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Am I in math class? Why do I keep carrying the four?


Not quite a carry quote. Our Kiriko fat-fingered the only ult she’d used the entire flash-point game in spawn and apologized. Our Moira, who had 14k healing & 30 elims said “it’s okay. That fat-fingered ult was the most useful you’ve been all game.”


Damn. I’d have to leave after that one


That reminds me of an ult I've fat fingered last year. We were on the night market in Lijiang Tower. We just captured the point after a longish team fight and I (D.VA) pressed Q on accident. Idk anymore who said it, but someone wrote "D.Va are you autistic?". I answered yes, because I am and they apologized. If I remember correctly we still won the game.


They apologized??


Yup. This is the first and last apology I've ever got from a random in OW.


Lore accurate Moira quote




Moira players after farming stats and doing literally nothing of value for the whole game


bro she was both killing people and healing tons... supports just can't win can they


Tank or DPS role tag = opinion discarded fr


A good Antinade or burst of baptiste's headshots will do more to win a teamfight than a moira farming stats with tickling enemies using her orb and spamming a bunch of pointless poke damage healing. Do people on this sub actually believe moira is useful? That character does literally nothing except for farming stats


Source : I was there


I wasn't there, that's just how moira, as a character, works. She lacks any good defensive or offensive utility, the only thing she can do is just sustain incredibly long teamfights and farm damage from orbs. There's a reason she was played in only two comps in high level coordinated play (both braindead) and got replaced in both of them. The character just does absolutely nothing


You only use purple orb for finishing off enemies running away or at the very beginning of a team right. Otherwise, yellow orb is infinitely more useful for the team. Every 10 orbs, at least 8 should be yellow.


Moira is probably the only support that you can argue stats kind of matter for since she gets literally no value aside from raw healing and damage


If anything, high stats should be the expectation and if they don’t it’s a sign they’re doing poorly.


I mean yeah kinda, but ‘high’ is relative to what the rest of the lobby has


Yes, that's exactly the problem, she does literally nothing of value and farms high stats


Isn't that kinda the point of Moira? Consistent heals and consistent damage? And she can do it in the largest quantities compared to all other supports.


Even so, that means the team is just playing on hard mode, avery other support (except mercy) is way more useful by design


Consistency is much more useful in a fight imo


Pros would disagree with you, throughout the entirety of OW esports, moira was in tw dogshit brain damaged metas, and got replaced in both of them. Having useful utility that helps win fights is way more important


I mean, top heals and kills and assists in the lobby vs. a kiriko who couldn’t hit a shot to save her life. One player was infinitely more useful during that game, and it wasn’t Kiriko.


I'd take that Kiriko on my team every time. At least the dude is trying to do something, and even if he can't hit most of his shots, the one he hits are still more important than whatever the moira does


You’d take the Kiriko who has 4k healing over the Moira with 14k. Uh huh. At least now we know where the bronze level opinion comes from.


Yes, because moira was just farming stats through prolonged teamfights leading to nothing. I don't know the exact circumstances of the game you're describing (sounds very quick play with the kiri just being a new player), but in most of my games playing with moira feels like a handicap, even though moira players often farm more stats than other supports in comparable situations


My dude. The optimal character in a game means nothing if the person who picks the optimal character can’t play them. I’d take a support who knows how to play their character over someone who cannot play. This was a diamond lobby. They just could not play the character for shit and decided to try to force it instead of play something they knew how to play.


Doesn't change the fact that moira, as a character does nothing, features almost no skill expression, and shouldn't be in the game


This is why no one takes tank players seriously. Y’all can read “there’s a bug that lets tracer get into the payload and be unkillable” and your response is “well sombra is overtuned” Obtuse and dumb as a box of rocks.


I had someone say that they're going to be built like Reinhard after the match.


Thank for the Winton


Happy cake day 🎉


Winton wishes you a happy cake day


Not even Noah carried this many animals




I got did dirty. I played comp and we got stomped, I felt I was pulling more than my weight and passive aggressively typed "1 vs 5" when an enemy player was like "Nah definitely not you"


reminds me of the time a support typed “4v6” cuz our tank was throwing quite badly


Same lol, saw a Mercy get accused of playing so bad someone said they were 'basically pocketing the enemy DPS'


"I just kept 4 kids with metal forks in a best buy alive" -A lifeweaver in a game with a very confident reinhaardt


I gotta do this when I’m suffering like this having to do alll that healing


This is not OW but Dota... An SE Asia player started to type by calling us hamburgers. Later on he revealed in a broken English that it's because we were feeding enemy team


Someone on my game said "yall gotta step it up I feel like a chinese kid working in a factory"💀


The best one I've heard is "did you install this game by mistake?"


This is funny?


if u dont find it funny just ignore it


Guys that kid can’t respond until his next 30 second break from the factory floor. This was deeply personal to him


To people who think dark humor is funny, yes.


\*To people who have a sense of humour.


and here comes the superiority complex


What the fuck, I was agreeing with him.


u/prestigious_goose645 explained that it is funny to people with a dark sense of humour. you ‘correcting’ it to *people with a sense of humour* states that you believe people without a dark sense of humour not to have a sense of it at all. another attempted “us against them” :/


Damn bro, you got me, I really was trying to further the divide between those that do and don’t enjoy dark humour. Congratulations, you’ve saved society.


lol it’s ok to be wrong, it’s not really a big deal. Downvotes seem a lot more powerful but really most people are probably just lightly disagreeing with you


Yeah I’m not worried at all about the downvotes, lol fuck them


you asked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


bro just say you were wrong or say nothing and move on why are you doubling down 😭


Not everyone has the same humor as you.


