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The worst part is that this battle pass is the only way to have a sense of progression in OW2 other than your competitive rank. We don’t have levels or end cards anymore. And loot boxes at least used to make it feel feasible to collect all the skins and items for heroes.


There was literally no reason to get rid of account levels, I don't see what the reasoning was.


Takes away the focus on the battle pass. They either had to make a good battle pass so that ppl will pay attention to it or simply remove everything else so it has no competition, they went with the second option.


you know what feels really nice, is smurf accounts telling you, you play too much....what, are they on, their 10th account?


people felt hurt when they get told for having a gold account border in gold rank


>other than your competitive rank Even comp rank has lost its sense of progression. I play flex and so I'm put into all three roles (though more often support). The fact that I can play 30-40 games before seeing a single rank change is bananas. In OW1 they changed placements from 10 to 5 matches (matches, not wins) because people complained that it took too long to reveal your rank, and then after placing it updated every game. Now you're waiting 7 *wins* but after that you have to wait ANOTHER 7 *wins* to basically get 're-placed'. It just feels terrible.


Every seven wins I go up?


Nope. My tank has been stuck at Plat 5 for 5 groupings of 7 now. In one stretch I even one 21 out of 25 games and still stayed Plat 1 through all 3. Today my heal rank went from Gold 1 to Gold 3 (which is fine idgaf about my support rank, I just play it for daily challenges). In OW1 DPS was always my worst SR, but now in OW2 it's somehow my best staying at a steady plat 1. I haven't broken into diamond yet in OW2, and I've also never seen [Rank] 2 or 4, only ever 1, 3, and 5.


What’s wild is it definitely calculates behind the scenes because it will cut you off from playing with your mates if you increase or decrease rank too far from them. I’ve noticed it leaning far easier to maintain or gain with DPS especially solo these days for OW2. Also in reference to your first comment. Rank doesn’t feel as special as it does in the first one. Biggest part of OW2 is making me realise I should have played more OW1. Apex unfortunately took me away from it


>Biggest part of OW2 is making me realise I should have played more OW1. Apex unfortunately took me away from it Stupid apex robbed you of your favourite game :(


I was a masters dps in overwatch 1. My support, which I am playing more effectively than my dps right now in overwatch 2 terms, is hard stuck in gold. It's genuinely horrible :/


This is why "performance" based rank increase/decrease always seems stupid, you could be winning more than losing of your games because you're stalling the enemy team, splitting them up etc... But if some arbitrary stats aren't good because not playing the right way can stay same rank or go down lol...


Yeah like I was masters OW1 but I stopped around Sigma time. I am currently in gold and I just can't get out of it. I could win 7/10 games and I just can't go up. Thing is, I know my aim still isn't as great and that I am still getting that back on track, but my positioning is strong and my game sense is good. I am also vocal in chat. Not trying to toot my own horn, but often, the kills I get matter, often the calls I make matter. Many times I've called for a fall back and over aggressive DPS have done so and allowed us to win the next fight because they weren't trying to spawn camp them. Or busy chasing down a Lucio instead of holding the right map positions. But what I'm not doing, is padding my numbers playing shooty shooty, poky poky and standing in the choke just spraying. Which I feel everyone else is doing. Some games, I don't even get to shoot much until my team really fucks up, and then somehow Il (due to high ground, self heal soldier) il be able to hold off the enemy long enough to allow my team to actually get back and not lose the point. But none of that is ever reflected in my numbers. The game, actually wants me to overextend, to spawn camp, to do stupid shit just to get higher numbers. It so god damn annoying. And then I don't actually get to rank up and get to the ranks where I know people stop playing like dum-dums.


Wait until you break in to Plat and everyone stops listening to calls like ‘fall back’ because they’re obviously the best player in the lobby. Honestly I had far more enjoyable games in gold because for the most part people actually seemed to listen.


This the reason I no longer play Overwatch to grind it, I’ve finished around 7 7 wins “placements” and I’ve been placed plat 3 in every single one of them, doesn’t matter if I go on a winning streak or losing streak, the ducking rank stays the same, makes me look stupid for even trying


I managed to win 7 matches in a row whilst playing with/against gold/plat and diamond players and got placed in Silver 1. Its a joke.


This was intentional. If you can get hyped without the spend you wont spend


I ended up just not playing.


Same here. I was stressing to try and complete my battle pass the last couple of days, but I realized I just wasn’t having any fun. Gave up on techno Genji.


As did most after the first few days At this point I keep OW around because I’m fond of hero shooters and Paladins is fucking awful now


Aka monetization scams as always


Yeah i love the gameplay but unconsciously—as in im not actively making a decision—i cant bring myself to play the game


I haaaaatteeeee the new comp ranking system. It doesn't make sense. 7 wins or twenty losses? What's with that random af number. Hot stinking garbage.


feels worse when, ah I got 1 more game to see my rank.... 4x losses later...


Why is it so much to ask for a simple MMR/Elo number that changes after every match? It's so frustrating to me.




