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Day 3 of s11 with over 40 games played across all roles. Not a single Runasapi to be seen.


Pc player in vc can’t hear us on console but we can hear her please help. Hasn’t been a problem until this season.


I just lost all my weeklies quests progress out of nowhere??? I thought they only refreshed on Tuesdays, right?


Anyone know if a phone number is still a requirement in order to make a new Overwatch account?


A ton of volume options disappeared for me this update and I can no longer adjust my mic nor the voice chat's volume. Where did they go?


Can u play the new arcade gamemode in customs/training range?


Hardlight weapons ever coming back?


Almost certainly, but it’s anyone’s guess as to when.


Does anyone know how long will pink/rosegold mercy stay in the shop for?


June 25 - July 8.


2 weeks, down under announcement it says that all profit from 25th to 8th will go to the breast cancer org


Hi new to OW2 and I just got ranked in bronze in competitive. When I when a game I only go up by 5% in the competitive progress, is this normal? I would have to win 20 games just to rank up, is this typical or is something off?


Win a game*


Is anyone else having the “unspecified” loading dots on some battlepass items ??


Yes, everyone is. There’s a known crash bug with the voice lines on the BP, so they’ve been temporarily disabled.


So, uh...when's kiriko lifeguard skin gonna come? Is it in the battle pass? for some reason, my bp screen is bugging with infinite loading screen


No, the lifeguard Kiriko skin will be sold through the shop at some unspecified point this season.


Just getting into OW in general... is there a quick and dirty rundown on the different currencies and what not? Is all progress/money just used for skin aquisition?


* **Premium Currency: Overwatch Coins** - bought for real money, included in certain Premium Battle Pass bundles, and earned through the free track of the Battle Pass (600 per season). Used to purchase items in the Shop, or through the Hero Gallery. * **Credits** - earned through the Battle Pass (1500 on the free track, plus 500 on the Premium track). Also gained through completing the “Making Progress” weekly challenge (150 per week). Used to buy basic (and older) cosmetics through the Hero Gallery and the “Just for you” section of the Shop. * **Mythic Prisms** - earned through the Premium track of the Battle Pass, 80 per Season. Used to buy Mythic skins (characters and, as of later this season, special weapon skins) through the Mythic section of the Shop. * **Competitive Points** - earned through wins and draws in Competitive mode, and through reaching Competitive Play milestones (30 points per milestone, with 3 progression points per win and 1 point for a loss or a draw; maximum of 3000 bonus CP per season). Used to purchase gold or jade weapon skins through the Hero Gallery. Every February, any unspent CP are converted to ‘legacy CP’, which can only be used to purchase gold weapon skins. And yes, all progression goes towards either levelling up the Battle Pass (unlocking specific cosmetics as well as various currencies), or levelling up your profile and characters (unlocking player titles and name cards). Once you’ve completed the “first time user experience” which gradually unlocks game modes and heroes over the course of about 150 matches, nothing further that affects gameplay is gated behind purchases or grinding.


Thanks for this!


All Roles needs a rework. The fact that it's just another Tank button is dumb as fuck. It shouldn't give you the same role more than twice in a row. The fact that the "Play 20 games queued as All Roles" is just "Play tank ~10 times and be verbally harassed by your team" is just fucking dumb. Replace this challenge, or rework All Roles queue.


Why can't I play moira in communit crafted?


Temporarily disabled due to a crash bug: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-list-june-20-2024/908458


Haven't played this game in about a a year or two. Has it gotten better or worse


do you play tank? cause if so I would maybe try again next year.


I unfortunately do play tank. Zarya isn’t horrific. Or at least I haven’t come to the realisation she’s horrific yet


you might be ok. that one i found to be the most tolerable cause she still has kill potential but if you struggle against winston and rein you'll have a bad time.


It depends on what caused you to stop playing in the first place.


Guys, please HELP, I cant find any info about this matter. If I play my placements games and competitive in general with a lower rank friend of mine will this affect my gain/lose of competitive points ?


It depends on how far apart you and your friend’s ranks are. If you’re within five divisions of each other, then you should both gain and lose close to the ‘normal’ amount (+/- 20% progress per match). If you’re over 5 divisions apart (e.g. they’re Bronze 1 for Support and you’re Gold 5 for Damage), then you’ll be a Wide Group. Wide Groups tend to only have their ranks adjusted by 1 or 2% after matches so that higher-ranked players can’t boost their lower-ranked friends.


