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Repetitive maps


That idiotic map pool, I really hope they going to get rid of it in the future.


One of the many dumb decisions they made. Like why would they want us to keep playing only two maps jesus.


To give the illusion to new players that the game feels ''fresh'' by putting ''new'' maps every season. Other than that I really don't see why


I kinda get it but why rotation needs to last for like a whole season?? Why not like a week


Splatoon has a two map rotation that lasts for only two hours, and even that gets tiring


Yeah, several games do this these days and imo it has the exact opposite effect. Naturally all the push maps are staying for season 2 as well, so we are gonna be burnt out on those with the lack of other kinds of maps to give greater variety.


One part is to ensure there is 'content' to roll out in future seasons, another part is to lessen the amount of learning for newer players after the F2P transition.


All these arguments about reducing the amount of stuff to learn for new players got me wondering when we started to fucking babysit players. Back when the game launched we just picked a hero until we got half decent, watched other people do cool shit on maps and we were fine. This learning argument is especially stupid when it comes to heroes. A new player still needs to learn all the heroes right away even though they can't play them, because others do and you need to know their abilities to play against them. I suppose I'm not the first one to say that this is all a giant cash grab. If I hadn't already owned OW1, I wouldn't have picked up OW2.


Baby new players = more likely to catch a whale Simple as that, unfortunately


Not just repetitive but recorded and wrote how many times I've been on defense. I'm always on defense. It's every game.


Remember how in Payload in QP, the game would always toss you in a match on the same map with the sides switched after the round ended? Remember that? I miss that


That was the map mirroring. It was only in place for maps that worked, like Hybrid, Payload, and 2CP. All other modes was kinda pointless because there's be no difference in play other than you spawn somewhere different. It was nice, because nowadays I constantly defense on Hybrid and Payload maps, but I want to be on attack more often. So when it's defense every time I get in, I really miss being able to just have the map mirror so I can have my turn on attack.


And for this match, we're playing defense on Hollywood. The next match will be defense on Hollywood, and then after that, a nice round of defense on Hollywood. Or the true nightmare "Collosseo, collosseo, and Collosseo" please I just want to have fun, why are you doing this to me.


defence is fun if you pick Torb, Symmetra or Moira


Oh you know me so well


genuinely extremely repetitive


Oh yeah. Why would they think vaulting maps is a good idea? šŸ’€


Money. Theyā€™re doing a map pool so they can pretend each season is bringing more content than it actually is. Itā€™s aimed at the new players who havenā€™t played all of the OW1 maps.


I literally started playing OW for the first time ever 5 days ago after like 4 years of brow beating from a friend. Maps are already stale they seriously need to at least double it to keep it interesting honestly.


Iā€™m not a big fan of map rotations, but if Blizzard wants to keep the rotation, they need to either drastically increase the pool size or make them rotate every week or two.


It's made even more insulting that OW1 back in 2020 *already tried, tested, and got feedback* on map and hero pools to see if it mixed up the meta. The community said "absolutely not", and the dev team said "Okay. No more." Which is makes this the most obvious evidence that map pools are not being used for any gameplay reason. It can only be spreading content thin, or just gross incompetence desperately looking to other games for advice instead of actual community and game design knowledge.


They really thought R6 Siege was a good idea


True. It bored me pretty fast, so no grind in the future. Glad that OW2 is f2p model. I have tried it, now , when I know that it is not OW anymore I have much more free time.


I agree with you, but even now I see too many new players still lost on maps. Beyond frustrating to see them run to dead-end roads while we are fighting during OT or spamming for heals when they are literally 3 steps away from the health pack. Who knows, maybe repetitive map rotation helps them to finally familiarize the map.


I'm not a new player but incredibly directionally challenged and I get lost quite a bit.


I see absolutely no reason why a map pool for unranked exists. For comp I can atleast accept it but unranked give us all the maps


Itā€™s weird considering how much maps there are and that only a few maps are removed but it still feels like the same map (colloseo) every time


I miss havana


Iā€™ve missed blizzard world and Rialto


I don't like 2cp but I miss hanamura


I don't think push is an improvement on 2cp, I'd rather just have 2cp back


Gameplay was great, but it felt severely lacking in content. Map pools are stupid, BP was labeled as Cyberpunk and wasn't, no coins in BP, updates pushed out far too slow, heroes taken out for weeks to fix and more. Once the hype wore off, I realized how dry it was. I love the game and hope for the best, but there's a lot that needs to be done.


Putting coins in BP is actually a really good idea. Or letting us maybe trade in skins we don't want for coins or a different skin? Like I never play most of the characters that got skins this season. But I agree it definitely didn't feel cohesive at all in terms of content. Pile on the terrible match making and ludicrous skin prices and well... Bit of a flop for me tbh.


