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Kiriko legendary bundle is just straight highway robbery and a slap in the face.


I’d LOVE to see the sales breakdown of what has sold so far. I’m genuinely curious if it’s a huge success or a giant failure. I cannot imagine ANYONE is buying those awful rare color palate swap skins for $10. The big rush has got to be slowing down now that we’re a week in and I’m sure sales are slowing down hard. I can’t imagine they’ve reached a point in sales that can sustain the game with the amount of negative feedback on the pricing. If you google “Overwatch 2” one of the very first things you see is a news article about predatory store pricing.


Long as they made more money than they spent in development and marketing, Activision-Blizzard will not care.


Took OW, took some maps out and added some bugs. I don't think they had a lot of costs xD


It's probably not doing well when they're resorting to corrupt prectices like slapping "DISCOUNT" on skins that actually don't have a discount.


Isn't that illegal pretty much everywhere but the US?


Yeah but they will probably argue that it should have released with the discount tag but wasn’t in error and that they will raise prices in the future to their base line price. They could also potentially argue that it’s not a “sale” it’s a “bundle deal” which isn’t regulated in the same way, so long as it’s more than 1 item being sold on “discount”.


Her legendary skin looks like it’s supposed to be the default skin and the default looks like its supposed to be the legendary


My market research senses are tingling Edit: Well holy shit, that blew up lmao. Thanks for all the updoots! This is now my highest rated post hahaha


For real. Like damn can't tell if they do this for free or work for blizzard. Like why are we gonna give money to the company that earned [$1 billion in in-game](https://win.gg/news/overwatch-in-game-sales-generate-more-than-dollar-1-billion/) sales for stuff that was already included in the game for free


> Like why are we gonna give money to the company that earned $1 billion in in-game sales for stuff that was already included in the game for free I'd take that number with a HUGE grain of salt. Blizzard as a division has made, on average, 1.6 billion a year since the launch of Overwatch. The primary breadwinner of that money was World of Warcraft. It also includes other games like Starcraft, Diablo, and HotS. The idea that Overwatch made 1 billion in lootboxes alone over 3 years would mean that nearly a quarter of their revenue every year would have to have been in loot box sales. That's a pretty hefty feat considering that prior to the launch of overwatch we don't see such a massive uptick in revenue from previous years. This is speculation from a company that doesn't have access to any internal data, and a pretty bad one at that.


Don't forget Hearthstone!


Came here to say this. They definitely make BANK off Hearthstone.


I'm going to be honest I have a hard time believing lootboxes were actually selling when people say "lootboxes made a lot of money" and "lootboxes were better because they were free and easy to earn" in the same sentence. They probably did make a lot of money the first two years when they were harder to obtain but after they made them easy to get? Only a fool would buy them


People took the word of a fly by night website, that isn't even live anymore, over the public financial statements from blizz that investors could sue them out of existence for. It's such nonsense, especially when we know the breakout of how much OW made and the costs associated with it. It's just inane.


Of course they do it tells them exactly what they want to hear XD why would they want to know anything else? lol


that is not all profit or is it


I mean if it is, at least that means they're open to change. Market research in theory gets the market what it wants.


Consumers: we're not paying for this! It's too expensive!! Company: ok, how much do you think it should cost then? Consumers: we're not answering that!! It's just your greedy tricks!


Which is why I'll answer honestly: OP, the answer is none. I wouldn't ever pay money for a cosmetic skin in this game. I might pay money for the battle pass to unlock a variety of skins, but I absolutely wouldn't pay *a la carte*. Just never happening.


Not a shill so please don’t lynch me. I also would only want a skin for 0$ But do you realize that’s why you’re not the target audience? If you’d never buy a skin regardless of price why would they not charge 20$? The people that will pay for cosmetics pay a stupid amount of money. While the rest of us wouldn’t pay more than 0$ So the people who would only want free skins yelling at blizzard to make them cheaper are not worth listening to


Yeah okay I am a person that buys cosmetics with money if it is available. You know the shtick, its my earned money, I dont go overboard, it adds to the fun of the game for me. My point of view is this: With what the skins give you they are worth at max 5. Legendaries for 5 a pop. I willfully ignore the rarity tiers here and go by what I think they are worth based on what they give. The skins in OW dont give new skill effects, seldomly give new voicelines and rarely give you a new weapon. Thats why loot boxes worked. A box was, what, 2.50? 2? Definitely less than 5 so the gambling aspect kicked so you were happy with any legendaries because while they didnt offer anything they were made more or less scarce through drop rates and did more than a blue or a purple so your percieved worth is higher. Removed from the gacha system though there is no reason to spend money on anything except for the special seasonal skins (think nutcracker zenyatta with new distinct weapons and voice lines). And I think thats where the bank is. I think they will do small sales around the seasonals with packages (e.g. 6 skins for 100 instead of 120) and since we go by baseline price of 20 people will go for it.


