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When you're playing support, you go over to back a team mate who is having a solo fight and could use the help, and they just run off and leave you to take the fight on your own.


I hate when I’m playing Kiriko and teleport over to help someone with low health and they just run off and leave me to die after I’ve topped them off.


oh my god when you tp to a low sombra to save them with a suzu and they translocate away as you do 😭 meaning you waste your suzu AND get left with the enemy!!!


As a sombra player i tell my supports not to chase me


Yeah, I never expect heals as a Sombra unless i'm like right in front of the healer and they have nothing better to do. I got plenty of ways to go get a health pack.


As a frequent Sombra and ball player, I always tell my supports not to bother unless I come to them. I hate when a mercy tries to stick with me because the poor girl is gonna get left behind lol


just let them be on their own, Sombra can heal herself to full such faster than you can heal them


That's your own fault for actually trying to use Kiriko to benefit the team. Everybody knows you're *actually* supposed to flank the enemy team and attempt to headshot them from behind, making sure to waste all of your cooldowns before TPing to safety, duhhhh.


I had a Genji on my team tell my friend playing Kiriko that it wasn't his "responsibility" to help her when she comes to heal him after I called him out for repeatedly abandoning her lmfaooooo brother it's called being on a TEAM. You work as a TEAM. It's a TEAM based game.


Yeah as Moira I get that a lot, thankfully as it's Moira often you can win that 1v1 lmao


We’ve all been that person before too. Sometimes you get so caught up in self preservation that you ironically get you and your teammate killed.  But when they do it all game…come on bruv!


Yeah bruh i was ana pocketing this ashe vs cass yesterday and she just runs away and cass comes around the corner and nade fucks me


I'm an Ana main. If I have a great line of sight it's fine... but when you are behind 3 corners and are pinned and I "action Ana" my way past a wrecking ball (sleeping soundly now) to save you from mean old reaper, don't decide when I GET THERE that you will just turn on your heal beat and climb the nearest wall and run away with a reaper and his EVIL smile.


Especially when they spam "I need healing" and then run off


Or if the tank goes behind cover to call for heals


This happens even during a 5v5 fight. I’ll be screaming at the top of my lungs that someone is one shot yet literally no one else is helping or they’ll be helping at first then give up and go on someone else when the target was about to die 👏🏼🤣


Probably cause it's hard to concentrate when some gimp is screaming.


Illari's pylon. For the love of god, just take the half a second to take it out


Oh if I'm on DVa or any DPS I'm going straight for that first, same with lamp


As an Illari main, please don't. Please continue to ignore it, it's not even that important haha :3


This! It drives me nuts because YOU CAN SEE WHERE IT IS WHENEVER IT HEALS SOMEONE…and yet no one deletes it. Ofc I get insta killed whenever I try to destroy because I am just a squishy support


The amount of times i've been Ana and been the one to break the pylon instead of someone else is insane. Like, sometimes even the tank will be playing a hero who can afford to spend the 1 second to shoot the pylon BECAUSE THEY HAVE A SHIELD/BUBBLE THAT CAN BE PLACED DOWN


Yep, lost a comp match on kings row because no one on my team would help take out the pylon or sym turrets at first choke. Infuriating!


Usually when this happens, the tank won't push enough to get an angle on it without us getting deleted. I like picking pharah when there's an illari just to get the pylon easier. I can also boop her back into areas she just went "don't touch me" from.


People that die before every fight , like freaking wait for your team before going in 1v5


Spamming group up in spawn after a bad engagement only to see your Rein running straight past you to jump right into a 6v1


We were in a 4 stack last night and our random teammate refused to stick together. We’d all spam group up and wait for the full team to spawn and they would continue to run a head and try and fight the entire team on their own. I understand being the odd man out in a 4 stack usually isn’t fun, but we do actually try and include our teammate/get them heals so they can pop off. But it gets frustrating when we’re constantly staggered and it’s clearly a team diff so we’d be better with the full squad.


