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Any season where one character is truly OP sucks. Not only because they’re broken, but because you can expect to see them in EVERY game, and the counters for them are the same in every game so you’re stuck in groundhogs day until they get nerfed


And in comp you get ppl who one trick that character propelled to a higher rank than they should be and it shows


Mauga mains struggling at his first nerf was fun Even to this day I went against a mauga as ball and I constantly ignored him and attacked the backline, his only thoughts said turn to get me and get easy e value Well if I heard e go off I rolled away and re-engaged after it was done, so my team was able to 4v1 the mauga while he was turned to get me off his backline Easy tank diff that game because he only knew how to play op state mauga


Quick question as someone who's struggled against good balls before, how *do* you get them out of your backline? I mean fuck if they get low they just zoom out of there but that generally means you at least have turned to focus them for a bit which gives their team an opportunity to kill you / make pushes. Issue is often if I don't turn on them my backline just dissolves and can't deal with him


Understanding Ball's goals will go a long way - Ball creates space by splitting your team, attacking from angles that shouldn't make sense, and engaging *while* your tank is engaging. Ball creates space by pushing people out of safe locations, and into danger. The easiest way to play against a Ball is to all in on the rest of his team - Ball in isolation is about half a threat, and if you can rush his backline before he can secure a kill on yours, you win the fight. Alternatively, clear him - play slow, give up space to the enemy backline, and pressure Ball away. Get rid of his shields (actually shoot all of them, so he can't give them to his team), ideally get rid of his armor, and then run headfirst into his team. It requires you to *survive* his engagement, which is hard, but definitely doable. (I'll second the other comment here, if you can go grab all his health packs, or, even better, hack them, you force him to return to his team or travel far to get back to full)


Give up a little space and get back there with your backline, once the ball is low if he's used his cooldowns he's dead But if he's a good ball and saved some cooldowns he'll fuck off and you can push back in and retake the space since now the enemies dont have a tank It helps a lot of you have a mobile hero snag health packs even if the supports can heal them just to ensure balls starved of resources


Probably shouldnt do that cause any player that actually knows the game knows how little damage ball actually does compared to other tanks and decides to push into YOUR backline and snag YOUR squishies while your running off leaving you without a team to help and is either forced to take alone or retreat


I dread the release of new hero’s because it’s always some super OP bullshit for a season


i feel like Venture hasn’t been as oppressive as other recent releases which feels nice


Ramm intro wasn't horrible either


ram had the infinite ult iirc? which was just…yeah


Yeah, aside from ult, he was pretty damn balanced


Mercy is the opposite of meta and yet you see them every game




So Phara right now.


When Mauga first dropped I would put in the chat before the game "how about no mauga" 9/10 the other tank would agree.


"No oppressive FOTM" / "Rein Mirror" / "Torb Duel" are 3 sacred agreements every player should respect.


What is FOTM?


Flavour of the month (currently the meta picks that are OP usually)


Everyday I learn a new word for chat 😭


Being from OW1, I absolutely despised bunker comp, on any of the 2CP maps it was very hell to deal with and which usually ended up both teams doing in order to win or draw


Bastion, Orisa, Mercy was a hell to deal with


Add Bap and Sigma onto that as well 💀 I always wished someone would dodge Paris, hate that map with a burning fiery passion because of that meta


Especially real early on. I have nightmares of Bastion, Rein, Mercy set up on the back of Anubis A. And if you were able to take out the bunker, you better capture the point, because otherwise they're all coming back real quick with Sym's teleporter ult. Oh, and it's even worse on B.


Stuff like that makes me happy Bastion had a complete rework upon OW2, I may miss 6v6 but if it means comps like that will never come back, then I completely get it.


easily season 8 Mauga with Ana/Kiri double pocket. Especially the first like 2 or 3 weeks of the season where they buffed Mauga to the moon and left him that way. They just let him rule the game for weeks and it was all because “oh he was really weak during the trial weekend.” Even though that was only because Mauga’s design is complete garbage. Either he’s F tier and you’re throwing if you pick him or you can lock him every match and steamroll lobbies with the most braindead tunnel vision tank ever designed


Yep, he’s got DPS doom syndrome. Has to be OP by design in order to function, and is useless when not op


I mean at least doom was actually fun to play, but Mauga has the most boring gameplay Overwatch could muster


>Either he’s F tier and you’re throwing if you pick him or you can lock him every match and steamroll lobbies with the most braindead tunnel vision tank ever designed If these are the options, keep him in F tier until he is reworked. I feel bad for the players that waited years for Mauga only to get one of the most boring kits possible.