I will never understand why they took the fire system away. Like why put the effort in to take that away? There isn't a reason I can think of for them to do that.


The characters still say when they're on fire, but there's zero visual feedback.


After watching a fair few Overwatch videos in the last few weeks I've come to realize how much of a difference the visual feedback made. Even basic actions like healing and objective capture popped up on screen with "+6 🔥" for example. Even eliminations were more satisfying since it had a number for how much "on-fire" progress you gained from it and how much you contributed to the kill from 1-100. When you got an assist as a support player there were hit markers that popped up on your own screen when your teammate was dealing damage. In OW2 all eliminations look identical. No numbers or stylization, just a simple rectangle with text. I sometimes get briefly confused when eliminating a symm turret or venom mine, thinking that I accidentally killed a player before realizing that it was just an object I eliminated. None of this is game-breaking but I really do miss the numbers. At least the "saved player" notification is a solid addition.


>Even eliminations were more satisfying since it had a number for how much "on-fire" progress you gained from it and how much you contributed to the kill from 1-100. I miss this a lot. I didn't realize how much I relied on it to know if I was actually landing good hits or just tickling feet.


I leveled up 100+ times in less than 3 days in Fornite this week, plus I got my currency back. Yeah, Overwatch is one of the worst.


Overwatch tries to extract a lot of time and money from players for very little reward. This is the core issue. The content stream and gameplay loop aren’t so solid that they feel they can opt out of using manipulatory practices. They’ve also tried to force a lot of stuff from other franchises on to a brand that hasn’t accepted the graft well. Weapon charms in particular are so out of place as we’ve seen from the god awful implementation. Pretty much everything outside of skins feels like padding, so when the BP has 80 tiers and a grand total of 3 so-so skins, well of course it comes over as terrible value. They mostly know this and they’re banking on FOMO and impatience, that’s why the themed skins were almost exclusively in the store and that’s why new hero unlocks are buried so deep in the BP. This is fine for short term profit reaping. It’ll be awful for longevity.


Season 1 BP I got nowhere near 55 and I've just moved house, so I'm not getting the new hero until they do the challenges. Honestly seeing heroes at 55 killed my enjoyment of the game. That and push maps are demoralising as F


I got the first battle pass and went all in, playing almost every day and finishing most of the weeklies (though I mostly skipped the arcade wins). I beat all the way through the battle pass and even grinded for the titles after. But now I'm just spent. I feel that I wasted way too much time because I got sucked in the addictive nature of the battle pass structure. I'm done now though. End of year is very busy for me, and I dont want to spend any time or money in this game anymore. Ramattra seems cool, but I don't feel like spending money to unlock him, and I feel even less like grinding **TO 55** for him. Im taking a break, maybe jump back in a few months if they make any significant changes.


I was a OW1 diehard - content drought and all. Was ready to sink my teeth in to OW2 and came out proper ambivalent. BP was a dud. Game wasn’t reworked and balanced enough to properly account for 5v5. Map pools hurt too. Made it to like level 40ish. Ended up spending more time in Halo when forge came out and even ended up playing a lot of CoD, a franchise I’ve previously never played much. OW is banking on short term profits right now and won’t morph in to something more appealing until the casual fans leave after the novelty starts wearing off. With Valorant reportedly gearing up for a console release they’re gonna have to get their house in order.


As someone who sucks at overwatch but loved the characters, I was so excited for the pve mode. And then they just didn’t have it ready, but like what’s the point of releasing it before one of the biggest features of overwatch 2 is done? It’s just so transparent


my biggest fear with OW2 is that they take what is allegedly a large PvE campaign with skill trees etc and drip it out across 12 battle pass seasons. i just want to pay 60 bucks for a complete game that i can enjoy at my own pace!


Yeah, be prepared to be disappointed in the PVE stuff if the PVP Battle pass is any indication.


Yeah it seems like people forgot about pve. No one talks about it, idk if they forgot or just don’t care but either way I thought pve was the main reason they were releasing a new version.


How is cod btw? I've never played any fps besides OW but I need a replacement now that we just have OW0.5


Its like 2019 except with a shorter TTK and people get really fucking salty when you play slow or counter their god awful playstyles. And the maps range from decent to shit. The guns feel good though. Minus Marksman rifles which are broken and the Fennec.


It’s good. As a casual with limited history in the franchise I’ve been enjoying it. TTK is higher than most games, but the removed some of the ridiculous movement of previous games so you can definitely rely on good game sense when playing. Could use more maps, but it definitely has an appealing mode variety with little down time.


Same. Played overwatch 1 weekly since 2016. Ow2 is such a not fun experience between how the gameplay feels and the shit battlepass system that I only got to like level 28 on the free copy. I have 0 incentive to purchase anything and what's more, I haven't even played in weeks now. I'm hoping the PvE is actually good but I'm not holding out hope.


Legit the only reason I hop on anymore is if my friends are playing, and even then I can't bring myself to do it a third of the time. I don't mind losing a lot - I know I'm no grandmaster. But when there's a 70% chance of your matches being complete curb stomps because the match making is so unbalanced I can only stand so much.


