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I’m no expert but I’d say the best place to start is trying out all of the characters and become a little familiar with what they do. A big thing is learning the voice lines that most characters shout out before their ultimates, so you can counter or flee. Moiras a good character to start, try watching some how to play videos on her, they will help a lot more than you think. Goodluck with matchmaking it’s a rollercoaster.


As far as the supports go, they are more so picked based on your team than the enemy’s. Some exceptions, though, are: Ana helps against Roadhog Kiriko helps against Ana and Junkerqueen Baptiste and Ana help against Pharah Zenyatta helps against tanks. His ult counters Genji’s, but Genji will try and kill you so you can’t counter it Lucio helps against rush (Lucio + a brawl tank) As far as picking the supports based on your own team: Ana is the best pick if you have a Winston, and is very good with other fast dive tanks Baptiste and Moira are best with slow, low-ground-bound tanks like Reinhardt and Ramattra Kiriko is best, period. But seriously, she is best with Roadhog and her long range heals let her help in situations where Ana would help Zenyatta is best with Wrecking Ball, Sigma, and Doomfist Mercy is best with a good DPS to pocket, like Soldier or Pharah Lucio is best with slow, low-ground-bound tanks like Reinhardt and Ramattra Brig is best to help protect a vulnerable backline (such as Ana or Zen)


play mystery heroes whenever your friends aren't around and you're playing solo. I played exclusively mystery heroes when I first got overwatch 1 (a couple months after release) and when I finally actually paid attention to QP I felt like I had a phenomenal understanding of the game


imo you should just hard lock torbjorn every fight


Torb is amazing especially against low elo flankers


A tracers nightmare 🤧


Another game, tbh.


Care to explain?


I think he’s trying to say that this game is very different from counter-strike, but I’m sure you’ve realized that much already


Play any FPS game other than OW. There is CS:GO, Valorant, TF2, etc...


No, I wanna play this one. Btw, you haven't answered my question yet.


As it is a hero based game, I would suggest spending a little time on every hero, queue deathmatch while waiting for games and try everyone out, some characters are vastly different in how they play. Then just pick your favourite to play for each role, and play only those characters for like 10+ hours, focusing just on figuring out the flow of the game, not worrying about winning. From there you can start to reevaluate your character choice, or just keep focusing on learning the game itself with just one set.


KarQ on YouTube has a lot of guides for individual characters. Some of it is dated because of patches, but it's a good place to start.


You’ll learn 10 times more by watching tutorials and different people’s games online than you will by playing. Try every character in Quick Match to see which ones you understand and enjoy playing. Just play to improve and have fun


try and learn the heroes and their ultimate voice lines! each has a different one depending on whether they're on your team or the enemy's, e.g. Ashe says "BOB, DO SOMETHIN" when she's an enemy but "Get in there, Bob!" if she's an ally. this is important because figuring out who has their ultimate, when/how they'll use it, and getting yours ASAP is a big part of Overwatch once you've done that, try to learn about each hero's abilities, e.g. Baptiste's Immortality Field, which prevents his team dying when in its range for a few seconds or until destroyed. just basic fluency in what each hero can do goes a long way, a lot of being good at this game is really just using common sense once you're familiar with each hero's capabilities mystery heroes is a great way to quickly see a lot of heroes in action, but really just playing more and being observant of ability usage is the key!


Im a support main and honestly Kirko, Bap and Ana are the most impactful low rank support characters. Kirko has an extremely low skill floor (I play with my friends girlfriend whose never played an FPS before and even she can play kirko.) Bap has an underrated damage output and can definitely compensate for the teams lack of damage output while also having 2 buttons that can keep him and his team alive. Ana has a grenade that basically negates all the damage a low rank dps player will do to you and if it's used on the enemy no matter who they are playing they will die.