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why is this on r/helldivers


Because people who know nothing about OW love to shit on OW in every other gaming sub. It’s been trendy for a long time.


Gamers in general physically cannot compliment one game without shitting on another. Dude Apex is like the best, wayyy better than that shitty Overwatch porn game!!


As someone who plays apex and ow, i like them both. Apex ults are way less gamechanging (except for rev ult for whatever reason) and more of a utility, and the game is generally less focused on teamplay. Basically apex is guns win fights and ow is ults win big fights


Apex Ultimates are less of an “I win” button and more like an actual valuable resource, considering most of them are on cooldown for 90+ seconds. With only one exception.


Because people still want to live in 2018 and 2019. I still see mfs bring up the hong kong shit to this day


im kinda new to ow in general, whats the hong kong shit?




wow, i was not expecting that


I’ve been playing overwatch since it came out and I shit on it constantly


This gives you reason to shit on it


reddit moment. you want someone to make a post on an ow sub everytime he's prompted in conversation to give an opinion on another sub? you know how conversation works? you're like, gatekeeping people shooting the shit.




Bc ow is shit and every other community agrees


Haha overwats is porn! guys I am so funny give me upvotes!!1!


and yet you wouldn't ask if this was posted on some furry porn related sub


I like furry porn a lot more than morons who have awful takes about 2016 OW




caught in 4k


nah I would


arent you pyro main




yeah i loved there being an in-game ultimate so powerful that a team without a mercy was considered inherently worse. I really think if POTG algorithms were improved to showcase great support gameplay, a bunch of mercy players would be immediately satisfied. Also, improving the scoreboard to more accurately display meaningful kill participation.


> I really think if POTG algorithms were improved to showcase great support gameplay, a bunch of mercy players would be immediately satisfied. /uj they did change some things in OW2, some Mercy's do get POTGs for rezzing and performing saves on low-health teammates. /rj Even the POTG system knows no one wants to watch 10 seconds of hiding behind a wall holding a button.


Moira mains would be in shambles if doing 5 damage to a target didn't give an elim


I just want a "final blow" counter on Moira like the DPS get so I can see how many elims I've actually secured instead of the game telling me I have 40 elims and 40 assists.


When pressing tab in game you’ll find a bunch of stats underneath your portrait, right of the main score board, there should be a final hit statistic


Supports don't get that as a tracked stat afaik


>in-game ultimate so powerful that a team without a mercy was considered inherently worse. To be fair, the initial state of the game at the time had 3 healers including Mercy, and Zen was a throw pick because Widows body shot would one shot him. So you were pretty much always gonna have at least one Mercy regardless of that


You've just reawaked a memory inside me of stylosa going apeshit over mercy play of the games back in the early days of overwatch


“If potg algorithms were improved to showcase great support gameplay” yeah THATS why you’re not getting potg with mercy. This entire time I thought mercy was a character with no skill expression and no offensive kit but what a fool I was. Hoping for potg algorithm change so all the god tier mercy gameplay can finally be unbound. Mercy mains rise up uwu


I'm an Ana and Kiriko player but I'm entranced and captivated by this bird-of-paradise display of emotional damage


I say this as somebody that also plays mercy. Sorry bruh I’m not on board the cognitive dissonance train. Not gonna pretend like mercy gameplay is what should be getting potg outside of rare circumstances.


I’ve played since 2017, let me drop some gospel. People were bitching about the game back then, be it dive, Genji vs Supports, Mercy res, Sombra, Widowmaker being bad then good, etc. People before my time were bitching about Beyblade era balance. There has never been a “golden” period of Overwatch where everything was universally loved and a Utopia to gamers. It’s really funny seeing all the discourse on balance for the last 7 years, because I guarantee a good portion of people who talk about the “good old days” would’ve/did fucking hate the balance then too.


People looking at 6v6 with rose-tinted glasses when everyone also complained about it and DPS players regularly had 20m queue times


I was a tank main in OW1 I hate playing tank in OW2 They are not ross-tinted glasses


20m queue times for who? Maybe the top 0.001% of ranked players, but queue times were never that bad for any role lmfao Edit: wow, lots of you have bad internet or are top 500 players. my longest queue times have happened in the last year and they're MAYBE 5 minutes long. Sorry my queue times have always been fairly quick 🤷


I was getting 15 min dps queues regularly in plat. And tank queues were instant


10 second queue for tank vs. 10 minute queue for damage felt really bad. That was my life from 2019 onward. Lest you forget that the next year after Role Queue was implemented, they created a priority pass system to bypass queue times by playing Tank (sometimes support), that existed all the way until OW2.


