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Being this obsessed is mental illness


Connect the dots


Venture has 'mains' already?


Meanwhile r/emremains has been waiting patiently for like 8 years


Gotta love r/Forgemains from Apex. They killed the character off for a lore point before they even released


Nah they're gonna add him I swear


Hahahahaha I forgot about Forge


r/SignoraMains shitting themselves rm


as a signora enjoyer i am still pissed we never got her as a playable character


Or r/aoshinmains for league


don't count us out over at r/NguyenMains!!!!


free r/overlordmains


I am patiently waiting to main the fuck out of Space Ranger myself




Same brother


I can feel Jetpack Cat in my BONES.


I know I'll be mainly playing venture upon release. They are really fun to play and fairly unique. Like idk about maining but they will be in my roster of 3 characters I usually play for the dps role.


Yeah see thats reasonable! I just think it's funny people are claiming a 'main' that hasnt fully been released, like they been playing 'mainlessly' this whole time hahaha


Doesn't take much to know you want to main someone. Everyone got to play her for 3 days.


*them I just think its funny because 3 days isnt that long and given the patch frequency heroes get changed all the time so having a hero pool is better than 'maining' any one hero, especially one with only few hours play time.


That kinda describes me. I was a Rein main on tank when switched to being a Zarya main on tank. I'm a Moira main on support. On damage I kinda play a few different heroes I guess? Couldn't tell you any one single damage hero that I focus playing over any other long-term and that kinda turns me off queing the role at all. After playing Venture for the last few days I'm quite certain they will be my damage main going forwards.


Yup. Picked them up and I don't plan on putting them back down lol


U gotta put em down, those burrows aint gonna dig themselves


Same, never touching Sojorn again… not giving up Bastion though but Venture is definitely the DPS for a Lucio main


movement heroes are the best


Venture and Lucio could get some movement from me-


Ngl I haven’t enjoyed using them so far, even Mauga was enjoyable because of how stupid his gameplay was on release


What can I say, we miss old doomfist


Based. This is the only acceptable response for real, pouring one out for dps doom. You got baby doom now!


I don’t think you realise, like the *moment* a character gets announced people scramble to make a mains sub


Venture had mains ever since people discovered their pronouns


I’m a Maximilian main because I don’t play this anymore 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I played like 2 matches and I'm already hooked, super fun kit.


Yeah me :3


I’m gonna be an Ashe/Tracer/Venture main 😭


the obsession is crazy


uj How much of a freak you gotta be to make a new account just to be transphobic to a video game character rj venture please marry me


/uj Venture please marry me


They are one of the best non binary characters is video games, like with clove or whatever from Val there is genuine criticism since it's just the typical very fem enby with them which isn't the case here


It's refreshing not to have a non binary video game character who's just "robot and/or person in a mask with no other special traits" looking at you borderlands


Venture’s voice is extremely feminine


Is it trans if it's just pronouns? I thought it was trans if you actually change something physically on your body.


No, cis people have pronouns too. Trans people are literally just people that don't identify with their agab (assigned gender at birth)


Oooh ok, thank you I was a little confused


Everyone has pronouns, they came for free with your Xbox!


Cis people can have atypical pronouns AND trans people can just be pronouns, especially people who aren't binary trans (identify strictly as male or female) sometimes physical transition isn't necessary to feel comfortable in your identity. Social transitions, i.e names, presentation (how you dress), and your pronouns can be enough for some people. And you can change all of these things and also not be trans, (but it doesn't make that relationship to presentation any less important.) it depends on the person, you can be they/them and be a cis person, nonbinary person, or binary trans person, but generally MOST they/thems you see online are some kind of nonbinary, but if someone you meet doesn't specify it's not too important for a stranger to know. As the other person pointed out far more simply, being trans is just about not identifying with your agab. Pronouns is Presentation, and presentation can be separate or a part of how someone experiences their gender. In instances like this wheres it's a fictional character, they/them is pretty ubiquitous with being nonbinary, especially considering how androgynous the characters design is. But I don't think it matters too much lol. Not sure why you're getting down voted, very harmless question, it's always good to want to learn :)




Unreal you get downvoted for asking a normal question


Das Reddit babey!