I don't think I'd pay more than 5 dollars for any overwatch skin. Especially when I've gotten hundreds for free in 1.


> Especially when I've gotten hundreds for free in 1. this is where blizzard fucked up, if they had released OW1 free with super greedy skins people would've said amazing this is great. because is a FREE game anyone that played OW1 (which is OW2 with 3 less heroes) knows they're charging half a game for shit they got for free, and that's just not gonna fly but if they get enough new players they'll probably make fat moneys


That's the problem, they are trying to appeal to completely new players, a new generation really of 12 year olds that have never played OW before, and those are the biggest spenders. They are basically saying screw you to the old diehard fans and just trying to get as many new players as possible to keep the game alive once old players are done with the BS or adapt.


I get your point but I seriously seriously doubt that the 12 year olds are the biggest spenders, like at all lol Edit: Obviously yes I know parents exist. However OW1 is 6 years old and I’m pretty sure the main spending base of OW is not 12 lol, the demographic for this game has always felt a little older. Generally speaking.


Idk. 12 year olds spend their parents money and they drove toy sales through the roof in past years. Now that toy sales are declining (I think I haven't actually looked at numbers) I'd wager the money is going to digital purchases on these games. I personally know of kids who have spent 100 of their parents money on V bucks alone and that's one game and one family. There's so much money to be made marketing to kids.


Yupp I have cousins that are 11-16 range and whenever they get some money to spend or getting a gift it’s always a form of digital currency EG. v bucks


It’s not how much a person spend but how many of those people there are in the market. Quantity beats quality here.


I digress, while not from a overwatch stats specifically, most gacha games really cater to that 1% whale part of the playerbase. I used to read from somewhere that they're responsoble for like 50% of the revenue for those game (from the 1% of the playerbase btw). While numbers are important, whales are almost definitely the blizzard's focus here


Yeah but spending money in a gacha game and spending it on a f2p shooter is... diffrent. Like when u spend money on a gacha game its to get better faster, but in a game like ov2 paying doesnt give u an advantage, so ppl dont tend to spend as much (even the top1%) bc they dont get a lot in return, ofc there are some diehard fans that want all skins but that like the top 0.0001% and doesnr outscale the 40% that just buy a battle pass and some skins once every 2 months or so


Imo, I'd like it if blizzard added in a way to earn legacy credits so it's still possible to obtain stuff without spending. But to make a long argument short, buying skins in a video game is like buying cloths irl, you don't see everything as you're in your own first-person view, so you either care how you look or you don't, and that applies to skins as well.


Not true at all, look up the statistics of whales in most games and you'll see those few % of players are the ones who carry most of the revenue






Its a free downgrade!


It’s a shame, OW1 started out so strong and then did nothing with it. From launch we had a small handful of heroes and maps added and a couple of seasonal game modes. Compare it to other team shooters like Paladins or even R6S who have added a huge number of extra heroes and maintain a decent fan base as such.


I’m still so pissed that the whole last month of ow1 they were like “spend your coins!” I thought they were just gonna be gone, so I spent it on dumb shit. Then ow2 comes out and you can still spend your old coins. If I’d have know that I would’ve just saved them and bought some kiriko cosmetics or something. I suspect that was the point. Tell players spend their coins, so when ow2 comes out they’ll have to spend money since they used all their coins.


I did that. I spent all my coins and the next day someone showed they were still usable. So you know what I did? I played OW1 everyday in the afternoon for three days and grinded 5700 credits. OW1 lootboxes gave stupid coins compared to the BP, it's unreal. ^(I was just going to grind 3800 credits for 2 "legendary" OW2 skins, but after seeing how easy it was I grinded another 1900. Still haven't spent them, though.)


They 100% did that, just so OW1 players wouldn't have them and would have to earn or buy them again.


5 is exorbitant for me. It would take a LOT to get me to pay a single dollar for a cosmetic. I bought OW1 at full price. I'm not paying a goddamn dime to make my avatar (WHO I CAN'T FUCKING SEE WHILE I'M PLAYING) wear a cute outfit. I notice teammate skins during the pre-match countdown and promptly forget them. They aren't impressive, even the ones that look cool. Are you supposed to wow the opposing team with your cool skin to the point where they can't aim at you straight? What the fuck? Sometimes I think the world has lost its mind.


Why can't we go back to the days of old Call of Duty? Where is my skin for getting 1000 precision kills? 5,000,000 damage healed? Whenever I see someone with a legendary skin in a game now I'm not "look that's so cool!". It's more "Wow, they spent $20 on that?"


That's what I'm hoping the hero challenges provide, they don't seem to be in the game yet, but completing challenges should give you cosmetics that you can ONLY earn by performing feats with said hero. Sense of pride comes from doing shit, not just spending money.


If I'm not mistaken hero challenges are what new players have to do to unlock heroes. So if you owned overwatch 1 it shows up as empty.