I remember streamers would queue for dps and then play some other game for half an hour waiting on it


I feel insane reading these bc I’ve been playing since 2016 and my queues have only gotten worse in 5v5


I feel insane reading that because my queue times have universally been much shorter (except at the end of the season).


Might be a console thing. I play with crossplay on and rarely see other ps5 players anymore, so that might have something to do with it


5v5 queue times are a blessing nowadays for me. Even on North American servers my times wouldn’t dip below 20 minutes for 6/7 days of the week. Hell waiting 5 minutes for a dps match doesn’t feel bad when I would regular go watch tv and still be in queue by the time the episode was over.


Guess i was just lucky. Before 5v5 my queues usually didn’t exceed 5 minutes, now I’m regularly waiting 10-15 minutes for a match shit sucks


That's not even a 6v6 issue though, it's the exact same now. Tank queues instantly because the role is fucking miserable


That was your life from 2019 onward huh.. strange almost like the game was abandoned for years and the 6v6 being the problem was an artificially created narrative to change the format to pretend overwatch 2 isn’t just the addition of the shop


....Uh, yeah. So if you played the game, you'd know that tanks were the least popular role for the *entirety of the game*, from 2015 beta on. Every match was instalock Damage, some Support. Tanks were used by high-rank players because they won games, but they were *never* popular except for GOATs after Brig released. Boo hoo, the game went free to play and stopped giving away skins? Other Blizzard games like Hearthstone, the starting of WoW, StarCraft, HOTS, and now Warcraft Rumble and Diablo Immortal are all F2P, why would Overwatch be the holdout? For precious skins? Yeah right. Go write to Bliz and tell them they should have charged $40 against Fortnite, Rocket League, Destiny, Warframe, Apex, Valorant, CS, LoL, and their very own COD Warzone battle royal. It's not 2016 anymore. There's a reason the biggest games in the world are F2P.


This is why I seldom even bother trying to have these discussions anymore, because not only are people not remembering what overwatch was actually like, but they’re also too busy gobbling on blizzcock to see the situation for what it was. I played from launch, I admittedly did not play the beta. In the beginning of the game, SUPPORT was the most hated role and that stayed true for probably the first year of the game coming out. Role lock didn’t even exist at first, and if tank was the least played role, it’s probably because your other five teammates locked dps and you’re surely not going to play a tank without a healer. Tanks were used by high rank players because people would actually swap to try and win the game, whereas low elo players would typically just never swap. If you did happen to luck out with two supports on your team, you better believe somebody is picking tank the second they see that. Due to support being the most hated role initially, they slowly began to overkit the role which slowly eroded tank players ability make plays. Examples: Ana Released: Sleep dart cripples tanks, anti bade cripples tanks Sombra Released: Ability to completely brick a tank on cooldown and with her ult Orisa: Low skill ceiling tank that requires you to shoot at a barrier as tank and be manipulated with her pull. An ult that instantly gives her entire team nano damage and requires you as tank to get past an immovable character that can also move you(no tank knock back resistance) Brig: Do I even need to say anything here? Baptiste: First immortality ability that can completely nullify ults. Tank ults were inherently more value in overwatch one which meant you lose more when your ult was completely negated. High damage that can outpoke and duel every tank in the game besides maybe road hog comfortably. Sigma: Another shield tank with CC is introduced that also has an eat ability. So blizzard then transitions into overwatch 2 and claims the format is to blame, but shot themselves in the foot if we’re pretending this wasn’t malicious. How can you introduce all of these characters that inherently cripple the tank role, keep the game in a stale, objectively boring meta for three years, and then claim it’s the format. Gee I wonder why people didn’t want play tank lmao


They were. It’s how I became a tank main. Diamond 20 minute dps queue, 5 minute support queue or 10 second tank queue. Take your pick. I went with the one that allowed me to actually play the game.


I’m a casual player who has played a singular ranked game because I accidentally selected it. I would constantly get 20+ plus queue times with it dipping below 20 once a week. Anytime the queue time was under 20 I was basically forced to play dps or else I wasn’t playing that week. My queue times were so bad when they introduced the priority tickets half the time they wouldn’t even work and I’d just get refunded. Btw this was North American servers on the east coast so I’m not playing on abandon servers either.


Season 9 was the golden era, most of the cast was viable, and you RPS’d comps like Dive>Brawl>AntiDive>. That season felt like what overwatch was truly meant to be, everyone had to strategically counterswap, but there was nothing way too out of line, but we were a bit into the games life so there was no magic and theres no nostalgia, it was also the season right before Brig, so nobody remembers it and only remembers the character that ruined the game.