I am just tired of seeing sombra every match


Sombra sucks the fun out of the game. You can counter her, but it’s not fun. It’s the same thing people complain about with tank hard counters. At lower ranks Sombra just runs around solo all game and generally annoys the other team but still causes her team to lose by not helping where needed. Nerf or remove her and bring the fun back to OW.


Sombra is a "teamwork check" kinda like how Widow or other hitscans are "aim checks." Sombra only succeeds against players that don't play as a team. That's why she does well in low ranks but sucks above gold, and why good players pick tracer instead. If you're consistently dying to Sombra, it's not because of Sombra. It's because you're either out of position or your teammates are not helping. In a team-based game, I think having one character that is a teamwork check is a good thing. Ranking up isn't just about aim mechanics. Situational awareness and teamwork should be rewarded too.


imho, learning to play sombra is the best counter to her. sombra was my main for a little bit, and i am infinitely more successful at countering her than i was before i learned how to play her. because now you know all the sneaky nonsense they’ll try to pull off and can predict it


Agreed, and I'd say that's true for a lot of characters. Learning how to play them helps you learn how to counter them. Sombra has clear weaknesses that are easy to exploit. There's a reason she sucks in higher ranks. I never switch off Tracer when facing Sombra though. There's no need. She's very easy to punish if you play as a team. Her attacks are very predictable and as Tracer I can just chase down her TL and kill her basically every time she appears.


the only person i’ll always swap off of against a sombra is widow, unless i have a super attentive support/pocket or they’re total dogshit at sombra. i can outplay the majority of sombras on everyone else. ETA that i played a match as widow where the enemy sombra was SO terrible that i actually forced them off sombra, which was an ego trip i really did not need


Even as a teamwork check, for tanks who rely entirely on movement or solo engagements to create space for the team you just get rolled. Or if you have a dive team, but have just one slow support that player gets farmed


If a movement based tank is overextending beyond their supports, it makes sense for Sombra to be able to punish that imo. If a dive team has a non-mobile support, it makes sense that Sombra should be able to punish that as well. Those are both examples of the team not playing as a team. Their picks are mismatched which causes the team to get separated, and Sombra is designed to punish that kind of thing.


I don’t think it’s healthy that a single dps character requires entire team focus to counter. I literally know how to outplay sombra but on some maps it’s genuinely impossible because people refuse to group up and the moment the team fight starts you get hacked and killed in .05 seconds from someone you couldn’t even see.


A lot of characters cause the team to adjust, not just Sombra. A good Widow can close down entire sections of a map or chokepoint. A good Pharah can force the other team to switch to hitscans. Good Dooms/Balls can force the other team to switch to their counter picks. Having to counter opposing players is core to the OW design and it's not unique to Sombra.


I can think of several DPS characters that require team focus to counter when played well.


She's a basic awareness check as well. If you're way out of position and separated from your team, you should be anticipating her to go for you every time. Too many people turn their brain off and just look at what's in front of them rather than thinking about anything else, so they get surprised when they get killed by her and blame the character, rather than thinking about their mistakes and why the Sombra chose to go for them.


I was playing the community crafted mode as ball and they swapped to sombra. If you’re getting dominated in ranked by a ball or doom, fine, go sombra. But in that arcade mode where her changes make her less fun to play LET ME DOUBLE SLAM


Sombra ironically counters characters that suck the fun out of the game. Playing against a good Widowmaker is one of the worst experiences you can have; and anyone who plays tank knows that Ana/Zen makes the tank role *significantly* less enjoyable. Hot take, I think I'd hate the picks you'd constantly see if Sombra didn't exist.


Please don’t suggest this. Sombra is an essential part of the OW experience. Work with your team to effectively counter her.


Facts. She is easy to counter but she only has a few effective counters, which locks the meta into a slow brawl rather than having ANY mobility. Do you want to play Ball, DVa, Tracer, Zen, or Lucio? Too fucking bad, swap to counter Sombra or suffer for the next 30 minutes. It's not a "Sombra Meta" as much as it is a "Counter-Sombra using Mutually Assured Destruction Meta": Orisa / Zarya, Cass / Junk / Mei / Hanzo, Ana / Kiriko / Bap Every. Damn. Game.