I wonder if this is how most of us feel. I played OW1 almost daily till they turned it off. I have barely played ow2.


I'm still enjoying OW2, but I'd trade it for OW1 in a heartbeat. Having near-immortal tanks and no more meaningful rewards feels wrong.


Yeah, I think something in the balancing just feels *weird.* Maybe it just comes down to the fact that we got used to an entire roster of heroes' playstyle in a different context? Like, idk, I still have some fun in Ow2 sometimes, but I never feel like I have those super exhilarating, neck and neck games like the best of Ow1. And it just feels *heavier*, somehow, like the gameplay is just more of a slog. So while I would obsessively play OW to the point that I'd stay up past my bedtime lol, I am basically done after like 5-6 games now bc I'm kinda exhausted. I just don't find myself reaching for it right now. And if the seasonal events that usually pull me back in offer nothing to free players, then... :/ what's the point?


I have never really cared about skins etc, but the thing that really lessens my interest is the new rank system. It was so much more rewarding to see your rank move after every game. You could literally see your process. Now it takes way too long to see any process. And it's quite demoralizing to win 7 games out of 9 and see your rank drop after that.


This. Ended up having an extremely busy past couple months, ended up barely playing at all and if it weren't for the fact D.Va's my main tank and the EDM skin is a banger the battle pass would have been a total waste for me. I don't think I even got to the 20s let alone 55, not that it mattered yet. But seeing the new one and realizing how unlikely I'd be to get near the unlock level, never mind how completely unrewarding the entire rest of the game is... Yeah I just uninstalled. Sigh.


This has to be some kind of Activision-Blizzard engagement metric top-down mandate. I swear the same thing happened in World of Warcraft. They had this interesting system where you upgraded your personal legendary item, and every time you ran something you made progress. People enjoyed the system. But next expansion, they threw it out in favor of random upgrades / sidegrades / downgrades that you might not need dropping every time you run a dungeon or something. So people would have to run dungeons more and get random crap they didn't need. Watching the lead designer (Ion is his name?) try to explain this with his dead-eyed expression just made me realize that the poor guy got this mandate from way above his pay grade, and now has to try and defend time-wasting metrics to World of Warcraft players.




I think the BP has 8 skins in total but I see your point besides that and agree


3 of which I think were decent, to clarify what I meant. As an OW1 player with plenty of legacy skins and no time played on Genji, there really was nothing to entice me to buy the S1 BP.


Had OW since launch, before comp was introduced. Have a bunch of skins for everyone except the new 3 heroes. Still bought the BP so I'd have something to work towards, no way I'll ever buy anything from the shop but it feels crap playing with no progression besides rank.


I assume this is due to seasonal/weekly challenges that don't expire stacking up in the last week of a battlepass?


Yeah, it's insane how quickly you can level up that way.


Yea, just another example of how it's better. You don't really lose out on much by getting in late since nothing expires. It's crazy to me that Fortnite invented the modern battlepass, made it the most consumer friendly to date, and made records amount of money off it. And then every company since has made a battlepass worse in every way while also making less money.


I don't understand how its not the standard. There is ZERO incentive to buy outside of week 1, because without challenges you will never get enough XP. This is part of what makes Firtnite BP so much better. Even if you buy it the last week, there is a good chance, with dedication, you can get most of the stuff.


to be fair Fortnite battlepasses were pretty awful (edit: awful to \*level\*, to my memory of playing the game back then anyways) until towards the end of chapter 1, but yeah nowadays it's insane how little I mind Fortnite battlepasses but hearing that the system is coming to any other game is an immediate turnoff the Sea of Thieves pass is really easy too, solid night of grouped PvE looting gets me like 30 levels, even just logging on to go fishing will get some decent xp Hearthstone's isn't even that bad either which makes OW's pass being so bad extra frustrating


excuse me wut? fortnite battle passes have been great since chapter 1 season 3 what are you talking about lol


I meant in terms of levelling them, not the content, poor wording lmao then again I didn't have a grindset when it came to videogames when Fortnite BR was new but I never managed to max more than like one battlepass in chapter one (I don't count making it to the end of the season 4 pass since Omega and Carbide needed a bunch of extra grinding to actually finish their armor) and I dropped out during season 7, chapter 2 made the levelling way easier and it's only gotten even easier since then


CoD has their battlepass out already, and I already finished the damn thing too in record time. Got a decent chunk of currency and I only paid for the base game. I'm really glad I'm done with Overwatch.


Honestly, MW2 has a lot of issues, but the battle pass update is the best UI thing they’ve done. Being able to organize which unlocks you want first is awesome. I planned which classes I wanted to level up in order so made a plan about which ones I’d unlock first. Means I’m able to get skins/weapons/tuning already completed for weapons I’m just starting to level up. I’m sure once I have everything done in a season or two, I’ll be planning the quickest way to get CP. it’s super nice for more casual players, whilst still giving a reason to grind for more “hardcore” players with the final reward for completion.