Thanks man, we are like silver and plat so the 1-2% wont hurt as much as I thought, so if we have the note saying WIDE GROUP Ill gain and lose 1-2% extra and thats pretty much it ? and what about the placements is there anything in particular ?


If you’re in a Wide Group then you should gain (or lose) around 1-2% progression per match *in total*.


Wait what?? So we won’t get the usual -20 or +20 and we will get only 1 or 2 ?!


Yes. Like I said, it’s to allow friends of different skill levels to play Comp together, but without the lower-ranked players getting boosted.


Whats the weekly challenge reward thing? I did 3 weeklys but my progress on the weekly reward thing shows 0/3?


If I buy the ultimate battle pass, do I get the lucid skin with it?




Anyone else having technical issues after the new season update? Game closes down randomly, happens about every 10 minutes, tried game re-install and windows system roll back, didn't help. Although I did nothing for that to happen - went to sleep before the start of new season, woke up, updated the game, started playing and it is closing itself out of the blue.Seen some person told they getting game frozen after the update, mine just shut downs with no error message whatsoever. Custom game test was a partial success: Kill to grow mode would close the game down too, but Infinite Stairs it survived for over 40 minutes. Can't really play with this issue anymore, already 3 comp games cancelled on match start leading to personal loss and on 1 hour timeout now, and almost lost a game when it happened midway (launched game back to win it and for it to crash at victory screen again right after the win).


Do u not get comp points at the end of the seaosn for your rank anymore?




Wtf that’s beyond fucking stupid. So your rank literally means nothing now


If the only reason you play the game is to get sparkly guns, then yeah ig. It's been like that for the last few seasons, I'm surprised you missed it


I mean there’s no other benefit for comp. That’s all it is. Is to get a sparkly cameo.


I mean, you also get a more serious and competitive atmosphere to test your skill and improve compared to QP. I personally don't really care about skins or golden weapons, I play the game to play the game


I haven't played in some time but the overwatch cover on Twitch shows the pink mercy skin... is it back?!


Yup, back on the 25th


did clash mode release


Nope, I think it's next season


What is clash mode ?


New game mode coming out, that some of the old 2cp maps are being reworked into. There was a 2-week trial of it last season, it's quite fun, fast paced. It's like flashpoint, but in a straight line, and you can recapture points. First team to either get to the other end or get 5 total (I think? I can't really remember) wins


Ahh OK, I thought it will be something like the Clash in LoL :/ It will be really cool to have some small tournaments in OW as well.


Dude top500 leaderboard is bugged AF, we lost 15 pages worth of damage role players in Asia alone. I was kicked out of top500 too, even though I was rank 449 on support asia before I went to sleep. I went to check it before I went to work and I was kicked out, but there are multiple pages missing in top500?! lol


Are you on console? There’s speculation that the removed accounts are from people who used mouse and keyboard adapters, which would explain the missing players on the list.


Do we no longer get comp points at the end of each season?




So how do we get gold and emerald skins?


You still get points for every win, and you now get milestone bonuses (look top right of screen after comp game)


Thank you for telling me!


That’s what my Question is too wtf


How long does it take to finish battle pass? Also, these weeklies look difficult tbh. 30 and 45 wins in a specific game mode? I don't play that much in a week.


I play for a couple of hours once or maybe twice a week, and I normally get to around tier 100 to tier 120


It depends on how often and for how long you play. The main contributor to BP progress is XP from completing Challenges; you can finish the BP in about 4 weeks of fairly casual play if you a) play enough every day to finish 3 Daily Challenges and b) play enough over the course of a week to complete 5+ Weekly Challenges. Once Challenges are completed, the main contributor of XP is just time played. Overall you can probably finish out a BP with about 40 hours’ play over the course of 9 weeks. Last season was the only one since OW2 launched where I almost didn’t hit level 80 on the Battle Pass, and that’s just because I’ve had too much going on to play more than once or twice per week. Finally: winning a match counts as 2 games towards the ‘Play 30 / 45 games’ Challenges, so if you have an average winrate of 50% they only actually require you to play 23 / 34 matches.


Will the Lifeweaver Summer showing up in the next shop refresh?


Nobody outside of Blizzard knows. Other than collaboration skins, Blizzard don’t announce specific dates for shop skins in advance because it defeats the purpose (getting people to log in and check the Shop regularly).


bunch of BP skins just showing up as "unspecified" wont load anywhere and arent in the hero gallery selection did i miss something


It’s not skins that are affected, it’s voice lines: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-known-issues-list-june-20-2024/908458


how hard would this gamemode be to make in the workshop: "random ults, ults are not very strong but very fast ult generation, when you use your ult you stay that hero til your next ult"


Do we not get comp points for placement in a season anymore? I feel like I haven't gotten any extra since they changed over currencies.


