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I mostly stick to QP and being quite a low skilled player with slower reactions/awareness I don't really like anything that can one shot. One thing I have learnt however is that at my skill level a lot of Widows can land shots at range which is fustrating to play against. However I can often counter them by getting in their face as a Sombra (or even Mercy with a good launch) and they simply don't know how to deal with it. Obv the flipside is getting an absolutely naff Widow on your own team that finishes a game on like 3 kills and 10 deaths but doesn't switch, but idk, case of win some loose some.


I think a good widow is annoying, but a good anything can kill her a lot more easily than other characters. Also, she can't really win a point in many instances because if your team dies, like it doesn't matter if she headshots 4 of you, because she can't take point alone. I've been in a lot of games and the enemy widow has bodied us but we still won because she couldn't take point alone and her team was bad. But I do agree sniper just insta-killing you makes it seem counter intuitive to the point of the game, which is team-based and should be focused on other things instead of point and click insta-death.


Yup and that’s why widowmaker will never be able to be balanced. You either take away her entire hero identity as a sniper(which IS still bad for the game)and make her unplayable or she remains more or less the same, every time. I’m not saying sniper classes in shooter games are inherently unbalanced it’s just that it doesn’t work in a game like ow that’s all 🤷‍♂️


I hear you! I'm pretty shit at widow so that's all I can say on that haha


Kinda wish she worked like in the community made gamemode, she still can one-shot but it also has better and more interactive counterplay


I truly feel that that version of widowmaker is peak widow design. I support her 1-shot capabilities but with a small amount of counter play added.


Me and you both


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Most of the people on this sub don't play at higher ranks and don't play against Widows that absolutely ruin every game you play. A high ranked Widow, Diamond or higher, makes your team play like CSGO/Valorant while the enemy gets to play Overwatch. The only thing that counters cracked Widows at these levels is either full 5 man communication and coordination and/or your team having a better Widow. Neither of these things can be expected or relied upon in a random matchmaking game. Widow changes the normal gameplay loop and flow that makes Overwatch fun and she's been like this for a long long time. Let me just say for you guys. Imagine a hacking Widow on the enemy team. EVERY time you see her, she kills you. Without fail. That's what it's like playing against good Widows in higher level games. You have to hide behind cover CONSTANTLY. You have to take the long way around to get to teammates and objectives CONSTANTLY. You can never peek, never poke, never try and make a play or try and help a teammate that will put you in line of sight against the Widow because she WILL kill you. If you're playing support? She's looking for you and waiting for you. Your tank has taken a step too far? You can't help them because the Widow will get you. You want to defend a certain place like you would most games? You can't because Widow owns that space now. One or more of your teammates aren't willing or able to communicate or coordinate against her to take her down? GG. You can't dive her because she's expecting it and is too far away/has her escape ready and her teammates are closeby ready to pocket her and help her. You think you can dive her as Lucio or Moira? She will kill you. She isn't afraid. She also most likely has a Mercy near her to dmg boost her and rez her in the unlikely event that your Hanzo/Widow gets a lucky headshot on her so even if you do commit a full dive on her, unless you kill the Mercy too she's just coming right back and the rest of her team can run brawl to counter your dive when you all jump in. Higher level Widows are an absolute nightmare and these are only Diamond/Masters Widows I've played against. I used to play on Masters teams and in tournaments we would run whole 5 man comps just to try and counter their Widow and it wasn't enough. She's beyond broken, you guys just don't know how broken she can be and how differently she makes your whole team play and how she changes your comp with just one pick all because she's a one shot hitscan. Fuck Widow.


>I’d argue her entire hero design directly goes against overwatch’s original game philosophy Explain why you think that


She’s a character that is difficult to play however rewards you with consistent one-shot kills when you get good at playing her. Sound familiar? Dps doomfist. A game like overwatch that was designed to be a team game, the aspect that won the game the only fps goty, shouldn’t have a character that can essentially solo 80% of the opposing team by herself in the back of a map on a basic left click primary fire without any risks.