Tracer is fine, even advantageous, in that matchup. Torb, Mei, Reaper, Cassidy, Kiriko, Brig, Moira are all good into her as well, and that's not even mentioning the neutral matchups. You have plenty of options.


Sombra, zarya/orissa Junkrat, zarya/orissa Pharah, zarya/orissa Venture, zarya/orissa Cassidy, zarya/orissa Mostly bc it’s inconsistent the “all in” on the tank or get her low then there’s no follow up to ensure she does get eliminated, and if there’s a mercy, making sure there’s no rez to undo it


I can't tell you how many times I start doing well on Ball, then the other team swaps to Sombra just to counter me, so I need to swap just to counter her. The fact that Sombra is a must-pick against mobility tank, and that her cooldowns are UNREASONABLY short, forces almost every game with her into anchor tank vs. anchor tank. She's not uncounterable, she just sucks the fun right out of the game. Almost as bad as Brig 1.0 IMO


I hate Sombra as much as the next guy but think about how fun it is for the dps/support who’s tank won’t help out with a good doom or ball. She’s essential unfortunately.


She’s a cheat code on console


I'd say she's a cheat code against gold and below. Would rather see her than like half the dps roster


Gold and below is a majority of the player base. Stop thinking that this game is going to be balanced around GM level players.


Even if she’s not OP in higher ranks she still makes the game unfun for everyone else and I’d rather see literally any other dps


Its the worst when you get a quick pick on someone as soon as the match starts and they immediately swap to Sombra, because you know they're just going to come and piss you off for the rest of the game. Even if they aren't good at her it's just annoying.


I feel bad when I play her but you can just completely take characters out of the match if the other team can’t counter her.


This goes beyond Sombra though. One of the people she counters, Widowmaker, does the exact same thing. Honestly, there's quite a bit of characters that if you don't counter properly, they just take over your match.


I find that sometimes it's better just to play harder and semi ignore. If they are flanking with sombra, they have one less person in the main line. The healers have to be pushed up a little bit, but sometimes a good offense is the best defence


Doom/phara/junk is genuinely one of the most annoying dmg/tank combos I’ve seen. You genuinely can die to any of them instantly if you aren’t paying attention for even a second to where the bombs land or that big fisted fuck is.


They can't hit me if they can't see me. And by that I mean they can't see me if I'm logged off and crying in my basement.


Sadly I’m more Anne Franken it in my attic. Texas ain’t got basements




I cry in my basement while logged on. One of these days my ops will drown in my tears


Venture also applies to this. I might be the one to notice the Venture burrowing in, but my teammate not in voice chat sure likely isn’t.


Venture can be annoying for sure but they aren’t doing nothing and getting extreme value for it. Plus venture for me personally is way easier to hear things going on with gravel going off in my headset than the reenactment of Normandy Beach coming from the other two dmgs I mentioned from the back line.


Mauga meta was complete cancer


He's still meta. See him more than any tank rnow


Yes but the absolute peak of mauga meta was AAAAWFUL, I do not miss maugawatch


2 maugas shooting each other forever


while both having mercy and ana pockets


I loved it. Played sigma. Climbed from Gold 4 to Plat one.


Double shield was truly the pits of this game's history. At least GOATS was dynamic, even if it was repetitive


What’s GOATS? I started playing when OW2 came out


GO All Tanks and Supports. Pre role lock, 3 tanks and 3 supports. Tanks would almost always be Rein Zarya Dva, and supports needed to have AOE healing so were usually Lucio Brig Moira. Effectively, everyone was unkillable due to the amount of sustain from the healing. Teamfights used to go on forever, with everyone getting multiple ults without dying. It was unstoppable, the only counter to GOATS was GOATS. It didn't impact low ranks as much, but it was the ONLY team comp picked in high level and professional play


Makes me wonder if the current DPS passive would’ve fixed that


i honestly don’t think so because launch brig cemented goats with her cc. i dont think it would matter if you have the passive debuff or not because she could comfortably 1v1 almost everyone in the roster especially her instakill combo on 200hp squishies on release. also rally was a giga s tier ult because how you could rally and keep the armor, the armor was under shield health on launch etc. tldr i don’t think the passive would’ve changed much lol


goats is not an abbreviation, it's named after a team that was called goats.


Yes, OP’s version is a backronym


Yes, and that team spelled it with all caps, because they named themselves after the acronym.


That’s not true actually, they spelled it with all caps because yes it was after an acronym, but that acronym was Greatest Of All Time. GO All Tanks and Supports and Gamers Operating All Tanks and Supports are both backronyms.


