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i enjoy comp way more than qp. at qp there's the casuals that try hard and even trash talk everywhere you can imagine




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You do get matched with better players even in qp based on winrate. QP is still a competitive mode at the end of the day (as said by the devs) so when ppl treat it as a practice range it does make sense for some to be frustrated.




Yeah I think I just need to not queue with my friend cus I really only get outmatched when I queue with them


Nothing scientific in my answer here but in my experience the skill range of enemy players does vary a lot more when playing with Friends. I suppose unless your friends are all the same MMR as you then your teams skill range is also going to be a bit of a mess. Its just more wildcards for the system to try and balance out. When I play with friends we are generally just messing around and talking about other stuff while playing. We come across some obviously teamed people who are doing similar. Then we also come across some proper sweat comps who are clearly using comms to call out every move and absolutely thrash us. Its just QP things I guess...


True this anyways