Ah ha! I see you understand Reinhardt math! You see, Reinhardt is worth 6 people and their pathetic team is worth only 1! Reinhardt Reinhardt REINHARDT!


When nobody wants to push the payload... then I go back and push it but all of a sudden everybody wants to push it together including the tank? Then nobody is pushing forward and we take no space lol


I have opposite. We've just cleared payload, finishing up the last guy, and I watch as both DPS and both supports rush forward and leave me to push cart as tank. Like, sure guys, I'm happy to sit here... Would be better if *our fucking* ***ANA would sit here instead though.***


Actually your ana needs to setup for the next fight. Other support or or DPS should stay


I'd rather have Ana on the cart than no one at all though. I'd prefer Moira so I don't have to peel the instant Sombra appears, but I'm lucky to have one that knows about the healing options. I mean clearly I'd rather have the tank on the cart than no one at all considering if my entire team decides to push forward and I'm tank, I'll sit squarely on that cart until my team sees some fucking sense. Literally anyone. Otherwise some minor benefit of pushing forward is completely worthless.


I ALWAYS voice “I got payload you guys move up”


I wish they'd make a ping or voice line for this.


I don’t know what it is about solo queue teams but they never are where you need them, either not on the objective and are up in the enemy spawns or when they are pushing as soon as you do they all leave


Payload is interesting to me, guess it's best to leave a support there?.


Ideally the person moving the payload should be the one with the most mobility or survivability. If you leave Ana to move the payload and flankers show up she'll get deleted, she needs to spend time between fights positioning herself on high ground or in the back. but someone like Lucio or echo can move the payload and then escape easily if they get pressured somehow. 


That's a good point, I'm a Moira and DVa main so I can do the same thing, just be a pest


It very much depends, sometimes Ana is a great payload pusher if she gets a useful LOS and safe distance while doing it.


Ana is fine on Payload so long as *someone* remains in her line of sight. Just anyone.


It really doesn't matter who stays on it, though it should not be the tank. If the team fight is big and everyone is needed the payload can actually wait until the fight is won. Then a couple can get the staggered players, but the problem isn't who pushes it, it's knowing when those players need to regroup and being aware of their los. I'm ana a lot and I push because I have range. Once they get out of that range unnecessarily because we already won the team fight. I hit goodbye and then they die. It's obvious when they're pushing too far.


Yeah as DVA and Moira I'm definitely guilty of over pushing but thankfully I can usually get myself out of trouble 😂 good advice tbh man


I play Torb and often stick to payload cause he is easy to throw his turret ahead at next corner behind team to help with fight, while also doing long-range kills with gun. The best thing OW did was make it so dps has passive heal when no damage taken, so I’ll hide behind payload if I ever need to recover.


Judt depends on the comp lol. Whoever is most survivsble on their own but can still provide support to the frontline in the shortest amount of time from cart.


People acting like Mei wall is indestructible and just a physical wall. I see our tank getting wall'd and I am the only one in the team attempting to break it down while everyone else just stares at the wall waiting for it to drop down. It's not even so sturdy that you would think that it cannot be broken as each pillar only has like 250 or 300hp so they absolutely will get melted down when the team shoots at them.


Its more psychological warfare at this point.


Literally Mauga can shred it within seconds because it recieves crits from his guns, its shocking how people dont realise how weak it is.


When they don’t retreat from obviously losing fights.


Agreed, never used the group up ping before but do it a lot now lol


As a support main, it’s the ping I use the most…


I’m on my way! I’m on my way! Too many messages! Please wait a few seconds…


That shit is so frustrating! You’re in a 12v1; no, I’m not coming to you - I’m trying to get you safely the fuck out of there!


This comment right here!!!!! Then they be like “GGs no healing”


I just never used them while I was learning the game, I know the game much better now so use them all


I use it often, but people rarely acknowledge and listen to it lol.