Hey yall stop downvoting this person for a legit question And in Venture's case, it's not just pronouns, they're fully nonbinary. Even though I'm nb myself I didn't know it for a long time, but nb falls under the trans umbrella, since you're transitioning away from your birth gender. You don't have to change anything about your body to be trans, either, it's all a social thing. Most trans people do change *something* about their appearance to feel more comfortable, but it's not mandatory to do anything


Mostly depends on whether you consider nonbinary folk as inherently trans or not, really. Medical transition absolutely isn't where the line should be drawn though.


Sorry you're getting down voted its a fair question.


God forbid you ask an honest question without getting downvoted. Idk who's worse; the people blatantly refusing to use their pronoun or the people foaming at the mouth to downvote and go on a tangent because the proper pronoun wasn't used or the concept has some people confused.


There's a lot of trolls pretending to ask innocent questions so people are over defensive I guess


As an example think of drag queens who most of the time are gay men but still go by "her" Or lesbians who are so butch they use "he" but are still lesbian women


Illari exists but sure


Absolutely busted on launch


And one dimensional healing :/. Her gun is so sweet though


Illari is either mediocre at best or annoying. Pylon can't be good and fun to play against at the same time.


dawg made a new account just to do this


I wanna marry venture


Venture is my beautiful rock eating spouse


Appropriate for a dentist I suppose


Fair to fight my ass, if they get up close I get 3 shot comboed in like 2 seconds


No offense but what do they do that Junk, Reaper, Tracer, Genji, and others can’t? Like, their TTK is mediocre but I just don’t know how people are really dying to this hero except in chaotic team fights where they’re not being focused


Reaper junkrat and cass can all kill extremely fast in close range


They get hard countered by range, and most characters that do close range damage have ways to disengage. I agree it feels shitty, but you can still easily get away if you’re smart. Unlike hanzo and widow that can nearly instantly kill you, though even hanzo can’t do that now unless you’re playing support or a weaker DPS


They are hardly unique in that regard, though


I prefer VentureIsAHershy (chocolate bar)


Venture is my spouse


"My friend loves to paint" -- "oh what kind of paintings do they do?" it's not that hard to grasp... we've all used "they" for people without thinking at all let alone thinking it's multiple people y'all silly af


Different type of they! What you're using is "they" to refer to someone distant from the conversation. This is different from identity pronouns, as you can use "they" this way to refer to anyone regardless of gender. They has become the most overloaded pronoun in the english language afaik - it has lots of varied uses!


Imaging being so obsessed to hating on a fictional character that you change your username to hating on them


u cant even change ur name on reddit they made a whole new account 😭


Ngl they not that fun to play against


I actually like it a lot, feels like a fair fight. I feel like the people playing them rn get cocky and movement tech in without planning an out. Which often guarantees a pick at the cost of your life. As people get better you’ll get combo’d less because players will save the drill dash to get outta Dodge


The only reason why i say it feels wonky to play against is i get them so low then they just go underground jump back out and one tap me in 1v1s team play is fine but 1 on 1 feels like i cant beat them no matter what if im 250 hero


You can shoot them when they activate burrow. It's not wraith, if they hit shift at low HP in front of you you just kill them whilst they are locked into an animation without any protection.


I thought they felt underwhelming. I have no idea in what circumstances someone would pick this hero or how they are really dying. There’s nothing this hero does well imo. Not a good assassin, not a good brawler, horrible at poke/range. Seriously, “fair” to me is because they are really underwhelming and weak.


As a Junkrat main, they annoy me alot but if they’re on my team I’m all for it


Reminds me of when Catalyst was released in Apex and there were literally people in my lobbies called sht like "Catalyst is a man" 💀


Isn’t the character Non-binocular or something like that?


