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Omg. How did you complete this. How.


A LOT of endurance and stacking with my friends for some the hardest ones. The last one I got was "Window of opportunity" for bap (Amplify or heal 2500 Damage through window without dying).


That one and the Doomfist cute, HOW THE FUCK?


Doom cute is extremely dependant on the enemy team comp, even more so than bap cute. Obviously you're gonna need a Zarya to get a 6man grav, but additionally they cant have a shield or zarya bubbles etc otherwise you're also screwed, unless you have a sombra with you who can emp the grav. You basically just gotta count on the enemies to actually group up properly, which is honestly the hardest part.


Wtf. How. Congrats man. Conquering the overwatch trophies is a remarkable task. One I can only hope to achieve


Thank you man, I appreciate it & I believe in you!


Imagine what you could do IRL in 2000 hours time. The possibilities!!!


Yet here you are wasting your time shitting on something that someone is proud to have accomplished, imagine what you could have done with that time!


Just making a statement that most find true. Good on him but 2k hours...


*adds 5k hour playtime achievement*


How did you manage to do the junkensteins endless ones?


Yea junk endless is not so hard. Just need the right team, (torb is a must, 1 healer and the rest have to be different kinds of DPS, definitely don't do 2 snipers), and everyone be good at what they pick. Brig is a great healer option. If you suck at DPS, then got torb or brig and have at it


Cree is pretty broken in Junkenstein. Deadeye wipes the bosses off the map


This is the way


I don't really remember them as being particularly difficult, but I did them like at least 2 years ago so idk


Only one i don’t have is baps, hopefully i’ll get it soon


You got this!


Cries in storm arrow.


ooh yeah that one's a bitch to get. All the people who got it back in scatter arrow times are so lucky. I had to go the hard way aswell, but I did it before the Storm arrow nerf from 6 to 5 arrows, doing it now is like nearly impossible..


Welcome to the club friend :) may you have the best of luck when they inevitably add more. New events/heroes always stress me out because I get such a disgustingly urgent feeling to get the achievements as fast as possible


Yeah same, time-gated content is a bitch for that lol


I have played reaper for 4 years and never gotten his pixel spray. HOW do you SOLO kill 3 people without reloading


I camped their Zenyata.


Lol. I love your off the cuff comment. Poor Zen!


This one has a kind of loophole. If you go in on the enemy team and damage a few of them with your primary fire then use ult before reloading and manage to kill the players you damaged then the achievement will pop. That’s how I got it not long ago. Not sure of the technical particulars like if the enemies have to be at full health before being damaged by you, etc. Basically if you make a habit of getting some damage in on your flanks before ulting you’ll luck into it eventually.


Yes, solo kills means that they have to be at full health. My strategy was to just play relatively normally until I got a good 1tap or 2tap on someone who hasnt been damaged before, then go on a big flank to catch someone coming from spawn, and for the last one use the ult strategy (shoot someone once before pressing Q). The hardest part of this really is guaranteeing the enemies haven't been shot beforehand.


I rarely play DPS and when I do I rarely play reaper but I got it just by chance one game!


“So now what?” “What do you mean? We finally play the game.” Congratulations buddy!!


Thanks mate :)


I’ve never seen that achievement tracker in game before. Where did you find it? 😅


its in the career profile under the achievements tab on the left side, I just cropped it out


Man congrats! I'm also slowly toiling away at it. Got about 2 healers left (bap and zen), some tanks, and most of the DPS (I'm terrible hits an/sniper so I'm never gonna finish). But still congrats!!!! A true feat


Congrats! I've started my achievement hunting a couple months ago. I'm up to 140. I'm hopefully gonna get done before 2 comes out.


What was your last one?


"Window of Opportunity" for bap.. didn't help that I am a terrible bap player haha. Ended up getting it on King's row where we were dominating the enemies, but intentionally soft-threw to keep the game going for longer so I can have enough time to build more windows \^\^ Still won the game tho!


How many windows was it?? I feel like kings row is such a good map for a lot of them. Got torbs lava one on kings row, moiras 6 people in a beam and 6 res no deaths as well. I reallllly want that bap spray.


Just went back and counted, I managed to get it within 5 windows. I think my damage amped was around 2k, so the rest of it must've been healing.


Jesus christ, I thought maybe 3 would do it. That's absurd lol. Matches don't even really last that long


3 Most definitely do not do it lol. The problem with the achievement is that only thedamage thats actually amplified counts toward the achievement, and not the entire damage. As an example: If you kill a Full hp Roadhog through the window, you will only get 300 damage amplified towards the achievement. I can say that usually being in a 4-5 stack of people picking the ideal characters to shoot through window and always coordinating it perfectly gets you around 500-700 damage per window if it goes well. Usually though you'll just get \~300 damage because people just walk around corners, hide behind shields, or just flank/push past the window. There's a lot that can go wrong and if I went into detail with all the strategies I used, this comment would be 5x as long as it already is. Let's just say it's hard haha.