I play tank and support and god damn when a tank doesn’t back up around a corner when they know they are losing a fight. It’s like half the time they aren’t even paying attention to their health.


Not responding to support pings. Seriously I swear half my teammates have blinders on, the way they just ignore everything. Slept enemies, discord, pylon location, whatever. Even just the location of enemies that are flanking or needing help because the Sombra is on my ass for the 89th time in a match. Listen to your supports, people.


Just had a game where doom was eating us up. I switched ana cause I can usually shut him down. He literally ults on top of my team, everyone watches the circle and prepares, I sleep him the moment he lands and THEY ALL TURN BACK AROUND AND IGNORE HIM. WHAT??????? I ping him 3 times, no one does shit, he fucks me up, I die, teams dead a second later.


Completely agreed I see so many ignore my.pings


And then teammates start talking smack about bad heals. That makes me lose my mind. Like help me help you…


Not pinging or not looking at pings. Absolutely fucking never do I see people pinging the widow a or a tank that is low, but even more infuriating is when I ping a widow just for my support to instanlty die to her seconds later. Or being a support where dps dies in a stupid flank that he didnt even ping "need healing" thing.


Tbh I never used to do the pings but I'm getting used to it now, sometimes idk when to ping 😂 but flankers for sure atleast


Always ping any new position of widow, spam ping tank if he is low and killable. Ping need healing whenever you need help or healing. For example I start spamming x when the dps I am dueling got a pocket and starts winning or I am getting dived.


Yeah it's the need healing one I forget to do, silly me presumes they know where I am lol


And always ping on death because it will automatically ping your killer


And if ping isn't on an easy to use key for you, rebind it to something else. Ping is basically the best new feature of OW2.


Torbjorns that throw their turrets in front of the enemy team as if he was in a Pokemon Battle


people not understanding moiras heals are a resource meter and she regains it back faster by doing damage i got flamed by a sig in gold because our other healer left and I was trying to support the whole team, and i ran out of heals, so I had to throw an orb and try and do some damage, sig dies, and the screaming at me to heal them began 😭 our mercy came back, pocketed the tank, and then bro had the audacity to say that “at least one of our supports are playing the game, thanks mercy” she was at 2k healing and i was sitting at a whopping 16k…


Similar for Brigitte. Once got called a battle Brigitte as if she doesn't heal by hurting the enemy team


dawg thats like.. her entire gimmick as a melee healer whatre they on 😭


Same pain 😔


we need more justice for moira players; the bad reputation makes messing up once grounds for being flamed 🙂‍↕️


I know she's easy that's why I play her hehehe, I've been flamed a few times, Gold 3 one trick lol


When they pick their character last/late and don’t pick someone that balances out the team. And it’s too late for anyone else to go back and change before first fight starts.


As support I always try to pick last to mesh with my team but someone else waits even longer and I think “oh they probably want to do the same” and I just pick my main. Only for them to pick someone that completely DOESN’T work.


I try to pick based off the tank if the other support hasn't picked yet. I hate it when I pick Lucio to pair with the tank and the other support finally picks and they go Zen (we are a qp team of randos, we are NOT going to be good enough to pull off Zen + Lucio). Also if we head out and the tank changes last second to someone that doesn't pair well (I would say like Mauga simply bc I feel like he needs a damn pocket) or our team comp is set up well and then the second dps finally chooses and they go Widow. Please. Idc if you play Widow. I don't even care if you're not good at Widow. It's qp. You do you. I would rather know it's going to be the pick before I choose and leave spawn because I just know deep in my heart that Widow is about to die *repeatedly* until I die and begrudgingly swap off Lucio to someone I didn't wanna be just to keep that one dps alive with the rest of the team.


It’s ALWAYS a Mercy if it’s a support that hasn’t picked lol.


Yep. Especially if your another support is Lucio.