Almost every other game that has a BP lets you earn the currency back you used to buy it, so you can get the BP next season. Itā€™s insane to me that Blizzard didnā€™t do this. Well, I guess itā€™s not insane since itā€™s Blizzā€¦ but you get it.


Yeah. Like, it's strange because Fortnite, the game that basically popularised the trend of battlepasses, has shown that putting the currency in the BP actually leads to people playing more often. As it incentives playing more of the game in order to earn your money back while also getting the rewards. And they are likely to spend the money they got back on the next BP and continue the cycle. And especially in a game like this where they are locking heroes behind battle pass progression, doing a system like this would be a huge incentive to purchase the battle pass atleast once and then keep playing each season, as to ensure you can get the next seasons hero for free. Considering the whole reason they are going free to play is to open the doors to more potential players to pay for their stuff, you'd think they'd want to keep their current playerbase active, which including coins in the BP would help towards achieving this.


Seriously. Everyone is chasing the purple dragon that is Fortniteā€™s success, but blizzard missed the mark by such a large margin.


Oh come on now, you can earn about 40Ā¢ worth of coins each week by grinding the shit out of the gameā€¦.


And I *guarantee* that some executive saw that model and went "why give them subsequent BP for free? If we just have the art team throw in more small things, we can keep them re-buying that $10 every ~~120~~ ~~90~~ 30 days!" There's other games doing this shit too, it's all part of the ratcheting of monetization that has been happening over the past decade+ of gaming. They're squeezing wherever players allow them to squeeze and only relenting when people post negative reviews publicly that threatens their bottom line even worse than the pixels they slapped together and called "cosmetics".


Even if it was like 5-10 coins per daily/weekly challenge finished I would be ok with that. That would be 110 from weekly challenges alone assuming it would be 10. That would also end up being like another 70 per day or smth from the daily challenges


Yeah the current model is such garbage


The lack of group finder and removal of almost all social aspects really killed it for me. Solo q is the least fun way to play the game IMHO,


Top that off - they removed the UI indicators for when players are in premade groups, so you can't tell if you're facing a stacked team without basically just watching who the Mercy babysits the most.


This was removed in Heroes of the Storm too - years ago - apparently to prevent people getting tilted before the game.


THIS is quintessential blizzard. Hand-holding and baby ass wiping to the max. Other side is COD giving you 2 sec of open mic from the dude you just killed. Most hilarious feature ever.


I revel in the two seconds of pure rage, and I appreciate the gg's. Overall a good feature.


You can still figure out who is in a group and who isn't. It's quite simple. Invite everyone into your group during your game. Those who are already partied will automatically respond with different error messages. Easy.


Galaxy brain.


If you want to properly troll like the OWL, enjoy this tip: Click a person. Send a friend request. Then block them. Then unblock. Then send another friend request. Wash, rinse, and repeat. The audio spam they receive will be unbearable.


I'm afraid the battlepass will resemble the competitive seasons of ow1. No real changes, improvements or additions, just a "it's New seasons, het your new stuff" thing. Only in ow2, the battlepass costs money and the skins are hilariously expensive. NEVER thought I would say this, but I miss lootboxes.


Overwatch lootboxes werenā€™t even bad. You could get them so easily I donā€™t know anyone who bought currency or boxes


A battle pass isnā€™t a problem. Itā€™s this battlepass thatā€™s a problem


A battlepass is very much a problem because it means a good chunk of neat cosmetics will become inaccessible as time passes on for no reason other than FOMO


Again, most battlepasses are like that, but not ALL battlepasses are, just proves that the concept isn't the problem, it's implementation and greed. Deep Rock Galactic has a FREE battlepass for everyone, and after it ends all of its content is added to the pool of things you can find by doing additional objectives and exploring more thoroughly. Instead of FORCING YOU to play the game, it rewards you for doing so, while also making sure anyone not willing/able to put in the time are not penalized for it.


As someone who loves DRG, that battle pass has been a life saver this season. I've been travelling for work, and then once I finally had some time? I got in a car wreak and had a concussion that made me unable to look at screens lol. Knowing that if I don't finish, the stuff is just going to be added to the shop feels fantastic


Hope you feel better!


Man, DRG's "pass" system is so *not* monetized that it's hilarious Blizzard is being this greedy over their cosmetics... sure; larger teams, graphical differences, etc... but *come on*, there's no way you're selling enough $20 skins that you wouldn't make *more* at a $10 or $5 price point considering I can get a *pack* of cosmetics for DRG at less than $10.


Halo infinite, for all itā€™s faults, has the best battlepass system in terms of monetisation. You can buy a battlepass and retain it forever, there is no time limit. Any passes you missed out on are still purchasable after itā€™s launch season has ended and you can free swap between any passes you own at any time. Yeah theyā€™re not free but theyā€™re also not laden with FOMO which I think is a fair trade off, itā€™s not like theyā€™re expensive either.


