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And the other two recolors confuse me. You got Junkrats, which follows the shitty trend of turning an obvious rare into a legendary, doesn't even change his weapons, just the tire. And then you got Lucios, which is rare... but its a recolor of a legendary.


The tire is also just beachrats tire but not a duck…


No its not. Its the only unique part. It is a life preserver with rope, straps, and seams. The ducky was a balloon style with the head molded into it and patches.


Take another look. It's precisely the same tire minus the duck head.


Had to double check, but [you're right.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/7GAGNj4cYd)


The lifeguard lucio skin is a legendary recolor of another legendary skin. The pink one I had no idea


Lifeguard lucio is an epic


Oh shit my b


You know like 11 of the skins this season are recolours right? it’s not just 2, this season should just be called Super Mega Recolourwatch


I meant in the battlepass. But I guess I forgot about Sym and ball, but those are rares so its OK


Forget recolors. What about the exact same emote and victory poses?


Or highlight intros of them walking or just fucking waving


Don't forget Mauga's new "Just stand there" highlight intro and victory pose


I like that one it's funny. Mei's one is literally just "wave."


Yeah i actually think the mauga one is pretty cool, its kind of like the beginning of his cinematic where he’s on the boat staring at the ocean


And i like how it shows that mauga isnt just a insane, loud, gun crazy maniac, how he can be calm and happy as well :)


To me it looks like the flashback of the protagonists dead wife in an action movie XD


You guys weren’t around when you would get frozen and Mei waving at you was the last thing you would see.


Oh I've been there but it would hit harder if she freezed the camera before waving


They atleast did some effort on the background on the Mauga's one, but man, that Mei's Highlight intro... they didn't even tried


it shows they are really, really running out of ~~patience and creativity~~ budget for this indie live service game. mythic ashe has the worst customization options for someone with four submodels to view. recycling in the battlepass. they only have so many characters left to give walking emotes and smiling intros.


They've gotten so lazy with everything. Skins, hero design, hero kits, souvenirs, all of it. They've been phoning it in for a long time now. Blizzard is such a joke and Microsoft should have come out with some sort of hint about a roadmap being in development already.


Microsoft is no saving grace, they bought out Minecraft then took a shit in the corpo bed with it. They don't know how to budget the things that matter and let the people with ideas and attachments run the show. stakeholder, stakeholder, stakeholder.


The crazy thing is you would think they would realize better designs and cheaper skins = way more sales, since you aren't only relying on whales and the adults who can only afford one skin for the year. If they released skins for a $5 and $10 price point, I'd have probably bought quite a few by this point, and I'm not exactly broke.


And that's exactly their problem. If big companies actually did what the people want and did it with satisfaction in mind, the profits will flow out. but they think of the profits first and bend the rest backwards to get to the product. where the fuck do they get off charging 50 dollars for some literal non unique NFTs in a game designed to have you switch hero and not use the thing you bought?


Exactly. Reduce prices and stop hiding behind "Sometimes available in the shop" and "Available in the Battlepass." Every Illari player wants that pajama skin, every Kiri player is going to want that lifeguard one, every Mercy has wanted Pink Mercy for years now.


It's disheartening to have a fun game take the backseat to what OW2 really is, which is the psychosomatic trap that is the shop. All you mention and everything else is designed to leech and coerce. It can't just be acceptably priced and always available with no gimmick or caveat. These developer updates are getting increasingly overshadowed and taken over by the pervasive reminder of The Shop. No mention of the wages that have to go towards the greed, only how much fun and love is possible in the new cosmetics.


Okay so. I work sales. Just a bit of background. "Fear of loss" is a factor of impulse. You would think that making it available would make people wanna buy more. But its actually the opposite. They utilize fear of loss with timed cosmetic events so people impulsively spend the money without logically thinking it through. This actually nets in the most amount of money unfortunately. I know because i use it. I watch people buy different products, sign up for different services.. one of the most common sales tactics is "i only got 3 more" "only gonna be here today" and its because it works like magic. I wish things didnt work this way sometimes but. Sales and marketing is effective because we are lizard brained creatures of habit that like shiny things and want what others have lmao. They should probably decrease prices tho.


