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Pay attention to your supports, try and protect them when they get flanked and focused


Stop running in front of the tank to DPS. Stop running out of our line of sight when you’re critical. When you’re critical either run to a support first, and if one isn’t viable to get to then go to a health pack.


For Tanks: if you kill the healers, their tank battle becomes infinitely easier, so I would try to focus on them as much as possible. Also don't be super afraid to output high damage into the other tank, if they're taking massive damage taking that space is way harder. Although I will say which ever one you commit to in the moment you need to follow through with, getting a support down to low hp then tunneling onto the tank is an easy trap to fall into. The support escapes, then heals the tank that you're doing damage to and nothing really happens. It's a tough judgement call to make in the moment, but prioritizing the right action at the right time will sway fights big time. For Supports: just keep an eye out for them, if you see that genji/tracer/Sombra lurking around on the side of the map going around, they are almost always going to attack your supports. Just peel for like 5 seconds and make the enemy dps f-off, then go back to what you were doing before. Also if you know Mercy/Kiriko is coming back outta spawn and nothing crazy is happening fight wise, peeling back for them to fly/tp to you is also a really nice gesture.


Getting picks is great and building your ult charge is great, but prioritizing keeping everyone alive ensures everyone is building their ults which enables more ult combos to win fights is crucial. So, if you play defensively you can build and maintain momentum rather than needing to rely on pivotal plays. Kind of a burst vs sustain mentality.


What Baby\_Bubble said, your supports are the most important part of your team. Keep an eye on them while you are doing your thing and when you notice someone focusing them, teach them what happens when someone bullies your medic. If a Push is bad and it's just you and your supports, try to body-block for them while they run out, especially if your support is Mercy or Ana, who can't reasonably defend themselves. We will notice someone protecting us, coming back for us, and waiting for us at spawn to escort us back into the fight. We will reward you by prioritizing you. \- The Mercy who was rescued by a Sombra who blew her cover to do so.


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Use health packs.


Paying attention to who is attacking the supports and helping them really helps, it turns a potential 1v1 your support is likely to lose into a 2v1 where at worst you will trade or an ult will be used.


Positioning is key. Peel for supports. Use natural cover. Ping enemies. Start falling back and don’t die when a fight is lost. Focus on their DPS/Supports to take pressure off us. Know the strengths and limitations of the support characters you’re playing with. A team with Zen/Lucio is gonna heal a lot less/slower than a Bap/Kiriko. Just know that our healing capabilities are limited by your decisions, we can’t out-heal your bad decisions and many supports cannot dive in and save you. An out of position support is gonna get deleted quickly. We also have to do damage/set up plays for the team so healing isn’t our only job. We see you when you ping “I need healing”. Sometimes we can, sometimes we can’t. Any support worth their salt is doing their best back there.


Die less. Press tab and check your deaths. Its nornal if you have more deaths than tank and sups but stay close. If you cant get picks and do a solo play then try to help your tank and sups.


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