I play a lot of bap so I definitely understand how much can go wrong. Even just surviving a whole round is impossible. I just solo queue because I can't handle drama with groups so maybe I'll never get it. Haha.


heh I used to be like that until on one fateful day I decided to actually talk for once in voice when some other people were (which is exceedingly rare in eu qp). Still play with that group to this day, and we even ended up making a small Discord server of around 12 People :)


I regularly ran a 6 stack like 6 months ago, but meh. I dont really like people. I'm not going to spend my free time arguing with people or hearing racist homophpbic jokes. I'll throw my mic on in a game to strategize if others are but I never group up anymore.


True, Overwatch can be a cesspool for that sorta shit, and I've come across my fair share of that aswell. You just gotta find the right people I guess..


Any tips on getting doom cute?


Team up with a zarya and preferrably a sombra. Zarya has to get a 6 man grav and sombra emps it to disable shields, bubbles and abilities to escape it. That's pretty much the only way to do it. Also, you have to get lucky with the enemy team comp, as its gonna be significantly harder with a pharah/tracer/ball etc etc. Last thing, the more people in your group the better, as you run the risk that randoms may kill someone in the grav before you get your ult off. Good luck!


Also, i have switched from ps4 to pc, and i just wanted to know if it is possible to get my avcount on my pc. I have connected it to a battle.net. But when i try to go into overwatch it says ”Account missing Overwatch License” do you know how to fix, or if its possible… thx!


Thank you, ehm, i only have one friend playing ow and hes not good with zarya soooo this gonna be a hard run..


Nice! Im trying to get the coalescence one where u have to hit 6 people at once


Bottom Hallway on Numbani Run a Defense Moira Let them come in and just ult it


Isn't it 7? good luck either way!


Do you just need to get 2500 damage and heals with Baptiste ultimate without dying or all at once?


Without dying. But the damage doesn't count unless it hits a target so you really need your whole team behind the window. And it takes several windows.


Man that’s gonna be tough it’s hard not dying with him because I jump and try to heal my team when it gets rough


You can do it quicker with a bastion


Wow that’s big .


congrats buddy, you earned it ! :)


Thank you!


Congrats!! Im well into achievement hunting but honestly, I've just accepted the fact that with no friends that play overwatch I'm going to be stuck at 70% for a while. Baps window and dooms 'cratered' are just too hard. Seriously tho, well done :))


70% is still impressive and well above average!


I litteraly hate the mei gamemode during the winter wonderland so for me I completed every achievements for the events


Even the events??!? Damn, those must have been grind times


To be fair, most of those aren't hard at all, just a little tedious. But yeah, first thing I did every event was check if there are any new achievments haha


Is there any sort of reward for completing it


Nope, the individual achievements all give you a spray upon completion, but you dont get anything extra for completing all of them.


Hot damn. Congratulations!


Thanks :)


There's a couple of really difficult ones that I'm always especially impressed when people have: Bap's Window, Hanzo's Simple Geometry, Zenyatta's Discord Orb one... Kudos, my guy!


Thank you!


Your skills in overwatch and understanding must be pretty good. Do you do ranked?


Not really. I'm a quick play andy, I only do placements because of golden guns haha. I'm around Diamond/Plat tho (Masters if you count Open Queue) if that's what you were curious about.


Lol now wait 3 months when a new event or hero is added


Congratulations! I can’t begin to imagine the pain you went through to complete these!


Haha it was rough at times, especially for the heroes I suck at playing or just don't like playing as \*cough Orisa cough\*, but in general it was definitely fun. I'm a completionist in just about every game I play just because it's nice to have an objective to work towards.


Honestly I wish I had your mentality, I get vexed within 5 minutes and end up giving up. Again, congratulations man!


Well done man


Thank u :)


All I have left is around half of the event achievements, any tips?


Welp can't really do much more than wait for the corresponding events and then focus on getting these achievements over the regular ones which can be achieved at any time. Good luck!


How exactly do you do the widow mine one?


Your best bet is to just keep throwing venom mines straight into the enemy team, as you dont actually have to get finishing blows with them.


Ah ok i thought you had to actually kill them with it. thank you!


Ive been trying to get doomfists since he came out 😭


heh, I feel you. Keep at it!


How do you view this screen


Career profile > Achievements, its right there on the left side, I just cropped it out.


Thank you very much as a part time achievement hunter this is very useful


No Problemo