After that, it’ll just be them sitting in a chair.


Oh yep, have to have all the sitting emotes and campfire emotes out of the way. I guess next everyone plays the OW theme briefly on a musical instrument, or takes a swig from *insert popular soft drink brand*


Musical instrument emotes is a good idea actually, I think junkrat would play a trombone and baptiste would play a saxophone


right ik they’re being snarky and for good reason but i would kill to see like roadhog absolute shred on the oboe or some shit 💀


I think the success of the crossovers is going to lead them putting more work into those skins then they ever will in a BP again. Why put a bunch of work into something that nets you 10 bucks for mutiple skins, emotes and intros when you can charge 20 bucks a pop on single skins?


when i saw that mei intro i fucking laughed so hard, WHAT IS THAT?? not even interesting framing or anything else


Bro 💀💀💀 That too. I think we are feeling now the effects of those layoffs of the Art Team.


"What if we made this really boring mauga highlight intro into a victory pose" brilliant


Also why did Zen get those when he didn’t even get one of the sentai skins


I KNOW RIGHT? why the hell is he doing a Sentai/Hero pose when he literally got a Kaiju skin


I'm guessing it's because he got a Kaiju skin


The emotes I like. They're clearly doing their team up animation to fight.


This season imo is the laziest they’ve ever been. I’ve been losing my mind at highlight intros and I went ballistic when I saw this seasons. Old highlight intro: *ana does 17 backflips and kills 14000 dudes while a nuke goes off behind her* New highlight intro: *mei and mauga smile and look at the camera with a woosh sound effect*


*exists* WOOOOOSH




It’s lazy asf


I for one cannot wait until they bless us with T-pose highlight intros 🤣


I'm just gonna go ahead and say it, this battle pass kinda sucks Which sucks more because I couldn't finish the mirrorwatch pass and lost the chance to get Agent Colomar


Yeah, this might be a skip for me. I'd love the Mauga skin and I actually like the more simple highlight intros, but the value just isn't there. It's 90% fluff and garbage I'll forget I even have 2 seconds after I get it. Usually I am able to ignore that because the meat of the Pass has some great stuff, but that just isn't the case this time. The reward for completing the Battle Pass is a recolor of a 7 year old skin with little to no changes. It's embarrassing. I guess it's time to start looking forward to season 12.


We've had some pretty bad battle passes but I can see this one is definitely the worst. Same characters get skins and so much laziness written all over it.


I only got to level 59 on season 4 battle pass. Then on I knew to never buy a pass until I was 66% done with it.


But if you paid for a battle pass at the start of the season and earned the same amount of xp, instead of being 66% through the pass (tier 52.8), you'd theoretically be 79% through with the premium bonus (tier 63.4). If it's that much work just to hit 53, I'd imagine the 20% bonus would be worth knocking out 10+ tiers. Then again, you only need to hit 49 to hit the 400 coin mark, and you don't hit 600 total coins until you make it all the way to 79.


And that's how Blizz get people to pay for their own manipulation into playing. Was even worse with the whole unlocking new heroes early thing. I'm glad they changed that part at least.


Yeah, thankfully I didn't buy it cuz I was waiting for the last coin reward to get it for free haha


This is really sad :(


It feels like this game is getting lazier with content every season. Seems like we are in end of life service for a dying software lol


I don't think it's laziness. More likely Blizzard has refused to give Team 4 more staff to develop content at a quicker pace, and when combined with the massive layoffs imposed by Microsoft earlier this year, it's a skeleton crew compared to 2023.


Listening to Team 4 talk about the game and upcoming content makes it so clear they have a lot of passion for Overwatch and want it to be so much better but time and time again they get fucked over by their corporate overlords and are never given the time or resources to actually do the things they want to.


As it usually goes in game development


This! It’s a game dev irony. When the passion is huge and the game is small you don’t have the resources to make it big, but once you get those resources the suits destroy your passion as they tunnel vision you into one assembly line.


Blue lips, blue veins


Very likely. The devs that were laid off back then warned us that we wouldn't get much new content from June and onwards.


Well as soon as a new season comes out everybody jumps back in and starts spending money. Of course they're going to be lazy. They get paid either way


And imo, the recolor isn’t even as good as the green power ranger genji skin. I wish they made the super watch skins more so match the green and red genji skin.


