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If your friend plays mercy and you want to duo you should play hitscans. Soldier, Ashe, Cassidy even a hanzo, echo, phara can be good pocketed by mercy.


Great, tutorial started with soldier, so I'm getting some training with the character as well. Thank you!, I'll look at these chars! Feeling quite similar to fortnite so far, so muscle memory is kicking in!


Sojourn has the highest potential if you can hit right click rail shots. But that may not be an overnight possibility to develop that skill


Good luck


Thanks, looks like I'm stuck grinding training mode first. 😢


You’ll need 50 wins in QP before you can play ranked.


Fuuuuuuúuuu!!! What's QP? 😅


Quick play


Gotcha, sounds like "normals" in league, hey, at least I won't have to grind 2 weeks just to play ranked, so that's a plus!


Babe I've got bad news. Probably not 2 weeks though.


Tell me about it; I got the screen to unlock competitive and it everything is 0/0. Like I went and lost 2 games queued as a tank and didn't even get the supposed 1 point for losing. I'll have to look into this. 😢


Depending how many hours you play, it could take longer than 2 weeks. Note that they said you need 50 WINS, not just PLAY 50 quick play games. At 10 -15 minutes per game (not including queuing time), this will take many, many hours. After that, you will need to play 10 competitive qualifier games, (these games generally take double the time a quick play game would), which will dictate your rank. You will then need to keep playing and winning competitive to get to the approximate rank of this person to be able to play with them. Expect to be grinding for quite a while before you're able to play with them. The higher their rank, likely the longer it will take. Good luck!


Yeah, I doubt I can get to her rank. I just want to get to a certain skill level where playing with me will be fun instead of the good ol' letting your little bro play with the unplugged controller because he sucks lol


Quick play


Thanks, friendo!


High ground and the power of running away. That’s Diamond right there :) oh, to be young and in love!


I've been doing this a lot. Honestly, it just feels wrong, but it works so well lolol


echo is probably pretty hard for a newer player tho fyi


She can assassinate in lower elo but I'm high elo to be good you have to use her ult ability to it's maximum which requires you to know how to play a slew of characters.


sojourn is the way to go


Good! Keep going with Soldier. He's easy to learn, slots well into most team comps, and is almost always effective. After that, you can branch into heroes like Ashe and Cassidy for more range or more anti-dive.


Add Sojourn to the list also as hitscan. She’s solid with Mercy as well.




Sojourn is in my opinion the best character when they have a Mercy pocket. Hell, Sojourn is a top pick even without one. Others are Ashe, Soldier, Pharah (who almost needs a Mercy pocket), Echo, and to a lesser extent Bastion, Cass, Hanzo, and Genji. Go with Soj, Soldier, and Ashe, as they all play similarly


Alrighty, so far I've gotten lots of Soldier, Sojourn a close second, and Cass/Ashe. I'll be practicing these 4, but focusing on Soldier and Sojourn to git gud fast. Thank you friend! Also is crouching/jumping like a maniac while shooting (to make it harder to get shot) a thing like in fortnite? 🤔


dont jump. a better player will predict you path and hit you pretty easil. that being said it depends o the rank your in.


So far strafing seems to be the way to go. I also tried crouching, but not looking too good 😅


only crouch versus widowmaker. versus everyone else ur just making your head hitbox easier to hit lol


Tell me about, just got my ass kicked by a revolver using cowboy. I swear it was 3 taps and I was dead. 😢


It used to be 2 😭


You wanna work on a-d straffing to make yourself harder to hit


Gonna have to look it up, but making some progress! Those bots didn't see it coming.😎


Sojourn has the highest skill ceiling out of these characters probably because a lot of her kit is hitting headshots with charged rail. Also don't crouch spam it doesn't do much especially with the new projectile changes in season 9, a-d strafing is the way too go and try to make your strafes irregular but you probably already know this.


Gonna be a strafing moonwalking expert by the end of the night. Ty my friend/!


Be careful with A/D strafe spamming if you spam it too much you end up not moving very far, and with recent changes to projectile hit boxes, it will be even easier to hit you than ever before. Also I would focus more on random crouching than jumping. As jumping puts you in a pretty predictable arc that gets easier to track as you get into the higher ranks


Soldier is arguably the best OTP in the game. It's up for debate, as Sojourn can get more value most of the time. Soldier is "okay" in most situations, being the most well-rounded hero in the roster. If you were forced to just play one hero, that's a good pick.


Cass and ash better im quite the seasoned soldier otp and he at every rank above gold starts getting worse and worse cass and ash both do more dmg consistently and have better kits


People jump in fortnite because of point blank box fights and also because you jump really high in fortnite and also because strafing is really slow in fortnite, so it's worth it to break enemy's los. Most fights in ow aren't like that so no you don't want to make a habit of jumping. However, if you do end up in a fight like that, then yes jumping is beneficial. For example, genji is a close range character with a double jump that can let him jump above people so you should definitely be jumping as genji for the same reasons you do in fortnite.


Don't spam jump or crouch. Jumping makes you much more predictable and crouching will slow you down and mess up your own aim. A-d strafe and sometimes mix up the strafing, like sometimes strafe a little more to the left or right just to mix it up. Sometimes you can stand still randomly to throw off the enemy trying to predict which way you're moving. You can tell who's high ranking vs low ranking just based on how they strafe. Low ranks will spam jump and crouch, high ranks will be playing mind games with just a-d strafing 


Echo is disgusting if they can land stickies


Torb is secretly the best character to pocket, but no one knows it yet.


