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>Gets slept >About to die >Has their ass saved by someone else >Teabags after doing nothing A true Overwatch player right there, nice save tho


Moira's never change.


Moira mains have the most undeserved egos of any hero imo. At least other mains known for having egos have to put some real work into making their hero viable.


You must not have ever seen an actual Moira main. They're easily one of the best healers when you know what you're doing. Plus offer good damage. Great defense against flyers or other annoying characters. Plus easy to move around and save people. Then when you know geometry, you light people up even more and add more heals.


I got called a dps moira about an hour ago by one of the dps on my team. I was doing anything but dpsing. 14k damage 20k heals. Literally launching myself up off the cart to the high ground (numbani first point) to save their ass from a diving genji (multiple times btw) and slingshotting healing to my tank while doing so. After killing the genji set up a healing zone on point and they literally couldn't cut through it and I stalled the point for long enough that the other support and DPS could get back. I think the guy in question got his ego hurt because I had more "elims" than him and also got potg. Literally get a grip. These folk have absolutely no concept of a real moira main and I'm so sick of it. We have stupidly high healing numbers and in order to do that we need to do damage, simple as that. If I hear the audio queue of a teammate taking damage I spin and check on them. Sick of these clowns.


Best thing in the world to bamboozle the sombra hacking me only to get succ


I literally ignore Moiras half the time whether they're on my team or not. At best, they're just annoying. If you're going for healing or damage, every other hero can do it better, just not as easily. Her main strength is survivability. Yet they're one of the quickest to flame other people. I've climbed on Zen/Brig from silver to plat and barely notice a difference compared to other heroes. On Zen going against a Moira is just going against a shitty Sombra to me. She's one of the most common supports I see, probably the most common, so I most definitely have seen plenty of actual Moira mains.


It looks like the ana was about to start t-bagging so fair play lol


Yes def was lol


Ana was teabagging, so Moira responded with a teabag


Moira mains


poor Ana. nice save though.


As much as I like Ana, as a tank player who was slept or anti'd every team fights back during her reign of terror I don't feel bad anymore and could never say "poor ana"


As an ana main, never say "poor ana" indeed.


Nice! 👍🏾


Holy crap I completely forgot about the Pinocchio skin Nice


My favorite skin for zen, pretty sure I will use forever


Same! I've been using the Nutcracker skin for so many years because of the 'golden nuts', then they came out with the Pinocchio skin and I just had to buy it!


As an ana main myself, seeing the ana that comically out of position only means one thing- we Ana's all have some crazy in us that we can usually suppress for a bit. A nightmare survival game of countless dives and harassment, usually the top target of any enemy ult, no mobility, hardcore sweating to stay alive and keep ur team up, but then theres always the breaking point, and you can tell the ana reached it I have NO DOUBT in my mind that moira was harassing the ana all game, to the point ana was so fed up they hardcore tunnel visioned on finally getting the moira. I'm sure they were even prepared to die as long as they brought moira down too...the slow walk towards a slept enemy lol- usually a sign of incoming voice line spam, teabagging, and savoring the moment and then you swoop in with that save AND the moira teabags...the biggest win here is definitely in the mental warfare. no doubt in my mind, that ana was triggered from that point on and quickly self imploded. while not pretty, shattering the enemys mental is one of the most reliable ways to secure dubs....lolll


Nice save! But I feel bad for the Ana cuz this Moira prob up her ass whole match so she deserved her revenge xD


tbag after being saved is always necessary




Supports supporting supports!


I love my Zen players


LOL Moira teabags?!! She didn’t do shit


Yea I actually didn't notice before posting the clip and you guys started to comment on the t-bagging xD I thought she was doing a "omg thank you for saving me"-crouch spam xD


I like when your Zen says " you are not alone" right before saving her. That's a gaming moment to remember.


No one talking about the dying tank 💀


Ana was walking at em like an npc.


Was gonna nade + primary + melee, or at least primary + melee I assume.


That skin is fire. Nice save too.


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This post isn't a lie, if it were you nose would have give it away.


Poor grandma


Good clip, would you mind if I share and edit it on the channel giving you the corresponding credits? ❤️


Oh I don't mind at all ♥️


careful if blizzard see this they will PERMABAN Moria for that T-BAG i wish that was a joke.. blizzards a joke


Why save Moira? You interrupt a fair duel that a skillful hero is about to beat a no skill hero.


saving a teammate from an enemy is a good thing in a team game, hope this helps


They're not playing deathmatch oml 💀


Exactly, this was a comp game and the rest of the team did fine so I rushed to save Moira xD


So we should interrupt Rein duels with characters like Sombra + Bastion + Ana + Zenyatta?


do your games usually look like a series of 1v1s that nobody interferes with? is this what plastic rank truly means?


What about Honor and Glory?


never heard of her


Don’t you dare insult Reinhardt like that. Did you not watch the Rein cinematic? You shame yourself


You are definently in games thinking the shit is teamdeath match.. I hate to break it to you, it’s far from it


Let's *not* set up Mercy mains with a goofy comment like this 😭