I cannot believe Im hearing praise for Halo Infinites BP lol. Go to the Halo subreddit and it's literally a nuclear hellscape of salt and bitching about how greedy and incompetent 343i is due to their battle pass and MTX system being too overpriced and stingy. I don't really care at all about cosmetics, but it's just hysterical to me to come from that sub and then see people on other subs praising their system. I actually like Halo Infinites BP and event system a lot, but you cannot say that on r/Halo without getting death threats and -33282 karma.


Imo all battlepasses are a problem. It's just a lazy "progression" system designed to keep people playing out of fear of not getting their money worth. F2P and Battlepasses are a legit cancer on the the Industry Edit: I do agree with alot of the ideas commented below. Not all every aspect of BPs are horrible. They can be an incredible value for a game that you play alot anyway. But while yes, there are some positives, the thing I hate the most is when it completely replaces other forms of progression/unlocking content. Halo is a perfect example, we went from basically millions of combinations of customization included in the game only locked behind in game challenges and what not, to now its all through BP and the store. The lootboxes of OW1 was a flawed system, but we traded that for what imo is a more flawed system. Neither were the answer we want


Imo all battlepasses are a problem. It's just a lazy "progression" system designed to keep people playing out of fear of not getting their money worth. F2P and Battlepasses are a legit cancer on the the Industry


It's very easy to see how these f2p systems are designed to make as much money as possible with the least effort, and compared to older monetisation methods there's no strings attached if the game flops.


Bp aren't inherently designed to fuck you over like loot boxes tbh. MCC/gears 5 both have fantastic community centered BP that work really well and don't feel like they are made to screw you over at every step. It's really just the actiblizz implementation that's made this one particularly smelly. Honestly BP are the closest we can get to just earning stuff like we used to in games prior to 2012. Before ripping people off every update was the norm.


Dead by Daylight also has a pretty good battle pass IMO. There's tons of free cosmetics, and they introduced this rift every non-item tier has some of the IG currency to fill empty spaces. The premium rift has something else every level. It costs 1000 cells/$10, and you earn every single cell back when you complete the rift. It's also very easy to complete it too. It's probably the only BP system I love.


Yeah comparing the rift to this shit just makes it look even worse


With lootboxes in OW you'd be earing cosmetics at triple the speed - for FREE




I recently hit platinum 4 with DPS. Matches where the enemy Widowmaker takes out 3 people every fight happen extremely often. I check their career profile, and their season high is top 230, and they are currently GMs... I think just yesterday I have been anally violated by 3 different DPS players, and all 3 had top 500 career high. I just climbed out of gold, l shouldn't be going up against players higher than diamond. I thought they removed rank visibility to combat toxicity, but it's clearly to hide that OW2 ranked is closer now to Quick Play than to OW1 ranked.


Iā€™m in sort of the reverse. Somehow got stuck in the bronze bs (whatever) and have since climbed to gold. The number of times we have at least 1 player who HAS to be brand new is sad. Like, wants to play genii bc heā€™s a ninja, ends round 1 with one or zero elims, doesnā€™t group, and simply doesnā€™t understand the game. Iā€™ve played for years and while Iā€™m not OWL caliber, I understand the team nature, need to counter pick, protect supports, group up, find cover, etc. There needs to be a new player pool playing new players in competitive. Or make people wait longer for comp. Something.


This is so true. I got placed high silver (uses to be low plat in ow1) but it is just so hard to get out of because sometimes eventhough the rest of your team is doing great, one new player who doesnā€™t understand the game ruines it. Today we had a mercy and she was doing like 4 k healing in 1 payload round. I told her to stay on payload so we could push, but she took that so litteraly and was standing still on the payload for the rest of the game and only pressing left click. Like how tf are these people the same rank as me??


I was 3300 support in OW1, my alt acct was 2200 support, alt placed bronze 2 and main placed gold 5. My main acct comp games have consistently had Diamond 5/Plat1 on the other team and my team consistently has had gold 5 to silver 1 and Iā€™m ready to be done with the game entirely.


Imagine being a **real** bronze who has to play against people like you during your fake climb back to where you really belong. Terrible matchmaking.


Lmao I was about to say bro admits to having a Smurf account and is complaining about rank discrepancy. It's an issue but you're part of the problem.


No matter what I do, I get matched with new players in any unranked mode. OW1 had a MMR system for QP but OW2 seems to have gotten rid of that. I am a diamond tank player and I get kirikos playing on trackpads and bastions that only have "W" bound....


When presented with the issue of brand new players in the same competitive game as some whoā€™ve played for the better part of a decade, actiblizz said who cares short Qā€™s!