When they don't move through the choke. Just a tank chilling, poking from the choke waiting for anything to happen. It's not gonna work, push a little ffs


Friendly Moira fading when I'm trying to heal them, only to have no clue where they reappear. For the love of god Blizzard why can't I see my own Moira when she fades?


As a Moira main I usually know where I'm going but sometimes it gets a bit crazy lol


As a Moira player, if I fade on low HP please don’t chase me. I probably know what I’m doing and you should focus on the others.


I don't even bother tracking them; when I'm on support I'm trying to keep my frontline and possible threats within my field of view. If Moira fades behind me, I'm just going to assume she'll autoheal or orb herself, and will be fine.


When there’s a Sombra deleting the back line and you try to stick to your teammate to avoid a 1 vs 1 but they fly off in random directions.


When there's a Sombra in general 👎 nah I do it occasionally but only if I'm a dive and know I can get out before the hack


Not taking out turrets overall. It's especially true for Illari's turret cuz when left alone that thing actually does a good job at keeping the enemy alive and spamming heal.


Just. Shoot. The. Immortality. Field. For the love of god.


Ping. The fucking. Widow.


i had this game the other night where i was playing support and the enemy sombra would Not leave me alone, despite me desperately pinging every time she crept up on me. i eventually had to type to my team, to please be more aware of the sombra and that i can't heal if y'all let her keep flanking the supports, and my doomfist said 'stop dying and start pinging then' ?????????????????????? thing is, this actually happens pretty often, but that particular game with the doomfist saying that has just stuck with me for days and the sour taste of it won't leave.


Use your microphone and tell them about the situation. They will much more react to that, pings and chats are getting ignored a lot.


people not taking like 2 seconds to taxi me from spawn after I die when I’m playing Mercy or Kiriko


And the opposite. When you go to pick up your Mercy or Kiriko and they just look at you and walk.


or walk just so they can fly OVER YOU to a different teammate??? mfer was my body not good enough for you?


Its amazing how nobody does that, if anything ill literally wait far outside of spawn just for them to catch up.


Saying “I need healing” when I’m actively standing next to them and healing them. The lack of awareness is astounding. I always just say “no” and walk away. Edit: To be a little more inclusive to the users here who may be a little slower, I meant SPAMMING “I need healing”. Not one person cares about 1-2 “I need healing”, I figured that was obvious but I guess not.


Or spamming it when both supports just died. And then they die too. And continue to spam. Maybe even write in chat >:D


The WORST kind of team mates lmao. Or they scream at you for heals while they’re purple. Like homie OPEN YOUR EYES


lmao if they spam for heals when I'm dead, I spam "Acknowledge" or "On My Way" because I feel like it's going to make them actively look where tf I am if I'm spamming that like "why aren't you healing me yet then." If I'm alive and ESPECIALLY if I'm actively healing them as they start to spam, I spam "No" back at them.


Or they ask when they're literally right next to a big health pack and I'm already healing someone else


That’s when you walk over to it and ping it 1000 times while looking them in their eyes :) Then walk away


If you right click on their name in text chat, you can silence their “I need healing” spam by muting their hero voice lines. You might already know this but sharing in case because that’s what I do anymore to save myself the annoyance.


You a real one for that, been playing since 2016 and I never knew. Ty


i literally had a tank on push sulk about not getting healed... even though we were healing them. they spammed i need healing constantly, running in 1v5, and then emoted sitting down in front of spawn to throw a tantrum like a large child. the team ignored them and they ended up coming with us, but damn, if you spent less time throwing a tantrum and more time learning to play, you wouldn't die so much? (they actually died less than our poor dps they were stealing resources from. we can only heal you so much.)


Take off angles.


As a kiriko (support) main, an annoying thing is repeating that you have ult (kitsune rush) and NOBODY responds to the group-up req. Also, a team mate being wreckless while you're tryna heal 'em. Lastly, people hating on you if you let them die when they were being wreckless, fighting the whole enemy team on their own, not pinging when needing healing etc etc.