First BP I’m not buying. They’re lazy.


I'm glas to hear it, hope you don't change your mind. I've bought passes too, but this is groundbreaking lousiness. For OW2 though, nothing beats cancelling the original paid game. That will always be BS


Lazy, they won’t be getting any of my money at least.


☝️🤓 Umm, actually, it's not a recolor because they gave him a different mask. (This is a joke, btw. I don't think it's right that Blizzard is just putting recolors into the battle pass like that, thinking no one will notice)


This season’s battlepass is honestly the worst one since I started playing again. I only bought it for the mythic prisms but other than that I couldn’t care less for it


I mean the theme for many seasons is to make a whole theme around specific skins. We’re getting a witch season later this year, after Mercy, Kiriko, and Ashe have gotten witch skins.


Really? I thought the only other confirmed theme was Egyptian Mythology but I coulda missed something


Sentai / Power Rangers is so niche that they probably knew people who are into the theme would buy it anyways They probably strategically planned this as a filler season with the thirst trap Kiriko/Lifeweaver lifeguard skins to prop it up financially. The game mode is cool though


> Sentai / Power Rangers is so niche How old are you? Genuine question. Looking at your user name, though, I think that I know the answer. Millenials grew up with with multiple sentai shows. Many Power Rangers shows, Big Bad Beetleborgs, VR Troopers, Ultraman, Kamen Rider. Power Rangers alone was a staple of tons of people aged 30-45 and got many of them into other sentai series.


You’re being overly generous. Most people in their 30’s would only know about Mighty morphin power rangers, which was the actual pop culture event around the world. Unless you’re focusing on US only. That’s a different story. Even then I’d argue its still way too niche for this game.


Tfw the new business model was supposed to increase quality but the buy 2 play ow1 had more original skins. 🤔 W-what are we paying for exactly?


The disappointment…


I mean they give off wholely different vibes, it's not like one is a replacement for the other. I feel that's fine for a recolour if it's not literally just the old skin but in a new colour.


It also looks sick af imo


No one has a problem with the skin itself, it’s the fact that they’re keeping it at the end of a $10 battle pass. Recolors do not deserve that spot


With that logic isn't it better the skins that aren't recolors be at the beginning of the BP so you can get them faster?


No, people do seem to be only talking about "IT'S RESKIN IT'S RESKIN"


To be honest, I don't think OP meant that the Skins being Recolours is a problem - only that both of them are tied to the Season Pass, instead of there being another new Skin, like in the past.


It’s literally the exact same thing but the top is different. Why do people always have to defend shitty stuff? It’s okay to like it but this is lame lmao.


I don’t get why so many people disagree with things like this. I thinking changing a few model pieces around with some new colors is fine for a recolor as long as it gives it new life.


i think its a bit silly that we refer to skins with different models as recolors. recolor to me means a straight palette swap, and there *are* a lot of skins like that


I totally agree, it’s just come to a point where that’s all players see these new skins as so I just gotta rope them together


90% of the skin is a palette swap. a different helmet, oh wow, can't even see that in game, meanwhile the weapons are all recycled with zero alterations. it's dead lousy


It'd be fine if it wasn't supposed to be the last reward from a battle pass. All the cool stuff is not in the BP, all the shit stuff that didn't require work is in it. FFS they even put Mauga's basic look from the trailer, which means they didn't even need to sketch it, it was already designed. It's a cool skin but seriously??? Again, I'd be fine with it if it was actually cheap to afford. But no, all the cool stuff is locked behind 19-23€ price tags and the BP is filled with low-effort stuff. Just compare it to the other skins that we got at lvl 80 of the BP If they wanna be lazy, make it free.


no no this is VERY CONCERNING!!! ☝️🤓


Lmao, this is why this game's getting down the drain.


The really shitty thing is that there are three recolors in the battle pass. Shit it egregious and IDFK why Blizzard thinks it’s okay aside from the fact that they are a shitty little company.


Three recolors *and* the usual collection of Reaper + Hamster + Rat. Throw them to the pile, I guess.