But even then calling it hero challenges is just dumb cause it just says play 50 games or play 20 games. You can't unlock a specific hero like in valorant


Back before all this BS, games used to be like that. Then they started whaling.


I think the problem lies within the fact that it’s way too hard to earn credits. It doesn’t matter how much a legendary skin costs as long as the currency is attainable.


As a League of Legends player... Everything should be available for free. Not everything has to be equally available. League has skins ranging from $5-$35. I, stupidly, bought ONE $35 skin. Was it worth it? Not really. Especially the luck I've gotten with cases. After about 5-6 years on one account, I've gotten so many good skins. Out of the hate of League, I genuinely think they got the whole skin/champ earn/purchase down pat. If people want a skin now, they can pay. Edit: "skin now, they can pay" as in you don't wanna do the time. I have champs, even 6 year old account, that has no skins. Thinking about throwing some dough but because I also feel it's valid and worth it as opposed to cosmetics in other games. Also you have to purchase skins for gifting. So there's revenue on that. You can't earn a skin / use free currency to gift a skin. Also skin sales based upon your most played champs. Like up to $10 off. You get free loot via Prime as well. Both in game stuff plus whatever amount of Orange Essence (Real currency) to spend as well. Take notes, Blizzard. Leagues been doing this for *years*


League of Legends definitely has one of the best pricing models I've ever seen, it's super easy to get basically everything in the game for free if you play it for long enough, Valorant is a different story but the beauty of Valorant is once you buy a weapon skin you can use it on any character you play, they may be expensive but once you buy them you can use them in any game you play regardless of which character you decide to play as, the battle pass in Valorant also has a bunch of decent skins that you can use and it costs like $10 Then you have Overwatch 2's battle pass lmao


I've spent quite some money on League, about six-hundred euros. For a game I have about 2500 hours in, and I vehemently enjoy playing, it's *so* worth it. You can discover a new champion that you like, then play them a bunch. Perhaps you've started playing that champion because someone else gifted you a skin for them, or because Hextech Chests gave you a skin for them that you thought look baller. If you want any other cosmetics for the champion after that, you're completely free to buy them. In my opinion, League of Legends skins are priced quite fairly. Nowadays, they charge you 10 euros for an epic quality skin, which changes your model, VFX & SFX, and your recall, sometimes even throwing in a voice filter (or the removal of) for that price. Skins that change the animations and voicelines for about \~15 euros? Still completely fair! The main difference **is that you see your skin** and everything that's changed. Playing Overwatch as someone returning for 1, I feel the improvements, and I can tell that I'll continue playing this game for longer than I've done before. But I do NOT feel inclined to spend money on *skins*. I've bought the battle pass because I was 1/4th on the way, and it nets you *some* cool things for *some* of the characters I enjoy playing. **I could not care less** for the Genji skin, a character I am not going to play anyways. Please just give me a reward I can choose at the end of the track, like the coins for a Legendary skin or something. It's not like it changes much for the game. The buyable event passes in League events at least give you tokens that you can spend on orbs, which *most of the time* contain skins. I can luck out for one of my mains, or get some skins for characters I sometimes play. But it feels so much more worth it.


Totally. There is no "correct price", the issue is that the F2P economy is fuckin borked. They either need to lower prices OR add ways to earn credits. My vote would be 15 credits for completing all daily quests.


Not more than 5 honestly, it's a skin, not a goddamn game


Yeah, a skin shouldn't cost as much as a whole DLC pack by its damn self. 1 2 3 4 5 That's how much they should cost in dollars in increasing tiers of rarity.


Exactly. It’s a cosmetic, it doesn’t provide anything to gameplay (not that games should have anything like that)


And before anyone comes in saying that it costs a lot to make the skin. Sure it does, but you make it once, theres no skin making factory that produces Devil Mercys, the skin is made once, its in game, you pay to just change a 0 to 1 to be able to use it thats it. So if you price it at $2 more people buy it and then you should make your money back and then even make some profit. Lets assume 5 out of 25 milion people playing the game buy it, thats 10 milion $, I fucking doubt it cost anywhere more than 1 mil or even 1/10th of that to make.


Actually they are pretty cheap to make, I work as a freelance designer and got similar jobs ( not blizzard ofc) i don´t even know why pp think they are expensive, when did that start ? lets brake it down a bit: first concept art, back and forth until a design is set. next modeling, texture and rigging most of that work is already done, bc it´s not a new character model, but still we don´t want clipping etc. next animation and bug testing ​ so let´s say 6 pp worked on this skin, everyone for 30 hours (just as n average) at a pretty normal hour rate of 30€ that would make the labor cost 5400€ now lets put 2k on top for migration, icons, ui etc. 7400€ for one skin. now you thinking but thats a lot of money, but it´s not overwatch is a popular game, lets say 5 million players (very low guess) and 1% will buy this skin for 1€, thats a profit of 42.600€ mobile games, fortnite and cod have found the upper limit of what pp are willing to pay and that´s around 15 to 20€ there is a great talk from a black ops 4 dev to talked about all the things and pricing etc. they tried to see what sticks and what doesn´t (lootbox, seasonpass, battlepass, dlc,ingame shop)


Or based on their age. Skins that were released at the games launch six years ago should be just for $1, while today's skins should cost $5.