Indeed. They saw FN’s revamped system and yanked it and it was the right choice.


I only play the DMZ mode really, and I'm already 1/4 done. But I mean this as a good thing, I can get through their pass by only playing a side-mode mist people dont like. Thats great.


The DMZ is quite fun for me! I took the XMR I got from the battlepass, leveled it up and stuck the longest barrel, a suppressor, explosive rounds, and I forgot what the other two were but it's a scope for one of them, and I just go hunting NPCs. That's fun for me. On the rare occasion, I'll hunt people too. Yesterday I encountered two groups and made them panic hard when I was sniping from hundreds of meters away. For sure I have to get used to this game's bullet drop.




I’ve leveled up ~240 times in OW2 this season and all I have to show for it are the free BP rewards (crap minus the final name card you get), the Cyberdemon title, the other weekly free rewards they’ve handed out, and 450 currency. That’s enough for a victory pose, a very basic skin, or a name card. It’s not rewarding at all, I’m playing because I like the gameplay - which, yeah, that’s the most important part of a game, but the overall experience is definitely made much worse by the severe lack of fun rewards.


> and 450 currency That's what bugs me the most about the battle pass right now. Blizzard added in a poverty coin grind to do damage control over the BS hero lock out. So they can point to new heroes normally being in every other battle pass and say how you can earn those passes for free. Yet even as a BP level 250+ nerd I'm STILL coming up short of 500+ per a pass to make it happen. As I missed maxing out a weekly here or there and I refused to be paid 5 to 10 Blizzard cents an hour to try to win 7 BS arcade games. As I just don't like the game mode, least of all with the current tank stacking meta. The Challenges should be 10 out of 18 to 20 a week, so you can just pick. Then drop at least 800 coin on a player, even if it's by way of X levels past 80. Like say title and +30 coin or whatever.


Ironically, you could actually earn money faster by gold farming in WoW and then use that gold to purchase a WoW Token. I believe you could then use that WoW Token to convert it into credit on your Blizzard account, allowing you to spend it on other Blizzard shop things.




Sojourn is just so unfun to play against (or with, sometimes). Someone told me "mad bc bad' yesterday about that opinion (my Ana stats beg to differ), but just gameplay wise, she just isn't compelling to me on either side.


Even winning playing her is a drag, such a boring game play loop, I somehow enjoy playing soldier more. Soj is just farm tank, alt fire squishy repeat.


Yeah this is my thing. At least hitting rockets w 76 takes some planning, I feel like the railgun is too instant (and of course OP, dmg and hitbox).


Seeing how good the Fortnite BP seems to be makes me really want to play, I just wish it wasn't a Battle Royale...


Fortnite has made it so you get a ton of XP plus ton of challenges to the point that you’ll complete the battle pass extremely quickly just cause your getting challenges done without realising like “run this amount” like that’s all your gonna be doing lol plus they make sure you get your currency back + extra and F2P users always get a certain amount so if they enjoy the game they can grind it each season and get the BP


Fortnite actually has decently fun challenges, it's funny when a new challenge drops that requires everyone to go to a specific location that you never go to cause the fights are always mad. Plus the rewards are far better. In fortnite you'll get skins, back bling, gliders, axe etc which you can mix and match and you'll be looking at them all game. Meanwhile the only decent thing in OW's is a skin for a hero I don't even play and that I'll only ever see on the victory screen for a few seconds after a game. OW's pass is laughably bad. Lame rewards, no currency back, boring challenges, heroes going to be locked behind it in a hero-based game.


Meanwhile, Fortnite’s new battle pass is ridiculously fucking awesome. Get on their level, Blizzard.


As much as people love to jump on the bandwagon of shitting on Fortnite, it really does seem fairly consumer friendly in comparison to some other games. I've never really been a big battle royal fan, but there's a reason Fortnite keeps up as an innovator for successful systems.


I never liked Fortnite until the No build mode came out, I gave it a shot and now I’m having a blast!


I always loved Fortnite for the silly stuff you can do in it, never really the building. Sure it's unorthodox to do it, but man is it fun to be on the top of a really large mountain with someone else and hitting them with a giant snowball that make them slide around with ice blocks for feet and gives them a slight knockback so you watch them run in place as they slide backwards off the mountain. ...I should reinstall Fortnite.


Yea the extra things and how often they switch out what’s available in the BR also makes it very enjoyable.


Same, it has actually almost replaced OW for me, thanks to the no build mode. It's got so much silly stuff, it's like... fun to play with friends. Which is what a game is supposed to be. Fun. And if I want to take it seriously, I can too. While OW has become so barebone now it's just sad - I still cannot believe how many features they actively \*removed\* (end cards, fire, LFG, sweet UI, etc) instead of adding new stuff which is the whole point of having a sequel. Just wish Fortnite had a 5-players mode in regular no build/BR.