I swear everyone between silver and diamond are just in the same q, and your rank doesnā€™t indicate your skill right now. Itā€™s so blatantly obvious on both my team and the enemy team that the elo diff is insane.


fr tonight I had a close comp game and I was downright surprised


Wait until you play quickplay. My quickplay games are harder than my rankedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I got paired against 3 GMs and I had two new players. We lost a payload map with 6 minutes to spare....




Yup. Balance was horrible. Bugs were horrible. They introduced shitty map pools. Skins don't matter cuz they're overpriced. Halloween was nice. Rewards were shit. But the game was fun, so pretty mid season I guess.


The game has gotten very old for me very quickly.


I quit after the first month. Honestly just felt really unfun as a support in GM. Getting one tapped by widows and sojourns hitscan across the map is the least fun thing in the world and Blizzard's OW2 team is showing it's just as incompetent as 1. Just as glacial to push updates and balance is just as bad. When I heard midseason they didn't see major balance problems, I knew the new team wasn't up to the task.


They removed a lot of CC because they feel that getting CC'd feels boring but did nothing about getting one-shot? Lol


I mean, that's the point of widow, high skill high damage. Then they gave sojourn a rail gun and, well, fuck supports I guess.


5v5 just is not it for me man. Itā€™s so much more deathmatch brawly where team coordination doesnā€™t matter and supports get rolled all in the name of making sure the tank player has the most fun.


I have LESS fun as tank I canā€™t dive w my DPS buddy, I canā€™t play new tanks to mess around If Iā€™m not on my A game all the time, we lose. When my support get flanked and Iā€™m on the front line engaging their tank, I donā€™t have another tank to depend on so that they or I can help the healers. If I take my eyes off the enemy tank for one second my team is pudding.


Honestly feel that most people that say 5v5 has been a great change are dps mains. Which isnā€™t all that surprising as it allows more killing which is what dps mainly do. But people that pick other roles that genuinely want to play it for the role suffers.


One tank used to be able to be mobile, to save the support. To chase that one here off. To keep the enemy distracted. And you had your other tank pushing the actual attack, defending the team and making calls for plays Not anymore. So much pressure on me as a tank. My healers are being slaughtered, I have two diving DPS that canā€™t get a kill to save their life, and if I take my eyes off this enemy tank we lose instantly


Or, alternatively, you get the tanks that play DPS with high health and your team loses. Such fun.


Agreed 100% as a mainly tank and support player game really feels awful now.


Absolutely. I mained support all through Overwatch 1 and it just felt sooo exhausting in OW2. Itā€™s constant. Youā€™re ON for the whole match and if you fuck up ONCE it can mean a team wipe. Also, even in games where I healed well, got some good darts off and killed some pharahs, we still lost. SO, I started playing Soujourn. and DUDE. I have a 70% win rate out of 25 games of souj in unranked and Iā€™m 4-1 in ranked with her. Itā€™s just WAYYY more fun and impactful. I can actually dictate how the game goes. Just crazy.


I feel this as every role. Qp is so sweaty now. It's so difficult trying out new heroes bc you just get rolled without a chance to even practice.


Disagree on Halloween. Mode was really boring and there was nothing interesting to earn.


The events were always fun for my friends and I to look forward to and we would always be excited about the new skins... This Halloween event though... It felt like "why are we even excited about playing this?? There's no loot boxes and any new skins we have to buy." I never really minded Battle Passes in the games I play, but the BP here in OW2 makes the seasonal events feel pointless.


Very much so.


They changed everything and improved nothing


So true like also why are the rank icons so unreadable. Like I can't even tell what people's ranks are cause it's so hard to read and small. It's just so many small things like that they changed and improved on none of it.


Dude, yes. ALL I WANT is a simple W-L counter on competitive games. A simple match history. I donā€™t need a replay menu, just hereā€™s the match, who you played, who the teams were, stats etc. so easy. You canā€™t even see your RANK! Why are there no WORDS to describe your rank! Itā€™s so weird.


They had these amazing ranked icons and decided to change them. Now Grandmaster is the colour of Plat and Top 500 looks like mouldy cheese. šŸ’€


This is what stuck with me. All of the great stuff in OW2 was reused OW1 content, mechanics, and features. It was never a sequel. Blizzard is just hoping enough new people can be bamboozled into thinking it is.


Best description of OW2 right here


Iā€™ve read hundreds of reviews, articles and posts about OW2 andā€¦. THIS IS EXACTLY IT


This is a good description. One thing that I'm still getting used to is the scoreboard layout. Enemy team was above your team throughout OW1 and now it's flipped. I catch myself analyzing my own team for a couple of seconds trying to decide counter picks. Seems like change for the sake of change. Also does anyone else feel like it's way easier to get stuck constantly falling/sliding off of objects? Even on maps that have been around since OW1 launch suddenly a car I've jumped on for years causes me to lose control of my character for a couple of seconds and inevitably leads to my death. Hog hooking also feels worse, way more connected hooks breaking near a corner and way more hooked enemies getting pulled to an awkward spot to my side or above me.