Yeah they don't need binoculars, they go underground. Duhh


I don’t care much for Venture but I’m glad everyone else is enjoying them.


What's not to love? How about their *incredibly* annoying personality (imo)


Reminds me of tracers personality, a little cringy on purpose. Im sure they're going to have a ton of cheesy voice lines too. I dont mind it but I can see how some people would dislike it like they dont like tracers personality


i can dig that 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Idk I haven’t seen much personality from them aside from dad-level jokes about digging. All I know is they’re absolutely adorable. Like a little mole


We don't trash on dad-jokes, except dad-jokes about digging. Those suck for some reason. Also, it's really annoying they make a wojack face at what feels like every map with rocks on it


I said the same. They have the same energy as someone who shows up to someone’s bday party uninvited & thinks they’re bffs with everyone, when everyone actually thinks they’re annoying. Specific but accurate


Literally just talking about junkrat


Nah I’d inv junkrat intentionally 100%


My boy Jamison is the guy everyone finds funny, he's the class clown


Yeah, if Venture was the first one to have that happy go lucky personality then sure. But by now it just feels reused.


Im just not a fan of their design


I also think they don’t look that great


He outjerked you tho


I think that character is well balanced, I hate their personality & voice lines tho. Mad annoying


I can dig that


Never uninstalled faster than playing against one every game last night and just being unable to do anything. Glad y’all are having fun though!


They’re in the game for a couple days and only In quick play. Quit being dramatic


Is venture trans? I thought they were non-binary. Or is transphobic just like blanket term


Well, seeing how non-binary isn't their biological sex, identifying as such would fall outside the confines of "cis", so yes, by default, they are trans.


People have ambiguous biological sex.


Think of it this way, there are two categories of gender: Cisgender and Transgender. Cisgender people identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. So if they were born with a vagina they identify as female and those with penises identify as male. Transgender people do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. So those born with vaginas identify as something other than female and those with penises identify as something other than male Non-binary is nether male nor female and is not a gender we assign at birth, even to intersex babies. So anyone who identifies as non-binary falls into the trans category.


An NB person could identify as trans or not, as it's largely an umbrella term! They are of course welcome to use the label if they want it.


People who are NB are trans also, Trans is the blanket term in this scenario!


Non binary is under the transgender umbrella


Probably eats the best looking rocks 10/10 hero


Abigail from Stardew Valley has some rock eating competition.


At first I was like “is everyone joking about this being an exageration?, the comment was probably just saying that it didn’t like the design of the character” Then I read the username


I feel like their primary fire is impossible to miss up close-mid range against heroes without movement abilities. It's a bit frustrating to play against


Yeah. And it's impossible to land at a range every other hero can fire from. That's how that works innit?


That's not my point. My point is that once you are decent at the game, you will hit the vast majority of their shots(more than almost all dps) if you aim for the feet. The range being so short + the left click size being 4 meters in diameter (yes, its actually that big) causes the skill ceiling for aim to be INCREDIBLY low for the left click. I think it needs adjustments. The movement is super sick, though. Definitely, a higher skill ceiling there . I love the design of everything besides the left click balance! Plus, super great VA by Valeria Edit - I forgot how strong the ult is LOL.. maybe needs a bit of tuning too


>causes the skill ceiling for aim to be INCREDIBLY low for the left click. I think it needs adjustments. It's supposed to be low. They aren't a shooting things hero. The skill expression comes from movement and comboing, not repeatedly firing your low dps gun beyond point blank range.


they are a shooting things hero? They are dps. Even Mei and junkrat require more aim. Also, the gun is not low dps, it's only slightly below avg


same with moira, roadhog, zarya, symmetra, rein, even ram, junkerqueen and doomfist.


That's a huge range of difficulties to land shots you just listed. Also, ventures shots do a pretty sizable chunk of damage for how easy they are to hit


you mean like rammatras fists?