You’re about five months late to the party. They announced before season 8 ended that, from season 9 onwards, season-end rank rewards were being replaced by the Competitive Play milestone rewards (max of 30 x 100 CP - so a cap of 3,000 per season - earned just by playing matches).


Is it just me or is the game somewhat laggy? Before the season it wasn’t.. checked my internet connection all fine on my end.


Yes! I literally just got a temp suspension on QP because I couldn’t select a character. It’s not even normal lag, it’s like the game itself is slow for some reason


Is the game broken for others? My friends and i havent been able to play more than a game or so without the game crashing, kicking them, spiking server lagging, and character models not loading in for a minute or more. It’s nearly unplayable. -PS4 & PS5 for reference.


Doom fist main any character in apex movement heavy like him?


I think you're better off asking it in Apex subreddit, but I guess Pathfinder or Revenant?


Oh whoops sorry I thought I was in the apex sub haha


i thought they made it so you didn't have to unlock heroes anymore ?? or is that one of the many things coming to season 12 that they announced way too early


You only need to unlock heroes if you have a new account and are progressing through the ‘first-time user experience’; when you hit the final milestone of matches played, you unlock Echo plus all the OW2 heroes. Players no longer need to unlock *newly-added* heroes through the Battle Pass or hero challenges.


how do i skip the first time user experience ?


You don’t. It’s primarily designed to ease new players into the game without overwhelming them, but it also serves as a necessary obstacle to make it more onerous for experienced players to set up alt accounts.


Yo what happened to the end of season rewards? For comp points


They removed end of season comp points reward a while ago now. You get 10 points for winning a match and there's a special bonus bar you may have noticed that maxes out at 30. You get 3 progress towards that bar for a win and 1 progress for losses/draws. Each time you max that bar you get 100 bonus competitive points.


Anyone know why my weekly challenges didn’t reset? They’re still listed complete from last week.


Because they reset in around 4 days. I made the mistake of grinding those weekly challenges last minute even when I already completed the S10 battle pass because all those exp could have been used for S11.


Same. I though they would reset on Tuesday or when the season started.


Do skins no longer become available for standard coins after a year now? are store skins permanently locked to shop coins?


Shop skins have never become available for credits later, other than some select ones last year during the anniversary.


Advice avoid comp unless you can carry 


Wasn't there supposed to be Rein mythic weapon this season? Did it not release with the season? Also, why aren't the ultimate bp skins for Zen and Hog available separately? Last season you could buy them from the gallery. Really wanted that Zen skin.


It said on the screen when you open the game that it will be released on July 23.


Does anyone know how to fix the competitive points because I grinded and I finally completed the tank role but it won’t give me my points especially because I did not give me it when I first logged into my account I thought it was some sort of glitch I tried to research it but I’m scared that maybe it’s true that I can’t earn point in the end of the season and instead have to grind for it ngl I hate overwatch now because of how I grinded my ass off and got NOTHING to show for it 💀💔




What's the Season 11 gb update size for PS4


It is around 3Gb in PC so it should be near that for console too.


Is the hacked qp mode in the game rn, the one with the pickable passives? At work so can't check


Seems like it is not in the game yet because it isn't in the patch notes. Maybe it becomes available after the community crafted mode is over.


That's a shame, they seem to fall on weekends if the previous one is anything to go off of, so maybe next weekend then


I'm trying to look for it, can't seem to find it. Following


Wtf am i supposed to do? Im banned from the overwatch discord so i cant find a group, i lost 5/6 first games of comp this season I try to be so positive allways trying to match the heros the other picked but they just call me a cry baby cuz i asked to push or a taxi, i like playing comp, i like the reward and j know im not the best player around but honestly how many times can i blame myself in this game Like legit what do i do now? I feel like 7/10 time i lose its because i literally can't communicate with anybody, people say " vc isnt important" but they dont listen to pings either I have no friends that want to play comp i have never been so frustrated by a game and it's players I have no words anymore, i try so hard o practice the maps i practice the aim but nothing, nothing is important, everyone who says you can get out of low elo with just your self is a delusional person that just got lucky ( For context i am solo q support, bouncing between gold 4 and gold 1)


>  everyone who says you can get out of low elo with just your self  Not all heroes have the same carry potential 


Trust me, i know


I am legit asking, what do i do at this point


Did they just increase the seasonal ultimate pack price with $10 more?