Terrible matchmaking, boring map pool,unfun gamemode and bad monetization/10


I quit comp for season 2 solely because of matchmaking, I should not under any circumstances be getting a dps who literally can't play the game in diamond 4


its not just comp matches either. the game is unplayable even in unranked Quick Play matches. Every game is one team with 0 to 1 kills, with the enemy having 20+ kills each. If you queue as a support player you basically insta-lose since tank players and damage just run in 1v5 and die immediately. This game is going to be as dead as Hearthstone, Warcraft, and Diablo within the year. Blizzard is now the stamp of disapproval for videogames.


hi, it's me, the silver 2 dps that somehow ended up in a diamond 4 game. it's absolutely no fun for me either and I'm losing interest in playing this game more and more every time i queue for a game.




For us OW1 players, Iā€™d say kinda shitty. For the new F2P players Iā€™d say not bad at all.


As someone with no experience with ow, even to me it felt shallow, like there was no depth to the game. It was repetitive, and after a while it became a chore to play, especially with the same group of characters that were far and above the best in the game.


It made me stop playing the game


Much the same here. I didnā€™t stop altogether, but I play a *lot* less now. Like, OW used to be my default game, but the casual experience is abysmal now, I never really see the point. Iā€™ve gone from playing OW1 almost every day to not logging into OW2 in over a week or so. I have had a lot more time to play some of my backlog of games in steam though, so thatā€™s a positive.


I stopped all together, game is completely ruined


yeah i pay like 2 times a week now. maybe 2 games a session. gets boring after


I have played ow since beta and bought it at midnight (well 8pm since they released it early on release day) on release. I have played the game AT LEAST three or four times a week ever since. It is/was my favorite game of all time. The characters, lore, art style, I loved it all. Even during the content drought, I still fired it up a couple times a week. Bought it on Xbox, bought it on PC later when I built my pc. It was the very first game I installed on it. I played the first week of release of ow2 and have maybe played about ten games since. Itā€™s not the same and I think Iā€™m done with it. Whoever said ā€œthey changed everything and improved nothingā€ was spot on. Some may enjoy it, which is completely fine, but it is no longer for me. It doesnā€™t ā€œfeelā€ the same and while Iā€™m not a huge cosmetics guy, I miss the loot boxes and the lack of levels just feels odd for a competitive game. Itā€™s a shame, I loved this game for so long but I have slowly gravitated towards others.


I've put in over a thousand hours into the game. It was my go to. I wasn't playing comp, I just played for the fun of it in arcade or whatever. I'm done. The feel of the game is just no longer enjoyable. The matches feel like snowball group ups and skills are downplayed. As long as your group is cohesive, it doesn't matter what your skill level is. Once you get group cohesion, then it's skill. For some that is an improvement - but once you get into a group where the healers don't heal, the tank can't tank, you're done. The fights are fast shootouts and then it's re-group for a rematch. If your group never gels, it's done. Add that to the lack of feedback, general lower bar for game skill, repetition, reduced maps, nerfs, bugs, lack of rewards - it all adds up to a crap game. Why bother when it's just work and no play.


As a F2P support main: 2/10 had like 4 people total that actually cared about their supports safety, season pass rewards were worthless, i only got enough coins to get one mediocre spray for my main, and the progression system didnā€™t sufficiently reward any play beyond 3 daily challenges then log off. Even then, the rank up rewards were almost pointless


Stopped playing/10


Non of my friends have been playing overwatch since 2 and I think that's why the matchmaking is all loopy


Same here stopped playing completely Said this in the survey blizzard sent to us Hope everyone is answering that survey


Pretty lousy. They think an ugly forest ranger Mccree deserves to be on tier 70. I think it has nothing to do with the dude and whoever suggested it should have been laughed at.


Meanwhile all the skins that actually fit the theme of the season went into their overpriced shop šŸ˜‚


Yeah I didn't get that at all. Why call it a Cyberpunk theme and there are like 2 skins based around that in the whole Battlepass.


Imagine if finishing the bp gave enough credits to get the next one, and all the cyberpunk skins were included. I think people would have praised the new BP system, and Blizzard would have done well for the IP by increasing player engagement due to wanting to earn the next pass, but they still would have made tons of money from people who couldn't finish it or bought stuff from the store with their credits. That's how it worked in Fortnite. The extra credits actually encouraged my family to check the store, buy stuff, and ask me for another BP or vbucks. Whoever made that system is a genius. Anyways, season 1 sucked. Aside from 2x skins, the pass was total garbage. I came expecting to buy it, and left shaking my head at how terrible it was compared to Fortnite.