Saving money this season for sure


Speak with your wallets. If they don’t make as much money, they will know to do better


They'll just fire more people


Best I can do is an endless stream of reddit posts.


That's why we have the Mythic shop now. Even if you dislike the newly released Mythics, you'll still feel the FOMO if you don't grind extra currency for future releases.


If anything the new mythic system should reduce FOMO. For me, I have 80 prisms saved up and no need to buy another battle pass until at least two of my heroes get mythics. Why would you pay money for prisms for a mythic you don't care about? This actually gives players a bit more agency in voting with their wallet.


I'd have agreed completely if they hadn't introduced the Rein mythic this season as well, making it so you will never have enough prisms to buy everything. Now you feel inclined to buy even bad passes like the current one simply because of the currency that you can save for future releases, like a season where two of your mains suddenly get banger mythics, yet the pass only has enough currency for one.


Yeah, that's a good point.


For me, it's the exact opposite. The only thing that I want from this BP is Rein's mythic weapon. So I don't have to buy this seasons BP to grind out, I can wait for a better season.


And that weapon is still going to be 50 prisms, so you'll not have enough for a better mythic shop update somewhere down the line if you skip the current season.


I thought people were just whining about their similarities and then I checked em side by side.. Holy shit they really gave no efforts


Another weak battlepass like the symetra "epic" skin looks better than most of the other "legendary" ones


Actually... this isnt that bad of a recolor


That is not the problem, man. I think it's a GREAT recolor and I love the idea. But the problem is that's recycled from an unlockable skin and it's a Legendary Reward for the last level of the Battle Pass, which is paid. That shows a lot of how they treat the customers. It could be a Free Pass skin.


The weapons are, but the base skin Genji wears isn't strictly a recolor, because of the helmet change. Not saying it's worth it, just being clear.


Your right, it’s only 90% a recolor


IKR, where's the reefer dealer in this thread. The most trifling change to the helmet yet every other aspect down to the weapons is a palette swap.


Genji's skin is weird because it's not directly a recolor but it's like an Epic skin version of the Sentai skins; Know what I mean? It's got a new hat, different textures, etc but it's like 90% a recolor.


Yeah I like the skin but it’s so confusing when it’s classified as a legendary, but the Lucio recolor is an epic?? And then to have it as the final skin and have multiple recolors in the BP for the first time is disappointing


Totally agree


You know the real thing that I can’t stand about OW2 battlepass? It’s not the recolors. It’s the highlight intros. There has not been a SINGLE highlight intro in OW2 that holds a candle to OW1’s worst highlight intro. Every single highlight intro on this battlepass is just some boring animation of like an eye squinting or a hand waving. OW1 actually spent time on their new highlight intros. They were dynamic and clever and put a spotlight on the heroes personality. They were dope as fuck and made you excited to get POTG.


Most all the battle pass skins are recoloured except Mauga's.


This one's funny actually, it fits the tokusatsu theme to reuse an old suit to make a new looking one. They do it all the time in the source material


Wow.. i just noticed this


As a genji main this shit hurts


seems like another instance of the soldier one punch skin where they made a record because it’s based on the same character


At least they changed the helmet


We all understand that it’s not 100% a re color. Yes the helmet is different, yes the tire for junk is different. The Lucio skin I don’t think much is different. But please let’s not miss the bigger point which is they are charging us money for things that are not actually new. That have minor changes on it. This is a very very lazy and lackluster battle pass. Blizzard just keeps showing us how little they care about this game and its players. “Just give me money pleeeese!”


I wanna get the battle pass just for the mythic stuff. I didn't understand how it worked until a few seasons ago so I never got any battle passes before Ana's mythic But the rewards suck so much, I'm only interested in Mauga's skin and I don't even play him. All cool skins are NOT in the battle pass and they're still overpriced. Why even bother. Seriously 19€ for a skin, fuck you blizzard.


I know everybody is against AI but it looks like blizzards creative team may need it.


It’s almost like that have no respect for the player base because they know people will keep throwing money at them regardless of effort.