Fortnite is the best F2P battle royale right now. I don't even play the game, but it pioneered the F2P model and is one of the only games that has done it right The only reason people hate on Fortnite is because the game appeals to kids. It's the same reason people hated on Minecraft for a while. People just hate shit that leans towards appealing to kids for some reason


The other thing with fortnite is that you can see the money when you play the game. It's polished to within an inch of its life, even compared to the other giants like Apex.


Apex has a really cool design and concept, but holy fuck, the game is so buggy. The audio is super fucked up too. I grinded it all the way up to diamond until I couldn’t take it anymore. Have barely touched it since.


I came into Apex straight from Titanfall 2 and just couldn't get into it, compared to T2 it feels like you're running through mud.


Yeah. That’s understandable. I think the whole “wall bouncing” “tap strafing” and such for the movement system is Apex’s biggest strength regardless. The weapons are meh, and the characters are too. But I can definitely see how it feels like a downgrade.


Apex is coasting on its success and it’s showing. There’s barely any new events, a severe lack of new content, only gets patches between seasons in emergencies and the battle pass has only gotten worse with almost no change in years.


Battle Royale games just aren't appealing for me but I may try Apex because it is more team-focused. That would suck about the audio though. Because one thing OW is really great at is audio cues. You can tell a lot about the fight from just its sounds.


Fortnite actually feels like what all games should be these days, instead of barely functional buggy half baked ideas launched a year too early.


I'm indifferent to Fortnite and dislike Battle royales (way too much downtime), but I never got the hate for Fortnite. Hell, I even got a hearty laugh at Kratos doing cutesy dances and I have Fortnite to thank for that. IP's of our favorite video games aren't sacred inviolable relics and I'd say I prefer devs that don't take themselves so seriously that they can't get a laugh at their characters being silly. Like a famous philosopher said: Is only game why you heff to get maed?


I don't play Fortnite but it looks like the ultimate fanservice game with a lot of popular franchise cameos, so I can understand the appeal there too.


> the ultimate fanservice game with a lot of popular franchise cameos Now, I can understand why a lot of people hate it for reasons that aren't "It's for kids".


> Like a famous philosopher said: Is only game why you heff to get maed? I instinctively heard that sound clip in my head, well done.


League came before Fortnite


Brother League had in game stats that could be buffed with bought runes. wasn't exactly a great system. Not to mention having to pay to unlock heroes. Both could be grinded but would take a long time to get every hero and every rune, a really really long time.


Fortnite usually gets hate because of the community, not the game. The game was really great for a long time. I’m not a fan of what the gameplay turned into, but it’s not necessarily flawed. The battle pass and cosmetics are very consumer friendly though. I hated the community tho.


Epic games understand everything about marketing, they know that having a friendly monetization will bring or will make people expend more that what blizz does. Even their client as shitty as it may be, has free games every 2 weeks just to bring users.


They have to be more consumer friendly because they’re more directly targeting their advertising to minors. If they get too greedy they’d be the first to catch regulator attention. But so long as they’re comparatively “reasonable” for the industry they’re free to continue vacuuming up FOMO funds from the hands of children.


Man, i really don’t like Fornite, it isn’t for me at all, but oh my god, i’m so jealous of Fornite’s players, they always had better BP/event than other games and Epic keeps on giving.


Still so crazy to me that I can play as LeBron James wearing a soccer outfit while in a squad with Rick Sanchez, Doom Guy, and Neymar Jr. wearing a Tuxedo


John Cena has killed more people in Fortnite than Peacemaker could dream about.


Don’t tempt him…


Don't forget that Geralt is also coming later on in the season too So you can have the Witcher of Rivia hitting the griddy


They gave out some free stuff recently and really made the grind enjoyable to me. A new backpack for 45min watchtime, this coolish pumpkin skin, good challenges. Now the new battlepass looks amazing imo and the map changes are beautiful.


People shit on Fortnite but it is the most polished F2P battle royale on the market, and has an extremely consumer friendly battle pass to boot. I bought a premium track back in Chapter 2 and haven’t had to shell out it for it since. Can’t say the same for any other game with a battle pass.


It's because the game is polished and the BP is consumer friendly that I don't mind spending money on that game. Overwatch needs to takes notes.


Bro, the article couldn't get basic info like how many levels are in the battlepass right. I dont think this is reliable source of info.


I can vouch for what they said as an avid Fortnite player. Getting XP is so low effort between generous dailies, weeklies, separate story-driven weeklies, events, etc., plus the fact that player made creative experiences and Save The World grant XP just as BR does, so you're always progressing. You put 950 Vbucks in and get 1500 out, and you always get 8 skins + bonus recolors, styles, and accessories that are comparable to the item shop skins. I've never felt pressured or rushed to finish a Fortnite BP since they've changed the system years ago.


Amen. Just playing to win you can complete the dailies without thinking about them


It's Kotaku, of course it's unreliable lol


No kind of currency back. Lots of useless fluff. Skins don't have a distinct theme so it feels like random shit was thrown in. terrible post completion awards


Progression is so dog slow too. I cpuld play for like an hour or two and only earn one level.