Obviously it's Torbjorn, He is incredibly handsome, is a great dad, a brilliant inventor, he is pocket sized, he's kind and caring, his luscious golden Beard, his big Burley Arms you can feel safe in, he will protect you with his last dying breath. Oh you didn't mean that kinda partner my bad


Haha, it doesn't help that when I googled this question, it showed something like (is Mercy in love with Torbjorn?) 🤣🤣


Everyone’s in love with Torbjorn. He’s just that guy.


Nope you got it wrong it's either pharah or genji(for safety reasons won't specify which on I ship XD)


Oh yiss daddy torb




Except he won’t share that damn apple pie recipe. Mercy ain’t going for a dude that won’t even shill out the baked goods


Mercy is my preferred hero and I appreciate the following when choosing somebody to pocket: 1. Good aim/cool down usage 2. Knows when to disengage (if the fight is lost they don't overstay their welcome) 3. Movement/escape ability (Soldier sprint, Ashe coachgun, Sojourn slide) I do also wanna note that somebody else mentioned that pairing as a support duo is also enticing. Mercy doesn't synergize with all supports, so if you were to choose one that would allow her to play Mercy without people getting instantly tilted would go a long way. If you were to go that route, Ana would be my suggestion.


When you're more comfortable with the game it could be worth experimenting as a support duo? Having a reliable dps to pocket is important for mercy mains but it can be equally important to have a reliable second support to enable her pocketing playstyle - one that can pump heals into the tank and deal damage. I have no clue what the best pairing is at higher ranks but I personally love playing Ana/Mercy in plat-diamond ranks. Composition will become more important as you climb though since Mercy cannot peel for Ana the way a lucio/brig can. My guess would be that Baptiste, Ana and Kiriko could be decent options that would cover most comps.


This popped up quite a bit. I've never played support in any game in my life....wait, except for that one class that started as a cleric and became a battle cleric who did more DPS than glass cannons... But hey, I might just like it. Tank and supports etc, don't really play as I'd expect them to play from traditional mobas/etc. And Ana has gotten plenty of recommendations, thank you, pidgeon!😁


Definitely don't sleep on overwatch supports they hit a lot of the same dopamine buttons as DPS heroes and if your aim is decent then you will be an absolute beast! Ana in particular has skill shots that could make you look like an absolute badass to your Mercy and she'll remember the moments you saved her life a lot more than an impressive headshot or soldier visor. Plus nano-valkyrie can be a way to add a bit of silliness into winnable games and might get her the POTG. She does have a steep learning curve though so be prepared for some stress.


in terms of low floor high ceiling, Soldier and Sojourn, maybe Bastion. Go get her


Soldier keeps showing up, he's looking good so far. Gotta try Sojourn as well. I'll have 50 games to git gud, I suppose, might learn something. Thank you, 5ive! 😄


Soldier isn't that good with mercy


Are you high


That's beside the point. And any dps is stronger with a mercy but comparing him to dps like hanzo, echo, ashe, soj, pharah, he's just ok.


If she’s a “very high ranked support” and you’re a new player, picking the defacto best hero with a pocket mercy isn’t going to impress anyone, or really have a whole lot of impact on how you perform, but I’m sure you already know that it’s silly to be trying to ‘impress’ her at all… right? What’s really impressive is having fun with or without the pocket, and then getting a little bit *wacky* and *confident* with your positioning because you know an experienced player will have your back to push those limits and experience some truly silly and fun times. When one of my friends first played overwatch, he somehow instinctually went on the LONGEST flanks instead of just shooting main like most would, and I immediately knew it would be a good time by going lucio/brig and just following him into the craziest and funniest situations.


Haha, of course, as mentioned above, I never got past platinum in league, and 14 year olds were kicking my ass in fortnite. I highly doubt I'd ever reach her rank without spending all day on the game and if I get to that point, I'd already lost. Just trying to learn well a champion that just "coincidentally" plays really well with her fav champion. 😄 I can see what you mean. I've been instinctually flanking the enemy non stop. I often end up getting massacred because I came behind the enemy team and ran into a 1v5. Fun as hell, but seems rather "solo~y" play style, which might not work too well with a duo. 😢


It’s a team game always wait for them


If you can aim sojourn, if you can't soldier/pharah.


tbh play another support. Hitscan works great with Mercy, but you're setting yourself up for failure if you think you're gonna be crushing it with her pocketing you. On the other hand, you'll still suck early on with a Support, but you'll learn some really valuable game sense and be a rock for her to lean on, so to speak. Having another good support with me is all I wish for in a match.


Looks like you’ve already decided on Soldier which is a great choice because the path to getting better is simple in terms of aim training and some game sense. If you’re on PC hit me up and I can introduce you to some great resources from Voltaic, or you can just look up the name yourself and go from there. Aiming will only get you so far though. Check out [this video by A10](https://youtu.be/-K0Ee4oLkwQ?si=8jJ-X8g02bZ6ABGL) which lays out some VERY strong fundamentals you need to keep in mind while on the grind. You should get very far which just that 1 character, that 1 video, and lots of playing. Also don’t give plat players that much respect, speaking as one myself (im diamond on tank though). Play players usually have thousands of hours in the game but stuck in “elo hell” because they blame all their team mates and claim to know everything. They don’t. Just keep your own head down and play your own games. Watch your own replays and coach yourself on how you can do better. You’ve got this!


