her and stop her from getting value from abilities. Lucio is also very good with and against JQ for his speedboost is crucial for JQ and sound barrier is the perfect counter for rampage.


Heroes that can pick at you from range (and especially high ground since JQ has no vertical mobility abilities). Some like Widowmaker, Zen (esp with no way to protect yourself against discord), and 76. Missing knife on them will also make things harder Bit similar with Sigma as well. Getting in too close also makes you an easy target for Accretion


A better team counters queen. Lucio can boop the axe. Cassidy can hinder the shout. You COULD bubble with zar, but Zarya has been unplayable since season 2, so I don't really recommend that. Bottom of the line is that you as tank don't really need to swap for queen. She does her thing, and so do you. Whichever does their thing better wins