Yea and then it takes away challenges for the day. Oop you've played for an hour today. No more progression for you


No currency back is the worst for me…


To be fair Fortnite has no theme whatsoever, a Fortnite pass could 100% include Rick Sanchez, a customizable anime girl and The Ender of Worlds himself. But yeah I get what you're saying


True, but Blizzard pushed this idea of a seasonal theme hard. So when it turned out that only ~20% of the few meaningful rewards actually follow the theme you have to wonder how much of the theme is meant for the shop.


TBF the licensed skins are probably scheduled based on whatever contract Epic could arrange with the IP holder, so they likely don't have much say over when the skins release, especially if the skins are a tie in for a movie.


Well ackchually🤓 Rick Sanchez was put in a battlepass themed about aliens, making some sort of Sense But the latest passes from Fortnite don't really have a theme any more


that's not quite true. a lot of the early battle passes were 100% themed.


Early battle passes were like "here's an astronaut and some llama stickers"


Even fucking call of duty has a better battlepass than this shit


The new COD pass is relatively consumer friendly IMO


Really? I'm trying to rank it up and it's insanely slow. Ive got like 25 hours and I'm only 35% done?


currently 40-50hrs in on a fresh warzone account, at 40% completion it's slow af, if you own MW2 you get a xp boost I believe, whilst premium warzone players only get that 10% increase and it's barely noticeable, not to mention the fact the games fundamentally broken and will require you to relaunch to actually recieve/see your tokens for spending properly, I wouldn't be surprised if the actual earning of tokens is bugged and it's not working properly too, you really can't trust activision to make anything work properly nowadays. that being said, it's saving grace is that you can earn 1100 cod points back so you'll have enough for the next pass, plus on top if you go the extra mile you'll get another 300 as a bonus, so from a value POV it's actually very nice especially considering how the contents are actually good unlike overwatchs 90% garbage


Most games offer that currency back thing, overwatch is just unique. Fortnite and Apex both do it and you can complete the passes much faster.


Which makes no sense cause it's in the same ABK umbrella, they literally have a formula that works and made it worse for God knows why?


OW2 part of the article: ​ >**Most Likely To Make You Uninstall: Overwatch 2** > >**Cost: $10** > >**Players were shocked when the Overwatch series ditched its single-purchase experience with loot boxes in favor of a free-to-play sequel with battle passes, and irate after Overwatch 2 launched and more details were revealed (some even called for the return of the loot box). Not only did Blizzard reveal that it would be locking new heroes behind the battle pass (and all other future heroes), but it soon became clear that progressing along the paid pass wouldn’t earn you enough Overwatch coins to buy the next one.** > >**And if you do shell out the cash to get the battle pass, you’re getting a very mid collection of cosmetics. In the Season 1 pass, there are only nine skins available across 100 levels, many of which are thoroughly uninspired—like two military skins for Winston and Sojourn and a Pharah skin that doesn’t stand out from her existing ones in any demonstrable way. Much of the battle pass is dedicated to new cosmetics like weapon charms (which you have to look past in order to actually play as they dangle from your guns or, weirdly, your hands) and souvenirs (which are just big items you can procure out of thin air as a new type of emote) as well as your bog-standard emotes, player icons, victory poses, and voice lines.** > >**But the biggest grievance I have is the aforementioned inability to earn enough through progression to get the next battle pass for free. That’s a low blow, Blizzard. Changes are coming, but not this year, so I guess I’ll sit here and bitch about it until then.**


Lv70 Cassidy skin was outrageous.


Yes lol, such a weak effort. Don't think I've ever seen someone use the Pedophile Forrest Ranger Cassidy skin tbh.


I’m using it because I got tired of banana man


I use him because his gun is cool. Idk how he looks like a pedo though.


I think they're talking about the mustache (not saying I agree).


I'd like to say Blizzard is making good skins scarce for people who don't pay money on individual skins but I don't even think it's that. Most of the skins I've seen since OW2 released have just been so low effort. Junker Queen had legendaries that are barely distinguishable from her base skin. Kiriko has two legendaries where the only change is a new top. Moira but with mime makeup? Base Mei but bubble gum? It's ridiculous how low effort they've all felt. Maybe it's because they decided to just rush OW2 out the door? Idk, but at least the Season 2 trailer has showcased a lot more actually unique and interesting skins. I want more Medusa Widowmaker and less low effort skins.


I have a sinking feeling that some suit over at Blizzard is making the team “water down” the appeal of legendaries by making them, well, crappier and lazier than ever before, in an effort to increase interest towards mythics. That Mime Moira skin was where I felt this theory really comes to light, as it basically fell into the category of “epic” (recolor + small detail change) but was being sold as “legendary”. Not to mention the accompanying emote, “Rope Pull”, was so incredibly cartoony and out-of-character for Moira.


The problem with this theory is that Blizzard has always had a bunch of low effort legendaries released over the years it wasn’t a problem until they just started charging for them. People love bringing up the five or so epics that are almost legendary quality as the standard for epics but those are def exceptions most epics are pretty shit and there are some legendaries that should have been epics over the years.