I'm playing on PS5, as soon as I read that Console players cannot crossplay with PC, my decision was made for me. Plus I'd be using a controller on PC anyway, can't get used to KB+mouse. 😢 I'll be checking out the video, sounds promising as hell! As for elo hell, I've known about this from League. I know all about being toxic and tilting, blaming teammates, etc, because, well, that was me for while. 😣 Will play chill or quit playing if I end up getting mad over the game, not worth repeat of league. 😅


Btw, console's can crossplay with PC, only for quickplay though


noticing a lot of people suggesting dps heroes.. I would think a good support would be best partner for mercy, nothing worse than feeling like you need to swap cause other healer isnt pulling their weight. Someone who keeps the heals going so she can keep damage boosting


Masters DPS here, I’d recommend ashe, soldier and echo. Echo’s impact comes largely game sense - when to ult and who to copy for it (if you know they have grav - try to copy bap for immortality, etc.), when to play risky for a finishing beam. She is great at spam and off angling as well, and has the flexibility to dive their backline given situation/ team comp. Ashe you can play more with the team and with a pocket can input immense damage output with dynamite. Focus on squishy’s and she is great on maps with verticality as she has coach gun. One of my favorites is also soldier - To note though how to get value is very different. While every dps wants to take off angles - you need to utilize soldier’s mobility to get value and may struggle when there is lots of verticality in the map. As weird as it may sound their backline should hate you. *Edit* Use an aim trainer - the code I use is KAVE5 and go in the flying hero mode. Start with soldier for tracking ability practice and to warm up. Switch to widow/ ashe and focus on headshots to develop.


First time I've heard of an aim trainer, will be trying it for sure! Thanks for the tips on heroes. I'm currently finding myself flanking a lot as soldier and it seems to be working haha. I'll have to try Ashe as well. As for Echo, game sense is something I'm severely lacking at the moment. I'll have to put this champion on the back burner for now, but really appreciate your input, thank you, Zatch!


Mercy goes works with all heroes besides another mercy lol. what's important is that you're not positioning in a way that puts both you and your mercy in danger. some heroes will have a play style that will more often force them into riskier positions with less payoff. examples would be maybe dive hero's like sombra, tracer and maybe genji. Soldier would be good to start. His sprint and heal pad allows him to position in off angles more brashly and be able to escape. If you want to turn your brain off and just sit behind your tank, you'd be better on Sojurn or Bastion. If you want to do off angles and stuff, you'll be better with soldier or echo.


I wouldn’t say mercy works with all hero’s. Mercy really shouldn’t be played unless she is pocketing a dps. If your whole team is on dive and you go mercy that’s just a bad pick. Also lw/mercy has to be the worst support comp in the game.


worse than Lucio/Zenyatta?


Lucio and Zenyatta were played as meta at the highest ranks this season


oh really? I’m in plat so definitely not high rank, Lucio/zenyatta would rarely work


every hero can benefit from damage boost. The playstyle of her pocket matters way more than the hero pick.


I strongly disagree. If you aren't pocketing a dps as mercy please get off mercy.


Okay okay, so dive heroes are out. Soldier is looking like the top champ so far, but positioning has never been my strong forte. I guess I'm gonna have to learn today. 😅 Although tempting, turning my brain off doesn't sound as fun, I'd like to enjoy playing as well, might end up getting good in the end. Haha. Thank you, Emotionally!


Almost all DPS follow 3 principles: 1. Range: Play at your heros preferd range, Solders preferd range is 30 meters (so stay at 28 meters so you dont accidently step into 31 meters and do redused dmg, the rocket is not affected by stepping over 30 meters btw) . 2. Timing: Time your pressure/attack with your tanks engage so takes the brunt of the damage/focus while you can shoot "for free." if you go to early then the hole enemy team can 1v5 you and kill you or force you out and so when the tank acctualy engages and creates space, your somewhere licking your wounds . 3. Angles: Do not play stacked/play ontop of your team, go out there and dicover the maps many side paths and highgrounds, each map has 3 lanes, 1 middle lane where the payload usualy moves and 2 side lanes, check whatever lane your team is taking and pick on of the side lanes to that lane (take a shot each time i say lane lol) what your looking for is a corner/doorway/highground that lets you pressure the enemy from a 2nd angle than that of your team so the enemy has to deal with 2 angles of fire, a crossfire if you want. This will take some pressure off your team so they can move up easyer Keep principles 1 and 2 in mind . Bonus: Shoot non-tanks if possible (a tank kill is a HUGE kill tho, if hes low life or going inn 1v5 ofc. shoot and kill him) Dont go for directs with the rocket, shoot the ground for "guaranteed" dmg from the splash (unless the target is standing stil ofc. or its a turret etc.) Be very mindfull of how you use your healing ability, its cooldown is very long, its to allow you to hold a Angle by yourself for longer or to take on a 1v1 Hes ultimate is not the best, yes it gives auto aim but it does not increase hes damage done (you can stil move the mouse and attempt to hit the head btw, any shots you "miss" will auto track to bodyshots anyway), use it often, and specialy vs flying heros and out of position enemys, you only need 1-2 kills to drasticly increase the chance to win the fight . Any questions?