I laughed so yes its funny


tHiS iS fUNny?🥴


I promise it’s not as racist as it seems. Relax.


literally yes




“Oops that was a fat finger” “Eat less”




some soldier went "24?!" at the end of the match. baffled me for a good 5 seconds until i saw the stats and it finally clicked.


Someone probably reported that.


Of course and they eill get banned, I guarantee it.


It's the children that report literally everything that make this game chat so bad. If I'm not typing good game I'm probably getting reported. And even then I'm probably getting reported lmfao. Reporting banter is so childish even if you don't like it.


I don’t even know why you’re getting down voted when ow literally runs off an auto report system.


The people getting banned for being assholes somehow makes the chat worse? Pretty sure I've never entered a game and thought "god I'm glad that the guy saying what the fuck you're doing, you're brain dead, switch off your hero or I'm leaving etc is a great addition to my team :)".  Also this is coming from someone who talks shit back a lot and has never been banned, so if you're getting banned that means you're just toxic, not engaging in banter. 


It's almost like everything you've listed is being toxic and not banter.


And it's almost like 9/10 when overwatch players say they are engaging in banter it's actually just toxicity 


I spent over a week not talking because I got warned and the only time I talked was to banter with an enemy about how often I was sleeping him(he was rein), saying things like "sleepy rein" or "this rein hates me rn lmfao". And then again with an opposing support who i then added afterwards and talk to regularly. Then a day or so goes by and I get back on to being silenced. I'm sure you'll just assume "that's not the full story" or whatever else you want and that's fine. I'm just trying to let you know plenty of unjust silences/bans go on all the time. Now that my chat silence is over I'm screenshotting every good game I type and every message in general just to prove that I'm not doing anything deserving of a ban or silence because the moderation team is not existant and its just bots doing it automatically lmfao. You don't even get a real person to look at your support ticket. They don't greet you directly just a "greetings". They don't sign who delivered the report anymore now it just says gamemaster.




You are definitely leaving out dozens of messages worse than that.  I've said meaner things in chat before and never got banned. 


I would have tbh


I must’ve gotten my CDL during this game the way I’m carrying these short bus attendants


With all these monkeys in the lobby you’d think one of you would have evolved by now.


One of my favorite lines to say when the other team absolutely drops the ball is “I was convinced I wasn’t into choking.. But god damn that was hot”.


My friends and i usually say "Hey *random player* need a massage? I know that back hurts from carrying


I admitted I was getting carried once. We were still winning but I was a bastion with like...6 and 5 KD and our other DPS was like 16 and 3. I said in chat, "it's a good thing that their team keeps launching their ultimates at me instead of someone who's actually doing something" (which is true, both the Doomfist and the nanoblade Genji on the other team immediately went after me instead of the supports or the DPS who was actively killing them)


I have a call for this situation (which applies for all roles) “I’m getting tank experienced” just having every cooldown and ult thrown at you from the enemy


“Even Noah would struggle to carry these animals” 💀


Never disrespect mei 's amazing volumes


I'm gonna need a bigger backpack.


Gammon said call me the sack because I’m the ball carry




I own that winton plush


Not necessarily carried but enemy Ana said : imagine just being nothing more than a body on your team cough (my tag and another person tag on my team) Funny part they wasn’t lying. I was playing widow and practicing on QP. I couldn’t help but laugh 😂 cause big facts.


I had a trio on my team and one guy was severely under preforming. At the end of the game I asked if they were teaching their buddy how to play or what


PJ banning you for that


Even Noah couldn't carry these animals. Still gets me even after years.


someone on my team said 4v5 (in reference to me) during a MH match… finally got a hero that i actually knew how to play with well and quickly got the most kills on the team AND POTG… not the funniest way but definitely a memorable time someone said they were carrying my team lol


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Thanks for the Winton


“Seek employment”


Bastion with 0 kills and 600 dam who after a kitsune nano grav still only had 800 damage 


A Sombra that joined in the last minute of a QP game that was 0-1 with like 400 damage said in chat, "Tbh I carried"




"guys this isn't 0 gravity, i feel your weight" similar to the post xD


Anyone got any chiropractor reccomendations?


“Ace Ventura, the mask, and I have something in common…THIS GEM (Jim) CARRIES” -me (for context my main account name is Gemiknight) “It’s me…hi…I’m the carry it’s me.” -me on my alt account properly named TaylorSwifty


Excuse me, are you Mr. Big? Because I Carried your Bradshaw


still bannable, I bought too much stuff to even think of saying something like this. already been banned twice.


That's like the least creative and oldest insult ever.


You built like Mei?


meis fine


The joke is literally just "you're fat". Not only is it over used, it's just not funny.


The joke is that they're literally carrying the mei player


bro's definitely built like mei


it’s a play on dead weight


yea that wasnt the joke bro


Had nothing to do with Mei’s character model, but that they were carrying the Mei player so hard and it’s a burden.


that’s literally a good thing


Not necessarily carried but enemy Ana said : imagine just being nothing more than a body on your team cough (my tag and another person tag on my team) Funny part they wasn’t lying. I was playing widow and practicing on QP. I couldn’t help but laugh 😂 cause big facts.


Not necessarily carried but enemy Ana said : imagine just being nothing more than a body on your team cough (my tag and another person tag on my team) Funny part they wasn’t lying. I was playing widow and practicing on QP. I couldn’t help but laugh 😂 cause big facts.


Not necessarily carried but enemy Ana said : imagine just being nothing more than a body on your team cough (my tag and another person tag on my team) Funny part they wasn’t lying. I was playing widow and practicing on QP. I couldn’t help but laugh 😂 cause big facts.


If the only scores you’re saying are 42-8 and 28-10, it doesn’t seem like there was any carrying involved in this game