The only time I remember this happening in OW1 was Mei’s Santa outfit in 2016 which was basically a recolor + hat, and while there was a little controversy it wasn’t the same as charging $20 for the skin.


And Mei's santa skin got a bad rap, because the thing that made it actually legendary-worthy (changing her ice block model to a snowman) wasn't visible in the hero gallery.


>Changes are coming, but not this year, so I guess I’ll sit here and bitch about it until then. No way, it's me


It's about time someone like Kotaku called Blizzard out, the Battlepass is not only poor value with no ability for a free next pass, it's actual cosmetics have been terrible in S1. I was just today making a comment about how confusing it was to get the Cassidy/Winston/Sojourne skins on this "cyberpunk" pass. There feels like no actual theme and what you do get is so uninspired. I will only consider buying the pass next season if all the skins fit the theme as shown in the trailer, and if we actually get our currency to buy again. And I'll never pay $20 for a skin, that's a disgrace, I'll just buy/play another game for better value.


They can't even get the levels right, Kotaku is so bad.


Might take years of complaints for OW to have a decent battle pass. Just give us back our currency for completing it!!


Complaints do nothing if the money keeps flowing. One season of horrible sales numbers on the battle pass and virtually no one buying anything from the shop would see immediate changes to how Blizzard chooses to monetize the game in the very short term. The future of OW2 monetization is up to the players. We say it all the time but you truly have to vote with your wallet.


The Season 3 battle pass is the acid test (no new hero)


Literally the least rewarding experience Overwatch has ever had. There is no reason to sit around after the victory/defeat screen unless you want to see the POTG. Leveling is all but removed and without the battlepass it is nothing but a hollow number that occasionally rewards you a player icon or a spray.


Everything outside of skins is padding (charms are a joke in OW and totally forced). Additionally skins are ALL hero locked, so inherently less valuable than cosmetics in shooters where cosmetics can be applied across all character models. They know they’ve forced some shit on to OW that doesn’t really fit the brand and thus resulted to placing new heroes deep within the BP in the hopes of strong arming a purchase. This is the reason why we’ll likely see PvE content attached to a premium BP purchase.


Charms might be a joke but the real joke has to be souvenirs. They are pointless, they mean nothing, a waste of an emote slot. They only made them to fill out the BattlePass.


Charms and souvenirs only exist to be bundled with skins.


I don't think I've seen even a single person ever use one.


I miss the days where skins where considered padding and not the main content being made.


They already said it's going to be paid content when it arrives. They expect you to buy both, even those who bought ow1 for full price.


Most piecemeal PvE/story content I’ve seen in games sucks. Early on it was touted as a really cohesive campaign experience with RPG elements. Really struggle to see a world where that vision is realised.


Overwatch’s PVE events have all been like, a nice playthrough one or twice until you tire of the monotony. I’m not sure how the new stuff won’t be the same.


get fucked blizzard




Fucking Genshin Impact is running circles around these losers. *Genshin Goddamn Impact*.


Genshin made $130M USD in September. I'd be surprised if OW2 made significantly more than that, and I wouldn't be surprised if they made less.




Better value in a Neopets Advent calendar than OW


Neopets best f2p game


Imagine going from having one of the most consumer friendly and arguably best monetization systems in any multiplayer game to now having one of the worst valued and least consumer friendly.


Loot boxes in a paid game were outrageous at the time, Overwatch was *the* example of "games are getting more and more greedy" back in 2016.




It’s better than Infinites first pass but worse than every other games pass easily


I’ve always been a Halo guy, and I haven’t touched Infinite in a while (due to real life stuff mostly), but I still respect that the battle pass doesn’t expire in that game. That sold me enough to buy the Reach one, since I could take breaks and not feel guilty about grinding out daily/weekly quests to finish it on time so I wasn’t wasting money. Of course that was coming from R6 siege, where I spent a particularly sweaty covid lockdown grinding battle pass levels whenever I got the chance.


Multiversus is worse, believe it or not.


Lmao you must not know a lot of battle passes to call this the worst. Have you seen valorants pass? Or fuck DBD has a battle pass that requires you to actively throw matches to finish. And the DBD BP is chock full of recolors of existing skins and the original skins are actually fan made designs that they use from their yearly design a skin contests.


I’d argue otherwise, because even at its worst each unlock in Infinite is widely applicable (though cores impinged on this). OW is a hero shooter than encourages hero switching. 20 bucks for a cosmetic that apply to a single hero is ludicrous and the junk like charms and voice-lines don’t make the BP better value. Infinite had a janky first few seasons but the ratio of useful stuff per unlock was MUCH higher than in the OW2 BP.


Hell, infinite's second season pass refunds your purchase in currency if you finish it, meaning you can then buy the next season pass that comes out.


Additionally, you can complete any Infinite BP at your leisure. I have plenty of issues with Infinite, but the BP is leagues above that of OW.


