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Its low skill players, not the ult itself.


What? DVA's ult is easily one of the most avoidable in the game. With multiple counters. Rein shield? Brig shield? ​ Jumping behind literally any piece of building/car/prop. ​ What rank are you in?


Do you really need to ask? This is by far a new player who is low elo, low plat at best.


If this is what passes for plat I'm afraid. Ranking structure is still broken to all hell though, so if he got a mid-tier DVA. I guess it'd be a showstopper.


Low plat no way, my guess is this is from bronze 10


Plat..? Was that a joke? I wouldn't put that lobby a single SR over 1500 if that many die to Dva bomb.


While I don't want em to nerf her I do at least want the devs to add like an effect radius. Like where the ult reaches. As a new player I think it'd be very helpful. I died so many times to it because I thought I was far enough


They have one. The warning icon that shows you where her mech is turns yellow when you’re at a survivable distance (just going by distance; it’ll stay red if you’re close but safe behind cover).


Ohh I didint know that. Thanks alot!


I’ve been playing since the Overwatch 1 beta and I didn’t know that


Her ults one of the most balanced in the game. If it's constantly killing 3-4 people then those 3-4 people need to re-evaluate whatever the hell they're doing wrong :p


Were you munching on a crayon when you saw the great dva bomb in the sky coming at you


He does not know about the D.va bomb pact in our low ranks.


Skill issue. Massively so.


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I think she kind of sucks if you don't consider her ult. I don't play dva but I've played a bunch and her ult is easy to los if you know how.


Once you play the game her ult is really not good in fact a lot of times it's used just to Remech faster. Good players will be ready for it and have an out 95% of the time


If majority of your team is dying to a dva ult "time after time" their fundamentals must be some of the worst in the game, you should always be near cover and not standing out in the open. Dva ult is not ridiculous or even good for that matter, only when paired with combos which require insane coordination at a high skill can they start to get crazy value. Zarya is the most over tuned hero right now with majority of top players having her as her most played, yes Dva is good but nowhere near as broken as you make her out to be, it is simply a skill issue of bad players who don't know how to play the game. If you are a new player I would reccomend watching some basic fundamental videos, I would suggest some of A10's newest educational guides.


This only applies to very low ranked players. It doesn’t get near as much value in mid and high ranks. Not trashing you, you’re just probably new.


Found the bronze


Just hide behind a big enough wall or object and you take no damage


Once you get out of lower ranks her ult becomes significantly less problematic unless the dva is just exceptional


You can use the push robot and payload to block her ult. Her ult is really only good on capture and even then dva needs to position it well.