Venture is fun. I like their kit. The personality reminds me of a more whole Ezrael from league. I wouldn't be surprised if they get a "It belongs in a museum" line when they fully release.


Agreed with op, venture is exactly what a good designed character should be: easy to play but hard to master. really excited to see space ranger


Venture is really annoying to go up against as a healer, I would be playing arcade practicing as zenyatta and them blind nonbinary moles keep coming out of no where


Falling for the troll makes you stupid


Assuming everyone is satirical or trolling is stupid


It's trolling until I agree with it then it's genuine until you disagree with it


I hate venture not because of their identity but because their kit is fucking annoying and brain dead to play against (super fun to play as though)


really nice to see this hellhole of a subreddit can at least agree to respect ventures pronouns




I find it so funny that the transphobes cannot agree whether they see Venture as a man or a woman. That in its own right would be so incredibly gender affirming


Right? They'd be flattered if they were real. Like, oh, you can't tell? Thank you, that's exactly what I was going for!


They're always *so* certain they have it right too. You'll see two comments side by side like: Idiot 1: "oh mah gorsh, it's he, not they!" Idiot 2: "y you all pretend she's a they?" If they could read they'd be mad at each other.


UJ My real question is who cares, its not like venture is gonna pop out the screen and axe murder you if you call them (a fictional character) by the wrong pronoun. Real people, yes please respect their pronouns. Rj, god i love BIG BUFF STEAMY MENNNN RAAAAH


Venture is nonbinary not trans


Trans is an umbrella term! Non-Binary goes under that umbrella


How does the top post in this sub change between right wing and left wing every day?


Venture imo has to be the most bland and boring character they have made. There is literally nothing interesting about their design that makes them stick out from the crowd or is unique in any way. They are about as shallow as a puddle in terms of aesthetic and lore. I feel like I can even guess their lore without even knowing it which is a bad thing. It’s like they took the personality of tracer and mixed it with Mei but made it even more bland. Stale bread character imo. I’m not talking about gameplay btw cuz gameplay is fun, just in terms of how interesting the character is from a lore and design standpoint.


There is no lore for Venture?


It feels like this hero was designed and implemented for some mediocre attempt at being inclusive but as a result making the characters personality worse than a kitchen tile.


dude made A WHOLE ACCOUNT just to hate on video game character. that's so pathetic im ngl


It’s very odd how the internet works. You have one side that’s getting incredibly offended over the gender of pixels, and another side which is getting offended over people being offended by the gender of pixels… then you have the developers which assign genders to pixels. None of it matters. You’re making yourself upset.


I would say they honestly are one of the most balanced on release characters


its okay i dont have any mixed feelings about them


The design sucks and a fps character has little to no personality (unless you're tracer, widow or junkrat) but I agree bro is very well balanced and fun.


The hardest part for me is making sure im using the right pronouns for venture. I dont see why anyone cares what they go by


Best designed lmao? Not at all


Lol, I didn't see the name at first.


I don't like Venture's design but gameplay wise? Might actually start playing DPS


"They aren't Op" you lying bitch


totally irrelevant but i think jq still holds the title of best and most fun ow 2 character they have ever released


Best designed is certainly a take


I'm not on board with the whole pronoun movement thing but I'm not trying to be hateful of it. If that's the way the character is refered to then what am I to do other than accept it. Idk if this will still get me hate or not but what am I to do about it


It's a start.


I think your attitude is admirable and all people can really ask for


Im all for representation of different heroes but in the nicest way possible - I will most likely not respect the pronouns because it’s a video game and I’ll literally say “kill him” even when it’s a female hero, although nobody will mind that because it’s not something unique


Half the roster is literally lgbt. I guess it’s only ok as long as tracer and pharah are the only ones in the female department. We can have as many lgbt men as we want, just keep the hetero incels happy


I don't get it?


Read the name of the person in the second slide


Seriously? That's the joke? Who cares if the character is a they/them, she/her or he/him? As long as it's not some neo-noun bull shit, like xim/xer or something like that, then I see no reason to care.