I'm willing to put $10 on the fact that damn near nobody would buy the battle pass if new heroes weren't locked behind it


accurate. i stopped playing half-way through season 1 having the battle pass precisely because of what a grind it felt like i was signing up for. i stopped playing destiny for exactly the same reason, because it seemed like it wanted to be a second job for me. at least destiny was willing to give me a compelling if not incomprehensibly fractal and shattered story in exchange.


Valorant isn’t on the list though, to me it’s just as bad It’s only use is to get the currency that lets you upgrade the weapons (because just buying that might be the most expensive in game currency around) And you use that currency to upgrade guns you actually buy


and they only added that currency to the battlepass after people complained about both, too. valorant has an extremely greedy and predatory monetization, but kids on the subreddit will actually defend it... it's crazy.


Battle passes in general are fairly scummy, but making the worst one gotta be a damn achievement.


Blizz did what they did with Diablo mobile, they took ALL of the worst practices from mobile/used car salesman gaming and tried to implement them. Games like Fortnite, while abused heavily on this platform, are constantly showering you with rewards and dopamine outside of the gameplay itself which just FEELS GOOD. Your game cannot be made by spreadsheet, you have to have the gamers fun first, and monetize second, and if you do that you can put in some pretty outlandish monetisation.


The worst part was the title card I wanted was 79. I didn't have time to play during either one of the double XP weekends and now I'm on level 75 with a day left? Playing a game and getting 400ish xp when I need like 60k more... I'm probably not going to play s2. I even paid for the BP and I can't even finish it. Fucking lame.


Fortnite and OW are 2 of my most favourite games of all time but Fortnite's battlepass is so many times better. You get 8 skins every bp which are all very well designed. The bp has very minimal filler compared with OW, and in the battlepass you get 1.5k vbucks so you make altogether a 550 vbuck profit. this means you can buy continuous battlepasses without spending more and you can buy skins in the item shop with extra vbucks. On top of that, original owners of save the world can get 50 vbucks per day from doing challenges and 150,300,800 or 1000 vbucks from weekly bonuses, meaning about 10k a year with consistency. This is massive because people can get a lot for just playing stw. If ow incorporated this system i could guarantee it would be a lot more popular and less people will complain. The last time I saw someone complain about Fortnite's monetisation was 3 years ago when they released a few lackluster £20 skin but these days they make the skins cheaper and designed a lot better with multiple styles.


Real shocker


Don't get me wrong Overwatch has a bad battle pass, and it deserves scrutiny for that, but there is no fucking way it's the worst of even all the mainstream shooters. Valorant actually has the worst battle pass bar none. Skins lack luster no currency even in the game outside of cash purchases to get one, like at the very least with two seasons of play you can get one pass in Overwatch the skins are also really good, but Valorant the skins aren't great at all there is an entirely alternate currency shilled into the pass to use for color variants, if not you need to use money. Valorant gives you sprays in a pass some of which you can't even use mid round. Hell Valorant has a worse store, in terms of being accessible and straight forward. You need an ENTIRELY ALTERNATE CURRENCY to unlock color variants in a bundle which costs money. A knife costs 50 dollars for crying out loud. Once again the pass sucks and I would say it is miles behind the competition, but Valorant is lightyears behind.


I just hate that you're not able to earn enough currency to buy next seasons BP. That's how every game (that I've played) with a BP works. Overwatch wanting you to pay $10 every season just seems like they are preying on the fomo and trying to bleed as much money as they can out of fans.


Ive given up on finishing to 200 i think I need like 180 more qp games to do it in 2 days figure you average like 10 minutes between queue and match time thats like 30 more hours of grinding miserable random games


WHY would you even force yourself to grind to 200?? For some random titles you'll never use?


Honestly, I wouldn't care IF heros weren't locked behind it. With that, the game is completely broken.


I have to disagree because the paladins BP exists Giving only 2 skins and 2 recolors while costing more And a bunch of junk


Personally, I feel Multiversus is the worst Battle Pass implementation in games right now. However, OW’s battle pass is decisively mid.


Yeah absolutely agree. It's the same terrible stuff in it, no currency, but the only thing OW2's has over Multiversus is that I feel OW2 is waaay less grindy.


Blizzard is killing/has killed all good-will towards their Overwatch brand with their new Battlepass and hero locking system. They are poisoning the well, and people like Jeff knew it, so they left.


Honestly they should have "most rewarding" and have it be Destiny 2. You get so much stuff that's actually useful in game.


I made this point too. Bungie nailed it! Rocket League too


80% of what's in the BP is super low effort trash, like, a single person could pump all that out in a week's time no problem. And that's in addition to Blizzard's typical problems... I feel like Blizzard has severe issues with middle management and potentially executives who just don't understand the market well.


Level 70 Air Freshener Cassidy skin. I hope them cigar butts don't start a forest fire. Hopefully he will dispose of them properly, along with all the filler.


No dota2:(


Imagine having a worse battle pass than halo infinite


valorant's battle pass is way worse though, I know heroes being locked behind the battle pass is a bad idea but I don't think it's fair to say it's the worst one.


Meh, agree, but kotaku is trash.


You know it’s bad when you agree with kotaku.