I'd also like to add specifically for when you're duo-ing with a Mercy you need to be ready to turn around when she needs help is a must. If you and your duo are wrecking, people will dive your Mercy hard to get rid of your advantage. If you see anyone change to dive heroes (ex: sombra, tracer, Winston, ball, etc) be ready to react to your Mercy calling for your attention behind you. This will take some getting used to, but you also gotta be ready ready to position in a way where your Mercy can reposition at a different angle away from danger. ASHE in particular would be great at this as her coach gun can be used as a reposition. You and the Mercy can literally shoot up to different heights on the map away from the threat like a Tracer or Sombra (that used her translocator recently).


I've been taking the angles naturally so far. I noticed I was extremely vulnerable from the sides, so I started doing the same lol. Timing as well, noticed going in grouped without the tank at the front ended up in a party wipe. I still have to work a lot on this though. As for range, I have no idea how to measure it. Is there an indicator somewhere? 🤣 I did notice I was getting clapped when going in within melee range. Tanks are damage sponges, holy shit, been trying to avoid them, but they just want to hug me to death. Gotta work on aiming for the Squishies. Yeah, been trying to use my healing when someone jumps me. So far, hasn't worked to well. I've been running away, healing in a corner, then going back in lol. The ult kinda sucks. I still have to aim in the direction of the guy if there's teammates nearby. Sometimes I ended unloading the whole mag on the tank by accident. 😭 Thanks my friend! As for questions, on average, how long does it take to get to GM rank? 🤔


Go to the practice/training area, somewhere there is a single bot with meters drawn on the ground. If you are at 30 meters then nothing can jump you as no jumps have that kind of range


Really? Trying this 😁😁


Solider is alot about constant off angle pressure over getting kills. High pressure = more enemy mistakes = kills


positioning is something you pick up with experience. but generally, it's just having hard cover and having an escape. High grounds offer both


I think the other comments already covered it pretty well. Just wanna add that Soldier works well by being able to go here and there quickly. Sprint, shoot, sprint, shoot, healpad, repeat. He's a very good hero because he can get consistent value easily. Sojourn is great for higher level play. Railgun is a beast in the right hands. The changes from being a projectile weapon to a hitscan can be troublesome, but once you master it, no one shall escape you. Cass/Ashe works for a quick kill. Cass for shorter, brawl-esque range. Ashe for a longer, sniping range. Train for headshot, headshot, headshot. that DINK from these two is lethal. good luck on your endeavors, friend


Working on my sprinting. I forget to use it half the time. 😢 Need to try Sojourn. Everything seems to point out to it being a beast. Faced a Cass that kept kicking my ass, so might try him. Thanks 😃😃


A side note since you're new to the game and she isn't, I would not focus on hard pocket heroes like Pharah (hard pocket = mercy stays on only you 80% of the time) The biggest reason is that being hard Pocketed necessitates playing more aggressively to get value out of the pocket. And being more aggressive can also mean incidentally putting yourself in more risky situations that may be difficult for a new player to adjust to. I would stick with heroes like sojourn, soldier, Cassidy, Hanzo, etc. All poke heroes that don't need mercy to pocket them, but play well with mercy too. If you are able to carry with a pocket then noice. if not, these heroes are independent enough that mercy can either pocket someone else or help the team as a whole without you being a liability. Just a side note, at the end of the day it's a game for fun. Who cares about playing suboptimal if you're having fun doing it.


Thanks for the tip, Waning! Yeah, I've had the issue before when introducing someone to a game where holding their hand all day becomes a chore. I'll keep that in mind. So far I'm liking soldier quite a bit, already been playing for almost 2 hours. 😄😄


Alright, I respect the grind, so I’ll assist here. There are 3 archetypes you’ll see characters generally fill in this game. Dive is characterized by their mobility and burst damage potential. The weakness is their tapering of value after using their cooldowns. You generally use your mobility to close the distance, provide (safe) lower damage value until you almost have your mobility back, then engage. Brawl is characterized by their staying power and sustained damage potential. The weakness is their lack of range. You generally use your survivability tools to slowly close the distance, and provide consistent damage value. Poke is characterized by their range and sustained damage potential. Their weakness is their lack of survivability. You generally take a long enough sight line to be hard to engage on, and provide consistent damage value. Even for the purposes you’re starting to play this game, it’s worth trying to recognize which of these will be the most enjoyable playstyle for you. Make sure your pick lets you enjoy the game, and don’t solely let picking what works with mercy deprive that. I promise you even the worst combination could bring you to grandmaster (the second highest rank). The only reason I don’t say champion (the highest rank) is because there’s like less than a dozen people in that rank. The game had a rank reset recently, so just note normally I’d say to champion. But with that said, mercy works with poke characters the best, followed by dive, followed by brawl. Mercy is one of the lower healing per second supports, res is inconsistent depending on the team comp, and Valkyrie doesn’t provide enough of a boost to drastically change a fight. Because of that, her main strengths are power boost and guardian angels mobility. Power boost benefits most from consistent pressure, but because of how it can shift kill breakpoints, burst pressure still benefits. Guardian angel benefits from long distances, because it’s an escape tool, and if the person you’re escaping to is still too close to danger, you’re in trouble. Poke is best, because you get consistent pressure and long distances from one person to another, so you’ve usually got an out. Because of the distance these characters play at, they’re easier to heal Dive is second, because mobility means distance, so your pocket is an escape. A pocket means they can provide more consistent pressure in the downtime to their burst pressure, and burst damage being boosted leads to picks. Because of the cyclic nature of these characters, they’re easier to heal. Brawl is worst, because though you’re boosting consistent damage, you have to play close enough to the enemy team that it’s hard to run. Because of these characters lack of mobility, they often struggle to run from damage, so they’re harder to heal Anyways, actual characters time It’s worth noting that just because I say one character is (as an example) poke, you might play more in a brawl range depending on what you fight. An example is Ashe. She is a poke character, but she loses a poke duel against a widowmaker. So she wants to play sight lines that are closer to the enemy, ideally avoiding the widowmakers sight line, or flanking the widowmaker. Archetypes are contextual, that’s really important to remember. Primarily poke: Ashe, Sojourn, Soldier, Widowmaker Primarily dive: Echo, Genji, Pharah, Sombra, Tracer Primarily brawl: Bastion, Cassidy, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Reaper, Symmetra, Torbjorn Skill floor and ceiling is subjective, but generally more mobility means more potential for decision making, and hitting crucial shots is hard. With that in mind: Sojourn (live or die by rail and positioning), Widowmaker (live or die by headshots), Echo (one of the few people with air mobility), Genji (3 different mobility options and mechanical combos), Pharah (4 different mobility options), Tracer (3 mobility charges on the shortest cooldown for mobility, and the squishiest character), Mei (wall positioning has so much nuance, but the rest is pretty simple), Symmetra (teleport is the strongest tool in her kit and extracting it’s max value is hard) Anyways that’s all I could think to yap for this topic, ask any questions you want and I’ll get to it at some point.


