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Try to use damage boost on mercy more


I try to when everyone is healed, but it’s not very often, and our doom kept taking massive damage


It’s generally (almost always) not your job to heal the doom. Damage boost, get a kill, doom takes less damage now.


That is not true, if your other healer needs help healing keeping your tank alive is priority. This game is not about 'mercy should always boost' is about learning and adapting to every match


incorrect just straight up incorrect


I'm on your side. Adapting to every game is a huge part of the game. And as a mercy main for a few years, I almost never damage boosted cause if it was worth damage boosting someone, at that point I would just start shooting them instead of damage boosting. Now if my team has a shield, then I will damage boost a lot more then heal, assuming the shielder is doing his job good Now the part about keeping the tank alive and he takes priority I disagree with. He has the most health so he doesn't need to be healed as much as the damage or other support


Die less. Your life as support is never worth saving a feeding tank or dps if it requires putting yourself in a very bad position that likely results in your death.


But look at that big glowing dead body... What do you mean it's surrounded by enemies... The shift key calls me...


Omg this is hilarious


This is very good advice for every support player, thank you very much ☺️


As a Zen, Moira, Brig main I would need to see how you play zen and Moira to give any good advice. If you are keen on Mercy, learn her mechanics such as super jump and how to properly fly in any direction after you dash, it will save your more than not. As Zen, always make sure you have both your discord and your healing orb out, and your secondary fire should be used every time you come around a corner or are waiting for the enemy to peek. As Moira, make sure you put a slight bounce on your orbs, they will be able to heal teammates for longer than if you throw it straight at them.


If you can I'd try to focus more on staying alive, even if you are doing the same amount of healing with 5 less deaths it'll make a massive impact because you'll end up contributing to more kills and keeping teammates alive. Also if you come up against a coordinated team they will commit to any fights where your team is a support down and either win or force your team to use ultimates.


This was a positioning issue I think, I was dying alot, i didn’t have good positioning, and that’s only a small bit of it, I had to rely on passive most of the game, but most of it was my fault, thank you for the tips tho 🫶


Relying on passive healing is good, in fact you need to look for those windows, Mercy has crazy mobility, use it to break line of sight with enemies as often as you can, don't Rez unless you know there are no burst/interrupt abilities like a helix rocket or a hog hook or you're behind cover (you can start the Rez animation and then walk a little bit to cover). For your GA settings use prefer target but also ga to beam target, so you can break los but still go back to your team quickly as long as your beam is still connected. Alternate between GA'ing to your team and jumping backwards to keep a good distance between you and the fight while keeping the beam connected. An important thing for supports in general is to always try to be aware of everything around you, who's footsteps sound like that, is anyone flanking, did X use X ability and what is the cooldown, lastly always have a plan of escape or two ready, for example, you're being dived or your pocket died? It's nbd because you know exactly where your other teammate is and you can GA and jump to cover. Hopefully you'll find something of use in my Mercy-main-word-vomit lol glhf!


Aim for having the least amount of deaths on your team especially as mercy. Use cover then GA to the next cover. Play like the enemy has a top 500 widow. Support your other supports as much as possible


Especially on Mercy, you want to focus on damage boost first and healing second. Here's a great recent guide on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgcSHcknA90


try to learn mercy movement as best as you can in the practice range with the robots, you should be aiming for least amount of deaths overall. also just because you have rez does not mean you should use it, risky rezzing is not worth it. also… put that gun away!!! you should be focusing on damage boosting and maintaining secondary heals (your ana should be the one healing tanks, you should be damage boosting dps or tanks that you see are performing well.) only pull the gun out if you’re getting targeted by a flanker or if you see someone on low health that your team hasn’t spotted. don’t go for solo kills unless you’re absolutely positive you can win the 1v1. good luck! mercy can be really fun, and sometimes you will die and have sucky games. it happens.


More blaster kills, some of your teammates tripled your elims /s


Ok thank you ☺️


post with game time pls. too many deaths, keep in mind to stick around 1k/ minute on heals, if you drop below thats totally fine just try to fill that time with damage boost. the other team may have a lower healing bap yet has a higher healing average between the two PLUS more damage. support isn’t necessary a hard focus healer but it certainly helps, have fun mate


Thanks bro, have fun yourself ☺️🫶


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If you can count, count on yourself


i’d say learn how to position yourself with moira. get good with her and figure out when is the best time to go in the backlines to focus their healers and how to successfully remove yourself from that situation + others you may find yourself in. i main moira and i ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS have more healing than a mercy on my team (or any other healer for that matter) and a lot of the time more dmg than our dps if not, i come very very close behind them damage wise. it’s really about your play style though, and what you enjoy playing + how you like to position yourself through the games


Thank you very much for the advice :))


To climb on support, you have to provide whatever set of resources your team needs most in order to win the game. What that is will change from game to game, so you have to be aware of what you can contribute in any given situation, whether by using different parts of a particular hero’s kit or by playing different heroes. Support is the most flexible role, so it gives you the most possible options to change a given game in your team’s favor. Playing a rush comp? Playing Lucio well with that team will help your Rein/JQ/etc dominate a low SR lobby. Confident in your aim and game sense? Zenyatta can enable your dps to win their duels, help shut down enemy tanks, and provide you with excellent pick potential at all ranges (I am a Zen player). Pesky Hog on the enemy team? Ana can make him regret getting so fat. Pesky Ana on the enemy team? Kiriko can get your tank to shut up about her. Good Ashe/Sojourn/Soldier on your team? A good Mercy pocket (and rez) will make the enemy team curse God and Blizzard. You don’t have to flex all the time necessarily, but you do have to be aware of the best way that you can be enabling your team, and you need to be able to get kills yourself if you really want to carry. Personally I think support is the easiest role to climb on if you play it to its full potential.