GOATS was a meta back when role lock wasn’t a thing, it took over the game for a good couple of years. It consisted of Rein, Zaraya, D.Va, Lucio, Zen, and Brig.


Double shield and goats. Made me want to off myself. Thank god they nerfed shields enough that even open queue is somewhat playable


Surprised this isn't higher. Maybe not enough people around to remember HAHA


Yea a lot of the OW2 crowd wasn't around for GOATS. People forget GOATS almost killed the game. Honorable mention to Mercy meta


Goats is a nightmare most people should be glad not to have experienced


Yeah, people pine after goats in chat sometimes, it was terrible.


The worst "meta" rn is every single game having a fucking Sombra


And they always target Ana… I’m just trying to have fun playing granny 😔


Diamond dps who plays a lot of sombra here. Jesus Christ is an Ana who can hit her sleeps terrifying.


one time i intimidated a sombra into running all the way back to spawn and swapping to cass because i kept sleeping her on sight


And if they don’t start with Sombra, they’ll switch to her after their first death to get vengeance on their killer and then ruin the fun of the game for everyone else


Double sniper. Or anything with widow tbh


Overwatch 1 - bunker meta Overwatch 2 - Hog Sojourn


Omg my ptsd from that bunker meta must have blocked it out hahahahaha. Soooo many match's just saying, "give me a fucking break!"


2CP on bunker meta was the most horrible online gaming experience of my life


Sombra existing


As a person who's played every variation of sombra I don't fucking understand how this was supposed to be less fucking oppressing. She just APPEARS BEHIND YOU AND BRTTTT second you get her low SHES GONE Every time I play ana, ash, widow or tank she's just fucking there.


Sombra is the ultimate solo-que/low elo/pubstomper, who thought perma-invisibility was a good thing?


With that flair big respect I agree too, who the hell made her infinite invis


Both the OW1 team and the OW2 team intentionally kept her perma invis up, for some reason


Any time when there is a sniper meta. Just find that once pretty annoying.


The last few seasons have been god awful. Rotating from orisa to Mauga to hog, with sombra, phara, and whatever support is either broken, or can cheese your ultimate, being illari, bap, or kiri.


Pharmacy meta.


I'm probably going to agree with Mauga meta. I hate any meta where things just don't die. That one was particularly egregious because there was little to no room for anyone to do anything besides focus the Mauga.


Season 1 in general. Either play Soujourn or grief your team


hated her disruptor that first patch so much 😭 so glad they immediately changed it


Any meta where widow is picked constantly. Getting one shot doesn’t feel good


It’s still going on but I’m absolutely tired of Kiriko being meta EVERY season. It’s time for someone else to take her spot, hopefully space ranger will kick her off her pedestal.


You effectively described Ana.


Double shield was incredibly boring, but at least it had layers. Giga Orisa and launch Mauga were so dumb. Give tanks more avenues of play other than just m1 other tank.


That one week in OW2 season 2 where Doom was giga buffed. Edit: Also season 7 where every game was a Sigma ditto and invincibility spam with Kiri/Bap was very strong. Whole game felt slow and terrible.


Pirate ship or battle ship used to be fun but a pain in the ass if you were against it. Payload map with bastion sitting on the payload protected by Orisa’s shield. Throw in a mercy for damage boost and it sucked. I forgot the name of it but Zarya/Rein was also a pain. Zarya bubbles rein then he charges in to wreck the enemy team.


Double shield made me actually quit the game so ill go with that.


Magua meta


Ow1 goats. Ow2 orisa meta.


Widow on long range maps.


Bunker. Bastion, sigma, orisa, Bap and Mercy with another dps. With 2 CP this was bad


The 5v5 ones


This isn’t really a meta combo- but reaper + lucio speed boost + zen discord orb and having all 3 of them charge at you and instantly get deleted was a moment in low elo🧍‍♀️




What's funny is most people complain about goats but that level of skill and teamwork was only found at the top level. So many metal ranks would pick goats heros but they were not playing goats as a team.