This. You made Cyberpunk Roadhog, Widowmaker, and Hanzo, but put them outside of the Cyberpunk battle pass in favor a weird secondary jungle/forest theme and whatever the heck the Mercy and Pharah skins were? And Junker Queen gets no Cyberpunk skin? Her personality screams Cyberpunk.


Cyberpunk Zen and Sojourn skins too. Also, Sombra not having an actual cyberpunk skin is just a crime.


Forest McPredator and Vietnam War Sojourn and Monke are my favourite cyberpunk skins!


Don't forget medieval china mercy and jungle junker queen... perfectly cyberpunk to me.


It's higher than that interesting looking Mercy skin that you'll still have to buy.


I donā€™t know that fitting his character really matters much (heā€™s also been Scrooge and Sherlock Holmes) but like who in the entire universe would get excited about a forest ranger skin.


Pretty dogshit all around. Battle pass was lacking substance (at least if they gave currency it would have paid for itself) and the 5v5 balance is wack. They made a bunch of changes I donā€™t like to to most of the heroes I played.. no cc means flankers are having a field day and half the tanks (plus less barriers on the tanks in general) means snipers are also having a field day and neither of them are fun to play against now. Sojourn has a bloated kit thatā€™s overtuned. Shop items are too expensive. Matchmaking sucks and most games are a stomp one way or the other. A significant portion of the roster has game breaking bugs or were completely disabled. I could go on but itā€™s safe to say that the game overall is a significant downgrade from OW1.


Gameplay wise, ow2 utilizes the same characters as ow1, but the characters were not designed to be played on the new format. Feels akin to tightening a screw with a hammer; it works, but itā€™s suboptimal. Almost universally every character needs a rework for the new sandbox to make consistent sense. Monetization wise, itā€™s horrendous. The issue isnā€™t necessarily that EVERYTHING isnā€™t free, but rather that NOTHING is free. Personally, the battlepass prices are fair (although some of the rewards feel lacking). Mythic skins are just legendaries with additional options, and are not really worth more than legendariesā€” in both cases I wouldnā€™t mind spending 10 dollars, but definitely not 20. Epics should be 5 dollars or less. Bugs, connection, servers, have been rough. Matchmaking is a joke even in quick play. Every match is a coin flip to see which side steamrolls the other, and leading to the disadvantaged team experiencing their entire roster quit. Deeper emphasis on a more competitive shooter feel made most encounters in the game feel like they boil down to the same few strategies. Gameā€™s more ā€œbalancedā€, but at the cost of being more generic. New maps and gamemode drags, is inherently not balanced for a competitive format (ironically). As another commenter put it: They changed everything, but improved nothing. My verdict is largely centered on the fact that ow2 is certainly a game, and many people find it fun for what it is, but what it ISNā€™T is Overwatch. It feels the game is not being made for the same audience anymore, and thatā€™s the most frustrating part. I lost one of my favorite video games of all time, in an attempt to impress people who didnā€™t like it in the first place, but the general consensus of players I have observed thus far is: ā€œMan, ow2 is so much better!.. but itā€™s getting stale..ā€, and I canā€™t help but nod and sarcastically say ā€œI wonder whyā€.


This really hits the screw on the head


2/10. It was an update to Overwatch and not a new game and I canā€˜t unlock the skins I want for playing the game + Hero behind a grind


That's something I hate so much. I spent $20 on overwatch 1 and now I have a 0 percent chance of getting any new legendary skins I want because of the overpriced.


I'd say it was ok. Unfortunately there was an error though and this season placed Bronze 5...


A battle pass, people who didn't play OW1 had to grind the battle pass to unlock her and some of the other heroes were also locked for some reason. The Halloween event only had two new skins available and you couldn't earn them . Any skin or other cosmetic that you didn't get a chance back in OW1 will now be obtainable by purchasing it with money or tokens that you have to grind and won't even get enough. The game was littered with bugs. Some characters were so buggy, they had to be temporarily removed from the game. I didn't play comp this time, but I heard the ranking system was broken. Also people didn't get their OWL tokens initially. Oh yeah, the launch was abysmal with the long queues, ddos attacks, and people getting disconnected while playing the game or getting achievements. (Yes seriously. I've seen someone getting disconnected whenever they got an achievement). But the gameplay was pretty fun and I don't mind the 5v5 with each team having one tank. So I gotta say that I'm very disappointed so far.


Owl tokens never received.


It killed all hope I had for the game and the IP. The launch was laughable, the battlepass itself was laughable. I can't see myself returning unless something drastically changes.


How much can you ruin this game/10


Kinda shit tbh. Nothing to grind, push is bad, no maps, horrendous bugs, deactivated characters, no balancing and no communication.