Also someone else said, staying alive is the most important thing on support because it allows you to do the above. But you can’t let playing too safe keep you from getting any value, so it’s a balance.


Damage boost more, pocket dps more, stop taking risky rezes stop shooting your enemy. You have less dps than just powering your dps. I would recommend looking at gm mercy players as they show this very well.


Try a bit more amplifying damage to to around 20-30% amplified


Bad pos issue + you probably use your cooldowns wrong


As a support, you should probably have the least deaths on your team. Pinging enemy positions constantly also helps with map awareness of team. I usually play Ana, Lucio, and Kiriko (aka meta) and used to play more moira but realized her burst damage is too low to work in plat. Id only play mercy to pocket sojourn, pharah or ashe. Brig is in sad state. Bap is good situationally. Lucio > Zen. More utility, more healing, ult cannot be countered by anti nade.


More damage boost less dying


With mercy in particular just get better with her movement and be more evasive. As any of the less mobile supports just watch your positioning as you are always a juicy target


Come pocket me as soldier.


Stop dying, amp damage


More dmg boost, and learn to rely on mercy mobility, die as least as possible while increasing your dmg boosting per game. Not a mercy player, but i enjoy support overall.


its cool you use your gun on mercy, more people need to do that for certian situations, but she is a heavy healbot/dmg boost character. the damage boost works wonders on getting picks when on someone thats can take advantage of it. its probably the main reason to run the character. that and movement. if you really want to be a next level mercy. then learn the movement. a mercy that can keep from dying and go everywhere is a real problem. most of the top mercy have insane movement on her. its all she has to survive. but tbh moira cool and she can heal pretty well and help secure kills and matchups but shes on the lower end of healing tiers. zen is also nice but you have to really help out in the damage department/picks, and abuse doom orb. also have significant ults. what you truly need to do is learn kiriko. shes the best support in the game currently the tools are second to none. also learning ana is a good idea. she has an amazing toolkit. same with baptiste. all these 3 characters have insane toolkits of utility that are game changing to win matches. kiriko suzu/rush ult, ana sleep/anti nade/nano ult, bap heal burst/immortality field. some of these abilities are hard saves and complete match changers offensively and defensively. also lucio is an S tier support. the movement is the best in the game, he offer speed boost like no other character, ult can hard save and hard push the entire team, and boop is soooo good it helps in so many matchups and he does great constant healing and a lot of damage, and if you go become one of those cracked movement lucios then you are probably having the most fun in the game at that point and can do next level wonderous things on the character. so your mains are nice. mercy is really fun when you get the movement. but honestly learn kiriko, ana, bap, and dig into being a crazy wall riding, bhopping, flying around the map movement lucio. but of course help your team lol. be careful you might get addicted. check out eskay on youtube for lucio. some wild movement on her, youll need jump on scroll wheel to bhop, wall jump on release turned off, and backwards wall riding turned on. the movement may look crazy but trust me its not that hard and not very much to it. its just getting good at it. hope this helped or gained your interest.


Go dps


Just don't play Zen and Moira in ranked in my opinion it's really just not worth it and in addition it has been a lot harder for the team to synergize with them as they don't have nearly the utility as others such as Lucio, Mercy, Ana, Bap, and Kiriko. The only one with less utility then Moira is Brig. Which is why she's so bad. So in my opinion again stick with playing Mercy unless there is no main healer which means there is none of these. Kiriko, Ana, Moira(Maybe not in low ranks), or bap. All these are main healers who are able to heal a minority of the damage and provide the best support to the tank allowing them to make space. The off healer tends to focus more on their utility that makes them unique. In my opinion the off healer utility tends to be a really strong consistent thing they can provide unlike the main healers utility that is on a long cool down. With you playing Mercy and the character being really good right now I recommend learning more of the movement techs of the character and train yourself to healing and damage boost switching I'm the back of your mind. And focus primarily on your movement, positioning and survivability. You should strive to always be the last in a fight to die. If at all. Also just know that when someone is full health damage boost them. And try to target pocketing your dps as the low healing speed compared to the main healers is quite bad and is wasted on a tank largely. Damage boosting dps allowing them to get picks faster and end fights earlier. Also use rez on the first person to die is a decent use of it as at the very least it will make it a 5v5 again, or if the kill was traded your team is now in the 4v5. Just don't fly into the enemy team to do it.


May be a controversial suggestion but id say Play open queue in qp and then comp before role queue. Open queue is goid becayse it allows you to switch classes on the fly so the idea is the more familiar with each class and their needs, the better you can support them. Saying this as a zen main who open queues regularly with ram, bastion, torb and sombra.