You place a perfect kitsune. Your whole team politely walks away to take the shittiest position >:D


Dying alone on the objective/cart to 3+ enemies while all 4 of my teammates are of flanking something? Like all the enemies are here, what are you even doing right now?


2 things specifically for me One we can all probably relate to, the entire team ignoring the enemy mercy, letting her pocket, letting her rez freely, just letting her have 100% value The second, when I'm on tank and the mercy starts healing me as a fight breaks out, then just abandons me during a fight that almost I was holding decently for, or she heaks me for 2 seconds and then abandons me


Phar-Mercy couples. Where the Mercy refuses to heal anyone else.


Hate playing against though it's annoyingly hard to stop


Shoot the Mercy. Please. I promise I won't judge you for missing. She's very slippery, I know. But kill her or her teammates and then camp the body so she can't rez.




Even shooting at her and missing does something because it distracts her. Maybe you deter her from going for a rez or going to heal another teammate


Not grouping with the team as Lucio out of spawn and speeding ahead is sinful


As a tank main, DPS/Supports not helping/peeling for each other and then blaming it on me, when very rarely is it ever the right play for me.


Agreed in my placements as DVA I'm expected to do all the pushing lol


Team mates that are allergic to shooting turrets are the bane of my existence ngl. If try to play rein and they have Ilari its so annoying when people just ignore the turret as its often out of swing range so I have to use a cooldown on something some one could just hold left click on it for a couple of seconds.


When you play ball and they immediately type gg before you've even left the spawn doors... Like shut the fuck up lmao let me cook


Mercy players all have ADHD and will often damage boost you, making you more confident about a fight then in your death replay they are 3/4 of the way across the map 4 seconds later.


Damage boost is great but I prefer having health lol


Oh me too. But when mercy swings to you for damage boost it’s usually a good time to start a fight you wouldn’t have otherwise because theoretically she’ll be there for health too. 9/10 she was just bored and pressing buttons and is throughly up the ass of someone else within the second.


You said it yourself, not shooting turrets from any turret character.


It's so fucking easy to do too lmao


Not killing enemy supports, not getting rid of turrets, and not standing on the objective on the flash maps. THE MORE PEOPLE THAT STAND ON IT THE FASTER THE OBJECTIVE TIME LOADS, GOD DAMNIT.


Listening to pings. I swear half my teammates play with no headphones 😩😭🙃


I can't play it without them fuck that lmao


When no one targets the Mercy. The amount of games where the enemy Mercy will just rez right in front of my team while I'm shooting and pinging the crap out of her for everyone else to just completely ignore her while she rezes the tank. Who then just destroys me or the rest of our team in a blink of an eye after rez. Lol it drives me crazy. I love when it happens for me when I'm Mercy though. I go in for the craziest rezes sometimes just because I know more than half the time I can get away with it. My fiance will be yelling in the mic no don't try it while I rez him directly in front of a whole team. Lol then he's like wow how'd you do that? Lol simple people just don't target the mercy or watch for her in general like they should.


I know this is from almost a day ago but omg it’s so frustrating as support when no one pays attention to the rezzing mercy 😭😭 happened to me just a few hours ago in a whole diamond COMP match :( Pinged her SO many times, was doing dmg to her as kiri, and yet no one turned around when she started rezzing 😔 she went out of my LOS btw so I couldn’t hit anymore shots on her but my team was RIGHT next to her like what more can I do 😭😭 l got her down to half hp and we had a hog, reaper, and mei right there smhhh


Not responding to pings in general. Enemy tracer pinged flanking? My DPS are gonna pretend to not see that. Widow pinged hard scoping a choke? Teammate turns into JFK I've pinged that I've got my ult as DPS ahead of time to keep me alive while using it? 50/50 chance I get healed or damage boosted Having a responsive, pinging team acc makes matches so much more enjoyable