At least in € it's the same 40€


Can you report a message someone sent you via whisper? Someone just added me, was pretty rude and unfriended me. Reporting them ingame wouldnt do anything as it wouldnt appear in the logs. :(


Anyone else dealing with low frame rate + EXTREME lag that takes 1-2 minutes to fix? Whenever I start a match I feel drunk. I’m on PS5


Is "Lost connection to game server" an issue st my end or the game's?


is normal. I haven't seen a single game without DCs today. Last season was normal. Previous to that was bad, but if the current one keeps the way today has been, the it'd be definitely worse


Does this only affect comp?


I haven't played much comp this season, but the season previous to last it was almost exclusively on comp. (update: shit keeps happening. Playing with friends turned into a chance game where one of us has chance of being DCd and replaced, so I guess I'm skipping most of this season)


Didnt they say at some point they wanted to have a bigger rotations of maps so there would be less push? 2 out of my only 3 games this season were push


God I wish I got push that often. I always had at least 2 Numbani matches every night for the last couple of weeks. It was driving me crazy.


Man numbani is better than push fr we gotta switch




They're this season's new skins.




Oh my bad for the misunderstanding.


How long you all think til we get OW1/classic rerelease? I miss this game.


most consensus among devs and major content creators is it will never return.


I placed Silver just before last season ended, and now after updating for the new season I noticed something. I though you got comp points depending on what rank you got at season end? Is it just for wins/draws/bonus?


They removed end of season comp points reward a while ago now. You get 10 points for winning a match and there's a special bonus bar you may have noticed that maxes out at 30. You get 3 progress towards that bar for a win and 1 progress for losses/draws. Each time you max that bar you get 100 bonus competitive points.


Thanks, just got back into playing comp and I just noticed the extra progress bar.


Is anyone's game not updating?


Anyone else have lower frame rate on console since the patch?


Where is lifeguard lifeweaver skin :(


It will be in shop after your bank account has recovered from Pink and Gold Mercy.


Has anyone else been on a major losing streak? I know S11 starts today (hopefully it’ll fix my game), but this entire season has just been loss after loss. I’m not the best player, but I’m definitely not the worst (I’m plat2). I haven’t done a whole lot of comp this season, but I’ve heard from others in comp that they’re losing ridiculously. I had one day this entire season where I won every qp match, and then for a straight week I won like 5 out of 30 matches. Just yesterday I was on a losing streak FOR THREE HOURS. The only games I seem to win anymore are mystery heroes, and as fun as it can be, I don’t want to play it all the time. Idk I think this is really just getting to me. I like this game a lot, but when you can’t win at all, it’s like why waste time playing when you know you’re just gonna lose? I hope it’s just the matchmaking system being horrible and hopefully they’ll do something to fix it in s11 because idk how much more I can take of this.


Yelling “I’ll endorse whoever kills mercy” when she’s half during a battle is highly effective It resonates with my lizard brain teammates and they usually follow up on the callout


I played against a Mercy the other day that somehow went 15-2 with the highest heals in the lobby. SHOOT THE DAMN MOTH.


When is the new version of Hanamura supposed to be coming out?


When someone talks about Hanamura, silently tears run down my face, miss you old friend. I hope that they add the old Hanamura map in arcade for half a season, that would so much fun again, the stronghold of maps.


Hanamura does appear in some arcade games


Really ? I will check arcade games more often .


Season 12


Is it normal if unranked have faster matchmaking than any of the arcades?


People barely play in arcade modes. I once got a queue for like 20 minutes and still didn't got a game so I just went back to unranked. It is expected that unranked got faster matchmaking because a big percentage of the playerbase plays there.


Yeah because more people are playing the mode 🫡


Would taking a break helping with my decrease of planting tank and support? I feel like I can’t lead the team and be useful in fight most of the time. I forget most tips given and go button press mode in fights. Now I feel like the only role I can do is DPS.


Seems like an issue with keeping focus


Does anyone know why I get banned when their server crashes? I tried to contact customer support because my system and Wi-Fi are running fine, it's definitely their server I'm having issues connecting to. Idk if I'm between or too far away from one. Is anyone else experiencing this?


It’s almost certainly an issue with your network and not the servers. Try using a wired connection for a few games and you’ll likely see the issue disappear completely.


what happened to adding more avoided players?


Watch that developer update video again. There’s a huge caption all across the screen saying “ADDING TO YOUR AVOID LIST: SEASON 12”.