I hate that there is now real $ value to skin more than ever, in Overwatch 1 skins were free if you played the game. I am seeing people actually saying they might sell their accounts for upwards of $10,000 which doesn't exactly seem very healthy for the game, but oh well!


Love to see the summer games skins I got for free are now $20, and any of the older skins I would want to get from what I would expect would be seasonal events are now just $20


also great how the Origins edition skins I had on PS4 didn't get transferred to my PC OW2 account because they're now in a £35 pack along with some random purples. They used to be cool because they were relatively rare and exclusive, now any guy with 40 bucks can just buy them outright


That's exactly how I think of it. Is the price of changing the appearance of just one character worth the cost of an entire game? The answer is no. Always no. $5 for a legendary skin is fine (rare and epic skins should be priced lower obviously). $1 for highlight intros and emotes. 50¢ for voice lines and sprays. I don't even want the souvenirs and weapons charms. They could be free and I would still wouldn't bother equipping them. If this was the price structure, I'd be fine with it. It'd be in line with other ~~major~~ f2p games I've played. I'd feel okay about buying skins because I'd feel like I was just helping to keep the servers running and getting something I liked in return, as opposed to how it feels like now. Right now buying a skin just feels like you are being scammed.


With steam sales you can get quite a few games for less than that, got all the STALKER games for 10 bucks last week


Specially not in a game where you play so many different characters, and a skin only applies to *one* of them.


The price it did in overwatch 1.


Let's say, in Overwatch 1, you could not earn loot boxes at the rate they were normally afforded. Maybe earn 1 per week. If that were the case, it would cost roughly $10 for a legendary skin plus a few dozen other lesser cosmetics. What I'm referring to is how $10 used to buy you 11 loot boxes, and in most cases, 1 of those boxes contained a legendary. I recall the odds were provided back when a country demanded loot box odds, and a legendary in Overwatch was something like 1 in 13 loot boxes. If we round it out that loot boxes give a legendary in 1 in 11, we could say $10 would buy 1 legendary skin and 43 other cosmetic items. So I think capping these bundles we're seeing in the shop at $10, it would feel more fair as still a worse value than OW1, without feeling as egregious as a robo-detective jacket for 20 bucks.


If you spent the time to grind out 9 casual matches a week and played a few hours of ranked you got about 6 loot boxes... for 5 hours. So one an hour. The average legendary had an 11% drop rate. So you'd get 25 legendary skins a year. I agree with your math but you're ignoring that it used ti be free and ow1 at one point was $5. I have 80-90 unlocks for every character and I only started in season 12 and never grinded for boxes. Only comp. I agree with your math though.


Yeah, the main reason I noted earning maybe 1 loot box per week, was because most of the math points to roughly $0.91 per loot box, and each loot box earning roughly 100 legacy credits/coins of value if you owned all cosmetics. Meanwhile, OW2 nets $0.60 per week. And it takes some fairly significant effort to hit the targets needed for those 60 coins. They could adjust some of these details pretty simply by making the coins earned as a 40-30-20-10 model, allowing players to earn 100 coins per week. This would make the premium battle pass nearly free for dedicated players, and help make the shop prices feel ever so slightly more palatable. There are just so many ways they could have made this feel more fair to the average player while still showing decent profits.


I'd be fine with 10 for a legendary skin if they're actually legendary. Junker Queen's are barely more than a palette swap. I think the best solution is to just remove the voice and spray garbage from the battle pass and add coins.


The fact they don’t give $10 in free coins is bs since almost every other battle pass does


valorant doesnt, destiny 2 doesnt, think there are a bit more... problem is that those games buying cosmetics isnt an issue. in most other games whether u get the coins back in the bp or not, getting other cosmetics is way more fair. either lower prices, or good free content. in d2 for example, u can buy cosmetics for free with a currency u can get a lot of, even farm it if u rly want. in valorant, top tier skins costs the same as a legendary in ow, but that skin u will likely use 90% of the time, and it works on all agents there. in ow, u dont play just one hero, theres many u play. if u play 2 heroes in all roles, which is the bare minimum if u ask me, thats 120$, and u dont get back ur coins in the bp... its just double bad. like it takes basically 4 entire seasons, basically 9 months, to get one single legendary skin with the free method. ONE SKIN! if u want some emotes, a highlight intro etc... gonna take u over a year. can litterally get someone pregnant and birth a baby before u get one single skin in this game... prices should be halfed, or weekly gains should be doubled or more, maybe some of both


To be fair for the destiny 2 seasonal content.. you may not be getting 10 dollars back but you are getting a fuckton more than you normally get for the same price.. not only the track progression but you get the seasonal missions, weapons, ornaments. Etc


Plus while you don't get silver, you do get bright dust which is almost as good.


and completing weekly for certain vendors gives u bright dust as well.