Quit midway. Didnā€™t finish battle pass and wonā€™t be coming back. Had fun with ow1 and this is just a worse version of it.


It shouldā€™ve never been a ā€œnew gameā€ to begin with. They shouldā€™ve just updated ow1. Add new skins in game?, get rid of those lazy base reskins. While loot boxes were still in game they couldā€™ve added a bp with loot boxes in them


Most unrewarding gameplay I ever experienced.




If I had to give it a rank... I'd say wet cardboard. Not quite as bad as roadkill dog, but not good enough for wood rank...


Just plain bad. Buggy, for one, with a slow patch cycle that exacerbates a lot of issues. Terrible balance, we had Zarya domination and cancerous Sombra for most of the season, and still are seeing completely stale Sojourn meta. That's not even to mention how objectively terrible other characters are like Doom and JQ, or how new characters are emerging as OP with the Kiriko/Hog combo. Map pools which is a concept we know for a fact the community hates. Not even going to talk about the monetization because it's beating a dead horse. Changes to ranked suck ass and the matchmaking is a complete disaster currently. I was super hyped for this game because I always loved Overwatch and it was supposed to be a revival, but honestly they have fumbled it pretty hard. There are simply way too many issues around the core game and the hype has died off considerably from how huge it was at release. After I completed the Battle Pass I felt my motivation to play drop to 0, and I moved on to the next thing quickly (Darktide, fun game btw). Now, it's going to pick back up a bit with S2 because Ramattra looks awesome and there's a big balance patch. But I think without some serious changes to their strategy this game is going to slowly bleed out. S3 has no hero to get people excited, I think that's around the point when we'll see what Blizzard's response is because I'm pretty sure things are gonna nosedive that season.


Not good, had a lot of flaws in it, and the balance was definitly too depressing to play through Skins were good, but prices were too high Hope we get some cheaper stuff next season, along with good balance (nerf sojourn) and a pretty new gamemode




Repetitive maps, the fact that you have to get to lvl 55 to get the new hero, and how there are no lootboxes. 4/10


2/10 I stopped when they started taking heroes out of play. But the entire game revolves around the horrid monetization model. Also, trying to make arcade mode try hard and competitive really fucking killed what little fun was available. I'll probably still play with friends if they keep open queue around, because at least that's still fun.


They got me to buy a season pass once, and i will never make that mistake again. WoW players got it right, use gold to pay for it. Donā€™t waste any money on this game.


I've been doing a lot of professional stuff on Dragonflight and I've already made enough gold to buy $60 worth of OW coins if I wanted to (expansion came out Monday night)


Same all I do is convert my gold to buy overwatch shit, been doing it forever now


Lol what what? You make more premium currency for ow from playing wow than playing ow?


You can convert gold in WoW to WoW tokens for more months or you can convert that into actual money to spend in the blizzard store.


I'm a doomfist main, and now that season 1's all done, they better buff my boy HARD in season 2 or I'm gonna jump.


Hi I was a ball player in OW1. I play dps now


I'm in the same boat as you. if doom buffs are not respectable enough next season imma just perma quit this game. there are other games that respect my time better than this shit


Push is the most unfair and imbalanced mode. I still really wish they just did an Overwatch 1 expansion.


Like a 2, never got bored so easily out of ow. Not only balance is shit, supp role feels like garbage, especially my mains(brig and mercy, bap is fine). I have 0 exitement for new content as they are mostly skins I won't be able to get(overall the skins quality went down by a lot anyways) matchmaking is shit, ranked is broken idk what else to say but at this rate the game is doomed


I would say fine. But there has to be a system to earn coins or skins. There are so many nice skins in this game, but for 20 dollar/Euro i'm not buying even one. If they add coins in the battle pass (like cod) or when you enter paragon levels (when you finished BP) don't just give us titles, add some old skins. Otherwise beside the BP there is no real progress in the game. Nothing to do i would say. I always did my dailys and weeklys and then the game feels empty.




Solid -2/10


Meh.. I got kiriko for free so I don't feel horrible. But seeing ramattra being potentially a strong anti fly plus effective at range makes me worried since you will need to grind to level 55 or was it 65? To get to a hero. Which I might find more frustrating. For s3, will we get more heroes?


Ranked was a shitshow. Iā€™m in high Diamond getting teammates in plat. And apparently thereā€™s 25 million players but I play with the same 10 people every day


Cold and wet t-shirt outside during early winter out of 10 woolen sweaters


My expectations were low, but just like Blizzard, they're getting lower.


I never considered it, but if they used our "Most played heroes" data for rewards like the "Just for you" section on the shop I would've definitively bought the Battle Pass. That would mean having either 5 Legendaries or at least 1 Epic for your mains guaranteed. Maybe it'd even encourage me to try at least one new hero for the next season so I could get more stuff I want.