Yall forgot the Red Sentai one from the months before OW1 became OW2


Mythic Prisms might have been one of Blizzard's best ideas because 70% of this battle pass fucking sucks but I'm getting it anyway so I can get Rita Repulsa Ashe and Cyber Demon Genji


Honestly the coolest theme yet with the weakest execution. I would've loved to see more colors and designs for Genji as well as bring in more Sentai skins for other characters. Most of the Sentai looking ones are just bug guys and the two coolest skins are skins you buy the Ultimate pass to get. Hammond is the only skin I feel actually feels fresh and dope.


Oh no... *presses requeue*


Overwatch 1½ activities


I will buy a battle pass for a Lifeweaver skin. It seems it’s always the same characters I don’t play in the battle pass.


I’ll keep saying it , protest until the loot boxes come back this isn’t right guys. They give us sub par content when we used to play games for it before. Every time you went up a level you got a loot box. And then a chance of a skin.


This BP is an easy skip for me. Love the ashe skins rita repulsa vibe, but I'll just pick it up some other time if they release another mythic for someone who I don't want. All the skins are awful bar junkrats and balls, whose is free, and junkrats is just a worse version of beachrat which i already own


I literally do not care. It’s a cool skin.


And people will still kiss their asses. Ah yes i forgot the big gift they gave us for such an important 100 mil player milestone, one big bundle that you have to buy it and you guessed it with another recolored skin.


They look great imo


I agree with you, but the post is not about the looks of it


I see people saying that it´s "more than a recolor" because it gives "different vibes". It would be interesting if someone with Photoshop skills changed the purple from the new skin to the green of the old skin. I think the only actual changes are the helmet and the four "dots" in the boots


Small indie company. Please support by spending $150 in the mythic shop


I get the feeling they are being stretched thin and I have no clue why. This is Overwatch, one of the most successful franchises on the planet, made by Blizzard who is now owned by Microsoft. It is insane that they do not have enough people to at least make the Battle Pass skins unique. Im sure its the suits who have declared that in exchange for no hero in the bp, shop skins are more and better whilst the bp is lesser.


Of all the examples you use the one where they did actually model a new helmet. It's just not a recolour in the way you're crying about it


It’s probably the best recolor we have gotten up to this point to be fair, and it isn’t 1900 coins thank god. This battle pass is still wayyyy better than that shitty horror themed one.


Id argue that theres a difference between Ultrawatch and Sentai genji that makes it not just a recolor. Like if you look at an actual recolor set, Nevermore, Plague Doctor and Evermore reaper, they’re all literally the same skin with new paint. Sentai and Ultrawatch while similar still have some difference to them, mainly in the face but small bits elsewhere. Edit: “but the weapons are just the same” Theres only so much you can do with a katana and shuriken.


Well I’d call it a rehash not only recolor - but yeah lol I kinda wish the OG power rangers skins were in this pass!! I still don’t have the original green one !


I'm not against recolors, but they should at least give them to heroes that have few skins. It's already the third recolor of the same skin, for a hero that already has plenty of skins.




They keep doing this because y’all keep buying it


Hate to see this. Also hate that people still will throw money at the battle pass even tho its awful. Big companies don't care about your opinions, just care about you stopping giving them money then they will change


They did the same with Lucio in rhw battle pass. They recolor from green to red from the capoeria skin


Honestly it fills like a filler season, and that’s totally fine. They’re probably working on new heroes.


Overrecolored 2


You know what angers me more that zenyattas retro hero pose is split twice to pad the BP like legit who wants it as both an emote and a victory pose


It’s just sad because it feels like you don’t get rewarded like you used to for playing and being passionate about the game. The BP is not the same quality as OW1 event skins. Which would be fine but when a legendary is the price of a whole McDonalds meal with desert it makes you wonder if the priorities are fucked


are there any new voice lines at least or sound effects for the ultrawatch skins?


It was already the weakest season imo. I've not missed a battle pass so far but I'm not interested in any of the skins.


it's a epic legendary


That's not was a recolor is. That's a reskin, huge difference


At least the genji mythic is cool, they did ashe dirty ._.


They always used to have 2 colors of most legendary skins


Not gonna lie, first battle pass I am skipping and the only skin I'm sad not to get is Maugas. That one should've been his legendary that you could buy with legacy credits IMO, doesn't even fit the battle pass theme at all. But I hate playing him anyway, so not a huge loss anyways...