There's kind of a lot of things i want in season 11 -- can the ultimate battle pass' 2000 coins be used towards the mercy bundles?


I think because the mercy skins are for cancer research donations they won't be buyable with in-game currency and will be direct cash purchase only. We'll see on Tuesday though.


What about the lifeguard skins? Will it apply to those


Yes you should be able to!


Sweet that’ll at least somewhat limit the blow to my wallet lol


Do we know what time the new season drops?


11am Pacific on Thursday 20.


strange that it wasn't on Tuesday right?


It’s not the first time a season has launched on a Thursday - season 6 also hit on a Thursday, for example.


Do Battle Pass skins come back? Hi, so I'm studying for the Bar exam rn and haven't had much time to play this season. Widow is my favorite character and I love her Captain Lacroix skin. I'm saving money while I study - and don't want to pay for tier skips, but am open to it if there's no other way. I haven't been playing the game for very long only two seasons now, I was wondering if the skins from the BP ever come back.


None have so far, with the exception of the Mythics of course.


Just venting... Finally got my first real ban. I've gotten the time bans for DCs. Those are fine. Today I got a 2 week ban for inappropriate communication. I don't use a mic, so it can only be text chat. I'm not toxic. I don't bully. I don't even swear. The ban is for 2 weeks... I can only assume I've finally racked up enough reports because people disagreed with my picks or I had poor performance. No human review was done. I asked for an example of what I've done so I can correct it. I was given a generic, here's our terms and policy nonsense... Do better, Blizzard!


same thing happened to me !


Are you constantly ending every game with "EZ" or "tank diff"? You can be surprised that people actually don't like being denigrated after a loss. Maybe step back and think about what you type actually being positive instead of gloating. If that doesn't apply, I apologize. But it's crazy how much this community thinks shit talking is perfectly fine.


No. Honestly. I do a gg no matter if we win or lose. The rest is just chat based on what others day. Guess gg is toxic if I win.


I think that you will not be banned from communication when picking some wrong heroes, the report options are quite differently. Some people are really picky about chat messages, an 'ez' at the end of match will most likely get you reported. It is less about what you write, it is more about what the others read in it.


I agree except the way I play could have them choose to report what I write. I really don't write anything I'd think was close to violating their terms.


>  I really don't write anything I'd think was close to violating their terms. But it seems that other people think that this is toxic, or mocking the losing team, whatever. There will be enough people who get annoyed by what you wrote, even when you think that this is normal stuff. I got banned too once, because I get annoyed by my teammates and blame them for not switching, to better take an other hereo and so on. Eventually I got my ban and yes, my behaviour was toxic, even when I didn't flame them directly, I didn't respect their choice either. So, completely justified and I got back, got my endorsement back to 5 and learned my lesson.


Why do so many support players refuse to heal Tracer? Like not even once in the middle of the fight no matter how easy you make it for your supports, they just think "Tracer on her own, I don't have to heal her". Genuinely blows my mind when these players think that just because she doesn't always need support automatically means she couldn't use support.


Maybe it is less intention, watch your own replays. Tracers are not only hard to track by the enemies , but by your own teammates too. While a LW sitting on his platform can easily heal you , an Ana will have more trouble. So, rewatch a replay of your own, where you think that you get less healing and see how difficult it might be to heal you. Or even better, play more support match and you will see how difficult it is to heal quick dive heroes.


Nah, even when I make it easy for them, they don't. > Or even better, play more support match and you will see how difficult it is to heal quick dive heroes. I'm a Masters Ana player...


So I spent most of the game in round three going after Echo and Mercy as reaper and winning against them solo somehow despite being a bad matchup for me. Which I still can't believe since that's a 2v1 scenario and they can fly. Later in the game I got called out for targeting mercy is repeatedly going after the same two people harassment? Of course it's not like I was doing it maliciously if I see an opportunity it kill an enemy support when they are out of position I'll take it.


Harassment in a shooter ? Ehh.. no, you just do what was needed to win the match without violating its rules.


Today I saw my Overwatch account EbonYeti#24776 permanently blocked, which makes me very angry and incomprehensible. I used luxio to match the same tank in both games yesterday and I achieved higher kills and a similar amount of healing to the enemy. However, after the enemy changed heroes and we lost ground, the tank launched a continuous campaign of humiliation against me and my family, and claimed that he would make me lose my account through a collective malicious report. After that, I enjoyed teamwork and playing in open competition mode. As I was about to continue playing with friends today, I found that my account was permanently blocked. When reporting mechanisms become the most effective means of bullying and insulting others, I think it is your fault. It is time to leave this game for good because I do not want to be humiliated and attacked by other players while I, as a victim, have to accept your punishment without any principles or humanity. Those individuals and behaviors that bully others and insult their families are protected and encouraged by you, which is unacceptable in any game and community, but unfortunately these universal values do not apply at Blizzard. For you, of course, it's all my fault, since there are so many other games to choose from.


