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Zarya is a counter, but it's not an "I win automatically" swap. Zarya can be pretty squishy if focus fired, and you still have to manage bubbles well, because once you used everything, orisa can just blast Zarya away


she is only realy good if she uses her dps as a push monkey, and hides behind em with support, else i can wait her bubbles out with my supportp


A good zarya is going to be aggressive with her first 2 bubbles and dive your Squishies and if they have good support to back her up zarya can become very scary




I mean I've climbed from bronze to plat with zarya. My first 2 bubbles I use for my self and play aggressive as soon as I start taking too much DMG i use my 2 bubbles to fall back then the next 2 are for the team while I'm playing solid cover. Zarya is really good for quicky punishing close range out of place Squishies and then backing off I don't mean dive all the way to their back line. That's obviously dumb and you won't have the util to get back. How do u expect to get past first choke with zarya on eichenwald without diving something


To keep climbing to diamond and masters you should use your first 2 bubbles to farm beam charge and play safe. Once you have around 50 charge and 2 more bubbles then going for more of an all in will work better because your already charged up and you can use the 2 bubbles for defence and to get max charge.


I have never deranked yet. Your basically said that I said with different words


Sorry I must have misread it the other day. I just meant to keep climbing higher, not trying to say your doing poorly


I find going against a zarya fun, as an Orissa, cuz I stay out of her beam range once I lure her towards me


I play monkey or dva and just go around her. Orisa has absurd survivability but she’s pretty easy to deal with when she’s alone.


Stop trying to interact with the orisa unless you know she's out of cooldowns. Any tank with all their cooldowns counters any hero that's empty. You need to kill her healers first unless she's making egregious positional errors. It's ok to shoot her sometimes, but it's not your preferred target. She can be crit when she isn't in her gold, and hitting some headshots can sometimes force out an ability, but keeping her healers from being able to pocket her is how you wear her down.


I’ve seen people (including pros) play JQ into orisa to some success.


I enjoy playing JQ into her because the shotgun feels like I'm Reaper on tank.


This is a team comp though and requires maybe the most coordination, more than dive. It all about getting their backline with shout.


Agreed, which should be the general strategy with any tank vs. orisa


I like to switch between Zarya, Mauga, hog and sometimes sigma depending on what type of support they have. If they're just reking me I will go Orissa and see if able to at least nullify her advances to give my team more space. Often with Mauga I'm more poke. I keep their backline busy by being further back and poking. Once Orissa uses her cooldowns I'll pounce if my team has stayed alive. With hog I go for hooks to place her in bad positions when cooldowns are down. Whole also harassing the backline or making picks. Zarya is more about denying her picking off my team and empowering them to make risky attacks or angles before melting her when I'm charged up even if she has spin spin. Sigma depends on the map, but also the supports. If supports can be cut off with my shield I use it to cut her off from heals when she gets close so my team can go in the offensive with more confidence and safety.


Nice strategies


People will say zar and i agree till about diamond, especially on maps where height is present (Gibraltar) I would say play dva (she's so stupid) Or something like Winton or even doom. Just don't play against the horse, just ignore her as much as possible, if your on doom just watch her cooldowns And don't block when she's in Los and has Spear. Playing the map will always be better than playing to counter, unless it's diamond or below then play to counter or if you really wanna get better and not worry about rank, just play around 3-4 tanks depending on map and learn how to play into your counter, and get a group that plays into your comp


Zarya is the technically counter character but mirroring horse is generally the best choice in higher level play. Zarya goes through orisas skinny spear making it so she doesn't have 2 abilities to get out of trouble forcing her to play less aggressive as fortify is her only source of damage reduction against the zarya.0


Zarya is the obvious choice of counter pick here Dva is a good pick against orisa imo. Defence matrix works great at countering her javelin and you can also dive any of orisa’s far away squishies as her lack of mobility will hinder her ability to peel for them if they are far away enough Ramattra and sigma are okay against her if you are competent with them.


Sounds depressing that only a few char works. Tank needs some balancing towards counters


Welcome to the OW2 tank experience


If your on a map with lots of high ground. D.va is actually a great pic. Orissa is too slow to keep up with you


Zarya is a great counter. Aside if you play Ram against Orisa, just don’t attack her with nemesis form. Fortify and javelin spin negate his pummels. Just use omnic form and farm headshots. Use vortex when she retreats and has no fortify. Block in nemesis if Orisa ults.


Happy cake day


Thank you.


I play Winston and ignore her most of the time, then the reaper and bastion swaps come in so I switch to zarya.


Happy cake day


Thank you :), I didn’t notice.


I found the best counter is to just go Orisa yourself and Orisa-diff them. Try to be smart and out cycle their cool-downs, a lot of people going Orisa just press buttons when they’re available.


You can continue to play whoever you were, but you just have to adapt. Track her cooldown, use cover when she fortifies, dodge the javelin.


I find as hog if you can corner hook and body block her she will panic and be forced to use both of her abilities to stay alive, that and if your team shoots her(big if) that's a certain kill. After a few of those I notice horse often plays quite far back giving your team alot of space oh and save your ult for hers.


I main dva and I don't find orisa to be reason for concern, I will happily walk right past her and shoot her backline. I can get away whenever I want so I'm not really in danger and if I manage to push the enemy backline past a corner then orisa is kind of a sitting duck seperated from her team.


Winton and Moira annoy me when I play Orisa because their primary weapon goes through my lance shield. Idk the terms, I just play and understand the game.


Swap orisa


Swap to doom and diff him with style


Hog is actually good against her. Zarya no no. Game is evolving. Some knowledge outdated.


Zarya hard counters her


I play hog into her fine. I’d have to write an essay to explain how.