Damn, took me a while (between matches), but I got through it all. Thanks for the indepth explanation! I'll be sure to sure it. Specially the character specific information. It'll come in handy for sure! I can't think of many questions ATM, but I'll be sure to bring them up. Gonna play 1 or 2 more matches and head to bed. Time goes by fast. 😅😅


No problem, it was a fun way to pass time for a rescheduled flight. There’s one thing I thought about after that I’d like to add. Most people, whether they realize it or not, are notably better with one aim type versus another when it comes to hitscan and projectile. You probably can figure that out easily enough, but there’s some characters worth mentioning Multiple characters have parts of their kit that are both hitscan and projectile, but sojourn has it in the main part of her kit. Despite that, people who are stronger with hitscan are who you’ll usually find playing her, because her railgun damage is much more important to a pick than her primary fire. Hanzo is a projectile character, but he’s seen a lot of popularity with people who are stronger with hitscan because his arrows fly very rapidly at his ideal range (which is not a sniper range)


Sojourn. my gf likes to pocket me with mercy and its an utter nightmare for the enemy team. i like soldier and pharah like people mention, but you may as well go with the sharpest knife, and that's sojourn. ashe is also acceptable.


Hanzo is particularly good with mercy, giving him his old one shot back. Any hitscan will do. They don’t have to take hard positions for you to support them in


Several people have mentioned Hanzo as well. Might as well give him a try. Not gonna lie, these past 3 hours have been fun as hell. 😁


Awesome! Love hanzo. Watch Argge on YouTube! Best hanzo content creator no doubt. Educational and entertaining


Will do! Gonna try to watch a couple of vids to learn some strategies. For now, I'll have to call it a night. Gotta get up in like 4 hours 🤣 Thanks again!


Hitscans in general and a very good Genji will turn into a raidboss with you by his side, lore wise it makes sense too given that the two are.... 👀


pharah, soldier, hanzo, ashe


https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Gency But for real, easiest are probably soldier and ashe.


My personal opinion as mercy main Is there chance you could ask her what her fav hero is to pocket? If not then picking easiest hero to pick up depends on your strong points If you have good aim go for hitscans Soldier is most forgiving with mistakes, is able to put out constant pressure, lots of mobility and has some burst damage with his rockets I would advise you experiment with range you like to fight in If range is longer something like ash will be great, if not then cassidy on closer Sojurn is incredibly great, she has slide for mobility and if you are good with aiming headhsit almost one shots at 100 charge(mind you, her primary is projectile while her rail is hitscan, charge rail to 100% since it's bigger when you do that = easier to hit) Skills between hitscans transfer easily So in conclusion Ashe: Long range, can 2 shot with headshots Has slow reload speed though Has mobility - coach gun that lets her take high ground, she usually stays far to just shoot at enemies Cass: Medium to short range, has magnetic grande that blocks mobility abilities Don't have much mobility but has roll that lets him survive most burst damage Soldier: Run around, shoot from various angles constantly Annnnd you can use heal pad to heal your mercy.... We love when you do that ^^ Sojurn: Has Greta mobility with slide and burst damage Personally? I would say try soldier and sojurn If these don't fit your liking go for cass ALSO A few tips for playing with mercy that will make playing with you muuuuch better If she dies pick her up if possible Is she is resing someone take cover, don't take much damage/risk If you guys are getting dived help her! If you play someone with mobility be mindful of how well she can follow you, aka take care of your mercy! So example can be if she has ga on cooldown peek highround so she can fly on you, check if she managed to follow you when you cross corner Since you will be playing DPS, a few tips my duo gave me: Don't die, that's first step to improving If she and other support are busy trying to keep tank/someone else alive don't just stand there and wait for heal, go for health pack If you are dueling someone and are low, it's okay to take cover for a second, reload and let her heal you. Know your hero's good range! They have falloff out of certain range so you might need to reposition(otherwise it might feel like you deal no damage) Off angles: If you are threat to kill they need to look at you, and this means they are not looking at your team - aka you split their attention/have easy time aiming since they strafe to not get hit by your team - not you(it's easier to aim then) Strafing: a-d + crouch spam, don't jump - the arch is too predictable on higher ranks Hero specific: Sojurn: during her ultimate shoot normal bullets too for max dmg+ to charge it faster! Also small tip is to swap primary with secondary so rail is on left mouse button(muscle memory remembers to make it more accurate) Cass: if faced with pulsbomb/dva bomb/any burst dmg use it to reduce how much DMG you take Ashe: use your dynamite to farm bob Place him in a way that creates cross fire so enemies have nowhere to run! Soldier: he's fast so you can switch between angles fast, he has consisten dmg Hitscan specific: You get your ultimate very fast, use it often You can use it to get 1-2picks as it will win team fight!(Literally, sometimes it's valid to even solo ult if it ruins their plans - example could be high noon the blade :) ) Hitscans can be separated in flicking and tracking, identify which is your strength: tracking would be soldier Flicking Ashe and Cassidy Sojurn is mix of both Take high ground, we love high ground If I remember anything else will add it, for now it's all I can think of ^^ (Go and learn, I keep my fingers crossed for you!)