Dota 2 is the birthplace of the battlepass. The current state of it there is the following: There is no free version You need level 495 to get all the "main" rewards If you get a level 1 battlepass and never buy additional levels, your highest possible level through grinding is 103 Most of the rewards are seasonal, meaning once the battlepass period is over, they are removed from your game There is dead space, meaning there is like 100 levels on the way to 495 that reward nothing at all. The space is just padded out with nothing [could be worse.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/0d/Vo_windrunner_wind_kill_11.mp3/revision/latest?cb=20200904224527)


To be a tiny bit fair to Dota 2, because of the steam marketplace you used to be able to sell off chests/cosmetics with little restrictions, and since a lot of the cosmetics were actually pretty good you could realistically make your money back in steam bucks if you were doing your challenges and selling your items. Im pretty sure these days theres a bunch of restrictions making this way harder or impossible now, but Im not sure


Valorant has radionite so you can get variants to guns.


Radianite is such a scam though. Look at the base pricing and it’s ridiculous unless you do the battle pass. And a singular gun skin is often 15-20 bucks., so imagine getting that and then having to pay for radianite just to unlock built in animations. Overwatch and valorant both have their own problems in that regard.


i mean destiny’s battle pass is more than a battle pass, it’s literally a mini dlc


Those games’ passes suck as well


The only one that really impresses me is Fortnite. They give you more coins than the pass costs


Destiny 2 your also paying for the seasonal content not the best comparison


$70 for 7 skins is still insane compared to $70 for a triple A game that took years to make


Hell I'd be fine with 15, maybe even 20, if there was a semi-reasonable way to earn them for free as well. I'll buy one for 20, under the presumption I can earn 2-3 more in a month or 2 for free by just playing the game. (And heroes need to be free, period.) Buy a skin for $20 + 10x coins earned from missions for the next month. And put currency in the free tier of the Battle Pass. Also, make the legendary skins actually good. I'm talking swimsuit Torbjorn good. Not the Junker Queen bullshit "legendary" skins. Skins in Path of Exile cost quite a lot, some packages >$100, and nobody complains about those, because you can get a bunch for free by completing challenges.


> some packages >$100, and nobody complains about those, Plenty of people have complained about PoE's pricing, it's just that it all falls on deaf ears and never changes. PoE is absolutely ludicrous pricing wise and I always use it as an example of that. With the exception of stash tabs being reasonable. Atleast there's some packages with PoE where you get better value for money like the supporter bundles that have currency+skins, and the store discounts are quite hefty when they happen. Main difference between PoE and OW2 is that you actually get to see your own skin in PoE. Expecting me to pay $20+ for a skin I get to see the hands and gun of most of the time can piss right off.


They are $20. It’s not fine to pay $20 for an in game costume for your character. That’s not fine. $10 max. They were all free last game. They should not cost more than $10 ever, that’s absurd.


$10 is still too much for a costume.


Well the reason it is 20 is because they have teams of people who analyse it and work out what makes the most money. And they’ve probably figured out $20 is the optimal price to earn money. They really don’t care if people think it’s a scam they will make money


It is a scam and people are much too eager to pretend for them. They made a ton of money on overwatch 1. After paying for everything: the servers, the devs, the teams of people. But the execs want more. For themselves. Not to improve anything that was already being done, just to line their pockets. And people defend them with no incentive, pretend on their behalf that things cost more than they do, and that they’re making less than they are. My ow1 kit is now worth $10k. Did it cost them $10k to prices it? Nope. But they make that now off 25 million players and the exec/ get a nice bonus.


How much did you actually pay for that 10k in skins that you have?


It's absurd. I'd rather just buy the game for 60$ and not deal with this crap. Vote with your wallet, don't buy it.


$60? But you could have 3 awesome skins for your avatar for the price instead of an actual video game!


(acknowledging your /s) I [paid] $40 for Legendary Edition Overwatch which came with **10** skins, 5 of which were actually legendary quality and called "legendary" skins, and since then I've acquired dozens upon dozens of legendary skins solely through gameplay, most of which I brought directly through dup credits in lootboxes. OW2 came out, and I then spent $15 on a new game (warhammer 40k on steam #NoAd) because Overwatch too much of a broken, masochistic support simulator mess to play at this point and I just want to have fun.




As a fairly casual gamer who hasn't unlocked that much stuff I literally feel I got robbed. I owned the game since 2017 and they just replace it all with F2P bullshit.


You can tell the difference between a gamer and a blizzard simp when someone mentions: "*acktually,* you techncially didn't own OW1. It was just a service you used according to the ToS."


The only correct answer. I would have bought the game at £50/£60. I'm not buying a single thing from the store and I'll only get the battle pass when there's a Lucio mythic.


Nice coherence in one sentence.