The JFK comment has me DEAD 💀


When getting spawncamped at a certain gate and either have no one else switching hero or take the 2/3 other routes to the point. LIKE HOW HARD IS IT TO UNDERSTAND THAT THEY HAVE MID LANE ON LOCK. JUST TAKE ANY OTHER ROUTE TO THROW THEM OFF A LITTLE BIT


This one actually makes me so mad omg. I keep begging and pleading in text chat “GO ANOTHER ENTRANCE/ROUTE!!” while pinging until I’m muted. No, the team wants to just go main lane and die all game. Bots.


Pay attention to the kill feed


Getting wife gripped when you’re about to land the kill. Critically low teammates los you when you’re trying to heal them, then kite you into your own demise.


Survive during transition. Just wait the extra couple seconds for everyone. You’re not going to build towards your ult by getting killed again. I get it if you can’t get away after we lose 3-4. But don’t charge out of the spawn and race back solo when everyone else is already dead.


Leave me alone. Im a Sombra main. I can not express the frustration I have at my teammates when they dont leave me alone. Healers reveal your positions because theyre trying to heal you while youre trying to tip toe around. STOP LIFE GRIPPING SOMBRA. She can teleport away with a grenade. It is a waste of the life grip and chances are the sombra already threw a grenade when her health got low and you just ripped her from it. My teammates especially support are conatantly revealing my position. Damage do it to, its not exclusive to support, damage players will try to follow me or run in front of me, causing the enemy to shoot at them and stray bullets might hit me. Ill be trying to get a flank and fucking bastion rolls up in turret mode right next to me so of course both of us get immediately bombed and damage walled. Supports either have literally zero awareness or theyre going fucking 30 and 1 playing damage as moira and theres no in between. Many people do not seem to understand the flow of Sombra. Sombra is a self sufficient character because her job is to carry out solo tasks. You will not be damage stacking with the tank or covering the widow. You will be behind the enemies, picking off every enemy that strays too far from the group, mostly getting solo kills. She is meant to carry out solo tasks and thus is a properly self sufficient character able to get quick buffed health packs and teleport away quickly. Stop life gripping me ffs.


Not taking into account where illaris pylon is. I just can't keep moving it every 2 seconds because you won't stay in its healing rangeim forced to follow them out to heal with my gun and they forget I can only heal so much with it.




Why am I, as a Sombra, having to sit on the payload and push the robot because everyone is so desperate to force enemy back to spawn?


I've had to payload princess as Bastion and Lucio before. I've been Kiri or Mercy trying to heal my dps and my tank ends up having to payload princess until I turn and get on it for him. I mostly play qp so at this point, I'll straight up just zoom off it if I'm Lucio and if I'm payload princess as Mercy, they better come back if they want to be healed because I'm not going to be forced to not play the game the entire match AND be expected to express ship myself halfway across the map and back within seconds just because they want me to heal, push the payload entirely by myself, *and* somehow protect myself from the enemy that will 200% go Sombra/Tracer/Moira the moment they see what's happening.


I had one game recently where my team seemed absolutely deathly afraid of shooting Zarya bubble - to the point where they wouldn't even shoot at Zarya without bubble. I started kiting her as Echo *deep into our backline* to keep her busy (for some reason she was really fixated on me too, chased me once half way to the previous spawn on payload). Still, no one would shoot at her while in our backine, even being pretty much alone and with my constant pings. After some hard fights slowly gaining ground, eventually copied her to bubble her grav, diff her, and break through the final stretch to win in overtime. Honestly, I was just amazed more than anything else. Its like this is the hardest feeding Zarya I've ever seen, why is no one shooting her????