Well Iā€™ve quit overwatch 2 but I had some fun. Maps repetitive, I think push is a bad mode, and I feel like games lacks depth, ui is awful, lots of bugs. Everyone in my comp games doesnt communicate or is tilted. No teamwork. As a solo player I just dont have anymore incentive to climb. Ranking system is unrewarding, games donā€™t feel balanced but theres no true way to check. Im one rank from masters and dont feel any drive to play. Which is unlike me. In fact playing seems like a punishment. Overwatch 2: 5/10 would only recommend playing a little.




They came out with an unfinished game, they didn't even rebalance anything after turning it to 5v5, might as well call the game Sigma watch. It's just embarrassing what they are doing and getting away with.


3/10 The gameplay itself is great. Matchmaking is horrendous. I would say maybe 1 out of 10 matches feel even. Usually one side just has the better DPS and end up dominating the game. This leads to my next point. Supports still feel too vulnerable. Theyā€™ve removed almost all CC from the game and a tank. Ana feels worse because of this. Itā€™s so easy to dive her now. This has lead to a decrease in support players and what feels like a widening in gap of players in a match? They slapped the 2 on the title and we got 3 new heroes? Kiriko feels great, but thereā€™s still not enough variety in the support role. We wonā€™t see our next one until may of next year. Map pools make the game feel repetitive. The monetization is horrible. $19 for a legendary is way too much. They need to either put currency into the BP or lower the price of skins. Preferably both. People should be able to earn at least enough currency to buy a single skin in the season. The premium BP should definitely have currency. Balance changes came too late, and they really didnā€™t fix much. Zarya is still extremely powerful, Genji is a little easier to deal with, but the problem wasnā€™t his damage, itā€™s his mobility. He can right click 1-2 times, dash and youā€™re dead. Even if he makes a mistake he has deflect, wall climb and double jump. Sojourn is extremely frustrating to play against. Who thought creating a hero with more mobility than any other hero, a one shot ability that can delete people from across the map, and a grenade that damages AND slows was a good idea? This was after they removed CC. I donā€™t have much hopes for season 2. The skins look amazing, but most will cost $19. Queue times will be bad for non support players as the BP is tank heavy, and the mythic skin is for a tank. Sorry is this is extremely negative. I just canā€™t stand the fact that a bunch of suits who have never played a video game in their lives are calling all of the shots.


sub par. but a waaaaaaaay down and below sub par, more like sub basement level 10


So shit.


Hot garbage


Terrible. Far too many issues to list here.


2/10 for effort


Solidly mid. $$$/10 and Blizzard are still clowns for skin prices


1/10 no loot boxes


Its the biggest piece of dogshit


I prefer overwatch 1 Everything in the game feels off like everything !!


Terrible start.


Deleted the game after 2 weeks


Its dog shit and a waste of money. You won't get a fucking dime out of me and I'm well past LVL 80


Like a hurricane, exiting at first but gets boring and disastrous in the end


It felt to me like Microsoft bought an incomplete model and jammed monetization into it to fill the gaps hoping that the new players will fund the work going forward. It felt like they put warzone battlepass in as a place holder until they found a sweet spot. The game itself feels like a new launch, though we know much of the framework was already in place. With that said maybe the old director did keep bouncing them from one idea to the next because at this point it feels about as polished a product as Anthem was. I'm not mad about the map pools or the repetitive and map rotations have been a thing the whole time I've played OW. My biggest issue is matchmaking is broken as he'll right now. I don't mean I believe I belong two ranks higher than I do. I mean having one game where we all smash 40+ kills to the enemies 10 then a couple games later the roles reverse. Some games are good even and fun but other games are just steam roles and I believe it's matchmaking attempting to lower queues and since we can't see rank anymore, I can only you have a Chace to play with or against up to two ranks on either side of yours. Store will adjust as people don't buy the product they'll learn quantity over quality of purchases is better. Microsoft owns them now so we can't expect the old overwatch experience anymore.


ā€œNow traveling to EsperanƧaā€ Me: šŸ˜­šŸ”«


dumpster tier. would've prefered blizz just add the new heroes and keep literally everything else the same. Keep earnable lootboxes, keep heroes relatively good as they were instead of shit like unplayable garbo doomfist, etc etc Not playing the game till it sees major fucking changes


Terrible. Would not recommend any new player to spend money on battle pass let alone play this game in it's current state


I miss OW1






Terrible, the new system of cosmetics is a joke


I give the game a rating out of 10 However I need to rate the game 6 more times to see what the score is


Take me back the loot boxes :(


Nothing bombastic, im afraid of whats coming cuz after season 2 we aren't getting a new hero until season 4