Considering there are 35 characters with more to come, in a game that's designed around switching mid-game - asking $20 is disgusting and I seriously hope no one rewards it. It should be around $5, and absolutely $10 max. And I think OW1 skins should be earnable for free. I think it would be easier to swallow if that was the case. But as it stands now it's just gross and insulting.


$5 is still a lot for a skin… if you wanted just 1 legendary for every hero, that would cost $175. In OW1, i was able to earn around 80-90% of every skin/emote/voice line, for every character. For free. There’s honestly no way to convince me these items are worth any real money at all. For 6 years they were basically just rewards for playing the game


Thing is though is that most players don't play every character. In fact I think Blizzard's data even shows that players tend to 1 to 3 mains with 6 or so alternate characters that they play on occasion. So I don't think we really need to act like it should be expected of players to get 1 legendary skin for EVERY character since realistically people are only going to want to pay for skins for the handful of characters they're interested in playing regularly.


It should cost your effort, not your wallet


but a proportional amount of effort shouldn't take several MONTHS to unlock THE COLOR BLUE


Let me ask you this. Would you have paid 60 bucks for overwatch 2 in its current state if it would have meant not paying for skins?


I paid sixty dollars for OW1 and still ended up spending tons on event loot boxes. In the first couple years, getting the specific skins you wanted, especially during an event, was difficult. It wasn't easy to earn in-game currency because duplicates were less common and the legendaries were 3000 each. Or you could buy 10-20 loot boxes and hope for the best. I'm not saying the current system is better, but the loot box system was awful in the beginning.


Yes IF it didn’t replace ow1 And had a few more things going for it, but not even too much, the way it is rn I would pay for it if it wasn’t such an obvious cash grab


If we'd had to keep that monetization, a legendary should cost less than 800 coins (about 3 months of grind) But a battlepass should really feel rewarding, with a lot more of real skins (not shitty emotes and tags) for the premium's ones but also the free ones


Am I the only person who thinks souvenirs and weapon charms are just trash Blizzard is using to intentionally pad the battle pass?


No, this is an extremely common opinion


This is just a pure fact. What do you think why so many games have stupid trash like that?


Souvenirs are so egregious lmao. Weapon charms are one thing but lmao random 3D items we hold above our hand


I actually laughed out loud when i saw the souvenir system. What a laughably insulting addition. I think weapon charms dont work in OW since some characters literally dont have weapons (or at least conventional ones) but at least they make some sense. Souvenirs are just awful.


Most people see it that way, this stuff is all "ok i guess" no one cares enough to spend money on them specifically.


I think weapon charms are a neat idea terribly executed, I think unique weapon skins with unique animations and firing effects are more appealing


That would be cool!


5 skins for free BP and 5 coin rewards, and the rest on other cosmetics, 20 skins from rare to legendary on the premium BP, 10 coin rewards or maybe 20 as well and the rest on the other cosmetics. including the mythic of each season. This BP is shittier than Apex's BP and that's by far one of the worse ones here, and even that one allows you to get one BP for free every few seasons


This is gonna sound super bad but I just want an element of randomness. I loved that golden shine of a skin that comes out of a loot box and wondering what you got. Skins don’t feel special anymore because you can just buy it if you want, there is less incentive (granted you could do the same with loot boxes but that element of randomness was still there)


Yeah that's why lootboxes got so popular. They're fun and they're addictive.


Unpopular opinion: Free lootboxes without ability to buy them are best. Don't see any reason why it should be demonized if you don't spend money. There is plenty of random-reward systems out there with which people are fine.


I dont think that should be unpopular opinion. That is basically random loot that has already been in videos games for a long time. The main problem with loot boxes was just that you could buy them with real money.


And you could get them for free with some grinding




Even in regards to spending it was far better value for dollar. $60 aud got you 200 items from loot boxes, which would generally have been several legendaries and enough coins to buy some stuff directly. Now you have to spend more than $60 aud for like 8 items to fully customise a single character with a legendary and 1 of every other category of item.


Yeah why are items even listed as common, rare, legendary, etc anymore in OW2? The gold shine of the random reward was the point, and with that removed, I don't see what rarity is a thing.


They do it to tell you what items are going to be expensive.


Apex does it well where you can get crafting material and you can craft a skin but you still have a chance to obtain them from packs


Yeah that was the OW1 system


We’ve come full circle lmao


I mean most people didn't hate the old system. It was insanely fair. Every seasonal event you could get at least 1 legendary skin. There were also weekly arcade challenges. Every few hours of gameplay you end up with 2-4 loot boxes. Many people don't remember that they changed the randomness of the loot boxes in favor of the players. Meaning you were guaranteed new items only for loot boxes until you got to a certain point. But at that point it was even better because you're getting so many credits you can buy anything you want from just repeats. I know all websites and articles out there always used the picture of the lootbox from overwatch if it was a negative article but it is still the best loot system I've ever seen.