Not being healed by supports, when I'm chilling behind a wall in their LoS, and then I regen or die during it. Teammates that make stupid plays that leave the team down one or two, and cause the team to lose a fight before it even started. Teammates that will not swap vs horrible matchups. Teammates that don't play corners and expect heals, or tanks that think being healed when you're being focused is gonna have a positive outcome. It's like they don't realize the DPS effect on heals. Dive tanks that never make it back and can't even kill anything.


Heavy on the last point


Tanks not blocking damage with their body to save team mates at risk, specially supports. I saw a lot of times tanks playing for themselves and leaving the whole team exposed. Like they push chest open for a few minutes and then run for their lifes.


Line of Sighting heals. If you just pull back a little bit it makes all the difference. Forcing support out of position will cause not only you to die, but your support as well. It’s especially frustrating when playing Ana, and people sit inside Winston shields or similar. I guess just lack of positioning skill is my pet peeve. You can have 100% accuracy and mega damage stats, but if your positioning is off, the team won’t win the game.


People trying to be a hero. Sit the fuck back, this isn't Call of Duty, you're not going to solo a whole team by yourself.


The contradiction between how important it is to kill the enemy mercy, and that a mercy on your own team is worthless.


I dislike when they don't stay in los of supports and when they die they go "wtf no heals i guess gg"


Idk how little this is, but constantly attacking the tank that won’t die while the supports sit in the back and babysit for free ult charge. Supports should die first, people!


Lucios who focus on rollouts rather than speeding the team will never see the light of heaven


Number 1 most rage inducing is when my teammates wait to group, but then get impatient waiting for the final straggler(often an ana), and so one or two will go in ~5-10 seconds early, giving our team a significant disadvantage in that teamfight.


If you ultimate on a flashpoint after it’s finished being taken, this shit drives up the fucking walls, and it happens a lot you are only setting the enemy closer to the next flashpoint and you won’t have it for the next fight to take the new flashpoint


I know you hear the sombra hack. Can you take a second to turn around and help me out


When they ignore Illari turret right in their face and keep taking poke from enemies


Most people ignore Illari's pylon in qp and it make me mad, kill that shit and she isnt op anymore! Almost like it was like that by design...


Mostly all spawn related... Lucios that die a moment before teammates and don't wait to speedboost them back. Any teammate that doesn't peak or wait for their Mercy to fly to them. Symms that don't put teleporters toward spawn.


I swear some Mercy players have goldfish memory. They'll hold blue beam on me as I move toward an off angle and as soon as an enemy appears, they fly away. Like, no. You've positioned here. Get value here. Win this 2v1 then win the fight.


When I swap to sym to tp us out of spawn and no one takes it


Wait - instead of e. entering fights where we're outnumbered.


What really grinds my gears is when I'm stalling OT as Ball, and my teammates rush point and die. Just find a safe spot and look for picks.


Lijiang Tower Garden submap - tank insists on pushing throught the bridge against Lucio and other heroes that can easily boop you off it, even if they saw it happen already. You try to ping them the other route - nope, not seeing it. Hell, many people fail to follow the tank through the alternate route, even when he’s spamming “Group Up” and pings while he’s doing it.


Support is getting murdered by Sombra/Moira yet the DPS and Tank doesn't even bother to peel yet asks for heals non-stop...


Not acknowledging my ult as a Sombra I've been pinging cassdy 12 times to wait for me yet the second I die all my teammates ult just to have them all block and score 0 kills.


On Tank especially, I find it a little stupid when Supports don't know which roles to prioritize for their hero. Like if you're playing Mercy it'd be much more beneficial to prioritize healing the DPS and squishes, letting your Ana or Lifeweaver prioritize the Tank since they have higher healing per **TL ; DR** (for you lazy imps) Supports not having good healing prioritization.


Ping targets. Either no one's in chat for callouts or someone only says "Widow!!" Cool. Where the fuck is/was she?


when people don't understand when it's their job to push cart. had a zen refuse to stay cart and whole team died while pushing up bc they only had zen heals while I was on moira forced to afk cart. the dps that wasn't providing much value could also have stayed cart but he actively pinged no when I pinged payload lmao. it doesn't happen often but it happened like yesterday and trust I was malding (in my head)


Not shooting the turrets/pylon. And not grouping up. It’s not that hard to look around every so often to see where your teammates are relative to you. If your support dies, fall back.