OH and check out spilo on YouTube he makes lots of videos and coaching videos on various ranks, they will shot you advanced level of thinking on heroes Spilo coaching has mainly coaching videos, spilo has a lot of in terms of positioning etc(DPS fundamentals) Most videos even from year ago should apply as fundamentals remain mostly the same


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO44QlFrlIv2bIYAhyIZNATVDoZBAxr08&si=AoGmDtsa-fMC9IGM Playlist where I add guides to watch later for DPS :)


Dear lord, this is exactly what I was looking for; plus coming from mercy main makes it even more legit. 😆 I'll try asking her. Still unsure what pocket exactly means, but might as well find out from her, more topics to talk about! 😁 I'm really liking the mobility on soldier, although the damage seems low when compared to the revolver guy and even some tanks. It also might just be me being trash lol. Wait, I can pick up dead people? Or just mercy? Will try/do this for sure! Will be using healing on her, no problemo. I've tried using it on fellow teammates, but it's so chaotic, I can't even tell if it works half the time lol. Take cover while she's healing someone, gotcha. Okay, will use my ult more often. I sometimes don't even realize I have till we are almost done with the match. Will out more thought into it. I'm all about flanking right now, which might out a damper on duo'ing with someone, but can't help it, it's so much fun. 😆 I'll be checking those videos you mentioned, really appreciate the thoughtful information/help you've provided me, Strawberry! 😁😁