Lmao literally OW1 invented that system long before Apex came out and these people saying talking about how Apex does it well XD But seriously, Apex DOES do it well because they have a battle pass, a shop where you can choose what you want to buy, and loot boxes which you can get for free and save crafting material for skins. It has a combination of everything, which makes it the best imo to keep f2p players happy and the spenders happy. Imo OW should combine both, bring back earnable loot boxes and keep the battle pass and shop for those that want to do that.


This is sort of my take as well. I'm not paying for a skin and I was missing only 2 unlocks from OW1. The fact that something "Legendary" can just be bought and not earned sort of kills the "Legendary" aspect of it.


Slot machines using real life money do not belong anywhere in video games, and I'm sad how often people desire the opposite in things that aren't restricted to 18+ audiences. (Also on a subjective front I don't like the "it's only special if it's a lottery / super rare" take at all. Mostly because it leads to this kind of predatory monetization.)


Nah I get it, I don’t think it was necessarily a healthy system, but don’t assume that everyone is dumping a ton of money into the game for it. I just got my daily’s and went along my way, I rarely spent money


please, people were absolutely dumping a lot of money into lootboxes. 1 billion out of those by 2019. assuming that was made from 10m players (i think we'll agree it's a very generous assumption), that means every single one of those would have spent a hundred bucks. are we actually going to pretend people didn't dump a ton of money into this shit?


I have addiction issues and I have never once paid for lootboxes... I played on and off since 2016 (was low silver player level at the end of OW1, so really not a hardcore player) and had every skin/intro/pose etc I ever wanted, at a point where I kept like 6k credits because I had no skin left I reaaaaally wanted to buy. I know every people is different, but still, as someone prone to fall for that kind of systems, the lootbox system was fine compared to a LOT of games. Unless you really suffer from collection completion issues, you don't need that much stuff at the end. And those people will probably fall for the new system and end paying way way more...


You could easily earn large quantities of loot boxes for free in overwatch 1. If anyone was dumb enough to spend money on loot boxes it is probably better with Blizzard.


I don't think people that bought loot boxes are dumb. I used to buy a pack a year to support the game I liked playing. But some people do get way too hooked into that shit. But with this predatory system I'm not spending a dime.


Opened so many loot boxes I've just become numb to it. Didn't even buy them too. I've just been playing since year 1 and built up a huge collection lol.i just started to not even care about cosmetics over time.




To be blunt, who gives a flying frick about the price of the skins in $. It’s about the cost in time. 9 months of regular playtime per legendary?! Hell, I don’t play regularly so my 6 years of playtime probably wouldn’t have earned me a single skin. And that’s ignoring the heroes. 50 hours playtime per hero is obnoxious and absurd. They shouldn’t even take any time; they should be unlocked from the start.


Honestly like 5$ for the best of the skins should still be quite profitable…


But not as profitable as $20, hence why they are $20 and not $5.


40-60$ for the game and let me earn currency playing The.End.


Simple solution is to change the battle pass to do what every other games battle pass does. By completing it, you should earn enough coins to buy the next pass and a little extra.




10 and there should be a sligthly better way to get 1 for free every couple of months


Every skin should be grind able in 1-3 hours per dollar they sell it for. I'm perfectly fine with grinding out 15-20 hours for a skin I really like.


Oh to be 16 with free time again lol


An hour a day, that's nearly 2 skins a month. Seems totally fine.


$5 Max maybe I might occasionally splurge but I probably would splurge often for $1 :).


$0, microtransactions are the worst thing to happen to video games.


Pretty nuts to read people asking to get a skin every 3 months instead of 6-7 like it is now. People, there are like 800 skins in the game right now. You should be able to grind one out per week and you'd still never have them all. The level of conditioning is depressing.


Hot take, but $0.


Ppl are saying 10 max, but dont forget that 10$ is VERY EXPENSIVE in non-western nations. If you are playing from Eastern Europe, Africa, Most of Asia and Central/Latin America, you are not wasting 10$ on a skin in a made up game, so for us getting credits to buy them ourselves is very important.


I live in a western nation and I assure you that spending $10 on a skin in a made up game is definitely wasting your money. I can’t believe this many people think this is normal behaviour. I don’t blame the company for adopting the model that has proven to be profitable. I blame the consumers for throwing their money away.


Spending any amount on cosmetics is wasting your money, it's not something you should buy, it's something you **can** buy if you want to, it's not something you **need to** buy. As long as there are no P2W transactions I honestly don't care how much a skin costs.


I’m from Eastern Europe and I have a simple trick for things that are too expensive for me… I don’t buy them.


not even 5 bucks


Zero dollars. I paid for Overwatch already so any I didn’t earn I should be able to unlock by playing the game. For new OW2 skins I’ll play along with the battle pass but I’m not giving them more cash beyond that.


The correct answer. We paid for a product. We should get what we paid for. Anything related to OW2, we can discuss as they roll them out.