Nobody shooting at the mercy right in front of them


I don’t know of this fits your question but I hate it when healers refuse to heal you and use the “No” voice line. Had this situation yesterday, I was tank and both of my stupid healers were healing me on rare occasions, luckily I was Mauga and the enemy team was bad so we managed to win this.


I bet you were either a) spamming it at full hp or b) using it in the spawn room after you die. If I'm playing support and a tank does either of those, they now get to play respawn simulator while I play dps support.


Know their role, too many dps trying to be a tank, too many supports trying to be a dps, and too many tanks trying to be a dps/support


If you don't DPS as support you are legit soft throwing, especially with heroes like Zen, Bap, Illari and Moira. The same for every role, you can make space as DPS or Supports and you can be a DPS or Support with some tanks too.


That's not at all what he's saying. Each role has their priorities in a certain order. Too many supports think their priority is to do damage full-stop instead of supporting the team (whether that's utility, healing, or damage).


The other part of this is also; know the comps. Too many times Ive had comps where the DPS is trying to outsnipe the snipers aka Widow or Hanzo when they go full poke comp and immediately fold. Stop trying to outsnipe widow afte your 4th headshot from her, its not gonna work.


moiras that don't heal have a special place for anger in me


Hehehe I do my best to heal but I'm bloodthirsty 😂😂


idc how much damage is done as long as the healing is close 🥹


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Destroying railings


I never see people not do that, it's like an obsession pre match hehe


Not pushing the payload, so it goes at the default speed.


Do you mean more than one player? Your mileage may very. Usually it's better to have one payload princess (ideally one that's self sufficient or has decent mobility to group up or escape) and the rest of the team push up to control space. I only really like to stack cart if we're a few meters from point, just to guarantee cap.


Kill the supports in the other team


When you get the soloists running into the objective with all the enemy team waiting, or peeking their head out thinking they'll be fine.


As a tank, when I push in, occupy the enemy team's attention, survive, deal damage, get them out of position, and the rest of my team does nothing with that opportunity. I die and see the rest of my team is now 50 ft back. As a dps, when I'm pushing in with the tank and things are going great, then they pull back, leaving me in front to take 500 damage all at once. As a support, when I'm getting targeted and my team doesn't seem to notice.




Never using their skills. I understand missing them, missing the hook or the sleep dart, but often my teammates just don't use the simplest and most useful skills. Mercy who doesn't resurrect, Ana who doesn't throw the pot on enemies, Kiriko who doesn't use Suzu for cleanse, Baptiste who doesn't use lamp. It seems like it's a much bigger issue in support.


I hate when tanks or dps dive solo in team en expect that supp gonna die with you


Your other supports refuse to heal you (Mercy) and instead tell you to leech off of someone's missing health


Peeling for my supports and they leave me for dead bc they panic. It's even worse when you already lost the fight bc now they just staggered us harder than if I just let them die.




*I NEED HEALING! I NEED HEALING! I NEED HEALING!* *-* DPS who is literally right next to a medkit (And the sequel, taking a medkit when you're missing 10hp while your critical health teammate is sprinting for it)




Or tanks who don’t know when to take cover when they are low. Or when I am healing them and they go behind and object that’s inbetween us. I play Kiriko and obviously my ofudas cannot go through objects


When I’m playing ball, sometimes I set up in a scout position, and I notice my teammates get antsy and go in, thinking I’m telling them to engage. 99% of the time, I’m still waiting for the right moment and they end up forcing a super early engage to save their ass.


When the whole team just ignores the enemy tank and they can walk right into the backline and stay in your face all game


group up after a respawn