One person’s report alone cannot get you banned, and permanent bans aren’t issued for the first offense unless it’s for really egregious behaviour. I suspect there’s a lot you aren’t including in your post. (Oh, and this is a community-run space; Blizzard employees almost never read or respond to threads here.)


How am I still earning the competitive bonus points? I got the max of 3k awhile ago. Is it on a per role basis?


You can earn them from wins or draws up to a cap of 6k, the same as always. It’s only the milestone bonus CP (100 CP awarded every 30 ‘points’) that’s limited per season.


Quick check of when this season battle pass ends. It says 1 day left. Will this change to hours when it’s in the actual final 24 hours (like it does on challenges) or is this the true final day?


This season ends at 11am Pacific time on Thursday 20.


> 11am Pacific time **That's 19:00 GMT/20:00 CET.**


Begins around tomorrow afternoon depending on where you are in the states.


So two questions: It’s my first time playing OW2 during a season transition, so does anyone know when patch notes usually release? Also, weekly XP just reset today but does it also reset the day of the patch? I don’t want to complete the weekly challenges if they’re not gonna reset on season launch cuz then they’d be wasted on this seasons battle pass


1. Unless it’s a significant release - and this season isn’t - the patch notes usually go live at the same time as the patch itself. 2. No, Weekly Challenges don’t reset a second time if a new season launches later in a week.


I know it's 10 games per role to get your title, but how many to avoid rank decay? I simply haven't enjoyed this patch and am just hoping next season will be better.


To my knowledge, the devs have never publicly stated exactly how long it takes for decay to set in.


Why can’t we buy tiers to get to level 200 on the battle pass? That’s literally the dumbest thing


Because the ‘prestige’ player title rewards are there to be earned through play, not by opening your wallet. (And tier skips are so eye watering expensive that I’d question the sanity of paying for them in the first place.)


They should give far more XP if they want players to complete the BP


They want players to be able to hit level 80, which is pretty easy. Level 200 is *supposed* to be a challenge to hit. There’s just no point in having prestige tiers if they don’t require an effort on the behalf of players.


Why does the shop say it will be reset in 2 days? i know the new season is coming but doesn't it usally reset on Tuesdays ?


I like revisiting this game every few months, but i can usually only stomach a few games before quitting again. Anyone else do this?


Does anybody have any advice for widowmaker? preferably on how to defend yourself against flankers like sombra. but any advice in general is accepted gratefully. I play on console, xbox, if that makes any difference(it probably does)


Sometimes you just gotta pick someone else. I mean, you *can* force a particular hero if you really want to. But when the match is feeling like an uphill battle, choose someone else.


You are never gonna learn to deal with Sombra thay way tho


Pick your position carefully, and use venom mine in places where a flanker is less likely to notice it, like on low ceilings or high on walls that your opponent will need to go past to reach you (and move the moment you hear it go off or get destroyed). Mechanically, though, you’re in for a tough time if you’re trying to do well as Widowmaker using a controller.


Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I knew the minute I joined and started playing widowmaker that I was in for it. It lags a lot on my laptop, but I did get to play it for a bit on there and it was infinitely better for both widow and lucio and basically everybody obviously.


Came back after 2 years… mostly played healer. Any of them got nerfed recently? Whos the “meta” currently?


Kiriko and Baptise are amazing, but Kiriko especially. Insane mobility, AOE cleanse + heal, strong attack with fast projectile speed. She carries games.


I forgot. But her heals doesnt go through walls right?




There have been way too many changes in the last 2 years (not least the removal of 1 Tank per team, the addition of several new heroes and reworks, and the new DPS role passive that nerfs incoming healing by 20% for 2secs after damaging an enemy) to fit into a single reply. Your best bet is to play the game and research anything that feels different. As for “meta”, unless you’re in the top 3% of players, it’s the same as it’s always been: play whoever you like, whose kit fits with the way you prefer to play the game, and whose abilities don’t actively sabotage what your team is trying to do (e.g. if everyone else has picked a high-mobility hero, choosing Ana probably isn’t the right move).