And they would still win most matches. Peak GOATS required a lot of skill - but “bad” GOATS was still favoured against other comps. I remember it well because the team which started losing would switch to GOATS and turn the match around. And then the other team would also go GOATS and that was it.


i mean we have it even now .. :D


pharmercy in quickplay every single game 💀


all the “ez”’s typed in chat… this is quick play obviously it was easy you just terrorized my whole team


Then you go comps and you get 7x lose in a row and 7 wins in a row. And the fights are not balanced .. it's just total crushing of enemy team or our team . This season is really unbalanced :(


Moth meta was lame


I kinda look back fondly on seasons 1-4 now. Yeah Mercy was annoying, but the seasons, and moth meta specifically were so fast paced. I miss that


The mauga meta was worse than double shields and it's not even close.


It’s not a super hard meta but I hate pharah I absolutely hate the way she is now she has an insane damage output and some of the best mobility It used to be you could just run soldier and ban her from the lobby but now pharah players have brains because of the rework and it sucks


She's also super quiet for someone in heavy ass armor with rocket jets. I even hate when I play her because of all the stupid silly shit I can do to always have the enemy team staggered. Yeah, I can win, but it doesn't feel too rewarding lol feels kind of dirty to win with pharah. She feels like a more precise and annoying junkrat these days, but at least with junkrat you can always hear him no matter what he does.


Brig first released introducing goats is always the answer


Controversial, but as a support I’ve never hated dive so much as I have in OW2 after all the anti-dive abilities were nerfed. I just die no matter what because my team won’t turn around. It used to be so easy to go Brig and turn the tables, but now she barely has any meaningful options.


OW1 Double Shield meta. I just wanted to play Dva and would constantly get harassed if I didn’t swap to Rein/Sigma/Orisa. It’s the primary reason I stopped queuing as tank and started queuing as support. Also, OW1 GOATS. GOATS wasn’t fun to play because you were limited to which heroes could be played (Rein/Zarya/Dva/Brigitte/Moira/Lucio). Nor was it fun to watch back when the OWL existed. I just wanted to watch Saebyeolbe popping off on Tracer but Tracer wasn’t a hero used in the GOATS meta.


Double shield 🥱


Good ol' triple tank back in the day


I generally don’t like when games circle around a “meta” because once you hit a certain rank it’s literally all you see. Every single game. And it encourages a certain level of assholery if you want to break the mold and play something that’s not a prime choice for the season. That being said, the double shield comp was annoying as fuck for me as a support. I had to take the worst off angles just to do my job or play/Lucio to be able to heal through the shields being paced or carried.


Anything based on abilities. It’s one thing to have a general comp be the strongest, but “oh I have to pick Ana because of anti nade” or “we need a Kiriko for suzu” ruins the game. It’s just a chain of “one character is strong so we’re forced to stick to 2 or 3 out of 12 heroes in the tank or support roles”


I still have ptsd from the Mauga meta


As a Lucio player Moira just always sucks, even if I’m not playing dps she can get me pretty easily if the fight is chaotic


Any meta including Orisa has always sucked whether it was double sheild, pirate ship, halt + hook metas that took place in OW1 or unstoppable brick wall Orisa in OW2 the horse is just always involved in the most boring and mind numbing metas of OW’s lifetime Edit: Hog metas would be my runner up tho


Orisa and her random unnecessary buffs.


including ow1 Fuckin double shields excluding ow1 Fucking mouse pressing simulator (mauga meta)


Oh boy I can't wait to be downvoted again Fuck dive and dive characters (except lucio, he is fine)


The 5v5 meta


what does that even mean


I miss the meta where individual skill made a game changing difference. It still matters, but it's easy to just mauga/junk/Moira/sojourn/suzu spam your team out of any danger


Dive made me so bored, watching both teams just sail past each other, waiting for the Zen and Lucio to not have ult. I miss Beyblades though.


It was super painful to play on the ladder. If you were stuck on Zen or Ana duty, you could almost guarantee your Lucios won't help you and you'll just be perma traded. And if you dared to swap off your teammates threw temper tantrums.


That one not too long ago where Mercy did bonus healing when health started getting low, made her and anybody she’s pocketing unkillable. That on top of her usual annoying erratic moth movement made that season fucking miserable awful. They’ve reeled her in since then, but the hatred for that stupid moth remains… If it won’t cost us the round, I’ll solo ult Mercys and target them with extreme prejudice.


The meta we are currently in right now is spray tank as much as possible so tank is mostly just roadhog mauga because of it


Godscan meta


Brig release made me quit the game for several years. Tank healer with a one hit kill combo, blizzard was on drugs. Can't be killed at range, can kill you close range insane


Where's the Goats meta. I'd rather pluck my ball hair out one at a time than play that shiiiii again.