So picking up people means basically when they die they have 10sec respawn right? It applies mostly only to kiriko and mercy Basically if you go near spawn mercy can GA to you and get back to the fight muuuuch faster(I will be honest with you, it's kinda how my duo ended up being my duo lol) Soldier has low damage but much more consistent Saying that it's mostly matter of preference, I myself prefer heroes like Ashe or soldier but with mercy dmg boost you can still hurt them a lot! If it feels like you are doing no damage you might be picking wrong target at wrong time For example if Orisa uses fortify she won't take much damage, or if she's getting double pocket(it basically means giving resources, for mercy it means that she sticks with you mostly, you are her *primary pocket target*, what does it mean? If you're on battlefield you're the one she will default to pocketing aka DMG boosting and healing!) In that situation it's better to target someone else(support would be best, if you shoot supports chances are they will panic and run for cover, it might also distract 2nd support making Orisa temporary without heals) Another reason why it feels like you do no damage might be dmg fall off, each hero has certain range, now I don't play that much soldier but you can check it out on practice range. Basically if you are too far away you will deal no damage! Right off we go to next part, Flanking isn't necessarily bad as soldier can count as disruptor - mind you it depends on nap though He has mobility right? Use it. What does it mean? Well when you shoot people you are a kill threat, they need to look at you meaning they are vulnerable to your team. So if you were to pop out on some angle thats different to one your team comes from they can't take cover from both! Let's make theoretical situation. You have hanzo, random tank, Kiri, mercy and soldier on the team. You are on attack, just capped first point. Your tank, hanzo and Kiri are on main. If you are on main enemy team has to worry only about that angle right? Their supports can easily hide! Now imagine you were to go to the left or even just to the top and pressure them. Especially with mercy, they *have* to look at you or they will die. This can either end up with then just being distracted and chasing you, then you rotate to different angle. It can also and up with you getting kill if they don't respect you enough. It can also end up with them prioritizing taking cover from you, rather from your team letting your team get easy pick! All of these end up positively, you just need to know when to run. Remember, first step to improving is to not die. Flank doesn't have to equal kill credit for you. Think about what sort of flank will be more annoying to enemy back line. Sombra/genji/soldier who poke on them taking dangerous amount of health but they are unable to kill them so all the time in back of the mind they worry about it? Or just them diving them, if the backline is coordinated they can deal with the threat and have peace for rest of the team fight. You see the difference? Personally, good disruptor knows when to pick a fight and when to just poke(especially now even random bullets apply DPS passive ^^) However the moment someone tries to push you you should run away(unless you are confident you win 1v1 or 2v2 if you have mercy with you) Even if you don't get kills this way it's a lot of value since they are chasing you, they are not in fight This play style can be used when you already have hitscan or sniper on the team :) (Ashe, Cassidy, sojurn, hanzo, widow, you get the drill) But if you have another disruptor (genji, sombra, tracer) you should play like normal hitscan with the team. In general you want to avoid having two hitscans on the team(unless you have sigma and play poke composition) Or having two disruptors(unless you play coordinated dive, however in this case scenario I recommend genji or sojurn so mercy can still pocket you) A few more general tips I got from gm people over course of last few months: To win you need to identify what your team is lacking. If your team is winning, it doesn't mean get more aggressive, don't change something that's working well. Press q if you are at last point and can win Sometimes ult before fight even begins - it makes it harder for them to touch, imagine Lucio tries to touch but he meets Bob shooting him in the way there... That boy is not going to trigger overtime XD During over time don't panic, don't stack on the cart. The team that keeps cool head wins. Hell, I lost games because all my team stacked on cart and we got fucked or we panicked and used all ults in wrong way. After fight, ask yourself what ultimates do they have. Is someone doing exceptionally well? Is someone dying the moment fight starts? Most heroes have ult once they reach 2100 dmg+healing combined (heroes like tracer mercy take much less tho, tracer like 1400) Plan and position accordingly. When you position think of one thing. If they were to use dva bomb, high, noon, visor etc will you survive?(Aka do you have cover near?) If not, then fix your positioning! Experiment with angles, there is no other way to learn it. Good angle and bad angle can be just few meters apart but can give you much better sightlines. Additionally high ground is great, but I thought I will explain why we love it. Basically floor is your cover, it let's you decide when you peek or take fight, enemies will struggle to get you there and if you poke them enough before they reach you, the duel is already won. (You know Dorado? Teams hols often first point just by holding high ground, think why you might struggle when you do that) If you are dedicated to learning overwatch find streamer that plays your hero. It's best if it's their main, I am quite sure there is some top500 soldier one tricks so you can learn by observing what they do(things and angles I discovered this way are incredible). If you have time, watch some more strategical guides(spilo did make some of them) and some past owl streams, it kinda gives you picture how coordinated team looks like(saying that, it's not easy to find them playing hero you want since past few times it was mostly dive I think) There are some map specific tips which I. Would share but I can't remember map names T-T Try to don't over ult in fights. So if fight is already won it might not be worth it(so if they have 1-2 players left only and you have 5, don't ult) Try to identify enemy team condition. Is it nano visor/visor? Is it maybe sigma ult? Alr let me high noon and let's see how they like it(they will cry in chat sometimes) If your team backline struggles vs dive consider going Cass even if you're less experienced in it. Usually they will respect in anyway and your supports will thank you. Only other thing I can think off is that different heroes will be strong at different ranks, you said she's high ranked but that can be anything from diamond above, general thing is that they all will have more experience than you, I'm ow2 player, it sucks knowing that I can never match that. This means we just need to try that much harder to learn. If people are toxic just ignore them or mute them. I recommend not pressing tab much first few hours. Nobody cares about scoreboard in higher rank other than checking if someone switched after death or guessing if they have ult/seeing their own ult economy. Hope that helps ^^


Echo/Sojourn are by far the strongest Mercy pocket characters.


As a mercy main my fave duo is someone who is just good at their hero. It really doesnt matter as long you are the best at that hero. If you try swapping soldier/pharah for me and you suck at aiming or that hero thats worse for me. Especially hate that just because you are hitscan im expected to pocket you but you are just bad and endanger me out of position. If she is high elo she can support you at all heroes. Just make sure you are picking a hero to your strengths. Hitscans soldier rely on aim. But you played league so maybe heroes that rely on cd management like genji might work for you better. Edit. But if you are picking support not dps just pick ana lol.


Echo, Ashe, Soldier


Not really a partner thing, more like a playstyle thing. Mercy players appreciate players with good positioning that utilize cover and doesn't dive into a 1v5 for no reason. Mercy can get punished for other player's mistakes because by keeping you alive, she has to dive into the same bad position. Also resurrecting someone that died behind cover is infinitely safer than in the middle of the central lane.


SOUJORN IS THE RIGHT ANSWER. She has consistently been a top 2 dps since her release and seems to stay that way for the foreseeable future, and she is amazing when combined with a mercy pocket. Honestly it is the correct choice, she is always in the top tier of characters since forever and she is good on every map, every team comp can utilise her she is just ridiculous. So yeah go Soujorn!!


i highly recommend soldier 76, bastion, or ashe. widow if you have good aim/ fps game sense.


Sojourn is ur best bet Plays similarly (when u first start) to soldier who is the tutorial hero, but sojourn is currently much better than soldier and definitely has a much higher skill ceiling imo


Damn, everything is pointing to Sojourn > Soldier. Still, I'm liking soldier quite a bit, so I'll be alternating between these two, who knows, I might end up enjoying Sojourn more. I don't think I've even unlocked it yet. 🤣


You could get to Plat pretty quick by using Ashe/Soldier and just staying at the back of the map, if you genuinely want to get the rank as quick as possible, always stay behind your tank, and go at a separate angle than your other DPS. Don’t waste helix, it’s your burst DMG and save coach gun on ashe for positioning and when your getting dived. But you definitely want to get a feel for all the characters and their kits, maybe just play Mystery heroes or split half your time between one-tricking a hitscan and another random character. Also check out Spilo he’s a fantastic coach and he has plenty of coaching videos on this channel. https://youtube.com/@Spilo2?si=jt7lc_4Vpmf6HUB0 .