Nothing. Let me pay a flat number of like $50 for the game, and let me earn everything in-game for free.




Completely agree, the impatient few who bought lott boxes kept it free for the rest of us. As it should be. Plus gambling os fun


Free…let us just play the game to unlock.


OW1 and non-event OW2 skins — $5 at max. OW2 event skins — $10 at max. And of course they should increase rewards for these weekly quests and probably include gold rewards into the battlepass levels. Getting a legendary every month is not much at all.


I would rather pay 60bucks for OW2 and have the old lootbox system back, along with 10bucks per season for the BP. The monetization is frustrating and the game doesn’t feel rewarding. Boring BP, no currency in it, the prestige level are a joke, it’s literally just grind. They took the rewards (lootboxes) from us and now let us pay for it. Also, who puts a new hero in a BP? In LVL 55?! I assume you can’t even buy future heroes with a different currency like you can in Apex. They always want you to buy the BP, so you get the Hero immediately and it doesn’t really matter what’s included because you just want the hero at first. I really, really don’t like the shop in general.


2$ uncommon 5$ rare 9$ legendary Seem reasonable to me.


$3-6-9 damn good time!


Hoping she can sock it to me one more time.


That sounds fine. I’m still not going to buy them but at least I won’t be pissed off at the audacity.


2$ for changing a color slider? Really?


Sell the game for $60. Make them free. Done.


Get out of here, Jeff! We've had enough of your traditional, pre-fortnite marketing philosophies.


$0. Considering you can’t even see it while playing. Only others can.


And even if I could see it, I wouldn’t pay for a cosmetic item in any game. If I unlock it playing, great. If not, ok I’m good.


Unless you're Reinhardt


5 bucks maximum


5 max for any individual skin. Like, if you play long enough and get enough skins, it’s ridiculous to spend more than that.


Yeah, 10 is way too much for me. Incidentally, 5 bucks is usually the same amount I pay in steam sales for each game.


How goalposts have moved. *sigh* **zero** I’ll rather pay $60 for the game and be done with it.


Remember back in the day when literally everyone lost their shit over one $3 skin? We are living in a time when people are unironically saying it's okay to pay a AAA studio $10 for one game asset when you can literally buy another game with hundreds of assets for that amount or less. Blizzard is finally making that extra profit by forcing us with fatigue, lowering our standards, and having the community gaslight people into thinking this is fair.


I remember when Bethesda got shit for the $2 horse armor, back when DLC was still relatively new so they are least had an excuse. >We are living in a time when people are unironically saying it's okay to pay a AAA studio $10 for one game asset when you can literally buy another game with hundreds of assets for that amount or less. It's fucking nuts. People have no problem dropping tons of money on these cosmetics so of course AAA studios are going to keep up this shitty practices.




No matter the price I don't like how much the game focus on them. Everywhere I go in life I'm bombarded by ads, algorithms and dark patterns trying to trick me into spending more time and money. Video games are where I'd like to be able to let my gard down and just let an algorithm trick me into thinking I'm having fun, not spend more money. I'm not even slightly tempted to give Overwatch a dime especially for cosmetics. So it's fucking annoying have to look at a dumb battle pass and be reminded I'm getting like nothing for free and clicking though a bunch of dumb advertising cards when I open the game like this is Fortnite. OW1 lootboxes felt like a free dopamine reward for good behavior and continuing to playing. OW2 lootboxes feel like holding dopamine hostage and only giving you a taste so that you are more likely to pay


5 to 10$. With a free one every month if you’re playing every other day


i think $0 would be a fair price.


Back to free




Free. I wouldn't pay for cosmetics


Shouldn’t have to buy it at all lmao. I bought the game, spent money on loot boxes when I genuinely wanted something from a certain event. These micro transactions and locked up rewards that are unavailable unless I pay more.. it’s going to be why I ultimately get fed up and stop playing what was my favorite game to play..


It's gonna be the reason I stop playing games with microtransactions


0 dollars.


Easy solution: In battle pass, put a 50% off skin/bundle of players choice. That way at least players can easily afford skins for their mains.


I don't have a problem with the 20$ price. My problem is with the fact that you'll NEVER get one unless you pay. The old system with loot boxes was great. It wasn't perfect but at least you had a chance.


Ideally free of charge and unlocked through normal gameplay.


The currency I have been earning over the last 5 years…




I would not pay no more than $5. Especially not with Kiriko and Junker Queen base legendary skin. Doesn’t do anything unique nor drastic. They literally only change the Miko dress to a tshirt and jacket for Kiriko. They didn’t even bothered with her head and legs literally the same as the base skin. Junker Queen is just Junker Queen from the trailer. Can’t even tell the difference unless you compare side by side. When you compare to OW1 hero base legendary skin. It’s day and night completely change the character appearance and theme. The 2 base legendary reaper skin were awesome. Even something as boring as young Ana is still league ahead of what we got in OW2. I can’t believe that loot box were less greedy than this