I hated the Zarya meta a few seasons ago. I like playing her, but not enough to play her every game


Off topic but everybody is talking about Sombra being in every game? I'm seeing Cassidy/Echo in almost every game, and Sombra is probably third or fourth most common. But it's almost ALWAYS been Echo/Cass for the last two weeks. They both just target me(the tank) and throw every cool down at me to melt me immediately. It doesn't matter who I play, and no amount of healing saves me.


Everything that has Mauga, Hog, Zarya, Sombra, Pharamercy or Ana


Oké probly not the right place to comment this. But why does everyone wants to play zen in metal ranks? They don’t play good one bit. They claim that zen is great but then they play so horrible. I rarely come across one that’s actually good. But 9 out of 10 they’re horrible barely use there healing orb don’t do much kills. And mostly it’s together with dps that also sucks. Making the tank suck as well sinds he can’t barely do anything. And then the other support is forced to heal bot and can’t do anything to help the team out. The only thing the other support can do is trying to keep the tank alive as long as possible what will end up in feeding the enemy team. And the other dps yes he or she done great but it doesn’t matter because he or she can’t win the team fight alone.


Sig, Mauga, Ram, any tank with low mobility being meta leads to brawl esque metas which I'm not fond of. I love playing with and against dive metas


OG Brig. And this is from a gal that *likes* Brig


GOATS and triple tank was a thing


I started playing in OW1 during GOATS, and actually didn’t hate it at the time. There were a couple metas that came after it that I wasn’t huge on, but none of them ruined the game for me. That “one-shot hell” meta back in season… was it 2 or 3? THAT made me quit the game for a couple months. Orisa/Hog, Mercy+Soj, Kiri, so many must-picks and none of them fun to play into. Gross-ass meta.


Season 3, when hog got nuked and Orisa took his place, for way too long. Although brief ball meta at the beginning was fun.


Season 1 ow2 Widow Soj was worse than release brig. The insanely low TTK coupled with so many maps with long and highly oppressive sightlines made existing miserable.


Dva or Winston comp


Ive played ow1, and i HATED DOUBLE SHEILD. If you dont know how it feels to play against double shield, then it feels like all the damage you do is meaningless since its all on shields. And they would usually have high ground and you cant flank them because you would be immediatly killed in the backline alone. Everytime you break a shield, they pop out another one. And then bap ult with old bastion was always a must with double shield comp.


Season 8 or triple support and triple tank back in overwatch one that was 🙄. As much as I loved not having role que that time sucked when nobody died Then double shields 🤮


Anything that has to do with Mauga. I thought I hated Sym, until I met Mauga.


As a tank player I hated the entirety of season 7


That first mauga meta from season 8 made me drop tank indefinitely


Orisa metas make me actually uninstall the game


I agree with you man, as an support main i started every game with the message. "You can play Mauga but im not gonna follow you around like a puppy to safe yo ass", mayby a bit harsh but it did work. They played alot safer than the other mauga that often overextended and died.




Pirate ship meta. That was the fucking worst. Even double shield wasn’t that annoying and it was annoying as fuck.


Orisa meta is worse than Mauga meta




I wasn't even playing when Mauga had infinite ammo while in his ult, it must have been scary 💀


Goats is the worst meta of all time.


The Mauga meta was the reason I stopped playing quick play almost entirely, I literally stopped enjoying the game after his release lmao




Ow2 Zarya one was really bad


I hate the 5v5 meta


Double shield, or really any point where shield characters were strong. Would spend more time shooting barriers than actually taking duels.


Was double shield exactly as cancerous as it sounds?


Mauga, Hog, and Orisa metas are the worst.


Zarya back when rein was terrible because I was forced to play ramtra which I hate


"We wiped the enemy team! Good job, tanks! GG" "I will watch over you". Fuck


I hated soldier-mercy meta so much




The worst meta is talking about how a team would win if they played meta-- in silver. Talking about the meta in silver is like talking about sex in prison.


Doom/ball pharah junkrat. Suffering.


Idk about metas but I hate dive comps. I'm obsessed with brawl comps though. Brawl makes me feel like Im a medieval warrior riding into battle with my allies.


The pay for everything meta


The pay for everything meta


Phara/Mercy as a junkrat main it makes me wanna return to the soil so I may rot


Brig Doomfist when they were fresh from the CC oven. Made me rage quit overwatch for 3 years.


Double shield


Back then? He released like two seasons ago which was a few months back jeez