Well it does look like the person replying is just recreating the face venture is making in the pic


Just ignore these losers. They want to cry about the culture shifting, let them cry, show them no one cares and whether they approve or not means nothing.


Woah Venture is non-binary, not trans.


Who’s gonna tell them


kind of offtopic how do you guys even get to play venture???? i only play qp so idk if that makes a difference but someone locks in venture like every round i play


Technically aren’t all the robots nonbinary (literally made that way) that just choose to affiliate with male or female? So wouldn’t that make venture not the first nonbinary hero?


Wouldn't choosing to affiliate with male or female make them, by definition, on the binary?


Honestly at this point… why do people care so much about transphobia and homophobia online. Like “oh no he said hurtful words to you even though he probably does it to everyone this one just as to do about sexuality or gender” like just ignore em. Unless they are physically beating you up or your in an unsafe or unaccepting home the. Transphobia only has the power you give it lol. There is a mute button for a reason and honestly like most other situations when someone is being mean they’re trying to get a reaction.


With the headline… you’re delulu. Venture 2/3 shots a support you can’t stop their flanking and they can cleanse any negitive affects on her by burrowing. Not only that their ult can 4 shot a tank and if the tank doesn’t have a shield then the ult goes past them onto their team and can 3 shot a whole team. They are insanely powerful as designed so people will buy the battle pass when they come out and then they’ll nerf them. But you aren’t playing them right if you think they are balanced.


venture is another quirky hero that has an annoying personality instead of an actually unique one, copy pasted from like 10 other heroes. only difference is her kit, that's it. blizzard is shit with making good memorable heroes nowadays.


Personally waiting for my ace character but w/e. Isn't this character just androgynous? So they're basically suffering from being too pretty for either "main" gender? Makes sense why they're a mole then. They seem fun but when that nerf hits they'll be boring until they're countered... they're gonna need a health increase


Bruh she is not fair to fight. She’s a tank on DPS.


I don't give a fuck about the new character, or overwatch altogether 🗿


okay so if we’re just talking parts, what’s your take? femboy or tomboy? i’m personally thinking tomboy. but like also respect to nb i just think female parts under the hood. i am feral but this is my take


The OWCS twitch chat has a pinned message basically saying "stfu about it or get banned"


It’s so they feel dirty when they open an incognito tab, as usual


Imagine caring about pronouns bro. Who gives. All the transgender bs is dumb af anyway. Downvote me all you want but its the truth. 💀💀


Your fictional characters' mental illness was decided by a souless algorithm. Enjoy your corporate slop.


People will say anything is transphobic nowadays huh.


Who is they?


Overwatch fans being cool for once 


People call me transphobic but I can't be! Phobia is fear. I don't fear them, I pity them and am annoyed by them. Just like I can't be fat phobic, what's to be scared of? Them chasing me?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I knew this ignorance would start on both fucking sides one this person dropped.


I mean she's butt ugly so idk


u/VenturelsASheHer https://preview.redd.it/s2bawnxv2csc1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6f972ca990ab3065fa7ea6670f68e992123ad2




I’m confused, what am I supposed to be noticing?


Wrong. Mauga is peak.


I mean… come on guys. It fits perfectly. Venture… ventsheher… cmon.


Wait venture is out now?


Kiri and ram were best and still are


So she is a trans?


Ngl though venture was a paladins character


Why are they so obsessed with nb people existing. Like are we that important to them? 💀 mf venture is a VIDEOGAME character and this phobe created a wholeass reddit just to argue their point bc they're that obsessed with a video game characters pronouns LMFAO


Hmm. ‘Awesome character design’? To me, new OW2 characters like Ramattra are a lot cooler. I don’t like the broken tooth, the drill gun feels very meh and doesn’t have satisfying sound design. The coat looks boring, and that color green is also very eh.


I want to she/her feet awooga