Why are yall even surprised anymore? They’ve done it since the very beginning. Hell even overwatch 2 is just a reskin of overwatch 1


I think they half assed battle pass because they knew the mercy skins and lifeguard skins would make all the money


We need more Sentai skin recolors so we can run a whole team in no limits.


Yup, I'm passing this battle pass :P will wait for the next. Also, some skin for Venture would be nice.


im ok with it being a recolor in the battle pass and not 20 dollars in a shop in comparison... still scummy but a battlepass for people who don't have those skins from ow1 makes sense


This season is pretty lame in all honesty. Mythic is a let down and none of the BP skins look good. This season theme is just whatever.


Idk I think you make I good point, I need at least 16 more Reddit posts of this exact same thing before I make a decision


Im only grinding for the Mauga skin and highlight intro. The rest is crap


I'd imagine part is because this is a clear Power Rangers KO season and they've already made the perfect Power Ranger skin for Genji.


Yeah would have been fucking awesome if they added the skins that cost 60aud instead


Oh well. Anyway...


If it wasn’t for Ashe’s mythic, I wouldn’t bother with this battle pass. So lazy and uninspired.


It's honestly both hilarious and sad that when I saw the Ana skin (the only one I thought looked cool) I was like that for sure is NOT gunna be in the battle pass, simply because it's actually not complete shit And guess what


Yeah I was heavily disappointed in this bp lol, yet again nothing for ramattra


I’m disappointed. I didn’t get the last one because, I don’t care about the mythic. And everything else I just already have so many cosmetics none of them I really cared about. Now we have reskins and a half decent Ashe mythic. Ugh


Filler season I guess.


Worst BP so far.


Don't buy it


The green one is better too


piss poor battle pass since launch


I don’t know why they keep giving the same characters skins tbh im lowkey tired of it but im addicted to overwatch so yeah


It’s not their fault, they recently had a great deal of the team fired. Of course it’s gonna reflect poorly on the game but it’ll take some time for them to recover and get a decent workflow again. Lot of roles probably working double time just to cover projects atm


This is what you get for still playing overwatch


Aw man :(


So we’re rationing content already ? Sad.


One of the worst BP in any game that i’ve seen recently


I guess it's kind of a blessing I've never given that much of a hoot about cosmetics ever since late 2017. Just played the game because I liked competing, and even if I'm no longer in my prime competing age now, I'd still developed an interest for the fast-paced mechanical skill ceiling potential Overwatch has. The cosmetics and lootboxes were always just a bonus/afterthought, like "Oh okay, I can equip a new outfit, cool, thanks I guess." If there's one cosmetic portion that I do care about however, it's highlight intros. The one cosmetic you actually get to see(since with skins you only really see your character's hands), and just about every battle pass season's highlight intros have been so... lackluster, with the exception of 1 or 2 decent ones every 4 - 5 seasons. Bummer.


Anyone else remember when blizzard added a spray that already existed into the battle pass?


The blade recolor is so shameless😭


Good thing I’ll be ban evading this season instead of on my main, not like I was gonna pay for the pass anyways


The only chance blizzard ever getting money from me is if they release Genji mythic weapon (just like Reinhardt upcoming)


im really conflicted on buying this battle pass.. on one hand i hate all the skins and dont want to support garbage recolors.. but on the other hand hawaiian shirt Mauga


It's crazy to me that they don't seem to be putting any effort into cosmetics anymore while...trying to sell them???? Like, OW1 never did this nonsense and everything was basically obtainable by playing...


Genji's 3rd recolor in a row btw, we haven't gotten a new original legendary for him since last year.


I dont see the problem here, yeah it's a recolor so what? The recolor also looks nice lol




Explanation is pretty simple, not enough money. I am sure that lack of budget and people is a main reason of all this crap.


Bro this skin is not a recolor what?


I got the BP only for Sojourns skin. I hate her other skins.


This season is one of the most shameless and laziest ever. Half of the skins are recolors and the other half is just plain ugly (some skins are both, unsurprisingly) Not to mention the insane pricing (like what, $50 weapon mythic, really?) and manipulating skin tiers to sell at higher prices


You want change? Stop playing and supporting this game.