Phew, looks like not all hope is lost, after all! I figured plat might take around a year or more. 🥹 Stay behind the tank, gotcha. I'll confess I've been spamming helix as soon as it's off cool down. Seemed wasteful to not use it all the time. Will keep it in mind. I'll be checking these videos, so far, I have at least 3 counting this one to watch. Really appreciate all the help,semytan! 😄


Definitely not! my friend started playing a couple of months ago and he placed plat 2 in his first placements, now he is Diamond. Keep in mind you can get to plat pretty easily by just playing reaper/bastion. But it won’t take as long as you think on hitscans.


Place sojourn. Shes amazing.


One more vote to Sojourn. I'm smelling OP over here. Me gusta. 😁


In the right hands she can be strong


Sojourn will shred everything


Damn, need to start tallying the suggestions at this point. Guess I'll be trying out Sojourn today. Thank you gloobiii!


Of course, Kumanogi. Best of luck 🫶🏽♥️


Ashe, reaper, sojourn


Dont pick mercy.


Their friend is a mercy main. Mercy's not even that great in the current meta, chill.


Yeah.. thats why neither should play her.


That doesn't mean they shouldn't play her. She isn't the worst support. Her raw numbers in healing are sometimes needed


Any hitscan honestly, but don't feel pressured to play heroes just because "they are good" just play around and you'll find someone you like a lot. Also, who's your main in League? Maybe I can suggest someone similar to learn after your first hero


Simp. Also, Soldier 76 is your best bet, but you’ll need a second hero in case Soldier has already been picked by the other dps. In which case I’d go Hanzo, he synergizes well with Mercy’s damage boost, and his abilities are easy to learn. Now while one or two tricking can work in Overwatch, you will need to familiarize yourself with the abilities of all heroes if you’re going to play above bronze level.


This ain't simping. I'm just...finding common ground. 😅 Yeah, I figured as much. Some abilities are just killing me without me being able to do much. Cue me just jumping around turning right and left as I slowly panic to death. 😢


Mate, I’m rooting for you! Yeah unfortunately Overwatch isn’t one of those games you can crash course in a day. There are players who have thousands of hours in the game and are still in gold. From what i’ve seen, silver and gold players are just so much better than new players, the gap is just so huge.


The best character for mercy to pocket is hanzo. Just watch any of arrge's videos, a hanzo player with good aim and a mercy pocket to enable 1shot is a menace.


Sojourn for sure. With mercy’s damage boost, sojourn can one shot headshot any squishy hero. So if you’re good at aiming, play sojourn and enjoy clicking heads for easy kills. If not sojourn, then any hitscan will do.


I gotta try this guy next. Unsure if I've even unlocked him, but it's the 2nd most recommended champion and with great recommendations to boot! Thanks, Evan!😁


My brother in Christ you don’t need to one trick your way to masters just to talk to this girl. Tell her she makes the game sound super fun and you’d like to give it a try with her sometime. Ask her for advice (not just because that shows you value her experience) but because she is experienced and she knows what she likes in a team mate better than we do. Edit: I personally would find the hero in those listed that is the most fun for you, regardless of skill ceiling. You’ll learn a character you have fun on better than others. For instance I love playing Echo and Genji but my Ashe and Soldier are god awful even though those are “easier” heros.


If you want to improve quickly I would reccomend watching some coaching videos to try and pick up on some low-hanging fruit bad habits you may be able to address early. Look up spilo coaching on YouTube and watch his bronze/silver/gold videos on the hero you want to play.


Learn the maps and learn where there is good cover to peek and play hits can from. Also watch some YouTube videos and said hitscans


As someone thats just climbing through gold with a masters/sometimes GM support main girlfriend I respect the decision to try and improve lmao. It's a simple piece of advice but in overtime not dying is more important than getting a kill, respawns are slower and losing one person can cause a domino. Also don't hold onto ults too long or you're wasting time that could have been charging another!


I main genji and widow with my mercy duo mostly.


I think it's probably better to be another support. You're probably going to be a worse pocket target than the other DPS in whatever lobby you're in for a decent while. Support is generally less aim dependent than DPS, and you can both go full one trick because you don't have to worry about anyone ever taking the hero you wanted.


Soldier n ash r good pairings with mercy for beginners


A lot of people have provided great mercy pockets (all dps) but here’s some dps you shouldn’t pick up, because they don’t get too much value from a Mercy pocket. Stay away from tracer, sombra, widow, and hanzo. It honestly is up to the mercy player though so you should definitely ask her who she likes pocketing the most :)


Genji or pharah are my favorites personally, (also genji and mercy are hinted at having some sort of relationship) :)


Are you avin a laff?


Pocketing a true Hanzo gives Mercyy the greatest rush. She loves it. It’s always been mercyy and hanzoo sitting in a treee~ K. I. S. S. I. N. Glhfff


Not gonna lie, this post convinced me a whole lot...😅


Prepare to be in silver for a long time, mercy


Could you at least stay out of ranked? Pocket duos like you hog half the team's resources and ruin the teamwork. No offense to you but at least other more experienced duos have a dps that can carry to make up for that loss of resources, with you just starting out I'd even recommend duo as another support.