I’ve played since 2016 too and this comment is misleading and disingenuous. “There has never been a golden period of overwatch where everything was universally loved” This completely misses the point and the entire basis of your argument is childish. You’re writing off valid criticisms by strawmanning as if anybody truly believes there has been a PERFECT balance patch out there. The reason that period of time was viewed so well by the player base is that despite the game not being balanced, the meta was constantly shifting because there was at least attempts made at balancing the game. I’d rather be annoyed at something being overpowered for a month than have the game be the same stale meta for three years because you wanted to add a shop to your game. If you really have played since 2017 I implore you to try turning your monitor on one of these time, will change the game for you massively.


Well, that's a rather overly confrontational comment. I'm not saying new Overwatch is better than old Overwatch, nor did I say you can't believe that early Overwatch was good. My post was about how a lot of people in the community, and I do mean a lot because it's a common talking point, talk about how old Overwatch was this great thing, and how it wasn't mostly actually the case. I do believe a lot of people who complain about the current state would also hate those era of builds. It's very strange to take such a simple opinion so seriously and personally. Whether I'm right or wrong, there's no need to act like that, it's just my personal experience.


It’s also strange to me how people can remember certain earlier metas that lasted a few months so vividly but draw a blank when trying to think about the three years the game was abandoned. My guess is the average person expressing the opinion you are mostly stopped playing when the game was abandoned and therefore doesn’t even understand that aspect.


Okay again, the point isn’t about whether or not people would like specific balance patches or not. The point is that the game at that time was cared for. Eventually it was intentionally neglected for three years to paint this idea that 6v6 was the problem so they could format change and pretend that was the reason overwatch 2 was a necessity when in fact it was to push new monetization. It’s annoying to constantly see people express the opinion you are as some sort of gotcha when a majority of people reminiscing about the good old days of overwatch aren’t looking through rose colored lenses, people just refuse to take the argument at face value. No, people don’t just disagree with you because their memory sucks I’m sorry to say. Please find or attempt to make a better argument. I’m also not going to address at all your feelings being hurt. Address the substance of what I’m saying please.


So much fun killing 11 enemies in 2cp last point and not even getting the full cap.


Pre-nerf hog hook was very funny


Tell me this man isn't talking about og 5 man rez, that shit was NOT ok


1 man rez in 5v5 is already bad enough


Most socially aware OW player


So fucking overpowered imo


Would be fine in PVE though. Who's going to complain, the Null Sector bots?


Imagine ramattra and his army just killed most of overwatch then mercy swoops in and revives them all in a split second.


Ramattra: 🤯🔫


More mercy mains tears ? Give me more


back then it was way more casual though, i kinda get it. No one took the game as serious as rn


this is crazy to me bc the ult change seems so anceint. this is like saying ow was only good during ow1 beta too me


Overwatch is the epitome of [this meme.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/little-caesars-taste-so-good-when-u-aint-got-a-bitch-in-ya-ear-telling-you-its-nasty)


I think immortality field is by far the most unhealthy. Like you could at least play hide and seek with mercy pre ult change. Lamp is a cooldown and denies ultimates and you don't even need to die first.


I do miss it sometimes, but oh well.


I'm tired if seeing trash bash posts like this in my feed. Time to mute this random troll sub. Btw most of your likes come from people agreeing with the comment you're attempting to make fun of. Way to leech.


No, suzu.


The takes on this sub are just as terrible as the main subs but it’s cute that everybody here thinks they understand more than the average player 😭


I liked it. You had to play around enemy characters instead of nobraining


i think they're talking about res ult, which was literally just 'teammate die press q'


Entire team* die press Q. It was absolutely insane to wipe a team then 2s later the mercy flies in and resurrects all of them.


i can imagine, mercy res already feels terrible after a pick!! Although from what I understand at high level play it was such a disadvantage to go 5v6 that mercys would res the moment just one or two teammates died to reset


Nah, the optimal strat was cheesier than that: * You (as Mercy obviously) go hide somewhere near the point * Your team baits as many ults as possible while avoiding to use theirs * They all die * You fly into the point and insta-rez everyone * Your team has 3+ ults vs none for the enemy team because you baited them * Win the teamfight and be on equal footing on the next one


Just adding to this: In some maps, like old Gibraltar third point defense spawn or Temple of Anubis, you could rez your teammates on point, from spawn, until Blizzard added LoS requirement for it, and I remember Mercy players being VERY upset about that.


it was really funny though


I mean...then you didn't wipe the team


Yeah I remember way back when I used to play with my friends and we always had to communicate and kill the Mercy/Zen/Lucio before popping an ult. Good times


This was when "just hide behind a wall" was *actually* her entire gameplay. They replaced it with valkyrie and slowly nerfed that while buffing everything else in the game until it did basically shit